Sunday, February 03, 2008

Talking about my men experiences here lately

I wrote about, the canadian who bought me some sundries, I wrote about the man who was a chef.. I also said Yesterday that I met a guy from California, but in reality he is from Denver.

Most of the men that come here come for a couple of things. Surfing, Fishing, property, and women. (Prostitution here is legal, lots of the men come for this. Mostly USA citizens, and the Europeans. Not the Canadians so much. ) I found two out of these guys I met be liars... knowing there in a different country, maybe never seeing the woman they meet again.

Obviously wanting to have a good time. The Candian, handsome.. thirty five, dark hair green eyes, nice medium built. Skin dark.. He was Italian Canadian. Wanted me to spend time with him, but did not ask me out. Promised alot and never came through. Promise to call me, send money, return and have me live with him after he opened a business here.

Well he called, only three times while he was here to entice me to go to this hotel and spend time. I went one day after we spent the day at the beach. All his friends where there we all talked he made lunch and did a nice back rub, while we chatted. The next day.. I did not see him. He did not take my email nor my directions here In order to send or mail,or keep in contact. So that was a lie... nothing happened between us but it was a nice short moment. Later in the week I felt a little let down. It wasn't big lies but lies.. Why not say hey I am leaving I had a nice time and nice to meet you? What he was doing was a form of minuplation, in order to get me to be with him sexually. That didn't happen... he had a slighty touchy personality. Confusing or I should say conflicting. Saying one then and behaving another way. When I was around him I felt a touch uncomfortable. But I will say I was gratefull for him buying me the nessesities.

I explained to him on the beach my situation, he was curious about me. Asking many quiestions which I answered true. Although I was not depressed, not unhappy but explained that I was in a bad place right now. He just kept saying how pretty I was, and how he wanted someone like me.. YEAH RIGHT! Not that I am mad about him, but just the things I have to listen to sometimes is frustrating.


Then there was greer, the chef in New jersey, On Crutches with a bone deasease. Med tall deep set eyes with dark circles, nice voice ok body. Met him At Roises, stayed with me till 2 am one night dancing. Watching me Dance I should say difficult on Crutches HAAAAAAA. But he drank like hell. I watched him get very drunk.
I sat with Him a couple of nights at Rosies and talked. He told me his story.
Big house, nice cars, pickup trucks. Big chef, wife left him after many years for a younger man..

How he was so depressed, loved his wife. How he was morning the loss of his marrage, Maybe that part was partialy true! but how he thought I was beautiful, and how was I single here in Jaco. I explained yes many men come here and visit but in general hook up with working girls. have their pleasure and leave. Not wanting a woman for a relationdship Simple as that.

I don't disagree with the working girls first of all, Shocking as it may seem to most American women. And I am sure what I am about to say is going to upset or shock some of the women readers. But I have never thought that prositution is a bad thing. As everyone knows it's the oldest profession in the world. They are trying to make a living here to support Mothers, Children. Here is not like street girls, they are beautiful clean, and some are very intellegent women. Most are not into drugs but I could see how the life style can make the weaker ones fall subject to many devices.

I can't explain why really I have felt this way most of my life. But I don't think its entirely bad. It must be nessesary because of mens needs. Here is is legal, the amount of rape is very low in this country. Sexual deviances are minimal. Sexualty here is a part of latin culture. Not as many hang ups about sex. If it was legal in the states possibly some of the sexual crime that goes on would end. JUST MY THEORY, everyone has a right to think what they will. The reason I am explaing this is related to this story.

AND SOOOOOOOO he went on to say he would never pay for that. Asked me if I was a working Girl??? I laughed.. said no but I continued to listen to his lets say CA CA. He went on and on about the girls slightly obsessing over it to trying to convince me he was so against it.

The next night I saw him, crutching down the road to the place where the girls are. UHUH?? I thought.. never said much. We saw each other that next after noon spent time at the beach had ceviche, and talked. I didn't mention what I knew.

He invited me the next day for breakfast.Gave me the same story about relationships, how he wanted one, how he wanted to open a business here. I restuarant and how he knew that I wanted this. Rosie had told him and that I was a great cook.( WORKING ME) I wanted to believe him but ... I didn't. I let him go on and on. Enjoyed my wonderfull breakfast, swam in his pool at the hotel on the beach and chatted with him. He went into the room to sleep, Me knowing what he was doing . It was putting me in a position to come and look for him and then trying to pull me into the bed. I Didn't go untill much later, I figured he was alseep by that time and he was, Later we talked about that and yes that was it.
I AM SMART Ok!! but I continued I wanted to see if this one was true. besides we had nice times togehther so far.

HE told me many times about his morning his wife, how he couldn't be with another woman and that he only wanted my friendship. OK I THOUGHT this is different? a different aproach I mean. To getting what he really wanted. Maybe a part of this as I said before was truth, but most of it lies.

HE invited me for dinner, after paying for my laundry one afternoon. Telling me how he was making this fabulous dinner and how I would love it. Told me to invite Rosie so she could bring me there... so he wouldn't have to pay for the taxi, I realized later.

One hour before the dinner he cancelled, told me a lie and cancelled. I found out later the truth.

I was all ready and frankly excited about this dinner personally cooked by and excellent chef. GREER.
Following day I see him at Rosies at night I wanted to do something with him but he told me how tired he was.
Told me he was going to Manuel Antonio the next day. I invited myself. I said Iwant to go lets go together.. he didn't answer. Then in a few minutes said He couldn't afford to take me along. That he had spent way to too much money already. I though ok fine...
Two days later he asked me to come by his hotel to watch a movie. I went it was in the late afternoon close to sunset. We watched it and he talked about his leg hurting in pain, the wife again. Wanting my sympathy and playing that card in order for me to service him! I AM SMART Didn't happen.

About three days went by, I didn't see him around. He didn't call so I thought he left. WELLLLLL
I have a friend she is a working Girl lets call her Gloria. We were talking, she told me about this guy she met a chef... how he took her to this restuarant in playa Hermosa,SAME AS ME... how he paid her 400 dollars for the day. I DIDN"T GET ANYTHING!!!because I am not a working girl!!! She said the next time.. he took her to Manuel Antonio.. spent lots of money on food and drinks and they had another great time. Him paying for the date! and he would never pay for that NOOOOOOOO HAAAA ok soooooo She told me more. I let her say it While we were talking Rosie said SEE MARIANNA SEE how they are? Rosie told me she had just seen him crutching down the road to the bar where the girls are... So Gloria and I made a plan...

She said I will go find him hang on him and play up to him, I said great! I will come in there and act like I am looking for you. When I find you I will say GLORIAAAAAAAAAAAA MI AMIGA where have you been I was wanting to talk to you someone told me you where in here tonight!!! Then you say to me this is my boyfriend Marianna and introduce me to Greer. WE all started laughing... I said we need to fight a little bit, with me saying No he is my boyfriend then say WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE? and you said you never pay!!!ok so that was the plan.

I wasn't afraid to play this out, in fact I was very excited to bust him.. and confront him to what I really knew. Honestly I wasn't angry I accept the fact that most of the men here do that I see it all the time but to try to munipulate me into having relations with him and using lies.. GLAD I AM WISE. I wanted to see his face So waited for ten minutes, got up my nerve.. and proudly walked to the place and entered.

I walked so many men.. I smiled and kept walking around untill I found Gloria.
They were in the far corner she was hanging all over him, he was carressing her.
I saw her and began! she and I played it off well.. IF you could see his face!!! he was surprised, then shocked and then began questioned me!! I couldn't believe his reactions. I gave him a light tap with my purse and told Gloria we were no longer friends... she walked off with me arm and arm, giggleing and laughing.. but honestly she got the best deal! she got the trip money food wine and dined and revenge too.. She told me he was not that great!

Later not that night but later on I saw him he tried to talk to me.. I wouldn't have it I just acted like I didn't see him walking off down the road.
Amazing to me.. the deception of some of the men I meet. pretentious! and deceptive.

Now the guy from I thought California, OH THERE IS MORE but today only this , He called me in the morning asked me what my day was like I told him I was going to the beach after I did a couple of things. He wanted to meet me there so I told him my beaching spot. YES I HAVE A SPOT where I go all the time. Its away from the crowds, slightly rocky not sand because I don't like all the sand in my face or on my towels. Laying in the little rocks is better cleaner. Soooooo

We spent the day at the beach( sounds like this is always the plan here) he found me after I was there an hour. We talked and had a nice conversation. I found out he was from Denver Colorado. Owns liquor store. Four children, divorced. Looking for a relationship, bought a condo here. Love's Jaco.. Never would pay for sex.
Just all parts of the conversation were actually good , but I hear this so much I am leary right from the begining. I AM SMART!

We go to the boheio, Same as Greer and I did. Eat ceviche, Talk and visit..NICE TIME much better than ever.
I don't want to get my hopes up honestly because of all the experiences I have had here so far.. but I am willing to be sweet and enjoy.

I told him I was going to the concert. I never got to bake or do my plan for no one was able to help me.
I didn't go to the concert I was out with a friend Marci, I saw him later last night in front of that bar.. So I went over there and asked how he did the evening go. He said they were just hanging out. We talked and walked to Rosies to sit and watch the Show as we call it.

So many people because it is the weekend, and the concert. IT was a ZOOOOOO but we all enjoyed except him. No expression on his face, Rosie told me in Spanish he was grouchy.. Maybe he was? But I found him earlier to be very sweet and kind. I tried to cheer him up but no real response. I think he was figuring out that this was our form of entertainment. Watching all the wierdos, and people and men leaving with girls, the ones in the taxis we can't see but we see many walking with them down the road. He was bored I could tell but I convinced him to go with me to the jungle to dance a little.He didn't want to dance but he was polite and went with me. I danced one time and then we went to the other side to talk.

It was and ok conversation, nothing important. It was late he went home to the condo me to the house. I have this feeling his not telling me everything! And well time will tell here in a day or two.. But how could I trust when this occurs so much?

He said he would call today but Well see!


Anonymous said...

There is only one place in the United States that reminds me of your C/R and That is Vegas. Seems like everyone is on the take. I find your blog to be entertaining and informative. That's why I keep reading. Here in vegas it seems like the women here are like the men over there. I gave up years ago trying to find or make a relationship. Common sense tells me that why would I want to put myself through this all over again. I could have just stayed married. Oh well maybe in my next life I will get it right...Not worried about any relationship now.

Anonymous said...

You are so smart, but you have lost all your money in Jaco. How smart is that?? Maybe you should become a ¨working girl¨. They seem to be faring better than you!!LOL