Friday, May 18, 2007

Well a great nights sleep sure did help the body.. sleep is the best thing for many problems memory and healing. I slept well considering I have to sleep in an upright position with many pillows under the arms and next to the body. I couldn't get to sleep early because I am usually up late and rise early as well. I went to bed about 10:00 but talked on the phone till midnight to Clint. He made me laugh so hard I was killin.. I kept telling him to shut up but he said funny things so I had to laugh.
I really did not eat much yesterday only a slice of bread a small soup and half a sandwich for the whole day. But I did drink allot of Gator aid because the Doc said it helps flush the fluids out.

He is a younger meduim height man, pretty blue eyes and lighter hair. I think he is Colombian. His office is very nice and has the clinic right there all attached. He has done a nice job I think so far from what I can make my self look at.
I am squeamish about the incision, I can't touch or see it, besides there are no mirrors long enough or low enough for me to look. It's pretty big, goes from hip to hip they found a hernia also while he was doing that said it was pretty large.. I didn't know I just hurt all time anyhow and accept it!
The Belly button is all new!! YEAH I NEVER HAD ONE BEFORE IT WAS A TUNNEL! I am so excited about this I guess you can tell aye?
But putting medication on it hurts and I feel wacala doing it.

I have to see him every day till he takes the machine that is attached to me off. He said today wow your really healing fast??? curious he was? said what are you doing? I said nothing .. said that possibly I will have that taken out on Monday or Tuesday! Yeah I am ready already to go home.
But he has to watch the progress and he sees you everyday. His price includes all the visits which could be up to 20.

So far so good with him. He is seeming as if he really likes me he kissed me twice today. But that is common here all people kiss. BUT TWICE!!

I just about died when he had to take photos of me naked, I WAS DIEING INSIDE!! I wanted to laugh, cry, scream, I was sweating like a pig.. so embarrassed! But I suppose they need that for references and to show others what he can do, with a mess like me!!! honestly I don't let anyone see me completely naked ever! So that was the worst feeling. IT felt like a waterfall flowing off my forehead of sweat when he told me to disrobe!

So the results today are perfect! PLEASE GOD HEAL ME FAST I want to go home now.. I am missing everyone and everything. I asked him today when can I dance again he said wait a week Marianna, then laughed.
He told me to swim in three weeks so that is great!

Now on the job front, I heard that Christian and Clint are battleing for positions, let the best man win! Clint want's to throttle him, they both call and tattle on each other. Jonathan never bothers me he just gets along. One of our workers who is a Tico, Carlos along with three nicas working is now upset with the Nicas. Clint said he was getting so possesive of the Job the landscape that he yelled at the Nicas and told them to stop walking on his dirt! you have to see Carlos.. hes so cute and so zealous about the work. He totally enjoys doing this.

He has never done professional work so he is very proud and happy at the results. Its cute its just like kids, when mom is gone they fight and fuss and have to gain favor.
I just hope they don't kill each other... and GET NEW JOBS!!

We have a commercial running on Cabletica, and I am advertising on two publications.
If any of you out there live in Costa Rica and need us, I will discount it for you at the mention of this blog. I will also commission you if you send me a job... SO HOPEFULLY something begins to develope soon!

Well I am gonna go see what I can eat here, and then take my first long walk.
Buenos tardes! Nos vemos!

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