Wednesday, August 16, 2006

It has been very busy with work, I completed Two houses this week, with shopping for them, painting the rooms different, and handling all the vendors who come to install the furniture, drapes air conditioning, and just stuff.

The work here is going perfect, I never dreamed in a million years that I would be doing as good as I am now. I actually need to hire a fourth person. I interviewed someone to custom sew my own drapes, one person who works just for us. We have someone now but he is very difficult to deal with, he doesn't follow through when he says he does. Its kinda a typical Costa Rican thing. Manana does not mean tomorrow here, it could mean days. Or weeks.

We met these people next door to one of the houses I have done. They live in Canada, but bought a place here and are building another huge house in guancaste. Its really beautiful there but the roads to get there is horrible. I don't understand why the road system here is so bad. When everything else is becoming so good?

We had a great time with them in the pool the other night until four in the morning. It was a blast swimming and we drank these drinks called ceasars? We didn't, Meaning Tony and I didn't realize that it was four a.m? I got out of the pool and insisted we go home. Then at Six camacho called and woke both of us up. I was so mad... Realizing that I had much work yesterday, I slept for another hour and half and got up and got going. We had a big day, terminalizing the one house and tweeking another. Cutting bamboo, meeting the tv guys, the drapery guys and more.
Tony did well but by the end of the day he was dragging.

Yesterday was Mother's day here. I had one person wish me happy Mothers day, and then in the evening Tony bought me a bottle of champagne with dinner. I haven't heard from my sons in a long while, Jordan at least keeps in touch. Not everyday or every week but about every other week. Brandon I have not heard from in ages. I heard he went White water rafting, and they had a good time from Sara. This week is his birthday, I am sure they will have some sort of party for him and maybe Sara too Her birthday is before his.

Its been so hectic, I never knew I would be working this much here. But its so fun, Searching for things is a pain in the you know what, but I manage to find things and pull it all together. What We do is create this package, for the clients on the houses. We buy all the things needed to move in and live. In other words I create the house completely. From the top to the bottom, sometimes every one toilet paper!

Yesterday I met this guy at this warehouse, he wanted us to Rent it for a showroom, Its the perfect location, perfect size, but it has no air and its open in spaces a lot, Meaning that the heat, the bugs the animals would be coming in and ruining the products. His name is Scott, he is a a builder here too, ended up him coming to LA flor looking a the work, being impressed and then asked if we could work a deal with him on some spec homes? I said yes of course. I need a house and hes building in the mountains in Hermosa. Near Esterillos.

Scott has an appointment with us the following week to discuss more work. I am amazed at how things are just happening. It is great, since my family members would like to see me back in the states, thinking I won't do well here. Well its much better than I can remember in the USA.

Mind you I do not have the fancy car and the fancy house and all the conveniences I had, but I like the level of life I have now. Its all just material things, they come and go.

In life chapters happen, some chapters are fun and filled with love and good events, some have drama, and drastic events, some are boring and have no real difference to the everyday living, then there are some that are difficult, some that we struggle with to cope, to live or to move on. Sometimes in life people get stuck, they think this is all there is for them. Or they hang on to to a string of hope that is so thin, that when it snaps they still have no clue it is time to go on to another chapter. They remain in the situation until they are forced to do something about it. Some of us never do anything about our situations, we continue in the struggle, and the misery in which we live day to day. Others realize that there is more to life than what we are living now.

That is where I was a few years ago, My life was in a situation where I was hanging on to the very thin hope, not wanting to deal with the reality of it changing, and having to do something drastic to change my life. It is just like when you have a love, and the love goes sour, yet you can not let go. You continue to hang on knowing in the back of your mind that ,really is this what I really want out of life? Is this all there is? Not that I have any answers to life, but I am fortunate enough to know that when things are not right for me, I move on. I have hope, I try new things, I am strong. Beginning a new chapter for most people is sometimes scary, For others its exciting knowing that something new or challenging is happening and you take it on with courage.

This Esperanza in Costa Rica has been great for me, although I am sure my family thinks different. If only they would come and see how I am doing, and visit this place. Perhaps they would see something new in life for them too. I don't mean here, I just mean inspire them to be strong and to take the challenge of new adventures, and begin new chapters.

parallels in life: funny how things run in parallels.

Milo has been contacting me again, But its simple little messages with only questions about my life and weather or not I am seeing anyone, I am not but I don't think its any of his business.

My life at the moment is very good, I love where I am what I am doing. Yesterday the owner of Diasa, Hime, came and saw my work at La Flor. We had a nice talk and he really is interested in my work for his new home in Alluejuela. This is such a good feeling to have gained the confidence of this person. I know that it will only lead to many opportunities for Me and Tony and whom ever else works with me.

This man is always with a smile on his face, he has a pleasant attitude. When you are with him you feel at peace. I want to be like that. I want to have that way about me. I have changed somehings about my self since I have been here. Dealing with everyday life here is much different that in the States. Things just happen slow here. As a person with little patients, it could be a rough go. So I am learning now how to be more patient. You can feel his when you are with him
He calls me Marianeeta. I find that many people call me this. It means little Marianna. Kinda Cute.. I like it!

Well today is the big day with My best Client, I hope to god he loves his home. I am so sad that My camera is on the fritz again... DAMN I NEED A NEW CAMERA NOW.
And a Cell phone!
I am going to see If Edwardo at La Flor will Take photos and post them on here so that others can see.

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