Sunday, February 10, 2008

15 hours on a bus

I just got home from Puerto Jimenez, what an experience, what a trip.

I am so tired even though I slept alot on the bus. Its now 7:30 pm. I Woke up at 4:00 a.m. walked to the bus station with my bag about 6 blocks in dirt at 4:45 am. By the time I got there my feet were dirty and I was sweaty from carring the bag. There was a group of people already gathered waiting for the driver to bring the bus out. This was the most unorganized situation I have experinced. They wouldn't sell me a ticket prior nor did they sell to anyone there that was waiting and the bus was sold out. But they allowed all of us on the bus with no seats.

The underpart of the bus where the luggage goes was stuff with boxes and crap, I mean it it was crap. I don't know if they were delivering this to San Jose, but they would not allow anyone to put the luggage in that compartment. So it was all in the doorways and above in the storage if it would fit.

We rode for hours before we stopped to have a break, I couldn't use the bathroom because there were so many. I did have coffee, and an empanada. We were only there ten minutes. So no time to really eat.

I must say the country side was very pretty. IT was un describable, too lush to describe it looked like some sort of surrealistic movie or video game. REALLY it was beautiful but long. I don't have a camera so no photos to show. I can say this I was amazed at the height of the trees. I am glad for at least being able to see the rainforest before it is gone.

I slept so much on the bus.
This bus was old and uncomfortable, no air conditioning and it was hot in some areas. Most of it was cool so it was not needed. It got a bit scary when we stopped in San Isidro, because no one would tell me how I was to buy a ticket to Jaco, or how? I was upset the bus driver this big fat unshaven mess wouldn't talk, the helper tried but didn't know how to get the ticket either.. AS I said unorganized.

You see the day before I walked all over Puerto Jimenez trying to know the city finding the bus station after hours of walking in the blazing sun. IT was more than hot there, the streets are all rocks and dirt. Very dusty because of no rain for a while. Its very crude, rustic and its not all flat so the walking in the heat and dirt is draining. I waited in front of the window of the bus station for I must say about ten minutes I was losing my patients while this lady was on the phone talking to her friend. She didn't care that I was waiting and now I understand why because they don't sell tickets, then when all of the travelers not locals get on they tell them the bus is full so the locals have seats first. I figure it out about five minutes after entering the bus, I told the man in spanish I was not standing, that I had gone the day before to buy the ticket but the lady was to busy gossiping on the phone to sell the ticket. So I grabbed a seat covered up and closed my eyes.
That seat lasted for about five miles then I had to change, I finnally took one and when someone tried to make me move after I was in it for an hour I said sorry its mine!!

There was many travelers with back packs, from Swizterland, Germany, Canada, Austraila, and I don't know all where but the bus was a chatter of all sorts of foreign languages.

IT was a long long ride, I finally decided to stay on that bus and take it to San Jose and then take another one two hours back to Jaco much easier and safer. But the bus driver didn't drop people at the station he dropped you five blocks away. That part of San jose is very dangerous. I was left in the street A little paniced because I didn't know where the station was and I had very little money.

A man hailed a cab, asked for a tip but I didn't have any change. Got right to the station but the bus to Jaco was full, I ran to the end where they sell the tickets but it is closed on Sundays. A nice looking young man said in english take this bus to Quepos, its not full and it goes by Jaco.

I knew that was true so I got on the bus and it took off in less than ten minutes. I slept some more but this bus was nice very upgraded clean no air but nice. I was sleeping good When I heard a crash!

THe bus ran into a car, he was nervious and ran out of the bus leaving all of us in with the main door locked. It got hot everyone was getting upset, and hot. I told someone to yell to the driver to come back and open the door so we could get air. I finally did it and got everyone to open their windows. We got the door open and all exited the bus till the transit police came, we were in the mountains so it took a bout half hour. I was exasperated, tired hot, hungry and had not used the bathroom all day.

After 45 minutes we got back on the track. I made it home. After many hours in the bus about 16 hours.

The interview went well it was two days, I got to stay in the resort one day and ate breakfast lunch and dinner. The job was for the Food and beverage director. But PtJ is dirty, rustic and not much there at all, I felt like I was back in the early 1800s.

I will write more tomorrow I am very tired,

Its morning In Jaco sun is out hot again. I hear the construction going bright and early here at 6:00 they begin.

I read the comment here on the end of the last nights blog, this one. Wow amazing how nice the people are that read this. JOKE! ok not nice... glad it makes you happy keep reading.

Alright about Puerto Jimenez: this is a very primative town, seriously none of the buildings have been updated since early 1800's my estimation. IT could be later but it looks so old.

It is not very big at all, one main street, one main restuarant, but I found several on sides streets that looked like they were more modern. I ate at one called Jaunitas, mexican style. Ok food. I only had nachos, but the beans were Costa Rica style sweet black refried.

They have a central park area but its only for socker or baseball.

The bay is quite large, has many big boats, sail and fishing mostly. No yatchs. I walked the whole bay but not to the other side which is a beach called Precious beach. La Playa Preciosa. I heard its nice. But it was so far to walk and I was hot and tired, I just turned around and walked back.

I saw lots of special resorts, there are many first class opposite of the town itself.This is probably the support of the whole community. I read in there local paper that the goverment alloted monies to rebuild the one lane landing strip in a field there as there airport.

That ride over was nice only took an hour. The plane small prop engine, I sat right up front with the pilot. It flew most of the time over the Pacific ocean given you great views of the shore line.

The reason I took the plane over was The resort Gm offered to give me money for transportation figuring that I would take the plane first, so I was fresh for the interview. Then returning on the bus with the transportation money since I was not in a hurry to get back to Jaco. Well all that went well, but they never gave the money they promised. Even though I carefully mentioned I needed some help finding a room and transportation.

My friend that lives there, he works on one of the big fishing boats, he paid for my room for two nights. Very sweet of him. During my walk through and about the whole town I did not find a Banco Costa Rica and no teller machines. So no cash... I kind American gave me $20 thank god, That is what paid for the ticket and my food home.

I met him at the lodge, he spoke with me quite alot before I left, then seeing him again the night before I left at this very nice bar opened by a Spainard. Unusual for the town, classy nice furniture great lighting, in the ceiling was a large sun made of bamboo above your head the center being above the bar the rays reaching out, and the bar itself was shapped into the rays of the sun in very beautiful wood that is available there. I was invited by my friends that night since I love to dance and the whole area goes as a social thing.I didn't drink I drank water and danced I visited with everyone. Lots the guests of the hotel where there and they all recognised me and talked. That is how the American who was fond of me ended up questioning me as to if I got the job or Not? When I told him I wasn't sure yet that they would notify me next week, he asked how are you going back to your town flying? I responded no on the bus.. he asked how long I told him. He said oh wow! he said you are a classy lady is that going to work? I said why not? I have too.. I am shy of money love! he then slipped me the twenty and I gracefully accepted. Nice gesture and thank god! it was just enough.

I went back the Cabina around 11:00 so I would be rested for the trek, up at 4:00 as I said in the begining.

I thought perhaps my friend in the PJ would have called to see if I was ok but he hasn't as of yet?

Well off to the soda, eat and see what I can do to produce work this week. I have not heard one word from any of my proposals, even though I have called and emailed. Things are due this week again GOD!!! time flies.


Anonymous said...

That kind of reminds me of when I was released from the mental ward at the hospital. I had no money and no medication. only had enough change for the buss. Welcome to the real world. You are living proof that there are crazy people living in the world and live to complain about it. Keep up the funny post. It makes me feel like I beat the system.. What me Worry..

Anonymous said...

To the poster above, What the heck is that supposed to mean and WHY are you so MEAN..

Why do you want to beat somebody down when they are trying hard and honestly to survive?

I hope you get some rest Marrianna.
Please continue your story for those of us that really care and hope the best for you. :)

Anonymous said...


Please do ignore anyone who is so angry - and likely it has more to do with them being hurt, frustrated and afraid themselves. You treat people how you want to be treated you know and I suspect your anonymous writer does not have it very good. I know it is hard to ignore your daily struggles and always be positive - but - imagine being burdened by the components of anger that this person has. You are much wealthier.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just keep on Trucking. That's what life is all about. Weed through the negetiave and concentrate on the positive. Most of us think that you are living a noble life and you are living your dream. We love you and look forward to reading your Blog. Bless you..