Friday, February 15, 2008

No job

Well I finallygot Crocodile to call me back only to say they hired a man and he starts Sat... so back to who knows what?!!!


Anonymous said...

From one who knows you, it all has to do with your Karma, don't kid yourself. You reap what you sow!

Marianna said...

ANONYMOUS who are you? What an ass hole you are... AND WHAT DID I SOW? If you know me tell me.. I haven't sown any bad deads. There is a reason. I had a great time there. I saw an area I would have never thought of seeing. Good comes from all things. As far as YOU KNOWING ME THEN WHY DONT YOU IDENTIFY your self. I honestly can say I do not glory or get happiness when others are not doing well or have a disapointment. This person who continues to beat people down is obviously sick. I was only sad for a minute, and then thought good things after because I Know that all things work out. Crying about it will not change it. It was a shot at regaining my success.I will continue, better is coming.

Anonymous said...

Marianna is right!..ALL people have promblems in life..WE ALL have ups and downs...She is having more problems than usual right now, but that does not mean "the world is over"... she is a strong person and will work thru ALL of this..

Some people crack me up, how quick they are to judge others when they are going thru difficulties..

To the first poster, if nothing has ever gone wrong in your life, than I would say you must not be human or very very luckey...If you had things go wrong, do you call "KARMA" on yourself..Think about it.. Think deep about your life, is it perfect in every way..

And if you know "KARMA" is the way, because of your own happenings, then why dont you guide Marianna thru it, instead of having the attitude of HAHAHA..

Just the way you talk , shows me there is something deep inside that bothers you..

If you can not send this woman(who you claim to know)some love and hope, then leave her be..She is smart and strong and will work this all out.

I have FAITH in you Marianna. :)

Anonymous said...

People who take joy in others sadness is what I call a Soulless person. A person with no soul. or they sold it to you know who. Sickos. For every sicko there are 100 who truly love you and want you to prosper. Love.....