Monday, August 22, 2005

Monday's Catch up Marianna In Costa Rica

I Never did put Ziada's house and photos on, nor did I put the Furniture in Hermosa, Also some photos of the tres Tico amigos, some of Jaco... but there is much more to come.

Its Monday, got up around 6:15, I never dreamed I would be getting up this early, but here it seems easy. The sun comes up so early, and like wise the setting of the sun goes down early. I slept in wonderfully clean sheets, and the smell of them from hanging on the line was an added sensation. When you nuzzel your nose to those clean fresh smells it almost makes you want to sleep longer, but I didn't. Why is it that when I arise I begin to clean up the house? Curious thing to do when you first get up? Costa rican rise? Its not just me, I noticed when I ride early in the morning on a bike there are lots of people buzing around, as though they have been up for hours.
Some people go to bed early here and early to rise like the sun.

You can hear the birds, in the morning but not like any song I can describe. Some sound like babies crying, some sound like loud chirping.

I alway make the coffee first, stumble about till my eyes open, and then struggle to drink it. But today was different. I got right up make coffee, and began to clean, get dressed to work out and poured my self a big jug of water to take in the basket on the beach bike. But one problem the seat was broken by the LOCO TRES AMIGOS yesterday and well I pinched the hell out of my leg when I hit a pot hole and made a huge blood blister. So with that in my head while drinking my coffee I made a plan. I decided to go to the bike shop and have them fix the seat, I needed to go to the Banco National and change money and then check out places to stay. So that when Amanda and Rich return I can tell them I no longer will be staying here.

So I made my agenda in a matter of minutes for the day. But first I want to talk about last night and the goings on. I took the bike to the store, in the central part of the blvd, to get Soap and cloro, ( bleach) so I could wash all the laundry from the house rental. I talked to Aida,
Aida is the owner of the house's I am taking care of, Amanda and Rich are the leasees... I am the care taker for the next couple of weeks. I really never talked about who was who here. But there it is what more can I say! Aida has become attracted to me, not in the way you may think but as a friend that could help her in business. She really seems to like me allot, and well Amanda and her I do not believe get along as well.
Aida tends to tell me everything this is my life story here, everyone always tells me everything??? why I don't know but I find it humorus and interesting. Aida and I talked after I went on the ride just for a few minutes. I stopped at the soda on anita in the alley by my house, I wanted to eat casada a plate with everything on it, there it only cost around 3 dollars for the whole dinner. I looked an only had a fifty dollar bill, Danelia said no no qeince, no... so I had to take the bike back to the house and find s a small bill to use. When I got back she was busy so of course me being a friend had to wait till everyone was served. Which meant I was starving and still had to wait a long time for the food.

There were these two Americans sitting there, that I had seen the night before drinking beer there. Its all open no walls only block planters with plants and some iron bars that they close at night. I said hi to them and they recognized me. No talking , then I orderd it took forever.. I just tapped my fingers looked at the dogs watch the kids play in the mud, and watched the hookers walk down the street from the alleyway.
Then my food came it was chuleta, a pork chop with carmelized onions, and carmelized banana's and rice and great beans. With this weird pasta with chicken sauce and chicken it, but served cold.
As I savored every little crumb, I noticed this guy coming in and talking really loud, ok I knew who he was it was Carlos De Ciutiis, an Italiano guy from New York. He talked to Danelia loud I mean loud I felt at home.. then he saw me sitting by myself, and began talking to me in Spanish.. I responded the best I could my spanish SUCKS.

He then asked If I was tica? I said no, he said ohhhhhhhh Italiana?? I said si.. asked me if I only spoke Spanish, I replied NO ENGLISH! he said Oh you speak english , of course I said. he then got up got his drink and said can I sit with ya in a leaned over fashion, putting his face in mine. now what could I say? Yes I said so he sat and talked and talked and talked I laughed at him he was comical, and really nice you could tell. Bald head tan, and about 44 he continued to tell me he surfs everyday about 5 to 6 hours then sells real estate. Ok thats a nice life.

We got to talking he thought I looked like family members, I told him I write a little bit and that this was suppose to be one of my positions here.
He said YOU WRITE? I said I try... He said oh well I have a screen play I need written, and do you type well? I said pretty well?? then he told me his brother inlaw owns some production company in hollywood.
Yep he said do you know the show Will and Grace? Who the hell doesn't? I love that show!! yes I said he said and the simpsons? I said yes.. supposeably thats there's. So he asked me to write it for him so I guess there is another opportunity here In JACO. Were going to get an attorney and a contract and begin soon on the screen play it should be funny and pretty darn good!!

I knew about him before I met him because I had asked aida about him. So the evening went well, he invited me to dinner which means here that they treat. That is their saying. I invite you. Next time on me.

I walked back and thought about the night seemly went good a typical Pura vida, not expecting anything and great things happen. Just go with the flow.

Back to the morning:

After I drank coffee, i ate some sandia( watermelon) and a churio I got yesterday at the panarella. it was filled with carmel oh it was good with the coffee. Then I loaded my stuff up my little pack with my passport my money and my camera. Rode like a mad woman about a mile or so over all those potholes praying it wouldn't pinch the fat part of my tender inside thigh. Do you know how that hurts to pinch that? GOD!! I WANTED TO SPIT..
Got to the gym at the end of Jaco, to find out no Natalie today. They were going to finish the upstairs today. So they cancelled the class. As I began to walk down the spiral staircase,( they all have spiral here? I don't know why?) The owner a isrealie guy green eyes came to me saying um mame you can come in and I will personal train you. So I did. I spent 15 minutes on the olyptical, then I did weights, then I did sit ups, then pull ups and then more and more and more ended with good music by this time there were allot of people in there and he turned the music up for me, I was dancing of course! and he loved it so did the other Tico women and couple of Americans.
I got back on the broken bike with no brakes... and rode slowly to miss the taxis and the huge buses. I saw a pet shop today so I stopped and looked at the tropcial birds some cute ones I wanted one singing so pretty, I looked around and saw it was a vet shop too, all kinds of stuff garden supplies.. strange here, they do whatever where ever.

With cars on both sides of the street, parked wrong way to us, and people walking and bikes flying.. I rode off to see what else today was an adventure day. I rode down this rode and found this really cool restuarant called the posienden, and a few other places. A pharmacy, and some various places. Even a cool discotec actually two of them I didn't know about. And Sex shop.

Sex here is very alive.. they are an open people. It is appparent that they are very sexual people. From the guys learing at you to whistling, to smiling to knodding, to just bold head turns.

I went to the beauty shop but it wasnt open to see how much a pedicure costs? around 4000 colones.
Then I rode to the banco National, and walked through this holding box you have to go into it before entering the bank it exrays you. To see if your carring any weapons or metal or whatever.
Ok I set off the alarm. I had a camera, and my cellphone. So they have these safe boxes outside and you leave all your belongings in them and get the key. Then you go back through the glass box and they clear you to enter. The guard stands with eyes on everyone, arms folded. STARING BOLD AT ME... YIKES! I was smilling though. He points to stand on the lines I quickly stand hoping not to pee my pants. I was soaked from working out and you could see the sweat on my clothes. Besides it was like a hundred percent humidity. GEZZZZZZZ who wouldn't sweat?

I finnally got up there and I looked at the sign to pronounce what I wanted to do. sounded good to me. He changed my money smile and I left.
Rode down the road and watched all the toursits wandering around looking for breakfast.

I made it to the bike shop. A very tiny Tico man, very dirty greazy hands clothes ect... I tried to ask in spanish to repair my seat. I just needed a bolt and nut. the two on the back needed to be screwed down tightened up. BUT NO he wouldn't do it knew I was a gringa... just ignored me. I said it again he said NO... I said porfavor??? NO I said only nuce.. a nut. No he said I needed a whole seat. AH BULLSHIT IKNEW BETTER!! he insisted. Then some how I got his tools and turned the bike upside down and began to work on it. One of his friends showed up and watched me as I fixed it. I did it!! I asked him to put air but believe me it was on his time. So I just waited
I went next door there was a small salon I asked how much for pedicure she said 3000 colones, around 6 bucks.
So I said next thursday. She agreed, he filled the tires and I left the seat spun, and this friend of the salon lady came runnign out to help me. We both worked on and I left.
When I got back here I went on line to check mail no mail..

So chatted with a local guy then I went and cleaned up the messy house.

Right Now as I type I can hear the disco down the road the Monkey bar playing good music. it echos here. I can not hear the Ocean tonight. Only crickets,and katie dids.

Earlier some lady tapped on the gate wanting to sell me some stuff I said no, before that some guy with pillows tapped and wanted to sell me stuff. Then Again while I was on the phone with Brandon someone tapped. It was Danelia.. she just wanted to rest, we ate hilado...Ice CREAM!! JUMMY as they say not yummy but JUMMY! LOl so cute. we cracked up cause she speaks so little english and I speak so little Spanish... and oh yeah I forgot..tonight when I went for a ride I stopped by her place to say Hola.. and I met someone who looked so familiar. It was David Crosby, from Crosby Stills Nash and young. HMMM JACO... you know ya nevah know who or what is going to happen?

He was with this nice looking older guy, but I forgot his name.. guess old age is setting in or is it just that I need GINKO?

Well tomorrow I go to Dominical. I am very excited bout this. I think it is going to be beautiful! I can not wait to show pictures on here!!

Its south of Jaco about three hours. With San Isidro as the main city. There is allot of coffee grown there so it should be astounding. When driving to San jose Friday the coffee plants just grow everywhere on the moutain sides, as well as the cornstalk plants we use in our homes as house plants. But picture them ten to 30 feet tall. Amazing! and impatients grow wild everywhere.

SO cant wait to see what it it like there!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank god some bloggers can write. My thanks for this article..