Friday, February 15, 2008

Friday Feb !5th

I went to bed so late around 3:00 am, not sleepy thinking and reading. So getting up today was tough. I was suppose to Call the owner of Crocodile Bay at nine but I over slept. I called at nine thirty and he was at the bank. I had called last night to discuss with Brian the position, and to ask when I was working. They have not officially said yes but I need to be positive and let them know I am. He suggested I call in the morning and talk to one of the owners. So I am waiting to call back right now. Just sitting in the pation area that is in front of my apartment, its shady and a tiny bit breezy, drinking my first cup of coffee. Then as soon as I talk with them I will walk to the office which I have only been there once this week. I may have someone interested in buying the furnishings. I would have to walk to her office which is really far, at right now I wouldn't mind because the money is more important than the walk. I sure hope that Crocs owners have checked all my information out before I talk to him because, I think the position in Crocodile would be such a terrific change, and a great learning experience.

As I said before its really third world there, but the resort is first class. I would be spending the majority of the time there in that enviroment. Which I am acustom too. With only going occassionally to Golfito I am sure and to my home at night. They told me only one day off is the rule there. So On my day off, swim rest, and relax at the house. Much different than here.

I am at a point in life that I really just go with the flow, Changing my lifestyle is not that difficult for me. I have accepted many things living here. I believe it has made me stronger than ever, and a better person.
Haven't seen Rosie in a while, she is having issues with employees, the business. I plan on going tonight and visiting her cheering her up. Sunday belly dance with her, I want to go and have our usual dinner. MONEY IS COMING I FEEL IT.( need it in order to do any of this)

Not much to say again

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