Sunday, August 28, 2005

This is at the end of Jaco beach, they actually live in this and sell Coconuts thats the Costa rican flag.

Sunday: Reagae blasting, Listening to 91.1 San Jose great music. It is all of our music and them some.
I Really like this station, My thought's were when I came here I would be disconected from the American music. For all of my life music, art, and culture has been some of the most important things. These things make me alive they bring Joy to me and keep me young. I love Art I have been seeing in just this town alone some really interesting pieces. I am sure when I go to Sarchi, and Grecia, Aluelia, that I will see a whole lot more.

The Music is so interesting they play things I never heard, then all the good music we have so In essences its a great mix!

Waking up to Gloriavell in the same bed is strange, I do not know what or how I am telling her that she is going to have to find a place soon. I really need this time to be alone and think things through.

I had a bad headache yesterday and today. I really hope its not my kidneys acting up. I drank huge amounts of water but I still feel the same. Although three bottles of wine between three of us last night might have added to the Headache! GOD!! It was fun though...

I invited Aida, Joey, Kalin pronouced KAYLEEN, Tico style and Jessie over for dinner last night.They asked for of course Italian. Its easy to make here since there is allot of Italians they bring in some good products. We had gnochi, with sausage, fresh basil and tomato based sauce, my typical one that my mother taught me to make . Good Garlic bread, fried eggplant with parmesian and a nice fresh salad with the best avocate` and tomato. Wine and then for dessert this Ice cream they have here that is all flavors with lemon very refreshing in this hot climate.

We had a very nice time, I really like Aida, she is a gas, very smart, funny and pretty. Joey is more laid back, but very cool. Aida ha s lived in Costa Rica, but her decendents are European. She also lived in Sweden, and told me all about her life there and how she loved it. I thought wow what a completly different lifestyle Costa Rica, Hot Tropical, and very machismo.. and Sweden Cold Icey, and open life styles?? this lady is really cool!

She shared many stories and I have the feeling her and I are going to do some business together. She went Coo Coo When she saw my site, wants to open me a store here she is really thinking I am the bomb, I really didn't say a whole lot about my past, I just showed the site,the blog which they both thought was super cool and want to be in it! I mentioned I would take photos of them all and Jaco Bell! This I am sure will be the first of many evenings of great food and fun. HA ! SHE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO COOK! so I suppose it will be me!

We sat at the table out doors till 2:00 am, until I fell asleep on her, then she got on her bike since Joey took the kids and car home and rode off Baracho! ( drunk) She is so funny and so cute. Kinda like a Janet/ Me/ Clint Combined? I dunno I think she is her self but reminded me of my other amigos and amigas.

Joey and I did connect, and he is a great compliment to Aida, they're girls are really cute. He has a good sense of humor and they are like honeymooners, after all these years! He left early to take the babies to bed, and to get up early to Surf, although all the while Aida was calling him Guapo, don't go you know tomorrrow is our day! I think this is awesome. I really am happy I met some great people.

OH MY GOD the pile of dishes I have to wash, and if I haven't said this there is not hot water. We use the product in a tub you slather it on and it cleans the dishes like SNAP! Kinda cool. I was thinking that this and a couple of other things I have seen would be good to import to the states . I am sure that some eco-friendly people would eat that stuff up.
Its a bit primative, but I think I am beginging to like it actually??? Really is easy you do not fill the sink you just rinse and wash.
So that is sitting waiting for me to do. I may after get on a bus and ride up to Manuel Antonio for the afternoon, I have to see what time the bus runs.

Prior to the fiesta last night, I had cooked and cleaned up and then took a long long walk on the beach with Gloravell, we tried to talk, I learned some new words, tree, rock, and walk. Its coming along, but I am frustrated to be honest.

We walked for ever it seemed, the skies were gray and cloudy the sand here is dark and littered with volcanic red rock. It feels good on the feet in some areas. The surf was coming in, so wadeing in the water was nice and easy. The water was warm, like bath water not cold at all. I kept walking and thinking about things, went past some beach resorts I never saw and a best western with all there beach chairs on the sand.

People just sitting looking at the surf. One guy kinda heavy was sitting like doing Yoga in a folded leg position and palms out listening to some GREAT MUSIC.. Strange but interesting.

Walking further till I saw the moutains meet the beach, the Jungle connects with it at the farthest end of the beach There were three guys out in the surf, throwing lines I looked to see no poles? they use a coke bottle with line wrapped around it and and hook, toss it out and hope they catch something. Curious one that I am watched them intently took a photo .
I wanted to sit as my head was hurting and It was a long walk, very warm not a cool breeze from the Ocean. Eventually we came to the big rocks where i was told there is pools to swim in. So next week that is one of my goals.

We sat and watched the ocean for about 15 minutes when some tico dude came over and was hitting on Gloria, I didn't talk he asked her I was her grandmother? LOL I had to laugh, I wasn't concerned about there Conversation, just sitting and thinking.

Coming back it took forever, then we walked to Jaco Bell and I reafirmed the Dinner invite.
Walked back to the house down the muddy alley, having two additions with me. Jessie and Kalin, they wanted to help cook so I told them sure come on. Kalin asked me over and over to be her Tia, her auntie. I Said no problem. She told me her birthday its in January near mine making her and Aquarian. In the states my closest friends are all Aquarians, only this one is little, Darling and should be a model.

We danced as we cooked they really enjoyed themselves and me! I did too, I enjoyed there company, they want to help teach me spanish so I guess I have two new buddies.
Later Aida and Joey showed up.

Right now I ate some Mango, fresh strawberries,and fresh pineapple and of course my Coffee, I have to make a list for Tosh, my japanese friend who want's me to Export products from here. I found several Food items so far, as well as some personal Items, one in particular is a shampoo called Meil, ( honey) Its great makes my hair feel the best ever and the smell is so good not sweet very delicious like you want to drink it or eat it. I like all this companies products. So I hope I can connect them and see if it is possible?

The Rain right now is like torrential down pours, it has cooled down allot, frankly I am feeling better that it is cooler.The wind is whipping the trees and the water is running off the tin roofs like a hose is turned on them. Its loud because there are mostly tin roofs here. I am watching the water stream down from the corregated tin off the roofs, like little rivers. Its kinda inspiring, making me think of creating something to use at Christmas like water streaming down off trees. I dunno maybe I am bored! but it is different to see. Music is good and now I go. I am thinking much about my friends, Janet, and Sharon, Gerri as I look at my bracelett she gave me. Also My sons, and my daughter in laws. Sending my thoughts and my hearts to you.... I hope you have felt me I have done that... I think very hard concentrate on you and then I send my thoughts.
If not oh well it makes me happy to do this.

I bet we have gotten in the last hour at least three or so inches, I will know when I go out to the street later after it stops.

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