Thursday, May 03, 2007

Leopard high heels? I wear leopard high heels too... This is Priscilla, I wish now I would have gotten a better shot of her but this is the just of it, Black bra with a white blouse to draw attention to the boobs! GOOD GOING Prissy.
Yesterday was so nuts, the power being off caused much confusion, I manage my day but I was in ten places all day. The car got fixed its fine now, and then Christian laid on me his is bad and showed me that the whole suspension is cracked, I think he was hoping I would say I would help HELL NO! I just gave him advice "ask if you can make payments for the repairs." He wasn't happy yesterday.

I worked most of the day. The project is slow to come along I only had one worker yesterday.
Last night the guys three of them including Christian worked at the project painting, I dropped all of them off and left I had a meeting with a sign guy, and then I went to the gym. I got several messages from Christian that the power was cut there but I was working out so I didn't read them. When I got in the car I noticed the messages they had been sitting in the dark for more than an hour! HAAAAAAAAA good for him I thought sit there and wait. I made fun of them when I picked them up I was all sweaty and hot and just yelled get in the car . I dropped them off spun out of Christians apartment with out a good by, but this morning he messaged me good morning I will work if you want me too? I answered but very cool nothing much said only Si llame mas tarde.

I got up very early today 5;30 the air was not working right I could hear it doing weird things. So I shut it off and made coffee, looked at my text messages and then watched TV, American News nothing good still.
It is a good thing I took a shower because the power was cut again at 7:00. I got all dressed in a pretty red dress and heels today, picked up Carlos my jardinaro, and tried to pick up one of Christians friends who wanted to work but he was not there.

Then I continued to the site and now in the office. I have to go Ice today they installed my phone and the thing does not work, plus I need to pay everything before the coming week so I do not forget while I am San Jose after my surgery.
That should take a few hours.
I did have a nice visitor today, Manolo, he is the man who build my wonderful Chandeliers I designed for the office. He is from Spain, very famous artist and does the most interesting things. His friend has put together a plan for an amusement park slash Condo project, he put it out to many investors and now it is forming. OF ALL THINGS IT IS A PIRATE VILLAGE Caribbean Pirate village. COOL and well he did promise me months ago last year in fact that I would be a part of it. We talked about it today and yes he still says he wants me to be one of the leads for the design staff.
Ok last night, I confessed to the air and my self!! that I will no longer struggle, that I will be doing much better and my goal is to make enough here to build and not worry any longer I said it several times to my self out loud last night. Then Jonathan, my computer guy, dropped by and brought me the new business cards, we were talking he said he wants to market me and be that part of the business, well I need someone like that to make more of an impact and be more out there! while we were talking he said he wanted to be involved with all my projects. I said Jonathan just tonight I said to my self I want to be a millionairess, I want to not struggle any more. My whole life I have self supportive, self employed and did ok, struggled but managed to do many things. I want things to be different now I want the best! he agreed he saw me at this level and said he wanted to join the train of thought. I told him there is power in your words and to believe what you say and be careful of what you say also.
Then today here they came... I am not sure if they are the answer but its a huge possibly. I have many here I am leaving all the doors open, I pray it happens soon!!!
The Pirate village will be the first ever to be built days of old condos shaped like skulls, waterways shops and and amusements too.. it is going to be done in Panama so Hey Panama here I come!!!! Stay tuned for that one...

1 comment:

vegasnights said...

LMAO....That has got to be the funniest thing that I have seen in the last couple of days...Spiked Heels on a horse... I guess she dosen't need spurs....She must really be the talk of the Town.. If you ever build you own place... make sure that you will be able to make your own electricity too..Not to rely on the ICE>