Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Just Healing, taking it very easy

I am not doing a whole lot here. I feel so bored and lonely, I suppose I am so use to running like a chicken with my head cut off most of the time, that this quiet zone is really different for me.
I do not like it, although I am doing it. I am recovering very well, in fact very rapid so the Doc Peralta Mantilla says! I have to go every day to have him check me, and drain this device I have hanging on the side of me.

I didn't bring a whole lot of clothes because I really didn't know what to expect? I thought perhaps days in the bed but not at all. The first day after I felt like a million bucks? They had given me morphine the moment I exited the clinic, so the effects were good and I slept well that night. The second night was bad, I had bad news from Clint and My whole spirit was upset. I had so much pain I could not sleep not even with the panadol night time they prescribed for me.
It got better after that....
Now I am on 8 and I feel pretty good. You have to wear a very tight garment under your clothing to press the stomach in, at night it is uncomfortable but in the day I kinda like it. I feel firm and strong with it on. I hope soon I can go home. I am very bored

I eat small amounts I do not feel like eating much, and sleep normal now, although its hard sleeping in one position.. the back is sore.

I miss everyone and everything now, I sure hope he lets me go back to Jaco Soon...

The guys are handleing the work its not a whole lot, it sounds like there getting along a little better.
Yesterday Christian showed up here by suprise, he left his car in Puriscal, and took the bus all the way here to Tres Rios.
I was shocked, but it was so nice to see him and to visit with him. He is so dang cute! But were at terms were it is strickly business now. That is fine with me.. Ihope he works out, he knows an awefull lot about the nature here and plants and more. So he will be an asset once he gets the hang of how things work with my business.

I will blog more I have to go the doc now, and to Terra mall to bring back a blouse I bought that is too large..

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