Monday, August 15, 2005

Marianna In Costa Rica

"Today is Mothersday In Costa Rica" yep today was mothers day.

I got up early and made some coffee, really dark because for me its very hard to do mornings. Being late here is no big deal, THANK GOD!
Yesterday I had a thought to go and do some aerobics here in Jaco, so I rode to the gym at the end of the little town through lots of potholes, and bumps, rocks and some pavement. The guy who was running the place was middle eastern. He said that it was three days a week, and the tica's name was Natalie.
So I got up at 6:40 and made black coffee, cut a watermelon and got the baby up and fed her while Amanda rests. I put on some of my jazz clothes and shoes and quickly ate my oatmeal, and jumped on the beach bike and took off.

The alley that I ride down is always so holey, and last night it rained very hard so there were big puddles, its not sand its like slick clay. Strange how the earth changes in a matter of feet?

The ride was fun, it was grey out but, ya know ??? It is a different grey. I do not know if its the way the earth sits on the parrallel? or the angle of the sun? But I swear to you, things are in different hues here. Ok back to the ride.... rushed like crazy to get there on my first day on time. Ran in and asked how much he said $1.75 for the day. jogged up the stairs. When I got to the top which was second story unfinished new builiding. They had left open one side so you could view the ocean, although it was more than a block away, you could still see it. I saw Natalie, ticatta little tica.

Very cute, she was washing the mirrors, and sweeping the mat. I introduced my self as I was the first one there... she said in spanish that there would probably be no students today because it was Mothers day, I said ohhhh?

Moment's later this man came up the stairs obvioulsy Tico and gay, then this athletic looking lighter skin tica came in, then a transvestite around 6 foot 3 wearing size freaking 20 no lie yellow tennies, clad with jewlery, and this bright red mass of curly long hair. WOW I WAS LIKE OHHHHHHHHH KKKKKKKKKKK to have to look at this in the mirror behind me was struggle not to break out and hillarious laughter.

Well class started and it was all about kick boxing, YIKES! mind you I haven't done much working out expcept for yesterday morning, when I ran on the beach with Fari, tell you about that in a min, So class was tough, actually it was HARD, not working out for a week really shows on you. It was a full hour and a few minutes long, but they didn't start on time like Sharon does.

We actually did this exercise with a broom stick and you throw your hands over it with it behind your head. this was a tought move she came and force me to bend a certain way.
I bout screamed cause it was hotter than hell up there. I did have a moment when I felt I couldn't take it any more.
After I got on the bike an rode all the way back, I helped amanda clean up and made this chicken to marinate for the evening,(soaked it)
I used coconut milk, fresh grated ginger. The ginger is light skined and has pink on it. It is so tender and juicy. Fresh garlic, some of those orange flesh limes, they have the shape of and orange, the color of a lime, on the outside, but on the inside there orange? and the taste of a lemon???
Then I came to read my mail and check on messages from the state's. Saw a message from Third world saying he had a free day and an invitation to lunch. I left my phone here on his mail, and he called later setting up the time. In the mean time Danelia and this other lady came by with her two little ones, just so happened that they were the same age as Issa, and Sophia.
They played. Amanda decided to go get bread before I left for lunch so I hung out till she returned.
I walked down the town about 8 city blocks, I dunno its down past the lagoon, over the river bridge, then through a business sector. To Wishbone's. This is actually a great place to get tons of food for a very small price.
We met he had his Ipod on we greeted the tico style , which is to grab hands,and kiss on one side or on the other. I was just sweating terribly. It was so hot the walk there. Im not aclimated as of yet. Although I noticed tonight that it is getting cooler as it is becoming the rainy season. We had a great lunch then walked down the street at a qauint spot with iron tables. He had a reg coffee, I had an expresso.
There were beautiful Tica women and men coming through,wet from the beach or the pools all around.
We talked and took our time I imagine it was about four hours. I was laughing inside honestly, thinking my god I have no time to worry about... so then it became a sweet pleasant situation even though the heat was effecting me.

Being from the northwest, this is really a stretch for one to adjust to or at least me. Since half the time I was freezing there, always wet and uncomfortable. With the exception of the three months out of the year you might get to enjoy.

Now back to the subject of Jack, Third World Productions:

We walked back the houses, off Anita, there are all kinds of Cabinas around here. Those are small rooms in a building they can be as small as a twin bed. People stay in these things.
When I saw these people with huge back packs on,looking for A cabina, Jack Was with me I convinced them to come to our place and got them in the property. I had amanda talk to them about the rent. I told the $10.00 a night she then got convinced to let them pay $7.00. Anyhow, he came in we looked at the computers and talked for a bit. He Actually has this buisness called Third World Productions, its a company that puts together tours for surfing, you do not nessesarily have to be a surfer, you could just want a great vacation, and the experience of at least trying it once in your life.
He shared with me that he has people from all walks of life, booking his packages. Told me it was online, so I guess I should go and really check it out. He has restuarants and other services hooked up to him so it makes it nice for the customer. His site is .

I will have to see what hes about, I think its a great idea to help those people who come here also and shed light. I think that Jack is a good connection, and hopefully becomes a good friend.

About yesterday, I got up pretty early, got dressed and when up to Fari's cabina, its a rough rough shack of a rook in this old building. I do not know how to explain it to you but other than taking a photo. but I may have to wait for that since they re a humble people. To me its not sad its just I have compasion for there simple lives,and I feel that there might be some reason forme to see this and mayve just figure out what my calling is to help some of them. They live in spaces about the size of my bathroom, with no bathroom no water. Some only have a burner, no frig. They take a shower in this outdoor shower thing and wash there clothe's in a commumal washing area. Very different from American lifestyle.

Fari talks to me regardless of the fact the barely speak Spanish, and she speaks english. Its quite commical honestly. She talks and talks and I try to talk back God knows what I am telling her!!!
Shes kinda chunky, but here I'm chunky too to these people. Most of the ticos are Skinny very skinny, short. So that part is ok, they think Im a fat tica. Here all this time in the states I thought I was pretty good.. guess not. AMERICANS ARE JUST HEAVIER PEOPLE, no offense, its just I am seeing it with the Europeans, and locals. Everyone here says, if you live here you will get skinny cause the weather makes you flush things out fast. Actually I see it already, but dont know if I have lost weight No scales here.
So she just slugged along, while I jogged on the beach that morning. I ran circles around her, she was laughing at me the whole time while raced away from the waves, and ran fast then ran back to her. I think I ran about an hour. Then we just sat and watched the waves and all the surfers.
It was smellling so good, they say que Rico, meaning how rich or it smells good. Several different definitions. Fari kept repeating que rico que Rico.. I love that saying. We walked back and picked bananas in the alley on the way. There a bunch of Igaunas there shaking there head at me.. Came back and just hung out all day. Took the bike went to the liquor store and out front was a guy selling cigar's out of the back of his truck. This common with allot of things. People just sell out of there trucks. VERY INTERESTING

It rained as I said earlier, and so we just kinda hung out talked. Went to the store later that night an bought food for the following day.

Today I woke up around 6:30 everyone here gets up very early. You can hear pounding, and workers working, dogs barking,and birds singing very loud they make this sound like a baby yelling. Its kinda pretty. not anoying. I made some granola hot, and ate fresh Watermelon. everyday there is tons of fruits. So Its refreshing to eat it early. I went with Amanda to drop of Issa at school. Then she dropped me off at the gym at the end of town. I didn't bring very many work out clothes and the women here dress pretty sharp for class. I have no clue where they buy them cause I have to see any type of clothing store,except for the tourist ones??
I ran up the two flights of spiral stairs. This the only stairs they build here. These are outside the building. Got to the top, I WAS LATE very late. Natalie kinda made a face since they were doing pilates, and everyone was in a peacfull state. Bare footed, with towels on the floor, music was indian, and they were all standing very tall with arms extended to the sky. I rused to get into position. I felt stupid , being late, and not understanding what she was saying honestly. I just watched intently, And the quick learning that thankfully god made me, I was into it in moments. ok Wow this was very different for me. I felt so unusual. The moves were extremely difficult, but thanks to Jazzercise I was limber enough to execute them. In respects to the others, I looked very fat in the mirror's. At the end we laid on the floor bare foot. I believe in Spanish she kept repeating have peace, we laid with our palms up feet pointed ouward thighs together. hard to do that for me. closed eyes. like meditation. BUT GOD I COULDN"T RELAX as the noise outside was so loud with men pounding on metal and sawing and hammering to finish the building.
The Surf shope down below was sanding and I could hear all the birds loudly. I didn't know she was taking us one by one and working on us. I realized that I had paid 20 dollars for basically A personal Trainer for a month. SHE IS AWESOME I have to show Sharon some of the techniques, and her photo. I heard that this gals reputaion in the Costa Rica is mue~ fantastico.
She walked around while we all laid on the floor one by one. she came to me sqeezed my noise and rubbed some sort of menthol or something minty on it and encouraged me to breath with my tongue on the roof of my mouth and out my nose, the as I laid she rubbed my neck, and massaged it, then my head, then the palms of my hands, the thighs, and the calves and then the feet. OK PURA VIDA... the pure life. I am feeling it.... I really don't understand what is meant by Pura Vida, but when she was doing this I knew that I was feeling it. Last night the same.

I had all this agenda to get my bills somehow paid with out the bill and phone, and I wanted to type this, and email people.But Jack was talking to me online and I didn't do any of it . Finnally I gave up and said oh I can do it manan`a and so now I am. that is Pura vida. Let life happen, and let it be pure. I dunno maybe I will understand it more as time goe's on.

Oh yeah, I forgot, a couple of days ago, Jordan called me on the 866 line. HE anounced to me that Nancy was pregnant, and that they were going to get married. Last night he called again to tell me that they are thinking about coming here to get married. I dunno maybe live with me here?
I think honestly that might be very cool here. As the health care is free, and if she has a baby here. We will automatically be residents. Which mean's working is not a problem.
If you are not a resident, it is difficult to get permits and to work. Once your a resident, things are easy. Dental is cheap too, I am going to get my teeth fixed next week. The cap I wanted for the one on the side that has been broken, would have cost me over $800 dollars there. I talked to Jack yesterday he just had his done and it was only $20.00. I looked at it. It was perfect.
This week he is getting them whitened for only $125.00 for four treaments!! my god. I canno't wait for a tummy tuck. I been hearing its really cheap and they put you in a spa.

Living as family here, extended or otherwise is a good way of life. Everyone helping one an0ther. Besides with the available foods that is here, it would less than $50.00 a week for all of us to eat.
Rich told me that the power bill for both of theses houses last month was only$8.00. WHAT!! but then again no air, no tv. I am sure when I get a house it will be higher, as I want Air and TV!!
Internet is less than $10 a month.

Well Im leaning, Today were going to Hermosa again to find a carpenter who makes furniture. I CAN NOT WAIT TO TAKE PHOTOS. So Stay in tune.

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