Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Early rising in the morning Yesterday was pleasant, I got up around 5:00 and watched the birds fly back and forth and then made coffee got my self ready to leave for a trip to San Jose.

Yesterday Clint and I had to go to San Jose for a meeting with a developer for a new project in Bejuco, that is a beach that is about 20 minutes away from here in Jaco. Also there doing another project of 50 house's right in Jaco. They were wanting us to represent them in the sales of the project and aid in the model homes, and sell packages for the clients who buy the homes. I turn key operation with all the amenities included. So that when the client buys its all inclusive in the deal.

The meeting lasted about a hour or so Clint practically fell asleep in the chair because it was all done in Spanish and he only at this points knows about ten words! BETTER THAN I DID When I first came.

We then left and I wired Money to my youngest son who still does not have a job. He was a cook at little Italian place in Woodland Washington and well over the Holidays had difficulties so I suppose the owner let him go, after working for him for three years. He has a small child and a woman whom he lives with the mother of the child. He had done some work for me in Vancouver Washington, but could not cash the check. So I wired the money in hopes that he could deposit it in my account there in the States. I have not talked to him so I hope he got it??? Let me know Jordan if you did?
Later we went into Ezcazu to a great book store and bought some books for work. We had another Meeting with another developer Called Costa Montana, but before that we met with a realtor who is a friend of the first developer, who liked our office and wanted to try to do something similar in his. So I went took photos and talked to him for a short while, then ate lunch. It was at an Italian place, but honestly the food was pricey and not great. I had a capriece salad Tomatoe with buffalo mozzerella. It was ok? I was not impressed. The lemonade was so small it was gone after two sips.

We then went to the Costa Developers, and had a great meeting with them. I met the CEO, The financial officers, the lawyers, the lead salesman and the engineer for the projects. They had a great office really cool! So maybe just maybe we might get to do a model for them with a comparative package for the sales of the homes. An all inclusive. ( no spell check its in spanish) These houses are so nice, and there in Esterillos!!! where I had those photos posted a week ago!! I really want one. It will located on the mountain overlooking the sea witha mountain view as well. It is all gated, with gaurds, and it has pools and top end products. They run about 350 thousand with a half acre. They plan on putting a japanese garden in and more. So I can not wait to see this.
Things are poping here. Its high season now and its hot hot hot. Not only in business but in climate as well. Clint is burning up, he said wow its blazing now. I kinda like the hot, when I was younger I hated it but now that I am older I feel so much better in the heat. Although I LOVE THE AIR CONDITION OFFICE AND MY APARTMENT.

Later after our meeting we went to the mall on our way out of town. We looked around but didn't buy a thing. Then drove back in the dark down the hilly roads to Jaco. I had Clint try to drive into San Jose for about ten miles. He was so freaked out that his heart was pounding. He is not ready to drive here yet.

Today It began early again. I got up around 6:00 made coffee, went out the back porch to listen to the waves, watch the birds drink coffee and then read the bible. I have been doing this bible reading for about a year now. Simply to get inspired and know more about myself and the word. I don't preach to anyone anything, its only for me. I like my drinks, I have wine or anything I choose, and I love to dance and have a good time. I like the spiritual aspect of things so the bible has good information about the spiritual side of life.

Then I got ready for the day. It began at ICE I am having yet another problem with phones in the office, Not to mention the misprinted business card, the cable at the hosue that keeps getting cut or disconected by one of my nieghbors. So I went to ICE and complained they said they would send a tech but he never came. Then I dropped off the laundry then went ot La Flor to talk to my client about some issues with wrong drapes, things that were missing,and the pillows I had in the car for them. Plus the fact that some of the custom made patio furnishing were coming today. But they were sleeping so I wrote a note and left. After I stopped off at the Mattress store and picked up more pillows then off the Store to let Edwardo in. He is filling in for a while and Diasa is paying his salary.

I then went to Cabletica to try to get that mess straightened out. Then to a meeting for a landscape design for a gallery for B Tortorici, He is a very famous artist who lives here in Jaco and has a beautiful gallery on the same road as us. I actually have some of his art in our show room some that range in the ten thousand dollar price range. I now have and exclusive with him. He does not show his work anywhere else but his gallery and my place.
It is very nice to have such good connections here!

I returned to the office to do emails and then to meet with another artist for another project. He does naturals, animals of Costa Rica and still lifes. I bought like five.

The day was busy there is much more but at this moment its getting late, I need to eat and get home to rest tomorrow is better day. As I use to tell my Children when they were bad, I would say Tomorrow is a better day.

I have some photos of the mountain top where Clint and I ate breakfast at 8:00 yesterday morning. I want to show those so stay tuned. It was incredible view with breezes blowing and birds everywhere and in the distance you can see the beach but it is in the distance.

1 comment:

rebecka said...

hola amiga! hi Mariana is me Rebecka you just drop in my office today and like always with you last night i was thinking what`s going on with u long time i di´dn´t see u and i desided to get into ur wed and is so absolutely beautiful :-)Seems like ur bussiness is growing good well congratulations and take care
love ur friend Rebecka