Monday, August 29, 2005

Lunes , Monday, Bonito dia Wow a beautiful Day!

Yesterday was mostly filled with gray skies, and much rain, Uvia. Althought I wanted to go to Manuel Antonio, the rain was too much so I decided to stick around town and just ride my bike all over possibly looking for an Apartmenthotel for the next month. I got a skirt and a black tanktop on and my black sparkly sandals and jumped on the bike and rode. It was kinda hot not bad, actually it was the best weather I have seen since I have been here. Not too hot not to humid and some breezes. I rode from my house to the end of Jaco, where the jazz Casino is. I went in and asked how much for the month. It is a very nice place with grounds that are very manicured. Courtyards, fountains and ponds three restuarants, and two bars. Two pools . But WOW EXPENSIVE over $2000 for a month. Guess I won't be staying there.

I continued on my bike to a little strange store, where I saw two prostitutes hanging out one was very flacka the other was muy Gorda. One was REALLY SKINNY the other VERY FAT. They both were homeless one's you could tell very dirty and really worn out. Sad but I didn't stare a much just kept on pedaling. This road is very potholish, muddy and rough.. I still didn't feel well and the bumps seems to agitate my Kidneys and head ache. Turning around in the middle of the road and riding back toward town, noticed this man with his car open, and in it was memones, and some other fruits selling it right out of the car. I wanted some memoes, I crave those since there are no Sour gummy worms here, so I stopped and got off the bike to look. YUK all black, and old and rotten. NOPE I climbed back on and rode on, next to this security guard for one of the hotels. he smiled and I did too. I rode all over looking up and down the little short streets that lead to the ocean for anything.. I saw Chickens and old run down houses, and bars on the windows and piles of Garbage... groups of men sitting and laughing and doing there Sunday visit.

This is a Very Sleepy town on Sunday. Most of the business are closed on Sunday So the ride was much quieter than any other day of the week. I did see some new apartments Great color, kinda tuscan yellow but the location sucked. Right on the corner by my gym facing the Entrance to Jaco, not good too much noise. I dunno Maybe I will check it out later.

Keep riding, untill I see this shop that has all Tico souvieneers, so I stop to take photos and make a list For Tosh. When I pulled my bike in I dropped my umbrella right in front of this man who looked like he was an American, but Mexican decent. He stopped to pick it up and said In spanish you dropped your umbrella, then he said do you speak English I said Yes, he said Wow your a pretty lady. I said Thank you and went about my business and just smiled.

I talked to the little gal in the shope and asked the products in there and if they could buy lots? or if I could? she gave me the number of the owner and I took lots of photos, which I will post separately next.
I continued on and wanted to get some good coffee, I was hot but thought that the coffee would make my head feel better... but no there was only one place open Trabacone, and it had too many men sitting in the front. I felt uncomfortable to walk in too many stares. As I rode I saw this car with someone in it , he was waving by by to me.. I just smiled and wave then as I passed the car he got out and aked me if he could take my photo?? I said of course you can. He said I can not leave Jaco with out a picture of you. I said fine, I asked him where he was from??
He said New Mexico, and was working for Intel In San Jose. He took a weekend for a holiday in Jaco, actually a date he had in Parrita. But decided to come to Jaco for the afternoon. He then asked me where I was going?? I said Oh I wanted Expresso or Coffee. He then invited me to go. I said yes, he seemed like a nice person, a good smile and nice kind voice. I could tell he wasn't fake so I thought Why not? I told him I would meet him down there with my bike to Trabacone We met had a very good Cappucino, and talked about all sorts of things. He was on a project at Intel to deside where buildings should go on a plan for development there in San Jose. He is an Architec for the company.

Funny he showed me his photos, and it was like I took the photos? very similar interest in nature and living things. His photos were sellable material, really good perspective and an interesting person. He shared his life history of women with me, I tried not to say anything negative to him about it, but I was thinking that these were things to discuss at a later time. I didn't say that but it was ok he seemed comfortable telling me all his history.

We had a very nice time, finally our coffee's came, the little Tica waitress that was servinig us stepped on a cat on the way and the cat Scream loud! everyone in the whole place laughed. It was great!!! then as we were talking one of the waitresses, decided to see why the fan's were not working and flipped the breaker box, and it blew a breaked it was loud and she screamed and ran, we all laughed again.

He told me his name and we exchanged emails, his name was Stephen Milo Chavez, as we chatted he suggested we go and eat. The evening was still young and the weather was so cool for Jaco I couldn't resist his offer. He was so pleasant and so nice to be around. I suggested we go to this place up the road Called Susie Q's it was American BBQ, the gal was a friend of Glenn Wrights friend Paula, and Paula wanted me to tell her hello. So we walked the bike down toward the beach on this little one lane road, and Went to Susies.

The place was open and Susie was there, so I greeted for Paula, kissed her on the cheek as everyone does here when they say hello. She was happy that I came with Milo as we were the only ones that night.

She lit a candle at our table, mind you most of the Restuarants are outdoors with a cover over the top, so it was very pleasant. We talked, he loved the Gekos, they were kissing all the time we were talking. What I mean is the Gekos make this kissing sound, its so dang cute! he went to see them, I looked on. I have like 6 in my house so its familiar to me. Plus I saw them all over in Kauai.
As we ate dinner the conversation was good no pauses no uncomfortable moments at all. The I orded dessert, it was this Chocolate mouse with Nuts on top and some coffee flavor over the top with Coconut on the bottom and Rum poured all over it. We ate it together, then he began to feed me, I ate it and smiled at him, All of sudden I looked down the court yard of Susies, and I saw a whole group of Mariachis, walking in. They walked up playing a little and asked if we wanted to hear them? Of course we did we were the only one's in the place! they played a romantic song we he grabbed me and we danced. It was so sweet. I do not think I have ever had this happen in my life... it was very touching. After we took the bike just a half a block up the street to the ocean it was very dark the stars where shinning the tide was high. So we didn't have to walk far to walk in the warm ocean water. We played a little in it,and then walked to the river. He walked me home, we had a beer and then he left for San Jose. It seemed very dreamy this evening. I suppose it was meant that he went through Jaco as we both enjoyed each others company.
He did invite me to come To New Mexico, but till will tell everything.

I friendship to develop is what I say.

Great weekend this weekend... today nothing much took the garbage out early around 6:00 down the alley and around the corner. Then made toast in the oven and coffee, ate and computer. Got dressed and rode in the fabulous sun to the gym.
Kick Boxing today WOW HARD... I could tell I am not up to par, many stops, but a great work out.

I talked to the Transvestite, she is very nice and really pretty actually, kissed me on the cheek and greeted me Farwell.. I am making friends in the gym for sure. Although my communication is not that great, it feels like they like me???

I came back to Gloria sleeping and woke her up, now she is taking me to the dentist to see If Ican get my teeth fixed, so I have to shower and get pretty!! TALK SOON MARI

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