Friday, August 11, 2006

The love Of Costa Rica

I sometimes feel As if Maybe I would return to the USA and try again , but after I heard the news about the bomb threats the whole news of the USA and how thing's are in such a sad state of affairs, I do not have a doubt in my mind that what I did here is right.

For Example the Other day, Tony and I left Early to San Jose to a Meeting I had with the owners of Diasa . A very large show room supply with all the needs for the home. They own la Flor and wanted to discuss with me the possibility of working for them some times during the week, with there higher end clients. All the way there I thought, Tony now drives me everywhere, I do not drive much at all any more. He knows the roads and use to be a chaufer so its nice, I never worry about tiime and where I am going. I thought to myself how beautiful this is, How I dreamed about it for more than a year and fought with my mind about how and why should I leave USA find a new life in a land that is different and warm and beautiful. When we drive, everytime I fall more and more in love with the country.

I watch the road side and see many different things each and every time. THe mountains so green with palms intermixed, with other trees, coffee plants filling the hillsides, steep hillsides.
The purple flowers blooming on the trees, the bright red blossoms on the other trees. The dark shades of green, and bright leaves of the bananas intermixed with other wild foiliage. It all becomes so beautiful as you ride through the country. The rivers every so often, many of them and all sorts of wild life. The roads are horrible going to San Jose but the scenery is so incredible that is makes up for the horrible roads and the bumps you have to endure.

I guess Im just fasinated with the Idea that I came so far, not knowing anyone to some place I have never been and how I knew in my mind that I was going to love it here and Now I have to say that I really do love it here... I had remorse the other day when Tony and I got into a slight arguement, because of the spanish/ english breakdown, but after Tony did exactly what I wanted, and I was thinking that he didn't understand... I told him MAYBE the next time I go to the states I don't come back, ( only in madness) that lasted about two seconds.. He said sadly No more Costa Rica? I said NO I LOVE IT HERE ... But I know that in time, More and more people will be moving here as I see it everyday... and Maybe I wont like it as much. The country will change and then become a little America... but untill then I enjoy the life the culture the beauty of land, and now I am in need here so that is more of a reason for me to love Costa Rica!


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