Saturday, February 02, 2008

Birthday Celebration that wasn't

IT was a nice morning, I was happy it was my day. I went with Raquel her son, and mother to the little soda. We chatted and ate breakfast/ lunch. Nothing special about the food. I ate simple and light. We all walked into town to see about tickets for the concert. They were sold out at that moment waiting for more tickets and told us to return later.

Raquel went home, I went into town. I stopped and looked at a dress and then walked to the end of town to the bank to deposit the money from the sale of the car.

Stopping along the way to talk to the owner of my car now, he wanted my resume to give to some big contractor. So we talked and I moved on.

ITs very hot now, I am so brown, from walking and being out. I like my color its pretty. My Italian heritage is really showing in my skin.

The reason I am saying this because when I walk I see my legs there so brown , my shoulders are thin and brown. (as I am writing I remember what I feel like as I am walking down the road.) I wore a white short skirt and pretty flowing halter top with greens and browns and celeste blue. I had lots ot smiles from people yesterday.
I waited at the bank of course the line was five miles long and only two tellers. Why they do this at Lunch is beyond me.. but they always have one or two tellers at the most busiest time of day. So you wait for ever I waited an hour. By the time I got to the window I was about out of patients nearly exasperated!

I moved fast and got it done, so others could get through the line. Walking back to Jaco after, it was a long way. The reason is Banco Costa Rica is at the far end of the town.
Stopping in my office to do some papers, then re-type my resume and print it, but my printer at the office is out of ink.. I was creative and printed it in Red the only color left in the cartridge! which was fine because I have brochures They are slick with black and a red wave on them so it looked intended.

Going back into town I stopped at this shoe store, I need sandals I lost five pairs in the flood of the apartment, and most of my shoes now are worn. But they didn't have my size in the ones I wanted, I needn't spend the money anyway. I did purchas the ticket to the concert.. that will be my birthday present to my self. I am happy that I can enjoy some music!

I saw some friends but no one remembered it was my birthday. Continuing into the evening after walking all day around just looking at things. I went to Rosies, She didn't remember either, I told her it was my birthday and she got embarrassed. But did not invite me to eat or drink. I saw Raquels mom waiting on me for the couple that are renting the apartment for the weekend. Nice young sophisticated looking. Brand new car, and you can tell they are educated. So I was please and not worried about sharing my home with them. After we talked I ate some little tacos and one lady I know bought me a beer. That was the extent of my celebration.

I was happy though I got on the computer and saw that Brandon, my oldest son was on line and he wished me a Happy birthday. I really wanted to cry when he said I wish you were here so I could at least hug you and kiss you. If he only knew how I felt?

I didn't hear from Jordan, nor any of my family. Today I read the comments on the blog and I want to thank who ever you are for wishing me well. It was not a birthday to remember. I went out, danced but didn't have dancing luck last night either? strange... usually I have so many dancing with me.. but last night only one..
I met a nice man handsome from California. I gave him my card. He is 54 same as me... looks super young. Said he was looking for a relationship. And wanted a hot woman like me! I laughed it was nice of him to say that! He could have been a little tipsy too? he walked away and we just smiled at each other. That was it.

Today I will celebrate again, Going to the beach to see all the millions of people here wow the town is bustling with half naked bodies. Its so hot that people go literally half naked. Then I will eat light and go later to the concert. Daddy yankee is the main attraction, with many DJs from Europe, Ibisa, Spain, and Italy. Light shows, Massage booths, dance floors and much much more. lots of Dancers... on the stages. Here when ever its a group or DJ they have Women beautiful ones with hot outfits, or barely nothing at all.. Dancing like crazy till the sweat drips from there hair, their bodies are glistening from all the sweat.

I know how that is I have experienced many times here.. where my hair is absolutely dripping wet.. the clothes are soaked, but your still dancing,because the music is hot!

I am so conditioned to celebrate birthdays that today in thinking I feel a little down, not much but a cake or presents or even dinner with someone would have been great! I feel it was just another day....MAYBE TODAY? But again Thank you for wishing me

A Happy Birthday!

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