Monday, February 18, 2008

It has been cloudy for two days but hotter than heck

It has been Couldy, but hot. I walked alot on Sat, I had gone to the Amapola to type a new contract for one of the sales people there. After walking this long distance, no one was there to speak to me about it. I began to walk back on the broken side walk that is infront of the hotel, stopped and got a bottle of water at my friend Diegos place. He was super depressed, I talked to him more than an hour and cheered him up. Encouraged him that he is a good a person, a good business man and that he could do anything if he set his mind to it.
I believe the same way. I can do anything and I will be doing well soon. We laughed and talked he was so happy that I had stopped in to visit. He said every time I am feeling lower than low you show up and change my day! THANK U. I felt so alive after that, I was preaching to myself as I was talking to him about his life.
I been reading the book the secret, Tina sent it to me in that box I got it is an amazing book and Funny, but I have had alot of the secret and didn't know I had it and forgot how to use the secrets to life and that is the reason for my bottoming out. I fully understand the laws of attraction and this is what happened.

You as a person has the power within you to change all things, and I am changing things NOW.

The Trip to Puerto Jimenez was for an interview, but in reality it was a good expereience in knowing me better. I love the lifestyle of luxury, or finer things in life of good wine, good food nice clothes beautiful things... being there in that resort was a treat! showing me that I do deserve better things. living here has been a blessing. Even with all the disasters. THE REASON IS, it had to show me what I have been doing wrong for a lot of years. Negative thoughts, negative words. It goes back to my parents, all this I found by recounting the experience in Puerto Jimenez. Remembering my childhood through that visit to this primative third world area. Trying to make all this corrolate is not easy but I will try to explain.

I had a mother that always said she could not afford this or that.. so growing up I always thought it was too expensive for this or for that.. That was stuck in my head. In reality I was from a pretty well off family. We had a pool, a beautiful home, always nice cars. I never ever wanted for food I was a fat little girl always most of my life. I never wanted for clothes I had everything. I didn't have bedroom for alot of years but after my sisters moved I got theres. But the good thing that comes from this type of thinking is you learn how to make do with very little. Living here I had learned how to be stripped of all things, yet still survive and yes now be happy. I have seen the absolute lowest levels of poverty and still did not say THANK GOD FOR WHAT I HAVE...
THank you for those who have helped me in my life, you knew how to give.
I was able to see and area of the world that I probably would have never seen. I enjoyed first class food and accomedations for two days. I enjoyed the wildlife and the beauty of this country in a pristine untouched way. I also learned allot about myself in those four days. Positive thinking has much to do with what happens in your life. THe second day Iwas not positive, I though he is going to hire a man. I believe that I put that in to action. Because in the second day Brian the GM acted different with me. I should have cancelled that thought and thought NO HE IS HIRING ME... I continued to think this the whole time. Now I see it was nothing but a good little mini vacation and a learning experience. THERE IS SOMETHING BETTER FOR ME TOO!!!
I think for the most part I am pretty positive but I allow negative thoughts and negative words. I am going to seriously change all this. I have already seen results in the past four days.

I still have my dream, and now I have new ideas. I know life is like a mirror you put out something and it reflects back to you. So from this moment I am putting out the things I want to see! Try it see if it works for you

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