Friday, August 26, 2005

Ventana De Pacifico

This is the Guest area house at the development. The beach at playa De Ventana, and the french bread from Johnmarcs brother in laws house.

Not a very eventfull day today, got up to Gloravell tappin at the gate, made coffee twice since I forgot to put the filter in the first time. Coffee went all over. Got dressed and Rode the mile to the gym. It was step today, NOPE I HATE IT... Didn't do so well, I was not feeling so good. So kinda half way did it. Came home and blogged, Aida dropped by with this Canadian, called Chattie Cathy, stayed about 10 minutes. I kept blogging, and talking. Then I showered got all pretty I mean really pretty. That is what all the women here do. They really look nice when going out of the house. I got on m bicyclleta, and rode down the alley full of mud, and onto another alley were the Soda is, better mud not as mushy. Then to the main street, bumpier than I remember a few days ago. Stopped at the Century 21 to get the fax with the offer on the house, It was 35 thousand less than I was asking. I just looked at it threw in my basket on the bike, walked across the way talk to Aida about it. Then i took Kalin to the farmers market. That is aidas older daughter. Blonde hair blue eyes the cutest face, perfect teeth. Ten years old but going on 30. She likes to run with me while I ride the bike. I got to the market right up the street, and walk. I didn't buy the first time I just look at the price. bought some fresh yogurt made by some cheese maker guy, and some cheese with hot pepper in it. Walked to the amish booth and bought some pineapple jam. Jessie Kalins sister goes with us. She bought a little cake from them, round dark chocolate filled with cream cheese. Then I got some Melon, cucumbers, tomato's, celantro, a big bag of Mangos, White corn, Red sweet potatoes that were white in side.
As soon as we left it poured down rain, I have this knack so far except this morning when I rode back from the gym, From missing the down pours. It just rained all night after that. I talked to Aida a bit came home to fix me some sweet potato, and some veggies when Gloria vell show uped I think she has moved in untill Amanda come's home.
So when I tried to cook, I noticed that the Gas was gone in the tank. They use a tank like we use a tank for bbq,It was empty. So no dinner for me. I didn't know I had to feed her too, but I made some cucumbers, tomato, with lime and celantro, olive oil sugar, and a tiny bit of Balsemic vinegar. I cut some french bread and shared with her, and the cheese I bought. We also drank some just a glass of wine. We both tried to talk to each other, but I do not think I did so well.

This morning I woke to her again taping on the gate. So I am sure she thinks it is ok. I do not know how to tell her it isn't. Well she came showered I got out of bed and began the routine already. The Coffee of course, then I made some Fresh Yogurt with this cereal they have here that has honey in it, then I mixed in Fresh pineapple, and fresh Mango. OHHHH SO YUMMY..
I cleaned up the upstairs it was a mess, I couldn't take it anymore so I got up there and swept and picked up all the clothes and toys and put everything away. I got all ready got on the bike and went to tell Aida about dinner, I am making gnochi, Salad and Eggplant for dinner with Garlic bread. As I stopped I saw she was struggling to clean up so I mopped the outside of the Jaco BEll for her, I mention to her that the gas was gone and that I didn't know how to get more? I was almost done when this huge truck pulled up with a load of gas! I thought Wow thats cool maybe I could ask if I could buy some for the tank, and have him carry it back to the house?? Come to find out Aida called them to stop.
The young man Johnny walked with me and removed the tank and replaced, but then he noticed he heard gas leaking, It was not the tank. It ws the stove... GREAT NOW I HAVE TO FIX THE STOVE as I was having a fiesta tonight. So he showed me what was wrong it was just a fitting. He and his partner took me in the big HUGE TRUCK to the hardware store to buy the fitting.
They left me off and I walked back about five blocks, after I had to go to the century 21 to fax a number. I ended up talking to Carlo and the owner of the place. They are both American. The Owners mama just died and she was a queen of decor like me, I said maybe her spirit willed me to come here and be in Jaco, because I did not have any intention of living here.
He showed me the photos of her in the paper and how she was so talented. He saw my work and said you guys are just alike and talked and talked to me. Carlo is the Italian guy I met last week

We all sat and just talked. I tried to fax it wouldn't go, so I walked next door to the internet cafe and made a call, came back and the owner did it for me. We kidded around he wants me to cook for him too. HEY ONLY IF THESE PEOPLE PAY! I was thinking this in my head. I left walked across the street, got the bike, and left for the store. X mas permanos. But First I went to Super frutastica, a smaller store. I found a couple of things that the other store does not have.
I got on the bike with my huge water and all my stuff, when I heard a loud crash, the dang bike fender broke. It was dragging on the bike, and I had groceries, dang it. I went to find the sausage shope when it made a louder noise. I got a nail and put it in the hole where the screw was suppose to go. That only lasted a few minutes.
I had to carry all my stuff in the store which is under construction at the moment, so its hot and loud and terrible. Got the gnochi, the sausage, basil, some fresia, Fresh strawberries, Ice cream that is lemon and vanilla. Checked out to find out the fender was all bent. I was so upset, with the stove the fax, then this. This emergency paramedic guy was watching me so he came over with a screw driver and I told him to take the whole thing off and he did and threw it in the trash! YEAH I WAS HAPPY AND LAUGHED thought that is how you do here.

I rode the bike like a mad dash pedaling fast as I could so the Ice cream wouldn't melt and because I had to get home to fix the stove ,then make the sauce.
When I arrived Both Gloira vell and Danelia were sitting in the living area braiding hair. Ok I was a little put out, from all I been through and then they were just sitting pittleing around. I brought all the groceries in, then fixed the stove in the back. I put a new fitting on the pipe. I began the sauce and ate some fresh frozen yogurt, but the problem was when set it down, they ate it. GOD HOW DO I TELL THESE TWO?
I guess I don't and just let it slide, be kind and not worry. All things work out Pura vida.

Its about 3:47 now, I think I will walk to the beach for a while.I should rake all the leaves, Im feeling Tica right now I DON'T WANT TO! just now the guy that mows the lawn came drunk as a skunk didn't see Amanda, and pretty much told me to mow it myself and wanted to leave it here. I said no then Danelia told him to get the hell out of here. So that wall worked out. Except e when Amanda comes back the lawn will be a mile high! Oh well I will find someone rather than having a drunk stinking Tico here he stunk so bad Yulllllllle , then just now Danelia screamed as I was sitting here they both called me outside to see this Iguana, sitting there looking at her. He bit her toe and it was bleeding, she wanted me to help so I did. Wow an agressive Igauna. Wierd they are generally herb or leaf eating? hmm that toe must of looked good to him!
Off to the beach

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