Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Just passing time preparing to change gears

Really I been relaxing and releasing my worries. Making the plans to change my gears here and begin a different plan for life. I actually feel very happy, young and healthy. Not much diffferent happening except there has been fighting next door with the Dominicans. The Apartment building is very close to ours, everything ecos and they are extremely loud. There is one lets call her Camela. This woman has a dark deep husky voice, she is black as black. Always she weres a long wig black, and seems to yell everything out so the whole world hears her. I don't care what time of day it is or night she is belting out Spanish to the point of aggitation! I try not to be aggitated by her but she is so loud and so constant that you can't help to want to say BE QUIET... but I know If I dare to shout that out I am becoming like her and this will only cause her to be more exagerated.
Well the last couple of days there has been much commotion across the way. Loud arguments in the evening. Lots of drinking, lots of visitors. I heard the girls are working girls and the business like most of the business here is down.
So they have nothing to do but to drink and argue and be disconitent about there lives. Last night I was outside on the phone with a friend, I have to use the cell phone out in the driveway as my apartment sits under the owners, like a two story house but its separate. It is below the ground level with a patio that is sunken. VERY NICE but no signal on cell phone. Ok so I am out in the small one car drive that is made of laha, that is a slice of rock paved like tiles it bumpy and it was dark so I am stubling about on the phone listening to the girls yelling. Then hear a scream!!! one runs and the other after her. They call there friend she is screaming. I think one stuck or jabbed or stabbed the other I heard the word Sangria, that is blood.. Then I saw a car pull up fast and take one of them away then another car came and took the one that was injured, he demanded to the others outside to give her papers so they could take her to the clinic. Wow we Raquel and I were standing with out mouths open and thinking they are crazy over there.. LOCA!!! well last night I was at Rosies, Raquel is staying here again for two weeks before leaving for Spain. She is sick so I said she can stay and recoupe because they sold the place she was living in and only gave her a two day notice to move. SO I AM HELPING HER and she is helping me. This time she is respectful and has given me money, and is being very resposible now. Ok so anyway! I am at Rosies, Raquel is here sleeping. When she hears commotion again screaming and yelling and fighting. Everyone in the niegborhood gets involved including Raquel. Thank god i was gone I don't want to hear any negative things in my life. I am trying to change gears to a positive situation!!! so Raquel ends up Calling the police as well as most of the neighbors and they come, they stand out side look into the gated areas.They ask what is going on that was it. They shut up but the police typical here did not one thing. NOT A THING... same as when my car was stolen and crashed NOTHING!! but the good thing was they shut up and hopefully the rest of the week it will be calm.

I was planning on going to San jose this week, talk to my doctor about something and make a day in the city. Eat a nice lunch and check out something different for a day.
I was trying to go on Tuesday, a friend from the states was gong to take me but at the last minute he called and cancelled. So today I am walking to the bus station which is about 4 miles or more, buying the ticket and spending the day concentration on what I want to see in my life.
I know exactly what I want, I have for years put things into action, like my rock star parking when I lived in the states for an example. When I wanted to park my beautiful CADDY CTS in the prime spot I would call it out say it out loud and I would get itn 95 or more percent of the time. Positive Parking additude. My friends always knew where I was by seeing the car in the Rock star parking spot all over. From Portland to Vancouver Washington. Seattle too I had someone spot the car in Seattle one time and say wow you always get Rock star.. My answer was yes I wanted it i call it and i get it. This way of thinking is something I lost here... BUT NOW ITS BACK.. not for parking since I don't have a car, but that is coming soon. And in that weekend in Puerto Jimenez I learned allot about me,and remembered the power i have inside me to do what I set my heart to.
My sister bless her heart is very sick at the moment, this is the one that has said some pretty harsh things to me?? always put me down for things I said I wanted to do and dreamed abuot. She labeled me a dreamer... the very first time I heard this from her. I was so offended, I was angry and felt as though my sister didn't know me or love me.But she didn't understand me, qnd the power I have in side of me. Although I love her, I would always be uspet at her non acceptance of my ideals.
NOW in the past week, I realize in reading this wonderfull book, that Its not important that sahe doesn't believe, because I have proven over and over that I have a trememdous power in me.

A few examples:
Young girl, my idea was to teach swimming, I was 15 I began classes, didn't know how but I wanted to do this to share with others and make money while enjoying my families pool. I put out posters at the schools. In a little time I had over 35 students. I taught for some five years. Many successes!
Younger than that: I was ten I wanted a luau, didn't know what they were really, I told my mother and I began doing research myself. I had my father build me a hut with palm leaves... I hand made all the leis, my mother and I worked on a menu and I made flower floats for the pool. I had set my mind to do this and at that young age made a very cool party that people I know to this day still talk about.
Now more important things.:
I wanted to win an art contest, I entered in high school a national one, I believed I was going to win, I searched for the best Idea, I planned and I worked everyday after everyone went home from school on this huge mural... Well I won! and it was put on display at the Courthouse in California!
Moving on to other things, I wanted a flower business I spoke it out, believed it, figure out how to do it, I became a master at it and ended up being label as the the Queen of Holiday decor, the master of floral creations,
I wanted a column in the paper, I spoke it out, Many days I spoke it out I told friends and with in a month I was offered a column from the local paper.
I have used this over and over... BUT WHAT HAPPENED HERE is i allowed all the negative thoughts I have had to take over and rule my life. I am recalling the caddy, I told my son when I saw the commercial I want that car.. it was not possible financially,IT JUST wasn't but I heard the voice of my father saying you need that car. I took the boys on Mothers day test drove them an made up my mind I was getting one. I DID
Same as my house, same as coming to Costa Rica! I wanted it a believed, I visualized my self here and it happened.
So now you understand, my sister who is not able to read this but I am putting it out there.. that DREAMS DO COME TRUE, and with out dreams you are not realizing what you can achieve.
There is much more about my life I could share, but I stated some months baxk I was working on a book and I wish to write it so well that is a great seller, and helps others to be inspired to break out and and live your dreams. So being a dreamer is the best Complement that anyone could give me!! Because I know how to make dreams come true, and From today onward, I am working on new dreams, and they will come true


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hi Marianna, I been catching up on your blog and I am so sorry to hear about your troubles as of late.

I remember seeing your Myspace before and also seeing your daughter-in-laws(NANCY with the $$ signs)Myspace...She said she was making something like $100,000 a year.

I am just wondering why she wont throw a few bucks your way, to help you in your time of need. After all, you did create the man she loves(your son)..Even maybe he could send a little..Surely they could help out MOMMA in her desperate times..

I am sure you would repay her or him as soon as you get on your feet..

Oh, I hope and pray they read this, maybe you have never asked for help..But, I hope they have a heart for MOMMA and send you something to tide you over, till you can land a good job..

Take Care Marianna, wishing only the best for you.

Anonymous said...

yeah, I agree!!!

I been wondering why the kids are not helping. but maybe they are, with words of hope..that would be good too..

but the kids are young, its hard for them to realize what the poor woman has been thru..

when I was young, I should have helped my mom more...and now I regrete it, as she is no longer here..

but the only thing that helps me to know I did my best, is because I had to start taking care of my mom when I was 5(my aunts told me so)small things then, but gradually increasing...

I was 28 with a child and 1 on the way, when I placed my mother into a board and care facilty( she was disabled and without bladder control at this time)..

But believe it or not, to this day , I wish I would have helped her more, afterall she gave me LIFE.

I can see Marianna is a determined woman, she will find work soon..Good Luck to you Marianna.