Friday, February 22, 2008

San Jose for the Day

Well I did walk to the bus station, and buy the tickets to go to San Jose for the day. I used the positive additude on Raquel and told her Tomorrow you are going to be well. She didn't want to listen I continued and said I am not going alone to San Jose and I want to go and need to go. So Tomorrow make up your mind you are well.

I told her to watch funny movies. I went into town. When I came back that night she was sleeping. I woke her up in the morning and I swear she was fine for the first time in three days.

In San Jose we walked so much I must have lost five pounds! and the bottom of my feet too!because they were so sore this morning they are on fire!

We ate at a really nice place on the boulevard called the Patio. Super classy and nice! I manage to sell some things and make the money for the trip and enjoy my day!

We window shopped and I found a place called American Clothing store.

What it is , is a discount clothing for like $2.00 ea no matter or even a$1.00, its over runs, last years styles and things i am sure that didn't sell in stores. But I found the hottest jeans, and a snake skin top, and the styles are perfect for Costa Rica. Cost me all of $6.00.

We had a ball, I went to my doc and asked him some questions about buying some of my furniture from the office and today I am sending him the photos, I gave him a list of things I want to be rid of and he was willing to help me.

Things are going well.

We have had alot of rain, yesterday when I was in San Jose the owner of the house here, had a bad accident and wrecked his car almost similar to mine. Raquel and I were walking from the Costa nera, about 5 blocks from my apartment. It was ten at night, we walked down the road dark with only one lamp. I saw a car parked out infront of the house Raquel, said how funny look your car is in front of the house? I said wow how did that happen. See the man who bought my car has not taken it yet. It's still sitting in the lot next door all crashed up but he gave me the money the attorneys signed all the docs,and I paid the fines from tickets that other people got when borrowing my car. So its not my car, I said well thats not my problem that it is sitting outside. When we walked up I said hey that is not my car! It is Robertos. He had an accident in the rain and I swear its almost exactly the same as mine.
We both gasped, and checked it out. Entered the house and talked till three am.

So now he has to walk all over because they only place to repair his car is in San Jose and it may take a month or so. Its going to be very expensive.
Ok now I feel bad for them too...

So the climate right now is so strange here, never we have this much rain and its cool. I don't mind so much but I love the sun and the hot weather. Well off to t0wn, I am trying to sell things I don't need so I have cash. I have one opportunity with a job prospect. So I need to talk to them today. I feel happy, and glad to be alive, thankfull for all I do have.

I want to comment on the comments of the last blog. First God bless those of you that share your love and your advice. When I read that last one, I felt such love from that person. I try always to be strong, I strive to be better every day. So thank you for your encouragement.

About Nancy, That is not real, she isn't working and I have no idea why she put these things on her my space. Jordan has a nice job but has a baby to support and her. He has a nice little apartment, and most of the furnishings are mine that I gave them. He is too concerned with living and taking care of them. I know if he had more he would help. I have not asked I wont ask my children. I feel honestly, that if they want or have it, and feel they want to help I would graciously accept. I try not to burden my children ever. I don't believe they fully understand their mama. My heart is, I love them both so much. I miss them but this is better not to be a burden to them.
My desire is that they will show there love to me as one reader wrote, they will miss their mother and some day wish they had done different. I know I miss mine. She was one of the best mothers! The other son Brandon, he does well, but I am sure he has lots of responsiblities. Honestly I don't communicate much with them. I try all the time, they are so busy they don't have time.
So all I can do is send my thoughts to them, my love to them. And wish for them the best.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH,OK..Thank You for explaining that to me.Because I was sitting over here a thousand miles away trying to figure out, why oh why couldn't the kids help with that kind of income.Yeah, I know some other people that don't have the income that they say they do on MYSPACE..It's hard to tell who is just dreaming and who is telling the facts, unless you know them.

Well anyway's, I am glad to hear your positive attitude shine thru. It is so hard sometimes to find our blessings when so many things go wrong, I know, cuz it happens to me too.

You truley are an inspiration to me and others that follow your blog.You are a remarkable person filled with love, hope and strength.

Cheers to Marianna.. :)