Monday, August 29, 2005

Fish scale earings, pedicures and Fire flies

Daniela, before Work, half asleep Lamps made in Costa Rica

Helene, and Maris foot, Fish scale earings

Ok went to the dentist, much to my suprise it was a very attractive women dentist. She was reccomended to me by Eida , I been spelling her name wrong and I just discovered if so if your reading Eida I'm sorry. Earlier in the day I took a cab to the dentist. Cost all of .75 cents but we didn't go far. I wanted Gloria bell to go with me to explain in case I bumbled it up. But I did not need her anyway. The dentist was very nice, and assured me that she would fix both my teeth and make them all white!
She sorta quoted a price, but I will tell ya tomorrow what it actually was, Needless to say MUCH LESS THAN THE STATES.

Gloria had to go to work down the road so I walked her to work but on the way I found this cute little apartment that said Italians here! So I asked and they suggested I return around 7:00. continuing foward. We walked to Glorias work, stood outfront and chatted with one of her managers. Ok all the men here are flirty, GOD!! He just talked and talked, I was hungry and wanted to leave, the dogs at the pet store were barking and the birds in the cages were screaching. Thus making me very antsy to leave.
I did I walked back about a mile I think?
But on the way I stopped every here and there looking at things and actually taking time to see stores and where things were. I searched for a pedicure . I found two salons, with prices varying from 8 to 12 dollars for one. I also found several Internet Cafes. Along with a great homemade Ice cream shop, a new bakery, and a really cute clothing store.
I had a good time especially with the clothing store, it was airconditioned!!! Yep I stayed in there till my body cooled down felt great .

I saw several things I would love to have, I kept walking till I got to this Soda Called the bannana, I wanted Ceviche, so I sat and ordered it and a drink of watermelon in water with ice. They were all out, so disapointed and hungry I walked toward the house.

I knew that the tiny little barber shop next to the bycyletta shope. So I kept going till I got to that alley. I decided to eat a subway sandwich which was a very bad choice. Ok it was terrible I will admit. I order tuna thinking it would be fresh and good and um like the states. NOT! it was sour, well I have been sick all day since I ate it. They use some sort of dressing on it, no pepperocinis, I love those.
I did put avocado on it that was the best part. I ate it because I was starving but honestly Eat local food I learn a lession there.
I drank a big bottle of Moya and that as a mistake too since the acid in the black berry would really mix with the Tuna and make you Just want to ralph!
By and by I went to the pedicure shop and asked if they could do it now. This place is all of about 8 foot wide and around 7 foot deep, With four people stuck in there at once, she did a pedicure but it was very simple. A pan of hotwater, and a towel on her lap while she sat on a milk crate and a pillow on top. Around Two hours later beautiful toes!! it was nice to just relax and not worry about any time or deadlines just let her work and work on the toes! she even put little rhinestones on them.. It cost me 3000.00 Colones around $6.00 American Dollars.

Then Iwalked down the road to the house, stopped to Show Daniela my new toes!! she was too buys with customers to look. So I just walked home. Waited a while and went back to see the apartment with Eida. Eida wanted to ride the bike with me to show me the apartments she knew of then all of a sudden the lights went out in the whole town, We jumped off the bikes and walked and Thats when I saw all the fireflies... First time ever I saw them.. how cute they lit up the whole field. I had to stop and watch. We kept going to the main road then the lights came back. I went alone to see that Apartment NOPE IT WAS ROTTEN! NOT for me a cracker box with only a hard cardboard bed practically. Came home worked on a bid and sent all my photos to tosh and then we chatted on line he likes my pics so hopefully soon we will be sending this to the states, Canada, and maybe Japan. If you like them let me know ok?

I been sitting working on Internet stuff for hours now when Daniela came back by after her work to visit and eat hocoyte's an ugly little verde ( green) thing that I do not like no matter how many times I eat them they remind me of something I tried to eat as a kid like green walnuts, they are really strange they put salt on them. She brought me Memones, but I didn't eat them yet. She left and returned with Martha her amiga... we ate hilado, ( ice Cream) There is Daniela! finnally you can see her.

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