Saturday, August 05, 2006

Des y sase

Don't know if I spelled it right but Its house number 16, ok Yesterday was horrible, The day before someone named Ron, came to the LA Flor and demanded with police that he enter the property. I had strick orders that he cannot enter. He wanted to check some property that he had a power of an attorney to be in charge of.

I knew ahead of time that he was not allow in the La Flor, the wierdest thing is that I work for his new boss, on house number 16. Also Will be doing the office of the same person, and now he is an associate of his. ITs all mixed up. He came. while I was having a meeting with the finance director, of both projects. He made his demand and the security guards came to alert me of the problem. Tony was upset since he went to talk to them while we talked, he came in and shared very rapidly in Spanish as to what was going on, I tried to understand but I didn't. Later I went out to see what the problem was. He ws there with police demanding the entrance.
I called the big bosses and talk to them about the situation, in no way was he allowed on the property regardless of the legal papers he had and the police.

Wow what a position to be in for me... it was very hard. Luis the finance manager suggested I defuse this since I was in charge and just allow him in the property. I suggested he come back after working hours and then he could visit the house with the documents that he carried. I said you will have 20 minutes, he didn't like that idea demanded more. Then he went on an on about how much they owe him from lack of payment on commissions. Then there was more I sat and listened and tried to calm him down but it just got worst. Finnally Luis left shaking his head, then Ron left . I went back to the office with a horrible fear he would return and try again while I was on the job.
I don't know the whole disbute but I wish that La Flor had warned me about this situation.
THe following day I arrived at La flor with a terrible feeling that things today were going to go south. I was right.

It began with furniture from the jungle, I had to go to the bank to get the cash and leave the office for fifteen minutes. I waited in line for a half hour. When I got back I paid rhe man and went over the invoice, it was higher than he qouted, I didn't argue I just gave the money.Then Camacho, was to show up about the drapes for Irwin, well come to find out the fabric I chose , none were available and now were a week out from the client showing up. It was a diaster, I stuttered, couldn't speak the right words in SPanish and the communication between me and Tony all of suddent stopped he went to comacho side??? Ok this whole thing was about to melt down. Hours later still no reslove we had to go through all the products that I chose around these fabrics to see If I could find something that would work with The new fabrics, finally They understood that I wanted to go back to SAn Jose and look at another place to find the right look. It was hours of discussion and it could have been resolved if only I had perfect spanish. WHat a mess...

Then while this was going on the granite man showed up to tell me that the granite I chose for the counters is no longer available When Asked what was left he didn't understand me, over and over I repeated it still no comphrende!!! OH NOW IM REALLY FRUSTRATED!! then Tony came and I said please ask him what is what? THey only had two colors from this huge color board. BLACKOR UGLY WIERD YELLOWISH WHITE....
God ok? what a mess, I Went in side and the electrical for the hanging lamps were all crooked so I had to correct that. This house has had so much trouble. the paint for example was wrong three times.

Tony was not happy with me all day, he left to go get signs on the car and order beds, and call the appliance place to place the order, when he left he was very distant.
come to find out he ordered the wrong items and we got into a disagreement because he swore I said To order flat screen tv's. Then David showed up and the furniture he made was wrong, In stead of king he made queen. WHAT ELSE???? Then Ron calls saying he has a law suit against the people , and was very upset yelling on the phone at me.
My head was hurting so bad all I wanted to was go home. But Tony was gone so I had to wait paitently till he returned.
We left at 6 after seeing Davids stuff, and went to the store, Then to Davids to talk. We spent an hour or more there and ate pizza, Tony spent most of his time on the phone out on the street. He is actin different today, very upset and really strained.

I came home to die the hair and just go straight to bed. Not and exciting weekend...

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