Wednesday, May 02, 2007

No power, no internet no water... and more situations!

Here in Costa Rica there is a problem now with supplying power lights, and some water issues.
It is because one company owns all rights and now says they some how lost water and can not produce the power needed for the whole country. Last week the news paper La Nation published the hydro power station, was low of water sources, but the neighbors of Cachi, said the water was high and that ICE opened the gates to release the water so that there would be a problem for them to use as there excuse to increase the rates.
The government claims that ICE is not organized and that they need to be more organized and produce the power necessary for the country.

I know there amount of rain here should be able to be stored in lakes which is what they do, to produce necessary power. How is it possible that there is not enough water? We are now going into the rainy season and there is ample water for the hydro powers plants.I do not know all the facts but I have the strong feeling this is totally political. Cafta must have something to do with this whole ordeal.
I heard from my friend in the police department their reason is. Ice demands more money, the president refuses to allow the raise in the price of the power and services provided From ICE,
( pronounced E Say) Entonces... I mean so then... what Ice is doing is cutting the power in different areas in the country to put pressures on the government to increase the price of the power.
It has really put some binds on many places.

Such as some of the restaurants who have no generator back up and they have lost customers, food, frozen product and meats. Hours without lights is difficult here especially for those places that require air condition. ITS VERY HOT! and intolerable in some cases.
I saw a small grocery store loose everything because of the outage. They now are publicizing the times for the power shut downs. In Jaco for example today it was from 7 am to 10 causing total disruption in business, people can't shower or get food for breakfast, no Coffee THAT IS A DISASTER FOR ME!! I NEED my coffee in the morning. Although some places opened its hard to operate with out generators. The problem with no Internet for me is a big issue since I use it for my work. What happens is there is power in Jaco but no power here in HERRADURA, which is five miles away, then the Internet base is in Jaco so if I have power the Internet there is shut down because of no power. Then it goes in reverse, there is no power here and power in Jaco there fore no phone and no Internet here at all. What is the purpose of being here with out that? walk ins yes but no lights no air, its hot and stuffy and no Internet no way to answer the phone Can I say frustrating???? another example of this being political is, Yesterday was a national Holiday, no one worked I mean not even the Devil was working, I WAS but not the devil and all day everyone in the whole country had power?? how is that? when it was not needed, no stores were open, few restaurants, there was not a bit of power... but today when it is needed the power was cut?

But other than that, the work is getting better I have three jobs on the line one were trying to finish in Herradura at the Remax, and now the new one in Hermosa. Yesterday I signed a deal with Century 21, were going to satellite my office with an agent and they are remodeling there place to add all the sources someone would need after they buy a home. We will have a show room with beautiful furnishings and a nice small design office a well.

I am happy but its I am sure going to put challenges in my face, since Clint just informed me that he may move with his other friend to a a tropical place other than here... that would be a horrible thing at the moment.
But I am sure I can find someone to help me other than him. I hope he doesn't go through with this? But aside from that things are ok.

The car is in the shop today getting some small repairs done so I can sell it.

I have many things to do, but I did have a some what nice time this weekend.

I went out with Christian on Sat dancing with his two friends, I believe this was a conditioning for the following day, since his car is not running well. He asked me earlier in the week to go to Puriscal to this horse brigade, were lots of people ride for miles to a certain point then have a party. I never heard him ever be interested but I found the reason after we got there... I believe Sat was a precursor to this.. because he was tired at 12:30 and wanted to go home , rare for him and the next night did not want to leave puriscal till 1:30 because of his friends, or this woman. I had seen or knew of her thought text messages, he told me oh its an old friend we buddy's... YEAH RIGHT! well I saw her funny thing out of all the whole crowd she stuck out to me I didn't know a thing about this whole situation?? I was Innocent to the game. I saw her thought wow who is that? the blondish hair like mine the big boody, the boobs, the high heels on a horse??? I took a photo of all things... then during the early part of the party I saw her come dancing up to him... prancing and right in his face. I was introduced only after I gave dirty looks.
Nothing was said I ended up going outside and talking to his friend allowing them space and actually was disappointed in my thoughts. Later they wanted to go the local watering hole, which is on a mountain top in total nowhere. We went, I had a couple of beers. Then I noticed Christian left with his friend to go and search for her. The came back with her and that was the beginning of me feeling very used and stupid! I went outside to avoid confrontation and to actually breath and try not to be angry. In about 15 to twenty he came and confronted me and said some words. I wanted to leave it was around 11 at that point. But he convinced me to come back and be friendly.. hard but I did it. I was typical woman at that point not speaking to her at all but enjoyed what I could with his friend and another friend of his.
I finally went to the car and fell asleep, and around 1:30 he returned to drive Graven and I home. We lost the lights in the car.. I was upset I think a cable came loose from the dirt pot hole roads and this was the case so we drove the mountain with no lights for more than an hour on dirt roads. I kept telling him to let me drive but he insisted.
Later when we arrive in Jaco he lectured me about how he says he can do something and he does it, and that he was an excellent chauffeur. I agreed, he bent over to kiss my cheek which is a custom here... and I Leaned away and said no good night.
Since then I have felt angry, upset and used... Although I also know that maybe his mind may not be as complicated as mine and it is possible that I could be fabricating these thoughts I would like to believe the later half but my inner self says no...

I like to think the best of people, he does have good qualities, so Maybe he is just he is young and doesn't think I understand the reasons, but really deep down in side I think it was a plan to see that woman and party. but he did introduce me to the whole family while I was there.
Shocking situation for me. They live on a mounain side, beautiful vistas and land... green lush and tropical. The grandfather is 87 years old, grandmother I do not know but looks pretty much the same. I met his mother 51, his aunt 50 his cousin 30, his brother 14 who is identical to his looks. They are poor, no kitchen, they cook in the campo they call it, they had lots of parrots, and any hardly furniture, and well it was clean. I felt guilty that I live so much better and complain that I do not have anything... this part of the trip was the best part for me.. the scenery the family all that was the best.
His mother cooked for us breakfast, some greens they picked in the woods with onions and oil in hand made tortillas.. I watched her cook on a wood fire as I sat in a plastic white chair drinking really good coffee. It was different, they had two pisqunies in a cage there like a big ground hog and they eat those, actually I have eaten them not knowing what it was and it was delicious but after I saw them oh my god!!! ( I still like it its just the thought)
They were cordial to me, Grandma questioned me allot. He introduced me as a friend he knows from Jaco.
I bit strange, and well I guess unexpected but I handled it.


vegasnights said...

Ok now you have peaked our intrest. You now have to post her picture to make sure you wern't exagerating...And you have been wondering about Christian? Now you Know.. That's too bad that he is like that.. He used you this time Shame on him.. If He does it again shame on you...You know now what your dealing with..

vegasnights said...

Another Cool Costa Rica Blogger Site.......