Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just a little more about Puerto Jimenez

Although It is rustico, wild west is better to describe it. I find myself thinking about the way I felt when walking the whole area. It reminded me of when I was very young. I spent lots of time alone, playing alone and walking. I lived in the country vineyards, not many people around, I had brothers and sisters, but they were all very much older than I, and didn't spend time with me at all. So I spent time in the fields playing alone, in the dirt playing making things. And walking lots down the roads in the fields across farms. I Would talk to the animals, and pick up bits of glass and rocks and collect them. I have always been a nature lover. I would climb trees, and stay for hours just watching down below.

So in thinking about this place it kinda reminded me of my youth. The surroundings a bit different from where I was from but similar in that, most of the area was flat but this was flat rain forest. Lots of vegetation, but no paved roads. It was very hot were I lived as a young girl was always hot in spring, summer and fall. So I spent time in my bathing suit outside or shorts and hardly nothing. Thereb were chickens, and ducks and dogs, much like when I was young. The chickens in Puerto Jimenez vary from very small airicanas, to larger roosters and chickens. I love the chickens. Then I saw an abundance of Parrots, various colors. Close up really close like with in two feet of me. Some flew right above my head if was a little taller possibly could touch them this is how close they came.
So many different birds, Some I didn't recognize, I have a guide but these were not on the bird list. Green small like tanangers. Many sorts of yellow birds, Bright red with some black. Small little tiny black ones. Lots of varieties of blue birds. Cranes, herrons, peach face parrots, white catttle egrets eagles, falcons. I was in awe of all the animals. I saw crocs, and Camen, lizards, iguanas, sloths. More I don't know the word in english but its a sort of small pig, pisquinee they call it here I ate it twice wow delicious. Ugly little things but good.

I didn't see snakes but Iwas told there are many there. I did see beautiful horses, fat ones much healther than here.

Really I was thinking If I only had seen this place before I could have invested my money I lost on a great place, it was the dream I had when I came here only incorporating a bar. Because every place I saw no matter what time of day it was, it was full. What a nice place to have a quaint place like BELLA ESPERANZA. Yes it was a dream, it still is something I want to do. If perhaps they hire me I will research on where, and try my best to fufill this idea I had orginally. It is the perfect place for this.

Not expensive there, A twenty minute panga ride to Golfito. Golfito is a town where all the imports are. EVERYTHING ITALIAN lots of clothes Appliances, just everything you can think of is at whole sale price there. The best of the world I have heard. So you have a nice little place in the tiny little town. you go twice a week in the panga to buy the best of the best. The Freshest fish ever right off the dock near the business, wild life! and fresh air. Great beers, great wines, the most incredible coffee and the sweetest fruits you can imagine. To top it off!!!! GOOD MUSIC to make the People feel at home, or welcomed by the local type of latin mood.

I want this... some how some way I will ... no matter what these people think who read all this.. I will do this. And those that really know me personally know.. than when I say I will do something!!! I WILL DO!! when I told my friends I wanted to come here they , were shocked and I am sure some didn't believe. But when I did they knew. Same as all the other goals I have had in my life as silly as it sounds right now because I am so damn broke. THIS SHOULD BE AN INSPIRATION FOR OTHER PEOPLE. Don't look at what your dealing with here and now, try to look ahead. Think about what you want, then set your mind to it and keep going. I did this with my weight. I was heavy the majority of my life. I recently stayed with a friend and she helped me understand why and how I was heavy. It was a security thing. I hated it all my life... HATED the way men or women would look at me. And believe me they treated me intirely different than When I meet people today at the wieght I am. I changed it with will. I lost close to 130 pounds. Right now I wieght about 126 the skinnest I have ever been, but when I lived in the, USA I was carring the weight of 264- 70 pounds. I lost much through jazzercise, but kept the weight of about 150, never could get smaller.

I will do this, I have lost track of my dream. I need to think about what I really want. Its not important to anyone but me but I do see myself helping tourists, and serving them great food. And having people happy in my enviroment. Most of all Making a nice success... maybe for my children to profit from one day

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