Thursday, August 25, 2005

Alfredo the chef

Marianna in Playa Ventana De Pacifico. The Vacas in the Road in Manuel Antonio

Thursday, the trip to Domincal Ocycal was a long and wonderous one. The ride to begain on great highway, thought grazing flields, and lots of jungle.Soon eneded with a bridge that has been out for years, they created another one with rocks and gravel and used that instead of finishing the big one that got delayed due to some restrictions. This is a normal thing round here. The Bridge was the begining of the trek that was only on dirt and rocks and potholes that were so big that they rocked the car and rolded it around the road. Our Driver was good at dodging them actually riding on the wrong side almost the whole time.
If you have never seen a rice Field you have not seen the color green. They are so bright and full of color that it almost feels like it glows. There were many that were just Ripe for the picking.

The road was not windy or hilly mostly flat and meandered through acres and acres of Palm orchards, where the fruits were being harvested to take to the rendering plant. They would use it to make Coconut oil based products, or Coconut oil for cooking, and in many other cosmetic products you may have used.The Palm orchards just lined the road for miles, on rocky potohole.pathway. On the tops of the palms were frons of ferns sprouting out , I think they were boston type ferns, but of course not from boston! Miles of palms for as far as you could see, then stages of palms Begining at Tiny ones to year old to fully grown. Then we went over many rivers with one lane bridges made mostly of wood.
The rivers below flowing fast and filled with silt, Mark Sydney said it was good fishing like this? I have no idea why I just look at him. I see people on Bikes and just laying around in hammocks.

We finnally come to the a road that is decent, and pass a small town caller Parreta. This is an old Cow town where everyone comes to buy there supplies for the week. Vendors have storefronts but old and run down all open like stalls side by side. Showing all the modern merchandise I think this was strange, because it looked like something in early40's american style yet all the merchandise was right up to date as we know it.

We pass through Teak wood forests tall narrow trees with huge rounded leaves. Not thick but I could see the workers thining out the limb's in order to get a tall unblemished tree trunk, so that when they harvest the planks they retain from these are nearly perfect.
I saw many palm workers hacking with machete` through the thick lower foiliage. This goes on for almost two hours swerveing, swaying, bouncing. Ok by now my kidneys are killing me. If your Body is affected by the drive.

We come to a T in the Road. We make a left and to the right and the left are Fruit stands, Fruitas de vendorias. Fruit vendors. Or something like that. They have my favorite which you can recognize as you quickly drive by, Memones the lichee type fruit I like so much.
Then the road becomes ever so beautiful. Lush surroundings just like that! Palms and banana's lots of halaconias. To my left is Jungle which is north, to my right is Ocean, la Playa. but its not clearly visiable.
As we got closer to Ventana de Pacifico the development it became so pretty. I was going to stay at and visit to possibly buy a lot to build a house it became so lush. In this area it is safe no bars no crime the buildings were clearly built nicely but so far away??
We turned down this little one lane road of rock gravel and mud. on the left was a real estate office, and next to that was a bright blue building that was a bar. Beyong that was a house or two but each were saying they were a restuaant, or a Bed and breakfast such as Feliz mono. happy monkey.
They looked like plain ol houses to me but one was a french restuarant and the other a nice b&b. Meandering down the road with a river running right next to it sometimes crossing it by colvert or by driving through it. it was pretty full since this is the rainy season here now. It is still sunny, and for the most part for us Northwesterners or anyone who has been in the northwest its not even as bad as our regular rain we get all the time.
It Rains real hard for a hour or two then it stops the sun comes out and its very warm. I dunno they do not like it so allot of people leave and go elsewhere. God forbid they should live where I use to in Vancouver Washington,where the rain is constant.
The road here is really rocky, I am thinking O my god if I move her I would have to figure out how to pay for a really nice Suv or a ford four wheel drive truck high one to get over the water and the rocks. Brandon would have liked the road it was kinda fun in a way! But I had second thoughts about being so far away from everyone. I was a bit put back at first.
Then we turned left into this very jungle area, and around the a left bend up a steep hill, with ginger all along one side. IT was red ginger tall about 10 feet. The smell up there was just like purfume and I will tell you why later. I Mean it was strong perfume, but not ugly very good Que Rico is what the Ticos say.

Pulling around the hill I saw a steeper grade oh boy Im thinking, Right I am gonna move up here??? As we pulled in Mark Sydney and his driver and I saw this really awesome mediterranian style house with red roof, and grounds so manicured it looked like a 5 star hotel. OK WOW I WAS HAPPY. Since I been living the past few weeks in a very down trodden area in Jaco, with lots of Iron on the buildings no air, no tv and very little luxury. YEP I WAS HAPPY...
I saw the pool and went AWEEEE then they took my bags up these stairs and I saw from above the view over the la playa. The Montaina's and the La playa's. The beach and the mountains. GOD WAS IT BEAUTIFUL! I breathed really deep and sighed thinking I wish someone I loved was with me looking along side me with this but I held it all in and just willed it to my friends in the states. So if you were feeling something around Tues evening that was me.

I met this lady lets call her Madi, she was older than me simply dressed and wore glasses. She was From Nevada. She had bought property Sight unseen, and was there to preview it.
I myself was there to enjoy, check things out and have a great time. Which I did!!!

They served us lunch of Fresh Caught tuna, avocado, tomato, cucmbers fresh fruit and Tamarindo huego, Tamarin juice. also there were some kind of salad too, and fresh hot bread that Alfredo made. This was the begining of a great three days and two nights. Alfredo cooked for us three times a day and it was devine no lie.. I am not exaggerating this man was the best.. the flavor the style the presentation, Any of you who know me well know I am all about that.
So my little eyes were wide open and my mouth was full with every bite.

After that we had a small meeting with John marc. he is the director of the project. He drove us over a hill to his house and we all went in. WOW I WANT A HOUSE LIKE THIS it was so cool and so beautiful over looking a moutain side and a valley. with a pool and big patio all covered.
The interior was like out of a magazine. Then we proceeded to look at the construction sites that were in progress all over these steep hills and moutain sides. crossing over big rocks and flooded streams with no bridges. One was so full I thought for sure we were going to get swept aside and down over the fall. IT was very memorable I will say that. I cringed a couple of times. Then I thought OH HELL THINK OF IT AS A DISNEY LAND RIDE and just go for it.
Much better than disney could have ever thought of, But ya know??? It is possible that he traveled here and got some of his ideas because I recognize some ways of nature that they duplicated in Disney land.
Anyhow As we searched I was not really interested I thought to myself this is far to far away for me to be comfortable living here although it was so majestic, what the Tico call Traquil, peacefull. Mind you If I was married, or had a friend living with me I wouldn't hesitate at all, and what a beautiful place to leave my children after I am gone. ONE WITH A HUGE Value on it. Great investment, If I had the extra cash I would have just bought a lot and hung on to it.
We came across this ridge and looked down over all the moutains the smell in the air during the rain was sweet, very sweet, I didn't recognize it? then We saw tucans in the trees.
We stopped at this one house and got down to talk to the people.
VERY NICE PEOPLE AND THE HOUSE WAS KILLER.. the people were from florida, she was as stain glass maker. lots of Artist and really nice people live up there in nature. Earlier the monkeys did a drive by across the canopy of the trees, right in front of us.

This house was also magazine material. Love it it had individual pane glass with wood sashes that were in panels they opened in sections so you could have the whole window open or only one panel or two or three. The verandas over looked the rain forest. This is were we were at in the rain forest. The pool was so pretty sitting next to all the trees and you could see a stream below rushing and hearing it was soothing.
They had an all glass clear shower in the master bath. VERY NICE and tile here is the only surface used on the floors and in baths.
The counters were Granite and in a pale color so it was very well done the craftsmanship on the wood was from the artisans in the village.

This was really a village I neved have seen one and now I know what they are. Nothing is located in one central area such as a commerce area its all spread out all over the hills. THe bakery was John marcs brother in law it was down the hill from the guest house. I went there and bought fresh bread baked that morning. He bakes three times a week, and the people from the village come and buy. Right now As I sit here typing away I am drinking coffee after my work out this morning and getting completly soaked from the rain on the ride back, well Im drinking coffee and eating a cupcake that he baked made with coconut that they gather there in the village.
The bread is excellent, he is french, and the cupcake is dry not sweet but good with coffee.

That night we had supper of chicken sauteed with onions and peppers kinda fajitas? but better and carrots and these pototoes with a cream sauce and Alfredos fresh baked bread. We drank Mechiladas and then wine.
After I watched the first Tv since I have been here and it was CNN. I was shocked to hear about all the planes crashing. This one in Peru.
Then Alfredo came up and we talked with Madi and his son and Nelson the sercurity gaurd. Or I tried to talk to them in Spanish, not Madi she just listened.Alfredo was eyeing me I could tell. We laughed allot and she did too.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of the same sweet sent, That I smelled the day before in the rain forest, only it was sitting on my night stand.
The evening before the Curious one I am, was walking around the grounds before supper. I found there orchard, and all sorts of birds and fireflys, some tucanettes,and another bird I did not recognize. I didn't bring my chart. Looking for the smell. I found it!! It was a really different looking tree kinda tall lanky looking with down swept limb's and leaves. The flower was green and slightly yellow the smell was heaven. It was ylang ylang wow I know I have smelled this in bottles but in the real live sense of it it was so good. I picked it and smelled it all the night before and laid it on my bed next to me while I slept. This is what I smelled in the Forest. STRONG AND SWEET AND SUCH LIKE A WAFF OF PURFUME. SO RELAXING

We ate a wonderful breakfast of fried tomato with garlic, and two fried eggs, toast and fresh papaya, watermelon and banana.
John Marc took us then to see the available properties. Wow ok one was Killer but it was 200 thousand over looking all the area a 360 if you will. Then to Madis, not such a good location and kinda filled with Timber bamboo. Difficult to remove if you know anything about bamboo? This one was massive. Anyway they talked I walked and then looked around. We drove up a hill to see other ones in my price range which was about 35 to 45 thousand.I was also looking for Clint and Hap, they said they wanted to be near me. But the location for the only one I saw was not great it was arid, reminded me of Fresno, and it was hot. There was a breeze but No it looked down into a valley and it was secluded. That was the only one I could possibly afford to buy and build on. So I say no this time.

We go back to met with lunch, Shrimps sauteed in butter and garlic, with fresh salads and yummy cool avocado, tomato and cucmber all soaked in lemon. Fresh Lemonade that Alfredo just made. YUM.. The best. After I changed got my suit on and went for a swim. It was hot and humid and I needed to cool down. Although Madi was way worst than me, and she came from Nevada where its hot, but I think I have already gotten acclimated to the areas. I was hot but not really sweating. She was drenched.

The pool was hot too but it felt good.
I layed in the chair in the over cast weather and it felt warm and cozy I slept a bit and then I heard splashing. It was one of the german shepards swiming in the pool.
Later the other person who works there took us on a field trip to the la playa ventana, the windo of the ocean or the beach. WOW Stunning. the palm trees right up to the water and the caves and the moutains come right to it. Crabs running all over. If you email me I will send you a video clip. The ocean was warm, but not as warm as Jaco. The palms were growing right out of the coconuts and some were small and some were huge.

The beach was littered with drift wood. reminded me of my child hood when my folks would take us to places to collect drift wood for the garden. I was really feeling good here.
Then we went to see the rest of the area, the new nursery, and the super merchado, not so super to me.

The Liquor store, where I bought some African wine and some Chilean wine. Pretty reasonable. like 3000 colones, around6.oo dollars. plus I didn't have enough so she gave it to me for like 5 bucks.
After I asked him to take us to the internet cafe, but I couldn't get on line. And if you will believe this they sell these fake palm leaves to put on the roof there imported from Canada? WHY??? when you could get the real thing for nothing, and replace it every four years? DUMB AMERICANS IN MY OPPINION... STUIPIDO. PLASTIC IN A PLACE LIKE THIS!! NO
Ok on to other ... then we went to the bakery and I bought the best hot bread and took some photos of the place very cute and very good.
Went back and had dinner of fish soup, and red snapper with the perfect crust on it maybe coconut? but it was delicious. Some mashed white sweet potato that was delicious. carmelized bananas flambe, and creme brulee was the desert.
I felt sad about not being able to buy and live it is a great opportunity. But I did learn a few things , not to mention the treatment was so needed. A hot shower a nice room, pretty with the colors I planned on using in my home here... and the architecture of the place was inspiring to me. When you see the photos here later you will understand why I felt like I did.

I felt so relaxed in this place. WISH I COULD but its not feasable.
The next morning I got up around 6:00 got showered and dressed, then walked aroung and took some photos. Smelled the air and wish the place good bye. Alfredo was making eggs with veggies, and fresh fruit and toast. Wonderfull Costa rican coffee. He had talked to me in spanish and asked for my phone or email. So I gave it to him after Breakfast, we hugged and he said he wanted me to return in December to go with him or to take me to San Vito, Well my family in Sicily were from an Area Called San vito, but this is In Costa Rica. It is all Italian Community. I just may do this. It could prove to be a very fun and interesting trip so I will see.

Mark Syndey showed up around 8:45 to pick me up and his driver. We rode back over the Beautiful Dominical Hyway, then on the rocky bumpy pothole hell. I think I drank too much coffee, ,y kidneys were hurting bad and I did not feel well. During our drive we stopped at his little bar in the middle of nowhere so Icould use the restroom we picked up a traveler and gave him a ride, then we rain into a heard of bramhas that filled the road so we had to stop. I took pictures.
We talked about property my ideas and my budget. I think he was disapointed, but OH WELL... Besides the creative person I am will have a good place no matter!
He told me about a project near Jaco, in Hermosa that is going to be about the same as there. So maybe I will do that for now and at least have a great place to rent out to people and my own during the times I want it.
IT may take a year to build it but I might just do it. I go on Monday to tour the area with him, and I will be showing it to some other people who are following this blog and want to meet me!
I am a people person anyway.
It will be hard to start over. But I am going to give it my best. Hermosa is pretty and the hills where they are building over looks the la playa. So it will be nice. Not far from The hustle and bustle of Jaco.

Getting into Jaco was a bit despressing after that, since it is dirty here, and not very good. But for now this is where I am. The house was hot, when I opened it. Jordan called right away missing me allot poor thing... I miss him too he told me about the baby its a boy,Julian, after John lennons son??? Ok I do not like the name. they will call him JULES... Maybe Iwill call him something else I have a habbit of this anywho..
NANCY IS EIGHT MONTHS PREGNANT! ok how the hell could they not know she was eight months pregnant? I kinda thought she was when I was there. Months ago.

Then the moment I got on the phone with Jordan, Danelia and Gloriavell showed up. I guess they missed me. They were laughing and talking didn't knowI just got home.
All day they hung out until night, they asked If I wanted to eat I said yes so they walked to the soda and got some food and brought it back. Its like 150 feet away very close.
We ate during a huge Thunder storm. It was loud commanding our attention. The lightning was awesome filling the whole sky.. I can not wait to see it again, only this time Im sitting outside to watch. REALLY WILD AND VERY VERY LOUD HERE.

I was looking at Gloriavell when I saw tears in here eyes she told me in Spanish she had gotten thrown out of her house which was a mud hole anyway. I felt bad I didn't quite understand the whole thing actually. But in a hour I was walking with her and Danelia to the Soda to return the plates and she called a cab. Told me to get in so I did with her and Danni.. We went somewhere I was like K where are we going??? I just went along with it.
Come to find out to the hole where she was staying to gather her belongings and now she was going to stay with Danelia in her tiny cabina the size of a dinning room table. OK I WAS SHOCKED.. we came back she had to go to work at 10:00 asked if she could shower. Of course I said yes. she did and left all her things here . Danelia fell sleep on the couch, and she went to work all night. When I woke up I heard a tapping and a whistle. This is what everyone does.
Funny, my father always whistled when he approached anyone. They whistle here at you before you come out.. So I knew it was someone for me to open the gate. I let her in and she was tired so I suggested she sleep in my bed. Today I have to tell her she can't stay here I feel bad but I can't do this I do not think AMANDA WOULD LIKE THIS.
For now she is sleeping Danelia went to work
I came back from the gym and beagan this hours ago and now I shower, go to the farmers market, then talk to Aida, about work and business, and a place to stay for a month.
Then back here cook and then We are all going to the Disco Central tonight to Viya, dance!!

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