Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Marianna In Costa Rica

Day 3: Exhausted from the first day, day two was not eventful. Mostly did domestic work in the small hotel. I helped mop and clean up, hung out around the house. We worked on both houses, and handled the children. Then it began to rain, and it rained like it does in Washington. Sorta poured all afternoon, but it was still extremely warm and muggy.

Casa Ciao Bella, sits in an alleyway, that is dirt and dogs run about freely here. I was awaken many times by dogs barking very loud. They are small dogs,kinda look like chiwowa and dobermin, slash hot dog?? They're funny looking but they all look alike? different colors. Anyway the house is off the main street of Jaco, the discos are on the front side and you can hear them at night, but its not loud or anoying. Its subtle, city life. I am not sure this is where I want to move to in fact I think I know this is not where I will, but it is a good place to begin since there are todo gringos here. Lots of American's Europeans, intersperced with Ticos. The tico women are very pretty, I have only seen a couple of Tico men that were pretty too lol!

In the evening, Danella, Amanda, and I sat at the dinning room table which is out doors on the porch untill late talking in Spanish, and laughed allot. Danella is Nicaruaguan, and is cute as can be. She will be helping me when Amanda and Rich return to the states. Talking only In Spanish was a challange, but I did pretty well, Although I didn't think so. She said Asia es no Gringo, Asia es Tica In other words she is no Gringo, she is a tico. She said the moment I got out of the car and she saw me coming down the walk she thought I was TICA, really ??? Sharon told me before I left that I would fit,and that they would think I was.

We sat and talked and ate crackers, and goodies and drank these beers called imperial, with juice made from these orange limes. Michilada, thats what they call these beers. Sour and good I love sour so I guess I will be liking these beers.
Then we came inside and talked till late at night, about my past and my life and how I will adjust. Amanda doesn't know what I have been or done and she was not impressed with me sharing some of the things I can do. She told me she thought Iwas a bragger, and that most people who talk about them selves generally, are just that all talk. LITTLE DOES SHE KNOW!! I decided after that conversation, I would no longer share. I do not need to prove who I was or I am. I know that my real friends see and know how hard I have worked and what I have done. I guess I am too strong for most. Its clear, but I think that I will in time have some good friends.

Bella is a nice place so if anyone wants to come here I am sure you will be happy since its located near everything. It is within walking distant of about everything. Or a great bike ride!

This morning was difficult, I woke to the screams of a crying baby. It was sophia, she crys allot. Something I AM NOT USE TO AND DO NOT LIKE. For now I have to tollerate it so I can learn the country and at least be with Americans untill I do better. I think she may have some teething going on, or something that is causeing her pain because she tends to cry more than most I have seen. She is a very cute little baby, pretty azul eyes, an adorable face. Shes pretty smart too.
After getting up, the day was fine. I was trying to resolve my cell phone issues, so I could call a couple of people and tend to some business, that did not get resolved while I was leaving. That didn't happen. I tried to Blog earlier after Amanda took Isabella to school, I did but it somehow got distroyed when I tried to save the photos. So I quit, went outside and raked leaves and piled them up. Took some photos, and just hung out.

Amanda had a mothers day party to go to. So Gloriavell, and Danela, Came by and watched the baby. While I sorta cleaned up. I haven't been eating much. I feel uncomfotable to ask, and frankly I do not know what to eat. Aside from that, I decided to go for a walk, of course in the mid day heat. I mean its hot!!! Danela, had to go to work, she tends bar up the alley, so Gloriavell , baby and I walked down the main road and watched all the people, sweated allot walked real slow. Lots of Action, on the streets, from bike riders, to taxis, to trucks and cars, and people dogs, surf boards. WOW its busy. We walked around and then ended up at the beach.

The beach was beautiful, cooler, and lots of people out sitting watching, surfing. I took a breath of fresh air relaxed and actually felt as though I was understanding this life a bit, but not yet.

When we returned to the house, Amanda was back from her Mothersday party. Sunday is the real Mothers day here, and all the businesses will be closed. They will have a festa. I hope to see it.
We both got on the beach bikes and petaled to the store, but first we stopped at the bakery, yummy, lots of great goodies. I bought some good bread pudding with lots of cinnamon, it was only $ 200 colones, roughly .40 cents. The bikes we just left on the side of poles in front, noone locks them up. Then my first experience at the grocery store, Not A good one. It was so hot inside that I really came close to loosing it. I was so irriatable, that I just wanted to get out of there. I got a bit testy with Amanda, because she couldn't decide on what to get. But I did buy some cheese, some crackers tico style, some granola, and some plantains, a fresca,( fruit juice carbonated) and some snacks. The ride was fun, potholes galore.... taxis flying by. Dogs running amuk... god I was crazy.
We rode for a good number of blocks, when I noticed this patch of jungle right in the middle of town on the left of the road. You could feel the difference in the temperature as we past. The trees and water made such a difference. Funny too it looked like something you would see in disney land the way the layout of the town, then all of suden this jungle?
Came back I fried some fresh fish with this batter stuff, some pilaf, and brocoli with those orange limes. We ate outside as usual. I forgot to mention I saw my first Iguana, Ugly god there ugly. But very gentle, and shy. I also saw a huge green grasshopper,about 4 inches long, and a lizzard that actually stood up and ran all over the yard. It reminded me of one of those raptors in jurrasic park. Only little. Strange. Oh did I mention there is about eight or so Geckos in the house on the walls at night eating little bugs??Oh yeah someone on the street today was eating these fruits ,looked like lychee, but there different. they have almost the same taste. take a peak. Ciao!

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