Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Lamps and Sharon

Yesterday I chatted with Sharon on line, for some reason on Sunday all my friends especially Sharon was on my mind. I thought about her allot and prayed that god bless her and make her happy. She has to be one the kindest person's I have ever met in all my years.
Of all the people I have met, which is tons, I mean tons of people Probably more than the average person, Sharon has made the most impacted on me. I feel that we all have a purpose in this life.
When we are born, we are giving the gifts of life, to which some of us take years to find or to seek out what we were born to be. Other's are open to them and know immediately in childhood what we were meant to be or our purpose in life. Some of us go through life blinded, never knowing who or what we are meant to do or be, yet they complain about there lives... not knowing that in each of us is a special purpose. Open yourself up listen to the still small voice and allow yourself to see what it is that makes you and others happy. When I do things for others big or small, for example last night the girls here showed up, I had some Ice cream just offered to strangers the ice cream to be kind. The one girl I never seen before had such a smile on her face, because of my willingness to give and share.

From the begining, I knew what I was, A giver a inspirer, a helper, a instructor, an aritst, a comic, and a hard worker.

Sharon is a giver and gives freely, the true success to life is giving, maybe not monitarily but in wealth in your life, and your spirit. Sharon is an encourager, she always look's to the best in a person. Her purpose in life is to inspire others to be who they are and be darn good at it. She knew from the time she was young I am sure. A self assured woman who is a great help to many women now.

When I first met Sharon, She was not as assured as she is today... through friendships this became strong. This woman has helped me and continues to help even though I am a million miles away In Costa Rica. Sunday I was thinking strongly about her, to find out that Sunday was a day of sadness for her. Knowing her children are growing fast and that they eventually will leave the nest. All mothers go through this, but I knew she was on Sunday as I could feel her in m heart.

I say to Sharon, you are my best friend, a strenght to me and not to worry the boys will love you forever as you are a good mom, and good friend to them. Boy's are tough they can really wear you down, keep your chin up and know that eventually you will have Grandchildren. The proces never ends, So cheer up! You have many who love you Including me!

Today no work out, I felt sore and heahacy again God what is this five days now of headache..

I woke to men tapping at the gate. The were here to fix the drawers in the kitchen.. Long story short. The people who work around here are very different. Craftsmanship is not a term. Its more like bunglers, they do things in a half way mannor. These drawers where new, but they made them wrong and never fixed them. I told Eida about them and I guess she called the guy to come. you couldn't even open them they just looked good. HAAA oh well not my house!

I AM GOING TO THE DENTIST, HOPE THIS IS A GOOD EXPERIENCE! If it comes out pretty I will show you!

DAng there is some fiesta or something going on, there is Sirens and A loud band playing right now I have no idea who or what it is!! its loud S

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