Sunday, August 27, 2006


Woke up to a phone call from Ken, yep hes back he apologized and took me out so things are back to normal. He called about his truck that Tony and I lined up for him to move his furniture from the beach in Monterey, to Escazu. It was early I woke up Tony then he escorted Minor to Monterey.
Then Tony and took Ron out for breakfast and I arranged for Ron to drop Tony off in San Jose. It worked out great. We ate went back to his house and repaired the mirror that was moved and fixed a few things for him before the guest he has coming from the USA tomorrow. THis house is beautiful, I really like the pieces that were done for me.

After Tony and Ron left for the city, while I checked mail and looked to see who was online to chat with.
I got my suit and towel then went to the LA FLOR into the pool only after I invited
Helen to go with me. We talked and talked and had a nice time. There were other people there too, but we knew them and chatted with them.

Later Helen and I went to watch the Sunset at Claritas on the beach. We ate nachos and drank a beer. It was a beautiful sunset tonight just beautiful! Helen wanted to hang out, so we decided to go to the house for a while. Then the new neigbors slipped over. It was ok talking to them but I miss Arya and Eric, Its not the same. I saw Candy ride by my nail girl and called her up to give her the gift I bought her in the states. I bought all sorts of nail polishes. She went nuts, But acted a little strange. When I asked how the party was and how Tony was at the party she acted like she didn't understand me at all. Played dumb.. I know better. I just ignored the ignore then went on the next subject.
THen Constaino maluko wanted to come over. I told Helen no lets go visit him.
So we both went and visited him and another guy. They drank a couple of beers while we visited, He is from Columbia, different sort of guy, if you recall some time back he was massaging my leg in front of Milo, and Milo never said a word. HE is a real character. I think he likes me so it makes it worse.
Iwas asked to dance and this place has no dancing, seems like this is my life lately working eating drinking dancing a little beach here and there. Clients that are fun and do fun things... not a bad life at the moment. Tony being here and being such a great help,not to mention a good friend. Things are good right now.

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