Saturday, August 26, 2006

So Much to say!

O I always have so much to say but this time its true. I lost a day or so in the states and now I have many to catch up with. I got home flew in after 12 hours of flight actually three of it was in Houston, sitting and waiting for the plane. I arrived in Costa Rica around 12:30, got my bags when this stranger, nice I could tell was asking others if he could catch a ride to Herradura, everyone turned him down. I spoke up and said sure you can ride with me. He had a long board a funny hat,and boxes with things he brought from the USA. He was from San Diego, named Jose!

Tony was waiting deligently outside for me. He was sitting on a bench looking kinda sad but when I came he kinda cheered up a little.. Do not know what was wrong, didn't ask but he cheer up much when he found out I invited this man to ride along with us.
Jose was cool we stopped in the pouring down rain and ate at that Mexican Restuarant, where Tony and I ate before. It was pouring I MEAN BUCKETS! the guy at the place came out with an umbrella but it didn't help much.
We ate drank two beers a peice and went on our way to Jaco. By four we were in Jaco.
When we got there Tony reminded me that Thursday was a good day to go to this place in the jungle here for dancing and Singing. I felt tired but he was insistant about going? I said ok. Then I realized that Arya and Eric were leaving for the USA for good, it would be the last time we could invite them to go to this special place that I love so much and Now Tony loves too.
We asked them to go and sure enough the got ready and we all went to the jungle to watch people sing and dance.
It was a great night, we had a good time it didn't last all night but we all had a wonderfull time together, especially when Eric decided to cut lose and sing a song that we all knew about the gorillas. It was very funny... Arya didn't think so but really it was funny and it was good to see Eric just let go.
Thats what happens here people are free and allow them selves to actually enjoy life.
Tony and I danced only after three or so guys were dancing with me at the same time. He callled me over to dance with him. So I did a couple of times then we all decided to go home. What a nice night and long day for me.

The following day I tried to take care of business here at the bank but I ran into errors and ended up being at the bank for like three hours with only a safe deposit box for my efforts. I needed much more but the bank insisted that they could not do a simple thing as open a savings account in my name.

Monday or Tuesday, I will go to San jose and try directly with a manager. Tony said he would help. He is a huge help, thank god for him!

Then at the end of the day We both went to Rons house, my client and had a drink with him and just talked for hours. Tony was busy trying to see if Billy another guy there was either dead or alive, cause the house had been playing music for two days, all the lights were on and the cell phone was ringing like crazy. Not like Billy.. he doesn't live in the house he has its strange he goes and visits it and then packs his things up and leaves. It is a long story but maybe sometime I can fill you in on his story.
Tony didn't find him. So we talked to Irwin who is the man I did all the drapes for, and then went back and talk to Ron for a while. Ken called and invited me to go out with him. So left Rons, Tony took me home and then Ken came. I wanted Tony to along with us, but he said he was tired.... ok this was a first. I think things are going a bit rough for him at the present and he just needed time to think and possible talk at home. So I went alone with Ken, I had a nice time, Ended up dancing at the Monkeys. IT was fun We came home around one. I rememebered that in the mornig Arya and Eric were going so I kept that in my head as I slept so I would wake up early and not miss them.
Exactly when I got up Eric was packing the bags in the car, I yelled down were you going? he said yes were leaving today. I said AWEEEE and then Arya came out. We talked and then decided to go to breakfast together for the last time.
I woke up Tony and told him that they were leaving to get dressed we were going to eat breakfast wtih them. He went and had a private moment with Eric. It was a good thing, While Arya brought over all here things from the house to give to me. Many things now my apartment is filled with the memory of her at least for a while.

We talked a little bit, then got dressed and went to breakfast following the Gallo Rojo, the red rooster for the last time. We drove to a place in the center of town. Eric parked while Tony and I walked across the way the office that we are doing. We talked to the contractor doing the work and gave him some instructions. THen walked back and took a seat with them .
We laughed reminised and cried a little. These two are incredible people. WE ENJOYED THEM SO MUCH TONY AND I.. I will miss my friends from the blog and from now my life. They were a blessing and also alot of fun! God bless Arya and Eric, Forever Will Tony and I hold them in our hearts are dear dear friends. Tony especially for Eric. What a great feeling Tony had around him and how he made Tony feel so at home. Now that they are gone, we were both very sad today, Tony played Christian music all day, it was nice but then I was wondering what really was going through Tony's head. I was quiet, didn't speak much at all. I just looked at the photos and thought how nice it was to have such great people from a wonder of the world INTERNET come into my life and make it better.

But before all that, When Ayra and Eric tired to leave, the car would not start. They tried and tired and the damn thing alarm kept going off, then Tony lifted the hood, and touched the wires of the alarm together and made the thing EXTREMLY LOUD.
I jumped he laughed and then so did everyone. THe car was not allowing them to go. Strange I told Arya its meant for you to stay dont GOOOOOOOOOo... but then after much time Eric manage to get it started. They loaded there things went to get Helen because she was going to catch a ride with them to San Jose. We drove off to Orotina to gather a few more things for one of the house's we needed to finish, when we passed we both waved and blew kisses good bye to our dear friends.
I cried, I really liked them and felt like always in my life people come and go that is how life is, for some of us. I felt like everytime something good happens, it just doesn't seem to last long enough for me.

I also knew what a void Eric was going to leave in Tony's life. I hope they keep in touch.

Orotina was dreary, it was raining and I was quiet, Tony didn't speak much either. We shopped and talked a little bit. I bought him a Machete, so he can do some cutting of wild things for me when I need.
We went back to 26 and started working on it again. We put the bejuco all around the sofit of the cabinets, and worked on the huge bamboo, I painted some masks while he fixed the stereo. THen we tweaked the upstairs and went to RONS, ron invited us to pizza and beer. So we the three of us were joking laughing and carring on for hours. We had the best time. Ron is cool... some of the story's are wild that he tells but I love him anyway! Tony and Laughed so hard I almost peed my pants.
Came home the phone rang and I think its Tonys family. He certainly changed his mood... Not happy now? God now what?

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