Saturday, August 19, 2006

Ending the week short

The work has been done for the week, ,my client Ron showed up and loved his new home. I was so excited that he thought we did an excellent Job!! Tony was thrilled that we have completed our first job together and it was so beautiful!
We celebrated with Ron, Luis and his wife Slivia. The house is complete with everything you would need to move in. Ron was very happy and high fived me a couple of times.
Then Yesterday, we were suppose to go to Guanacaste to pick up some more furniture that I have custom made for another client. I wanted badly to go to Tony’s Grandma /Mama’s house in Guanacaste and see the jungle he talks so much about and the Indian rocks and all the beautiful surroundings that are in This primitive but beautiful area.

Then Tony said yes, So we asked Arya and Eric if they would love to join us in this one day adventure to a new place that neither one of us have seen. Tony was proud to take us to his terra, his land his home, his territory that he was raised in and on.

We left about 8 in the morning, now the car has new signs on it in gold that says Absolutely Beautiful In Costa Rica! Its so pretty! We stuck all our changes of clothes so that if we got wet or cold we would be prepared to change. Tony was helpful in loading everything. He was so happy and I was excited to get to change the scenery, and see something new and experience something fresh. So that when I leave I can remember the adventure and savor it in my mind.

We put that favorite CD that him and I are now both singing all the time on, put Arya and Eric in the back and took off, realizing that there were some things with the business that were left undone, and had to be dealt with before we actually got into the area. We had to stop at La Flor for a moment to pick up somethings, and drop off somethings. We talked to Ron an luis for just a moment and then hopped in the car and took off!

Tony was jamming, happy and excited to see his family I am sure, and proud to show us all his land.

We sang and laughed the whole way, then stopped in Cana to check on a deposit that was suppose to be wired to me it did not show up. We had to send signatures, and passport, so that they could verify that the money was actually mine.
We did all that and took off only to remember that I had not signed the paper then we drove back fast to sign and carry on with the trip.

For miles we drove, past planes and pastures of lush green grass and intermitant palm trees once and awhile. Large Lava Rocks here and there for as far as you could see was beautiful pastoral scenery. Sitting at the base of three volcanos was a small town with maybe twenty houses. It was so scenic seeing the mountain sides filled with jungle foliage and trees amongst flat land. As we drove Tony was telling us about his history with this land and how he was raised in this peacefull, and picturesque country. The roads became rough as we got closer, pot holes got bigger and the color of road changes to red and black. The clay In the soil is the reason for the change in the road.
We approach the small but quaint town the side roads are only roads and dirt. We turn and make a quick left and go about half a block and then stop in front of this tiny little cement house with a tin roof. Out front there is lots of plants and flowers and a small walkway to the entrance. I hear chickens and cows, and I see there is chayote, and squash and other garden vegetables growing there in the front of the house. Lots Of flowers and plants, taken directly from the jungle since there are no nurseries about, most of the life are taken from there.
I can tell they are pretty much self sufficient, Tony’s Grandmother and two uncles and a young child live all together in this little house so humbly constructed by Tony for her and them.
He is so proud of his work and his family. I was so blessed to meet them and felt happy that he was having such a nice reunion with them.
We entered and she asked immediately if we wanted something to eat, offering what ever she had in the house. Then we unloaded the car, it had all sorts of Groceries that we stopped and bought o the way. Basic needs but lots of it.
I threw in some candy not knowing there was a little one in the house too!

Then the Two uncles all dressed in worn jeans, red shirts a costa Rican hat tall rubber wader boots and a machete in hand, took us on our way to the jungle that was basically there back yard.

We began walking slowly up a grade and near a river I could hear is rushing as we hiked.
The grounds were covered with impatients and other flowers, along with philodendrons and many sorts of tropical plants.
Soon we saw a the river beautiful and quiet, the water clean as ever nothing touches it, this area is pretty primitive and you could feel something extremely spiritual about it.

As we hiked the brothers chopped the way with the machetes, and helped us climb through barbed wire area until we got in to the jungle it self. We crossed the river a couple of times on our way up the mountain. The surroundings were thick and very pretty. All could you see was green, rocks and thick mud because of the afternoon rains. We continued to a pasture and up steep grades noticing all the different plant life that was available there in the natural surroundings that in the States you would pay big money for to plant in your garden or in your home.

Sliding on the mud, slipping over rocks I climbed with my mountain boots up the steep grade. The feeling I had inside was that of pleasure and peace and also a strange emotional feeling I could not describe. Soon the brothers stopped, they heard congos in the mountain side, and as we looked down you could see the waterfall of the river below us.
When we stopped I was in awe of the whole picture. I couldn’t see the monkeys but you could hear them.
The bugs in the area became loud and soon the sound was so loud you could only yell to alert the others ahead…… More to come!

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