Saturday, May 26, 2007

Already Back and seen a bunch of people

How is it possible to live somewhere foreign and know so many people is such a short time? It is so strange how I have so many friends here? I lived in the USA YEARS, and only had a handful of people I would call friends, or those that ever showed any concern real concern. Here lots of people are friendly and ask how is everything. Its really nice... I like this little town, although there is lots not to like about it, some of the people are genuine.

I am trying to work only by sight, I am not doing anything. I have Christian getting doing and driving. I just pay and supervise. Kinda like this.

Even though Clint has bad things to say about him, I see that he is trying his best to do a good job. All the people I see who know of him seem to like him allot, this is good for all of us. Good relations with business and with people goes over well. Today for example he was prepared, he called the guys to install the gutters ahead of time, he had his list of parts all ready I didn't have to think a thing! He handled all the exchanges with parts that were wrong, and he ordered new grass for another client. I watch him he really likes what he is doing.
I hope I made a good decision here, I need a good front man. Although I did have feelings for him... now were like the best of friends. We laugh were serious we yell, and he shows respect too. He acts like he cares about the work and me as well. Right now that is very important to me.

I just think there is a little of bit of jealousy with the two of them. I saw it last night when Christian dropped me off at the apartment. I will not play sides. There both good for me... although I am faithful to Clint.

I feel pretty darn good today, I slept great last night hardly any pain at all. I showed Clint my incision, he gasped, and then said WOW what a difference! he absolutely cringed when he saw the whole thing. Its big, it wraps around and its very very low.

I would love to go out tonight but I know its too soon. Maybe just to sit and enjoy the people watch and enjoy.
For example today just being out and about I feel almost normal. I believe it is healthier to be around people, the best would be to be around those that loved me...

It is hot here but not blazing, there are clouds today but rain yet! THANK GOD . I saw the disaster it made of both of my jobs... I think I may have rework one place completely. I bout Cried really when Christian showed me the photos.
So much rain all at one time washed away almost the whole job, and on the mountain as well its gone the house is still standing but the whole yard is gone... I pray we have better luck soon...

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