Saturday, January 13, 2007


Friday was a slow day, nothing really happened. I just worked on some issues with plasmas for Macaw and trouble shooted all day really. I researched for a landscape design, went to talk to some realtors, did the bank thing. Met with my drapery installer and re ordered two houses that were messed up in La Flor. Just Crap ya know??

The day was slow not one person entered, untill five and it was a client of mine Allan. he had to sign a power of attorney to me for his house. In order to install Cable, Phone, and electricity.

Other than that nothing exciting happend.

We ate at the little Soda around the corner from the mall, Later in the day I had some sorbet from a new place that opened here. Then in the evening I made Cranberry Martinis, and the neighbor who works at Borbon Motors came over and had one with me while Clint was online emailing and puttering around in the back of the office. Juan Carlos the attorney was there all day yesterday, and he ended up Asking to stay at my apartment along with Clint and I. My apartment is tiny its hard with two.

I felt so wierd, What everyone thinks my place is for free... I have to put a stop to all this. It's making me so sad that these men do things like that. I need help here not a hinderance, or another burden!!! I need to be stronger than I already am I suppose. It just makes me wonder what these people think about me?

Honestly!!! I guess Today I am feeling a bit down, Although I have perspective work, there are other issues going on of course that makes it difficult to be happy about the perspective. My St Regis Sale is on hold so I think that is part of the sadness... I need the commissions at this point to survive here. I am trying to be positive and not allow any negative thoughts to enter, blocking the blessing's that are about to come.

The other thing, is even though I have all this going on, and Clint my old time employee/ friend,( Gay) here to be a comfort to me. I am really feeling the void of not having a mate or a partner. It has been a long time since I had someone who was really a part of my life. Yeah yeah Milo was around but that was not a partner, or a mate it was an occasional visit, an occassional message on the computer. With no phone calls or real relationship.. I guess I am asking for too much??

1 comment:

rebecka said...

:-( you sounds so sad but you dont have to be lake that life i beautiful and we may enjoy it as much as possible. Don´t get down cos of silly boys they dont know what a girl wants so keep on being as nice and special person as you are now.I told long ago you have something i dont know what or why but mand you have something, so cheer up you humor darling