Wednesday, May 23, 2007

SOOOOOOOoo ready to go back to Jaco

I Have been here in Tres Rios now for nine days, I am about done really.. I am so stinking bored I can hardly breath. I wish I could listen to some music, or something. I brought a couple of books magazines really because I didn't have the time before to go to a book store in San Jose to find a couple... excuses really so now I'm going stir crazy.

I went to the doc today at noon same as all the other days, but today was special.
He removed the device and the tube that was inserted into my abdomen to my belly button. That felt so strange when he pulled it out. I had to whistle and breath so I wouldn't be freaked out by the feeling. He showed me my waist and it looks smaller, allot smaller. They cut almost 10.5 pounds off of me. YEAH that is bigger than a BABY!! so I guess I just had another baby growing down there! WOW I could not believe it when he told me that.. I didn't realize how huge it really was. I knew I was uncomfortable, and I dealt with it for allot of years but after Jazzercise and so much energy in it that I didn't feel it was that heavy.
So what a differences now!
Sunday he pulled all the tape off that was all around the whole center of my body and below my belly button off.
Ok that hurt I bout choked.
The nurse was trying to pull it off and I was yelling OOOOUCH!! the skin where the incision is, is very tender. Its red from putting tape after tape and almost burned. So It was touchy there! then the doc took over he dabbed it a bit and in swift stroke it was gone. Then I saw it after a few minutes of breathing deeply, and smiling. It was tight and no stretch marks at all above the belly button.

Ok that was a strange site for me to see, because for years it was sagging skin with lot and lots of Stretch marks. Cutting off almost 10.5 pounds wow is allot.

Enough of that for now! anyhow I am so done here... I think that Zaida has had enough of this going back and forth to the doc some 30 minutes away from her home. When were in the car she rarely speaks. It is very uncomfortable, I smile and once and in while try to make some sort of conversation but it goes either unheard, or ignored.
I sure hope tomorrow is the last day then I can call the boys and tell them to come get MAMA!!! I WANT TO GO HOME!!

We came home only after dropping me off at the mall while she went to her attorney's I walked about looking at the stores went to the bank then had a latte.
The malls are very similar to those in the USA. Not the same type of stores but similar.

I went in a high tech store and checked out all the new tech products, I am kinda a nut for some of it. Always have been.
I bought a nice pair of black dangly earrings and pretty black rhinestone bracelets to match and went to the hall where she was waiting , kinda had a scowl on? I didn't say much. We got into her 1970's VW van, and headed to Tres Rios.
In front of us was her husband in another 1970's orange and white VW Van. We rode along not saying a word.
Then coming to the house she seemed to perk up and made us a nice late lunch of some meat in a pressure cooker, fresh green beans, cauliflower,potato and Parmesan bread.
I ate most of it, and had a cup of tea, went to my room and she took a nap.
I read a little and watched the rain outside poor as it is doing right now.
We are having a tropical storm, the tail end of a hurricane they say.It has been horrible really
I got a call from Clint, he said to me hows things Marianna? I said Great I got the tubes and stuff out and I may be coming home. He said Sit down Marianna I have some bad news.

Ok, lots of things were going through my head, first I thought about the business, something tragic, then I thought he got a call from Jordan? something horrible? then I thought oh no Christian was driving my car NOW WHAT... but I was wrong on all thoughts.

We had done a job on the top of a mountain while I was there and after I went for surgery. The guys were finishing it up.
Weeks ago when I did a walk through, of the house and property, I saw a huge crack in the soil on the back side of the house.They had a wall built holding the ground up, When I saw this I said to the owner has this always been here? he said no I said this could be a problem! he assured me that the wall was strong, and that the ground was packed, but I told Clint when we left I was scared. I said I know something is going to happen that doesn't look right.

Well they continued to work, and finished the beautiful landscape job, like out of a magazine. I had the create islands of plants tropical and bananas, plantains, helconias and palms. In the end Clint said to me the other day they were so happy and it was incredibly beautiful!! Well That crack was a problem, last night in the storm the whole mountain crumbled. Leaving only three feet of soil left next to the house. Right were I had seen the crack and mentioned it.
I was shocked but knew, I told Clint I knew that.. I knew that he continued to say you are something you have such strange abilities to know ahead of times on many things that are about to happen. It was not a giant crack, it just caught my attention and I thought oh boy the rain is coming and this could be a huge problem.

Sure enough all the landscape is down the mountain now, the rock wall of slate is there and so is this cool spiral staircase of rock that they build with walkways... trees all sorts of things.
I feel so bad for Leo and Jim, they sill owe us a balance. And now I pray they do not loose the house too! They did not have insurance, the architect said she would cover it, but I am worried for them and now for us.
Although it could be good, if the architect covers it and repairs it means we will have more work to do when its completed.
We had another disaster at the other site, the grass is back ordered the soil is there but with so much rain it washed the soil into the building... GOD NOW WHAT???

I am trying not to be unnerved by all this, and I just have this knowing that it will get all resolved.

I hope and pray that things get better for all of us, I have a bunch of people to support now, I been praying daily that god provides work and that all are happy and feeling good about there jobs.
Clint said I believe in you Marianna, I know this business is going to do well... That is all that counts. To have someone who believes!! That positive energy is enough to motivate me to do better!!

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