Saturday, January 06, 2007

End of the week

Glad it's the end of the week, what a stressfull situation.I will not say what was contending but I managed to be strong have great faith, and pulled through. Learning from experience is a key to success. I know that all bad things have a good ending, and Can become a great situation if you know how to use that bad situation to learn from and use as a tool to create new ideas. This is what I did, and it was not easy. But boy I felt confident, and more than a conquerer!

The business is doing good, we have daily traffic all the time now, many different people from all over the world. It is so interesting... I knew though in the begining here it was not going to be easy, and it is not. But with an additude of faith and knowing that you have to just tough out some situations I will make it a success.

My life right now is only about Business, although I would like for it to be more fufilled, I am being satisfied with what I am concentrating on at the moment.

Clint is doing well, although he eats like a mad man all the time. He says the weather here makes so damn Hungry he can not stand it. He gets so bitchyt and grouchy then he eats and begins to laugh!

I think the heat makes me less hungry, but I never lose weight. The gym has not been on my schedule as of late, too much dealing with getting this place in order.

Yesterday progress was made, great progress, the sound system got installed, the computer got re installed. We had good walk in, I prepared for house 29 and had a very intense meeting that could have been disasterous, but it turned out to be a success.

We have new life in the business, I feel so less stressed too.. Sad to say a part of it was Tony. He has been gone now two weeks, and it has been very peacefull.

I really believe in bad or good engery now, I can see how some people have good energy and bring the best out of other people, and how some have bad energy and make others feel bad and do bad maybe its not intentional, but they have it and it is apparent to some of us. I see it all the time, it makes me angry and makes me react horrible.. So if you know this stay away from that.. its the additude they display that causes others to be a reflection of this bad energy. My mother always said if you hang around with a bad crowd, or people who have bad habits , soon y0u become like them. I always like to believe in the good in a person, but sometimes those people have ways to cover theyre real person, and know how to manipulate others.. even though I am a strong woman, able to see through most schemes, I do fall prey occassionally to the additude of reflection.

Today may have a trip to San Jose for a completion of a job, if I can not find some products we need. Then tomorrow is my rest day, either on the beach or at the pool. Just to rest the brain and enjoy nature, and soak up the sun.

God how I love that.
Anyway have a good weekend!! pura vida

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