Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Yesterday was New years day.. We went back to Esterillos to the beach to hang out and just sun bathe and do nothing. The sun was out and bright a few puffy clouds in the sky but not many. It was hot. We managed to find the restaurant I was looking for the day before. We laid in the sun and swam, then ate the whole entire fish fried on the grill in this authentic Tico Soda on the beach. It was so beautiful and restful, I really turned off the world and just relaxed and enjoyed the nature of the day and sun. Clint was loving it. We had beach chairs and towels. Lots of People where on the beach in Esterillos oeste, but nothing like Jaco. Jaco was a zoo, Way to many people for me. I just wanted to relax and not think about a thing. What a great way to spend the day. No booze just rest, and relief from the world.

As the sun began going down, but not setting we walked the beach and collected lots of shells. Many different types enough to fill a whole big serving tray full. It was fun seeing all the diverse types of shells and to think that something made those with its spit? or saliva. Wow the creations of the earth are immense!

We walked back where we sat on the lava bed in the sea when the tide was low once again and watched people bathe in the tide pools the smooth warm water I am sure was refreshing after a hot day in the sun. We walked out to the mermaid statue that is build in the tide. Was an interesting thought of how they had to construct it only when the tide was out. Which may have taken days to do or even months.
Then we watched the first sunset of the year In Esterillos beach. So incredible and bright and filled with every range of red, orange blue lavender and purple rays of light. What a fantastic end to the first day of the new year.

I drove back to Jaco and went to my little apartment where I showered and washed all the salt out of my hair and skin making my skin feel so soft , and the hair too. We sat on the balcony and watched the moon light talked about the future of the business, and Maybe the future of Clint and his mate living in Costa Rica as well. For me I know I am suppose to be here for a few years if not forever. For him its a new exciting but scary experience. Getting use to the poverty amongst the wealth. The garbage amongst the beauty, the dogs, the bikes the cars the potholes.

For him is a struggle sometimes. I can see it in him But I think in time he will be able to get along and learn how to love Costa Rica the way I do or maybe he won't?? I will continue because I know there is plan.

Today was a quiet day at the office, we had one person interested in ST Regis again, so I have to send the info.. Had a one with a beautiful mountain top home for rent per week and wanted us to manage it it comes with a 32 foot fishing boat too!, and I had one that wants me to give a landscape bid tomorrow on there mountain top home over looking the sea. Many visitors so as time rolls on I am sure were going to do well. Still no word from Ramada???

Keeping my hopes up and knowing, that life gives to those to ask.

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