Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Running bizy girl

its been busy, I like it though. Working at La Flor has been a good experience. Learning how to deal with the problems of a jobsite is a real interesting job. I have made some nice bonds now with the workers there and with the bosses. I really am happy that I was asked to to this work.

Tony has been doing very well, he seems to like the work and fits right in like I have said here for the past month and half. I do not think it will long before I hire another person and and assistant for Tony. We have had some offers to help us with a store by some clients, and one for an office but if it actually happens, that is another thing.

Last weekend, I went Dancing at Mata Platano, it was a blast. I had a very nice time. Got home kinda late and slept in on Sunday,

Orlando and Tony were up early when I got up, and had made the coffee and some sweet rolls for breakfast. We all sat and enjoyed the view out my windows of the mountains the green space and the beach. Orlando was awed by the nature and the look of the land here. Even he was inspired, I guess this is a good spot this little place. Later we did our business thing, then went swimming at this clients pool. It was so nice to spend the day in the water. Just resting and relaxing and talking to both of them. I felt very lucky to have such a nice relationship with Both of these guy.
Then Orlando left, and Tony and I went to get food, but He was displaced that day too, and we ended up getting food but not cooking. He made rice and tuna and I wanted bbq, so I just watched TV and rested while he cooked.

This week has been interesting as far as the progress with the houses. Yesterday they finished one of my clients houses, so On Thursday we are filling it, Today they should Finish the other I hope its more important. The client is showing up to reside in a just a few days. I have had fun working at La flor.
Today I have to go to San Jose for a meeting at Diasa with one of the guys there. I think its about his house. Plus I know they want to talk to me about working for them on a different level. So we'll see!
Then I have to purchase more items for both houses, like chairs, some small tables,a nd a couple of little this and that.

I heard from Milo, didn't understand what he was trying to say, BUT I still haven't heard a sorry or a plan of change or how he loves me. Amazing how people conceive love? Its not love or he would have been here already knocking at my door with flowers or something to get my love back. ... Just weird how I can be without a good man in my life. But Now Tony is filling in some of the gaps. Not in a personal way, but he is very kind and very good to me. Just wish that I did have that someone in my life that really loved me..

Enough of that crap! I think we are going to Cartago next week to meet a new supplier, and then possibly to Tony's grandmothers place. Its a real Indian area, where there are carved huge I think sacificial rocks. I saw photos and wow there huge. WIth faces on them. I asked him to take me there so Maybe next week when were done with these houses, we will take a day and go.

Tony has been great, I thank god for him. He is really a good man... Loves women, looks at everything and has such a wandering eye, but I laugh and just enjoy his thrill he gets looking.

Not much more to say, just been busy. The leg is better but still pain all the time.

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