Thursday, January 18, 2007

Another day in Paradise

Yesterday was an early day, even though Clint hates getting up early I wanted him to see how pretty it is in the morning. So we both were up at 6:00 preparing for the day. We headed up the Hill towards San Jose to do some trouble shooting for a project that is not finished. But Yesterday we had a great meeting in the early morning with a new development called Plantation Acres. Its near Punta leona, a eviro friendly project, with lots and lots of teak trees around it. really nice lots and great views. This man wants my expert advice, and creative ability to act as an advisor to the whole project. I was not sure of really what he wanted but I believe its what I have described.
He is a very decisive man with a great shining white smile, and a real style about himself. He seems to be concerned about the nature of the land and wants to try to preserve much , even though he is developing it. He is a plant lover, and an animal lover and I already adore his project.

I Hope this is a happy union of both businesses for his and my sake. Its called again Plantation Acres, he plans on having an equestrian center, and naturalized gardens. So I am sure that if I become a part of his project, it will be not only fun but gratifying.

ok back to the trip up the mountain, if was fun and very beautiful making the ride pleasant. We stopped once again on the very top, only to eat at a different soda and watch the horizon, seeing all the coast and Jaco from the very top. The views are breath taking and awe inspiring. What a great way to eat breakfast and refresh your mind, especially since mine has been so taxed from the struggles and the problems I have been experiencing here with the new place and the work. Its pressure but nothing like the USA. I need to be more peace full, find ways to relax my mind and body the beach is perfect and a great way to soak up the sun and make my skin and my heart feel good!

I want badly to go somewhere this year for my birthday which is Feb 1st, I checked into San Andres but its so expensive, and I need to move so I probably will put off a birthday celebration again now. Will be the third year of none.

The ride into San Jose started with visits to the Nurseries that are all along the road side in La Garrita, there are many all along the way so Clint and I stopped at several and checked out stock and types so we could get a grip on what we need to proposed for several clients that are asking for our help.

At one while I was wandering around the place talking to the owner, Clint and another worker of the Nursery had found a baby cobra, they were watching it as i walked up. Even as small as it was it was aggressive and tried to strike, only being about the size of a pencil or smaller and about 8 inches long. They ended up killing it, making me sad and Clint too, even though we both HATE Them It made me sad to see the workers do that.
We moved on to San Jose to purchase mirrors and all sorts of items for the project. we ended the evening by going to the San Pedro mall and walking about, looking for new clothes and things. But I found nothing and funny he went his way I went mine and neither one of us found a thing. But I did find some very unusual shops, Horrible really, one was for prostitutes, I bought died of embarrassment, the other a hip hop hair salon. Interesting concept and they were very busy, people waiting in line to get there head done in unusual types of cuts...

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