Saturday, May 19, 2007

How come there are no comments from anyone?? I guess my life is not juicy enough now.. I thought for sure someone would have sent me a mail and said something bout my vanity or my insanity!

Not even my kids have written. I haven't heard from Jordan in weeks, I heard from Brandon the last week, as he finally got a cam and now we can actually speak on line! yeah... but I am at Zaidas and she has none, and doesn't have wireless so I can use my computer. I Think that tomorrow I will go somewhere have her drop me for a few hours to be alone and try to talk to my kids on the computer.

I am doing great the doc is amazed, he thinks I am lying about my age... LOL I think I am lying too. Sometimes I can not accept that I am as old as I am.. I feel young inside most of the time. The body is amazing isn't it I don't mean mine I mean the body itself. The mind has total control over the body.

THE MIND IS POWERFUL... I have tried many times different things to see if the mind can control your concepts and it is true... everything is in our minds. I been saying I am well, I will be well fast and its working. The Doc said, I am at five days now, but the healing appears to be two weeks. He just looks at me very strange in his office? I am getting to know him seeing him everyday.

He told me today about his five year old and how he calls on the phone and Say's "May I speak to Dr.Mantilla" Hello DR. MANTILLA this is your son" I laughed he has a five and nine year old boys. I said oh god help you!!! I know all about boys. With my brother having three, My sister having three,and Myself having Two.. there were lots of boys in the house. They sure knew how to break everything! he told me about the little one saying potty words repeating after moma, I told him its normal, and how Jordan would listen to Brandon cussing when they were little, hearing me or there dad of course...and then got kicked out of Sunday school for cussing like a sailor. He laughed said oh Marianna how did you do that alone?? I said it wasn't easy but I did it and the funny thing is, Now my sons are having there own, and well it just never ends your a parent forever.

All the bad things I did as a child got paid back through my children, and now All the things my sons did I am sure will be paid back through theirs. I hope they have good children but I know my boys they were devils sometimes!

But many times they were the joy of my life making laugh when I didn't want to, or when I could hardly think from the worry and stress of raising them alone. With running a business and trying to run a household and raise them.

Well today was kinda fun I went shopping, walking was a little rough but I did just fine I do not think anyone at the mall knew I had a thing under my dress I walked like I was normal but about two hours into it I was feeling ugly. Had to go home. Zaida really didn't know I felt bad
But I am better now I changed and rested took a pain pill, there mild. They do not believe in strong pain killers, the doc said you heal much better with out. I believe it its mild it just knocks it down not out.

I had my afternoon Coffee and goodie, and now I am ready to visit.
It is raining really hard here in Tres Rios like hours of it and steady. Reminds me of Portland.... chilly but not cold.

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