Sunday, July 30, 2006

Ending the Week, possibly Esterillos to the beach today

Ending the Week : the Conclusion of this week was very good, what a full week it was but light on the other hand compared to the following week of San Jose every other day.
We just surveyed the houses, watched the progress and saw all the drapes put in at La flor number 18, Irwins casa, Tony is really becoming a great asset, I sure hope it lasts?? He is so very on top of everything, and also cooks and cleans for me drives for me everything.. I have never had anyone, let alone a man do so much for me.. It is so Wonderful. Its like I have personal, NO OFFENSE Man servant. I cannot quite figure this out at all. I believe he believes we are a perfect team in Work. Yet he does things for me here in the house, although were not involved. We do social things together too, but its only as friends. This is a great Feeling honestly.. I truly have a trusted Friend.

Tony shared with me a little of Tony's life experience, by being raised by both his Grandfather and Grand mother.. His mother was around but he has not told me why he was with the grand parents yet. He was raised in the deep Jungle on a finca, a farm.. He worked from the time he was old enough to make sense of things around 7 or so. Tony as such strong work ethtics and such a loyal attitude, that it is evident that his family has taught him a lot about life and people. He is one extremely perceptive person too, a good judge of character when it comes to everyone.
More on this later:
We Were looking at Irwins drapery install when a man who is buying another house at La flor came up with Edwardo, Remember Eddy is my good friend now too.. Eddy relies on me for something and completely trusts me with all the clients he has set me up with. He highly praises me to the clients which is so nice! I do appreciate Edwardo. With his British accent/ Tico accent.. Such a pleasure to talk to and be with. And Now that the big guys, the owners of La Flor like me and well he said that the Main Man fell in love with me the moment he met me is now happy that I am going to be involved with the clients in the office for the next ten days... Anywho.. This man is introduced to me by Eddy. We chat and then for some reason I become the tour guide in the bright hot sun of Jaco, in La Flor. I show this man the different aspects of the homes, and options on which you could choose to make the house different or with more space. We walked all the houses that I knew and Eddy opened the doors. I saw Herrardo, not the main Herrado but the one that I deal with all the time there at La Flor he is like the contractor smiled and winked at me as if to say good job!
I ended up offering to take him to San Jose on Saturday to the Diasa Showroom to help him select his floors tiles, bathroom, paint and more.. With the thought that I needed to drop Tony off at his house for the weekend, so we made a nice trip idea out of it.

That evening, we took David and Jadeda out for dinner, it was Davids birthday.. I wanted to do something nice for David, he is one of my furniture manufacturers. He is a great guy and so is his darling wife! I took them to this place at the end of Jaco on the very end of the road where it stops and the river begins. Its honestly a unknown spot to most Tourists, In fact hardly any tourists go there . It was so nice, a lovely setting with ranchos covering all the areas, this is palm covered roofs, with post made of raw wood. The tables were all slabs of wood with rustic chairs. The atmostphere is great, good music soft lighting outside, and plants and flowers all over. David was so surprised that I would think of this. Tony he and I and Jadeda, had a great time over food and beers, and virgin pina coladas.
Then we went to the store to buy things for the house with David and Jadeda along, and returned to my place for Ice cream and birthday celebration! It was so nice, we laughed and talked and had such a good time!

Then yesterday I picked up The man at the La flor the new possible client with Tony, we drove to Herra dura to a place that was suppose to closing out product but it was a come on to get people to come and buy.. I didn't buy anything the prices were high and she was a designer just like me only had better and more beautiful things! I was jealous!!! I want a place too... it will come I know. But it was certainly a nice place I will admit.
Then we drove on ward to Orotina where I begged Tony to stop and get me Memonies. Going onward then a hour or so to the bank. I had to stop to get money to pay the big truck on Monday, and pay all the furniture makers for delivery. Tony is in charge I hope it goes well?
The reason is its saints celebration and all the banks will be closed for three days not including the weekend. The bank was so full of people wow an hour to get money.

Tony and the man waited out side the bank then they went and looked at cars and things while I was in the bank. As soon as I was done, we went to Diasa to select the products for his house. We spent hours in there, and now Diasa treats me with much respect and totally waits on me like crazy.
It sure is nice to have this relationship with this wonderfully supplier. The show room is nice, but nothing like the ones in the USA.
We went from there to this little furniture maker and I got prices about chairs, then to a Iron maker for out door furniture and got more prices, by this time it was time to eat at the Rodeo, this place is outstanding in Santa Anna, or near Alleujuela... It has total delicious steaks and here that is hard to find. We drank our cocktails and had hors de orves, then the most wonderful jalapeno steak ever!

This man was so impressed with Tony and I, and now I think he will be using us to complete his home.
Dinner was wonderfully even he said that was awesome! he paid!
We went on to Santa anna, to this pottery maker and I bought lamps and masks, and pottery and metal stands and plates, chimicuri holders, ash trays and fruits and more for less than 200 dollars. ITS ALOT OF STUFF! I was so happy , but before there was tons of people in the pouring down rain in the streets with bands and more stands like a fair I asked Tony what was this all about? He explained in Spanish of course, Tony refuses to speak English.. that it was about the holiday and there is where is begins, the people walk all the way to Cartago to get blessed, prayed for and healed.. So Cool! I wanna go...

Interesting week so interesting! I am so lucky and blessed to be alive to be able to enjoy some of lives simple pleasures, and see the beauty of the country the nature of th people, experience the things with Tony now, and find that the business here is going to do very well... IM happy!

Today maybe swim again get some sun, because next week is Totally LA FLOR... Can't wait to see what happens.
Irwin just called, and asked about his Drapes. I told them there beautiful! and I was hoping he would return soon.. he said LOVE YOU BABY GIRL! see you soon..

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Congo Part two

Congos, are black hairy monkeys, that are small framed and have a very rounded face.
When I heard them at First it sounded like dogs or people howling, very deep and guttural, and in short spurts. I was actually a bit afraid at first. Tony alerted me that they were not harmful. I was standing on this small metal Staircase with wedge heels on in the middle of a jungle area, that was beautiful. Tall trees, the sun was about dusk, the lighting in the trees was subtle, and shaded, muted colors of green and black and gray. This staircase was narrow and steep and lead to the small factory below the restaurant and bar sitting directly on the river. The trees towered over it, chickens were cackling, and making there bed noises, as they were getting ready to roost for the night. I noticed some where in the trees too.

I stared at this monkey for a long time in awe, thinking this was the coolest end of a very interesting day.
Then I progressed down the treacherous stairs, fearing that I would slip and once again hurt my leg. I got to the bottom where Tony and Jose, where standing looking at this huge root system all glazed, putting a top of a table made of a huge slab of wood.
It takes me back to when I was about 25, I made this table out of burl, it was a tree trunk base, and I put resin over the top only after setting sea shells I collected in SanFrancisco, near where I lived.. in the cracks. I made this table and it was a beautiful piece. It was our coffee table for many many years, one day one of my sons decided it would be fun to take a hammer and knock the little shells out of the resin. to see what they looked like, ruining the look of the table.. I wanted to clobber him, but he was small and curious... I understand.
These pieces are almost just like this table I made some 28 years ago. I reflected on this while deciding what to do for this whole house that is going to be Rustico style.

We walked back up the stairs, after much talking and stared at the monkey above. They guy got a pole and poked at the monkey so he would move for me... Then told me how the father had thrown him out of the family so he would grow up and begin on his own. The males are always thrown out. I felt so sad he was little and alone... Poor thing.

Then into the bar/ restaurant, to look at all the other options of pieces I could order or buy directly from the place.
I chose this fred flintstone looking dresser, SWEAR TO GOD IT LOOKS LIKE FLINTSTONE STUFF! Its COOL!! Then I picked out this killer TV stand with a door and drawers, and a shelf for the DVD, these unusual stools and more... I then walked around the place and heard birds in the early evening cooing the trees, the chickens sitting and roosting as I looked down the rustic wood limb style rails. I was overlooking this beautiful river. You could hear all the monkeys howling and making there last call for the night. The bats were flying eating all the mosquito's, and other night bugs. The one bird sounded like it was saying COOO COOO loud.. It was a real treat to see and hear all this for the first time. The water was white and light green as it rushed over all the boulders and I could smell the freshness of it as I stood above.

Tony and Jose were negotiating, I was living and thanking god for my life and my experiences here in Costa Rica, The way it has been lately has been so surrealistic, I have work but I am treated very well, I lay back and allow Tony to do all the thought stuff. THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD BE! I actually enjoyed the negotiations, and entered my opinions now and then, But mostly sat drank a meechalada, and had some fresh hot chichrones with lime while they argued.

We came to an agreement, while little unusual Chewowa dogs were milling about the place playing and barking. They added to the pleasure, making everyone laugh and pay attention to them. Then the dogs barked hard, The man said look to me in Spanish... Mira... Look... As I looked to the right of me in the front of the place on a bush of tea plants bright red and purple there was the baby Monkey staring at me and us close as could be! He was curious... So I got up and went out to see him the scurried across the bridge and jumped onto a huge tree over the river. We both stared at each other both curious. Iwas dressed in bright colors and I am sure he could smell me. They say that the monkeys can smell women, and they like them..
I could hear him saying some sounds, that sounded peaceful and curious.
I made sounds back and he stared. Then he climbed up further so I walked back to Tony and Jose sat and waited to finish.

I got a box as a gift for my purchase, I use to collect little boxes, so this one is now the new beginning of a new collection. It is made of four different color woods all natural. VERY PRETTY.
We shook hands agreed on 1300 dollars worth of furniture, and Tony and I were on our way back in the dark. We dropped the man off at his jungle house, his cousin. Then off to Jaco in the dark. Around nine we landed back to Jaco, I was filled with the days experience, from the morning conversation, with Helen, to the bank issues, the day star meeting, the Mansion the Heffes at La flor and then finale was the Congo monkey meeting! WOW that is different don't you agree?

then yesterday I had to return to San Jose to once again buy more things for the two houses. After a very long day of shopping bargaining, negotiating. We met up with Jon, Well in one moment I qualified him and found that he did not have the money for me to bring him here to show him the property that Richard Lime house has.
I was a disappointed, We met him at his Hotel in the middle of San Jose around 8:30, The Hotel was filled with beautiful women every where and it had a casino. I knew from the minute I stepped in it was a prostitute, gathering hole. It wasn't sleazy, the women from what I saw all looked very nice. BUT I DIDN'T like the Idea of being in that environment. So we went down the street to another place and had a cranberry and seven up and talk business. Tony just sat patiently, while I tried to find out about this guy.

Then when I told him the price of the property that changed his tune fast. We end up saying good bye and leaving around 11:00.

By the Time we got back to Jaco it was 1:00, exhausted I flopped in the bed and never heard Tony any more.
Today is a light day, only looking at the progress of la Flor, so I can see where we stand, then The gym, meeting with Edwardo to go over the office details and then tonight work on the spread sheets for the clients.

Its cloudy today I was hoping that maybe I could get some sun! I need some light. Yesterday it rained all day so it was gloomy and cold.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Today was ao interesting, it began early when I got up around six, I made the coffee and laid in the bed and thought about the goings about lately. I have someone from the internet who called me early on Sunday to talk to me about visiting COSTA RICA. Jon, he called several times to meet up with me, Finally he got a hold of me and we made a apoint to meet this week. He came to purchase property.

At 7:00 I emailed people, made the coffee and got ready for the day. I had to meet up with Day star around 11 to discuss finding article's for a hotel that is being built here in Jaco, but before that Helen called and came by so we could discuss the issue that happened last week, I pointed out to Helen that what transpired in the la tenda was incorrecto! And that I didn't want it happening again, Helen and I didn't see eye to eye this morning, but we left friendly and talking to one another. In the midst of the talk, Tony came back with Arya and Erics car and borough Arya back to Jaco. Tony plowed into the Apartment, totally sweaty from the heat and the humidity, brought in lots of fruit from Orotina. yeah I was happy!! Fruit!!

Onward with the day, glad is wasn't as bad as yesterday I had a flat! Went to the bank first there was a problem with an wire transfer, and I had to send my id, copies of signatures nd more so I took care of that first, then on the Day Star to talk about the job. After a good meeting with Day Star and he agreeing to have us find things for them, Tony and I were hungry so we went to a Soda on the beach and ate a great lunch pretty cheap too! To the bank once a gain and get money to drop off at Davids, store for some of the beds and cabinets the I making for me.

As soon as that was done we headed up to Hermosa, above Renes house and TEXAS TERRIES
Yesterday when I had the flat I limped to the bomba,( gas station) I was the only one there when all of a sudden six other cars also pulled in. One was limehouse realty, I had seen this car all over Jaco the guy got out, and I noticed he had a flat too?? I said hello and began to talk to him, he is older about 63, tall white pale skinned reddened from the hot Costa Rican sun. He talked to me for awhile about my car and said he really liked it, we exchanged cards, then he told me that he had these ocean view properties on a mountain. I really perk up and listened, I said I have someone coming from the internet and I would love to have you show them that property! he said if I sell it to this guy I will give you 150 thousand for the lead. He also said hey why don't you come up and see my house and decorate for me! he said I am building many spec houses and could use your expertise and your advice on landscape and more... so I was thrilled that I talked To Richard limehouse.
So as the day progress we plugged up the hill to the very top and landed at this beautiful Three story building that looked as if it belonged in Italy. Wow so incredible... Towering on the hill all a beige and tan, remember that Costa Rican hills near the beach are huge, and the sites are unbelievable, breath taking. The breeze the warm ocean air, the humidity from all the trees and jungle.

We Walked into the private gate house with a guard, who asked who we were and announce our arrival. What a beautiful place, I wish my Camera was working its still not right!! This place was a mansion, a real Mansion. NEW ONE with a infinity pool and an infinity hot tub, a single story master bedroom, yes one story is the bedroom, the second level is the kitchen and living area, the third is apartments that are rented out to friends or family or clients. Its a villa.. All pastel creams and biege, the cement was cut into blocks on the grounds, then pressure treated with acid maybe but it was all cobbled, So pretty. The up stairs to the house the concrete look much like real old stones... Everything in this place was totally first class. The huge fountain n the court yard, the garden impeccable, then the pools we saw the pools an additional up stairs courtyard.

the wrap around porch or corridor, the out door shower up stairs on the balcony.

Hey your on the top of the hill you can take a shower up there out in the open and I really don't think any one would care?? Do you? I was loving that so different , can you imagine, showering in the open with a three sixth view of beaches and mountains?

The floors were so perfectly done in this beautiful wood that was dark color, against white walls...

Anyhow he was the one I met at the flat tire, he told me about his place and invited me up to decorate it just like that! I went and he showed me this spectacular lots on the top of the ridge of the mountain over looking all of freaking Costa Rica... I was dying!! I could hardly contain my self.. So exciting way up and to see all that and to think I am getting a personal tour! Wow... Then we went back to his house and Tony was measuring windows for treatments, I jotted down color when the phone rang.

It was Edwardo, asking me to come to La Flor now, that the big bosses where there and wanted to meet me now. I said give me a little time I am in this mansion and honestly I don't want to leave!! He laughed and I said I will get there in an hour. I then ran over to the La flor and had the meeting with these four guys, Edwardo, Miguel, Herradro, and Herradro. It was very interesting the main guy was heavy and very talks tive, they all kissed me when I entered the room. Shook my hand and I smiled and responded correctly.
The asked me all sorts of questions in Spanish, God I am really getting better at Spanish, I still suck but it is better! I manage to answer all the questions with out making a total fool out of my self, one of the bosses the big one was smiling at me the whole time... When I left the room after a half hour meeting.. They responded to Eddy that I was a beautiful woman, guess there happy with having me work for then days.

As soon as this interesting but strange meeting was over, I asked Tony to drive us to this man he told me about that makes the best rustico raw style furniture. Its made from slabs of wood, the grain is really defined and so artistic. We got on the road to Punteranas about an hour away from Jaco, it was about 3:30 in the afternoon. Wild day that meeting with the Hefes, was very interesting if not entertaining, One little woman with Four men, of authority. Wow and they liked me and was happy I was going to be running the office for ten days.

This was in my head, all the way to Punteranas I thought was where we were going, I was thinking about the whole day while Tony honked and yelled get out the way in Spanish, Movelett movelett... waving his arms. Trying to get this place before it closed. I needed to buy or order alot of furniture for this one house.

We kept driving past the sea past Punteranas, now another hour into the tree tunnel and the lush green pastured of Guanacaste, the three trunks are dark black and the ferns are growing out of the limbs and trunks with, tillancisa, and bromeliads... then the trees leaves tiny and airy making a lacey pattern in the sky.

More and more we drove now im getting upset asking TONY WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU TAKING ME!!!??? soon we turned off on this side road , he made a phone call and we were now in a jungle area but a different sort of junge not thick or un enhabited, houses farms but Jungle wrapped around the houses, Bamboo, trees of every sort, bananas, palms more... I said WHAT THE HECK? then he picked up this guy Tico, very farm style, not like the people in Jaco.. HE was his relative in the jungle, he took us to this secluded Bar in the middle of the jungle. It had all the furniture I was looking for, it was a huge place all open, sitting down in a whole next to a river, the entrace was higher than the bar, restuarant. THen we went down this steep stair case... I saw the factory where they make the furniture.. Wow little but productive! Next to this huge river with green water flowing fast, over boulders and lush surroundings right next to the water. Soon I heard strange Noises, TONY SAID LISTEN!!! ITs CONGOS!! CONGO MONKEYS! Black howler Monkeys.
I looked up and there was a baby in the tree above me..


Sunday, July 23, 2006

Shopping shopping shopping

Shopping In San Jose is difficult, if you have little knowledge of the city, Thank God for Tony he knows all the streets all the locations of things, and if he doesn't he asks everyone where to go.
We spent the day in San Jose looking for Rattan and membre is what they called it, its like wicker to us. We went to two places we were recommended to go, but the prices were so high and some of the work was bad that I decided to look further. We drove all over the city ended up at one of my favorite places to shop, and bought more things for two houses. Tony Dropped me off and went to get prices on office furniture, and a quote for a counter that I have designed. He left me there a long time so I walked the mall bought a sweater and some tcby, relaxed and sat waiting patiently for him.
Upon his return, I insisted we go to another place but the rain began and we knew we were going to have to carry some of the furniture on the top of the car, Tony was going to go by his house pick up the plastic and the rope when we had got stuck in traffic in the pouring down rain.

We moved a little, when I noticed on the right in the middle of a neighborhood a tortilla Factory. Commented on it and he explained how long it had been there. Then moving forward just a bit more I saw an old old house, wood slats, with mud inbetween. A big old porch, and as I glanced I saw some man making wicker furniture! Wow they had all kinds of nice stuff, right by Tony's house. So Tony dropped me off to make a deal on something I had in mind, and he went to get the plastic and rope.
The little house was totally a a work shop, but as I walked around and peeked in the window, and by the way there was no glass I saw an old woman sitting in the dark un lit house at an old rugged table.

She saw me and just peered at me. I sat in a rocking chair that was all cane, and rocked back and forth as I talked to the guy with my lame spanish, as I talked one man who was constructing said he recognized me? I didn't know how I never have been to this place ever. I have been a few places but San Jose is filled with people and little cubby hole places and its pretty big so the chances of someone recognizing me is sorta slim.
He did know who I was, He worked For Orlando clear across town, and here he was working for this man. When he saw me he told the man I was working in this business, and that It was not for my personal house.
THen soon Tony returned and the negociations began. We settled but it was higher than I expected. I deposited them so I hope that the product comes out good.

They did make some very nice peices at this one. I felt good about the people too. So I know it may be a good connection for the future.

Then we went to exchange a mirror that got broke or was broke and we didn't see it, only when we took it out of the box. Well Thats a joke.. Here in Costa rica no one takes anything regardless of what or how THey take nothing back nothing. We went to two of the locations and no there not going to return anything. So now I have to replace the mirror in this huge mirror for one house. It was a problem, and I was tired, Tony was trying his best to be positive but it just didn't happen.
Later we drove back to Jaco, unloaded all the stuff at 11:00 at night. Came back to work the following day at the office on another bid, then We drove to Tamarindo, and to Playa Conchel, and Flamingo.. the ride over was beautiful!
It was so pretty, a tunnel of trees most of the way. The mountain sides so green and full of bird and butterflies.
Lots of wild life.
The Roads were good to Punteranas and about 1 hour past. But then the roads turned to mud, and no gravel, only dirt. The rain created red roads.
The Roads were actually red, because of the mud. This mud is used to create all the Costa Rican Statues and pottery that is sold on the road sides. Beautiful Pottery... and I am sick I didn't get any for these jobs. I thought we were going to spend the night, but Tony opted for going to libera, seeing if there was a fiesta after our solicitating, come to find out there was but it was late, i fell asleep and he kept driving. So It was too late to pick up any artisans products.

Tamarindo is similar to Jaco, in that there is only one street in the town, and arterials, only most of the arterials are mud.
The town it self was much better than Jaco , because the buildings and the stores shops and Condos are really well done. The Prices in the Restuarants were very high and the streets were filled with Americans.

Play Conchal, was simply gorgeous, clean, really natural, the little shops,and authentic restuarants were not as high and the food at one we were we stopped and had some mechiladas, and I had ceveche, he has Arroz con mariscos was fabulous.
This place sat directly on the beach, a little above the actual ocean. The view of the beach and surrounding areas were really amazing, unforgettable. To look to the right and see Flamingo with Small Islands, and enormous houses on top of them and nestled in the mountians, that sit directly above the clean white beach, was truley pictureseque. To look the left you saw a complete beach that was private only for the conchal condo complex, and is miles of private beach. WHITE SAND with spectacular surroundings.
This was an evening I will not forget, Tony and I had wonderful conversations about life, things in general, and we laughed an awefull lot. It was really a nice Sunset to behold and to remember.. We may continue to try to develope work in this area, although its hours from Jaco and a long way from San Jose. We would have to come up with a plan and spend weeks there
working. WOW WHAT A SHAME... to have to work in that inviroment! NOT! its beautiful, and I would love the opportunity to at least spend some time there.

I may go back before Aug 20th and see it once again and try to set up meetings.

This next week is crunch time for two houses to be completed.. One has gone already over the budget. Its hard when the space is double than another that was quoted so I may have to call and discuss with the client some options.

Helen will be helping this week, She needs to work too.. As well as all of us... I had to lend Helen some money, I hope it helped her? She seemed so depressed. Makes me sad too.. I love Helen.

She has three people living in one little room on one little bed... I feel so bad when I see this I can hardly stand to go over there... but I try to be a good freind to her regardless of her doing things that are not exactly right when it comes to our work.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Tues, Weds and Now Thursday

Tuesday I needed to go to San Jose to find furniture makers, new ones bamboo ones, Rattan ones,and Rustico ones. Helen went with me early around 8:00. The day was so pretty because the night before the rain that poured so hard washed the world clean. Amazing after a rain isn't it.... well Normal rain, not the Portland kind that you really never see the difference. It was as if things sparkled.
We drove as fast as I could behind trucks, cars, cattle trucks and old beaters. We got in to the Aluejuela and picked up Tony at the usual place. Now the shell station. Its easier than trying to go all through the neighborhoods to find him. We make a round about and head back on the pista. But this time I wanted to Talk to Orlando, he does Rustico Furniture, where they burn the finish on, it looks redish black. Kinda cool, very Spanish. We met with him while Tony took the car to get washed and looked at the fan belts. After the Panama ride through the river Poor tortuga is having some issues. Nothing Serious just making a sqeeking noise. I Noticed that lots of cars here to this? and I don't know why, Tony thinks Replace them but I think I should take it to the dealship.
Its a bit different here at the Dealership, they do not have anyone on the site you have to send it out. So he just took a peak and had a second oppion. By that time Orlando, Helen and I ate and were talking about details on the conferene table, and other beautiful Items I selected for him to hand craft.

One huge comference table with round pedistools, one table with Iron legs all underneat a pine, round top, and two small iron and wood tables.
HE is doing beds too, queen beds with fabric head boads and foot boards in an elegant carved wood header. Really different..
We all then went to see about my phone, I need a cell phone. Tony and Orlando know someone who can help you get one here. Ite not easy here to get one Ice makes you go through heck, since so many Amerians abuse the system here. Its very cheap to have a cell phone, but Americans call home and use it to the ultima and then leave the bills behind. So now its difficult for us to have one.
I got mine, now all I have to do is have Ice put the chip in it.
LAter we spent most of the day driving around looking for product, I had a rough day it was long and tiring trying to Attain all the things I could with Helen and Tony. Tony was fine it was Helen who was anoying me and slowing the process down. But I learned something about her, she does go behind my back and says things she thinks I didn't understand.So Now NO MORE HELEN with the clients or the vendors.
Only at the house is where Helen belongs, doing things in the finished process.

You see it is nessesary to have people negotiate for you, I speak some spanish but not enough to make a good impression. Although they know I understand because I do answer most times correctly.I am finding that Tony is the one to negotiate, Not Helen or I. So this is his postion now with the business.

He fits well and has such good manors when it comes to the vendors. They are very respectfull of him and thank us both and actually give us gifts.
Nearing the end of the day, I found a killer Furniture maker, they do hotels and restaurants. But its all tropical, and rattan, Bamboo, Big bamboo like I have never seen. This stuff it probably 6 or more around. HUGE.. I fell in love with a set that was two large chairs, a coffee table and a sofa for less than 500 bucks. It's massive, all black. So cool,So I picked out fabric for the cushions and all the throw pillows.
Then we went on a search for the rattan makers. Found a couple but the prices were ridiculous. So no go there. Tomorrow we are heading back early to find some more and to pick up pieces we found.
We ate at Tony's Favorite place in Aluejeula, and had yucca, checharones, and puree. I couldn't eat it all so Tony ate mine. Helen scarfed her's down in minutes and drank two beers. Wow...
Driving back late at night to end up at La Flor, to unload the catch of the day!

Yesterday We worked from 7 in the morning till 10 at night just having meetings, with builders, vendors, the workers at the la Flor, and selecting more furniture from a local maker here in Jaco.
It was a long day, we ended it by talking on the balcony and having a glass of wine while Tony had a beer and Eric joined in and visited after the girls were alseep. I was playing the music too loud. I forgot about the little one next door. THey are visiting for two weeks and leave on Sat.

Today I woke up early the Roosters are crowing and I a laying in bed with latin videos on, I am finding the music here is most incredible. I really am loving it. But then again I love most music, its just this is passionate and new to me and has such feeling.

I am hopefully going to the gym today, getting a cell, pickin up cha cha and working on spread sheets, going to the bank, and discussing bids.
Full day but I do plan on Sat to do something veryfun either leave the area and go to guancaste or somewhere else to experience something new

Monday, July 17, 2006

ITs cool today

It is very cool today in comparison's to most days here. It is cloudy out and I read this morning about another sunami in makes me wonder if that has had an effect on our weather too?

I was suppose to go to San jose to pick up Tony and the rest of the things I purchased the other day but I got up and decided to clean up the apartment, eat, write, and get the printer set up so I can print contracts for all the other clients I have now, and send faxes to the ones that are waiting to deposit. The Printer wont set up with out the CD so I was going to go the site and see If I can do it my self.

Then I will go to the gym, and then drop off my laundry. I do not have a washer, and hand washing lately hasn't happened. First I am really busy, second is the weather, rain and cool doesn't dry fast on the line.

I have a new companion maybe??? A parrot that Elena wants to give me.Helen and I went and visited her and Terry yesterday in Herradura. She sold her house and another property so now there going to construct there new one. We talked about the garden and the inside. So I may be helping her a bit for that.
We had a nice visit, but she wants me to take this parrot called Cha cha. I might, since I love birds, but I am gone more now and I would feel bad to leave Cha cha all the time. Or maybe I could train Cha cha to go with me places? I dunno but I am thinking about it.

She is a little green amazon, not a macaw like the ones here. THere are amazons here and peach faced and white and green and white most of those are not allowed as pets. But this kind is.

THen after we came back to Jaco, I was going to fix dinner for Eric and Helen since it is there birthdays! We saw a parade in town with over two hundred horses, its an anual thing. They play loud music from a truck in front and the horses actually dance to the music. Ya know like the lippisans? only these are mostly Carillos, A costa rican type horse. Some were beautiful heads held high and so proud.. dancing and prancing like royal horses, some were all sway backed and ugly too with little children on them with the traditional leather Costa Rica cow boy hats.
Its funny too, cause I decided to wear my panama hat yesterday, when I arrived at Helens she asked where my horse was, no sooner than she said that I said, here down the road, not knowing they really were down the road. When we saw them she cracked up at me! said I knew... but really I didn't!

I had a nice leasurely day.. then I made dinner for Helen and Eric, with the help of Arya's sister in law and Arya.

We watched the sunset here it was beautiful the sun is starting to come our way now, while We drank a glass of wine.
Then Helen and I talked for a bit on the balcony under the trees and plants that are growing huge now.
I decided were to put Cha cha if I get her today.

This morning I woke up early and thought about my life and what I needed to do this week with work, Thought about my kids, and the new things developing in my life. I made a decision to be more involved with exercise like I use to be. I want to start up Jazzercise here!! I know I can do it....

Then today will hopefully accomplish all the things I have on my list.

Helen and I talked about San Andres,maybe after Aug I will go there for a few days.. I been dying to for months now.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

THe weekend, FIreworks, work dancing the lambada, more

IT's the weekend, and its beautiful in Costa Rica!

The weather here tonight is nice, cool (70) a bit and the skys were clear and full of stars. I looked out several times tonight after leaving San Jose once again.

I saw Fire works in San Jose and then when I returned here to place all the beautiful things I bought for a new client in a garage, I looked into the Jaco sky and saw fire works blaring.


Another fiesta is going on.

The weekend began only after meeting with my drapery guy camacho, medium height dark hair dark skinned tico. We were working on three houses at once. We had a beer together with Helen, and Tony. Tony ran to meet a contractor at an office we are doing, I told him we needed another performa, a bid. They call it a performa.. so he went to meet the man at 7:00, while Helen , Camacho, and I said and decided on fabrics, and talk bout biz.

Later Tony, came and picked Helen and I up and we all went to the Columbian restuarant in town. I ate light only a piece of pork loin, some avocado and half of an areapa. Tony ate big always does.. like four or so of everything. He says hes growing boy. We then came back here to the apartment, sat around for a while and listen to latino music videos. Then decided to go to Motaplatino. Eric Joined in and we rode for this first time for both the guys.
Eric and Helen in the back, Arya decided to stay home.. with her family. Tony driving and Marianna being the loca she is, singing and dancing all the way.
We rode it felt like miles this time in the jungle, I know Mr Silva was thinking I didn't know where the hell I was going but I did, I was laughing and singing the whole way! I had a dress on, Helen shorts and black top. Tony black, and Eric for a refreshing change was not in black!!! yeahhhhhhhhh

We finally got there and the place was closed, but I could see two dark figures in the bar sitting out in the open. We all walked in and asked why they were closed, Tony asked if we could kereoke, or hear music so the Dj who was one of the figures, the oher I have no clue but boy I found out later he could dance really well.

Well with no one there but us the Dj said he would turn on music for us girls. Next thing you know Helen and are Dancing, soon the Dj joins in then Tony, and the other guy, Eric was last to jump in. It was a heck of alot fun, I danced merange, cumbia, and lambada, I did that with the other figure, and then once with Tony, Eric comments on all our dancing and complemented me too said I did very well, it was a blast the dj even begain singing with the mic and it was great.. We were all singing it was a beautiful celebration of a new team.

Sorry about the photo, We were a bit spent from the night before, and in a store with about a billion people in line with purchases, Anual sale,wow good stuff. The managers of this stores know me and now send four or so people to help me.
At the counter they open for me and sen four to help... some people in the store were of course talking in spanish about who is she? and she gets four and they cant open one more?
I got all kinds of different needs from people who wanted to move ahead of my three shoppping cart train, with furniture on the side.
Wild... one and half hours in line, and three in the store shoppping.

We got done , Tony headed home, we dropped him off in this usual pick me up or drop me off place at the gas station.

He patted me on the head and said be carefull, have a nice time tomorrow, and kissed my hand

Driving back in the dark is no fun with a car full of items. We made jaco about ten, dropped off the stuff at the La flor, then to Helen and now home and resting.
Dinner was at soda in aluejalua

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Got the camera Fixed, and more

Well I haven been so busy with work and life that I haven't got caught up with What has happened in the week.

I manage today to get the camera Fixed, and more.

This whole last week was spent on new clients, measuring office space, designing counters, dividers, lofts and two jobs in two separate houses. All I have done is concentrate on that, except one day I did manage to get to the gym.
I have spent the last two days in San Jose, I spent the night at a clients Mansion in Santa Anna, wow that was different.

I had much to do in San Jose from getting appliances rates, TV Rates, And electrical, stone, marble counters, drapes.. You name it I was doing it when it comes to the homes. I spent early morning Weds, and all of today working very hard. I did manage to slip a couple of cappucinos in here and there. And a Pizza last night at the clients house. This was after we all sat around, I, Ron who is about 50 something, investor opening up a real estate firm and franchise called Realty Executives. Luis and Sylvia his associate, Ron A, Tony and Minor.

We were discussing the details on the offices. I sure hope this turns out great! It will be the premiere of the company in Costa Rica, and I am assured by them that ten more will be added to my list.

Tony has been helping, taking the place of Helen but only in a grander way. Being a Man in this country means you get things a lot easier and faster and for a Tico less. Gringo's just normally pay more for everything. So in saying this Tony has been a huge help for me, Helen will Have her place as well. I accomplished more with Tony in one day than I have done in two weeks.

I hope this continues, not only does Tony need the work and acts as a full on contractor, but I need the help, I can see that this may turn out to be a growing team.

Tony is committed to me as a friend just for those of you who are curious, I wish there was more but not so. We are Friends and work perfectly together, I have certain Ideas about how things look and He seems to flow with this like he's done it his whole life?? Strange IM having a hard time actually at moments figuring this all out. We have a lot of fun, we get along great, he is a hard hard worker, and performs beautifully, were always around each other lately, yet I respect his love for his wife, and hope that he figures out what is best for Tony and his Family.

Aside from that, things are good. I have been doing well with the leg and life in general.

I heard from Milo today, seems he was in Costa Rica for some time Working, never called, but did say he did the things he couldn't do with me, when I was ill, like hike see the volcano ect ect and a message saying the reason he didn't call was because he didn't want me to think it was a booty call??? Please at least call and say "Mari I am in town can we talk?" Oh boy Men!!!

Tomorrow is filled with work and the gym, I have to go out this weekend and dance, I want to get in shape for Aug, I will be working in the office of La Flor, this development. I was asked to run the office for a week, I agreed. Since some of my clients are in there and it would be easy to do both.
Just want to look nice for the clients since I will see most Face to face or at least a few while I am working there.

It is funny because at 8 o'clock this evening Tony was driving me home, ( its sorts like he is my chauffeur, and helper? ) and we had to get fuel by the airport, we saw ambulance's, and fire trucks at the airport, I said something horrible.... not knowing anything or his where abouts, but I said Maybe the plane had a fire or something and Milo was going home on it??
Well the note he sent was from the airport at 8 o'clock, and who knows? It may have been that he was on it going home?
TONY CALLED ME A BRUHA ( don't think I am Terrible I was actually Joking but I found it WEIRD THAT HE SENT A MESSAGE TO me from the airport, and I had no idea he was here??? WHAT IS THAT ABOUT??? IF you love me then why didn't you call me?

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Panama To Costa Rica

We Traveled about an hour, when we came across a beautiful lake, I could see this huge lake on the right hand side of the road, Tony kept saying Mira Mirra, I looked alright and then got pulled over by the Panama Police. He was standing in the middle of the road. Just flagged me over, Tony was saying Oh Marianna, anyway, I talked and he talked a lot the guy warned me and then warned me again, I smiled alot. I was wearing a black tank top and tan shorts with a white panama hat that had a black ban, big white earings. The man couldn't stop starring at me... it was actually a bit scary I thought for sure I was going to get a speeding ticket in the tortuga. This is a name I called my car the turtle, cause it never has the power when I need it! At times I did call itMY LITTLE PONY, Or Tony's pony he would crack up! Anyway I didn't get the ticket Tony Manage to talk him through it.
Thank God for Tony, it was a smart move to have him be our chaufer and guide.

We Drove for hours watching the beautiful country side, much different than Costa Rica. Soon we came to Santiago, we stopped at Abuela's cocina. Grandpas kitchen. We had bbq, and some typical Panama Food.

Soon Back on the road to David... David was our destination, we wanted to shop a bit more and have some good coffee and some sweets. David was a littte hard for Tony to find the main central district. Finally after driving around for a twenty minutes we found it and got out to pouring down rain, Walking through the little people filled town with loads of discount stores, we all were shopping for things of our own intrest, I helped Tony pick out an outfit for his 16 year old daughter while he shopped for 10 dollar shoes, Arya and Eric were on there own misson.
We separated to come together an hour later in a spot we all agreed on. Then we met up and had coffee and sweet rolls in this little Chinese place.
It was fun, cloudy rainy and warm, We all talked and laughed and had a nice afternoon respite.

Soon back on the road and it began to get dark, now about 7 hours on the road... We were coming to the frontera of Costa Rica, I remembed this lady who had the stickers on her hand and rapidly forced them on peoples pass ports then demanded a dollar. All the gringos paid, I didn't think I should in the begining do you remember?
Well Arya was egging me on the whole trip about her, how I should have taken one of the stamps and put it on her cooolooo and ask for a dollar! When we got the frontera this was on my mind, the moment I saw her I though of that rip off!!! Eric and Arya, Tony and I all parked the car and got out to get in the line of the first passport check.

THERE SHE WAS! Ohhhh I was so mad at her, she immediately rushed us forced her fake stamps on us, and as soon as she did. I quickly in a flash before anyone saw... snatched one of the stamps and stuck in on her forehead with my thumb! SHe stepped back for a moment and had no clue what happened, then she said OHHHHHHHh you disrespect me!! ohhhhhhh you!!! Tony laughed I laughed Arya was shocked and laughed and Eric never saw what happened... We moved forward in the line, she ran to tell the Panama police what I did. All of sudden, the police came... talked to Tony, Tony became a lawyer in a minute flat! an Abogato.... Wow! he went to bat for me and never stopped talking about her and how she ripped people off and that it was not nesscesary... They took me to the police office, then made me stand and face three of them. I was smiling thinking I bet no one ever even questioned her let alone stamped her forehead!!

After much argueing with Tony, the police and her... ( never said a word I looked as sweet as I could with my panama hat and big eyes... ) Tony manage to get them to back off, Now you know they will talk about this incident for years! They gave my my passport back, smiled and warned me to behave the next time I come through... I for some reason was not scared, I knew that putting a stamp on someones forhead was not going to put me in jail, but it did make them question her and ask for her permitts to sell this stuff... Who knows maybe next time she will be gone.
The Amount of Americans and foreigners that she goes through in a day is probaly amazing, with a dollar each! They did say to her why don't you have an office if you are with the government? Tony had pointed that out??? But anyway he managed to stick up for me and get us out of there.. After he put his arms around me, I said I was sorry I was being stupid, he said no that was funny y0ur funny and it was good... made them all think!! I LAUGHEd and so DID ARYA this story has been told now many times by all of us.. I made a little laughter history on the boarder of Panama and Costa Rica.
We manage to finally get through customs hours later.Only after a complete search of the car.
We only had items we bought there like coffee for a dollar a pound, rum wine and a clothes.

Now it is about 9:30 the boarder closes, we barely made it. It began to rain, we didn't know there was a bad storm... we dr0ve and drove and came back to the dirt road that you take for about four hours. We crossed in front of racoons, and rats, and rabbits, cats, three cows sitting in the middle of the road, and one lone cow walking on the side as if he was going to the store to get something? Then we had to forge a river that had no bridge, the water was high it came above the lights on the car... but Tony the awesome driver he is pushed us through fast, but after that the back door had a short.

We continued now being 1:00 am, we stopped in this lonely jungle where only one gas station was and fueled up, drank some drinks and got out for a moment. You could hear all sorts of noises that were unfamiliar to me.Some sounded like a tether ball hitting the pole in the school yard, a pinging sound of metal, but it was a frog or something I don't know may unusual noises in the night.
On ward to the narrow bridges now, there is like five or six, one lane bridges to cross before y0u come to Quepos. Where the road changes and becomes decent. Well we came to a big one, we had to sit on the side since there was a huge transport truck with a n over size trailer crossing this tiny thin bridge made of wood.
We saw someone directing him in the dark on the bridge, I was staring very hard to see what was going on, Curious as to what we were facing now????
They told us the bridge was damaged by the storm and to have someone walk ahead and make sure you can drive over the areas that were broke.
OH BOY FUN.... NOT... Eric got out, and did the walk, while Tony Drove. Iwas scared, you could hear it creak, then he stopped I paniced, I thought??? driving fast over something keeps the wieght evenly distributed right? all physics! but no he stops right on the bad part?? I put my head down and just sighed. Thinking were going in the drink and I bet threre are crocks in there!!!! OH GOD... ARya was sitting in the back quite I yelled MOVE ERIC MOVE... TONY RUN OVER HIM LOL of course I was kidding but Tony got upset at me... he doesnt understand English that well.
I had my head down and soon I felt Tony's hand caressing me and calming me down.

We continued to Quepos and drove in the pouring down rain. We manage to get home safe aroud 3:30 am.

What a great Adventure Panama can't wait to do it again.

Now this past week has been uneventfull compared to this fun trip we all had. Tony went home to his family in Aluejuela, I continued to work on the business, and Arya and Eric had Tony take there car to get it repaired.

One day Tony called and told me to bring my car in for the electrical shorts, so I drove to San Jsoe and met up with him having lunch and taking it to his special mechanic. They fixed everything rewired the whole dash??? why I don't know but it only cost me 30 bucks.
We also took my camera in and tried to get me a cell phone.
I tell ya Tony is the man to know when you want something done In Costa Rica...

Great friends are hard to come by, and special people are even more so. Although many of us are special, in life we come across a few that are out of the ordinary. I think my three friends, Eric, Arya, and Tony are extemely special! I am blessed to have them in my life.
THanks you guys for sharing the adventure with me!!!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Panama pg 5

We got the gas, and then Followed the bus, the tourist bus that was going to Panama city. At first the following was fine, the bus signaled when he moved lanes and we followed. Then we came to a Police stop, which took some time for all of us to show the passports again, this is common in Panama.

As we took off we could see the bus in the distant, it was beginning to get dark, so the lights were visible to us now.
Soon Tony pushed fast to catch the bus and before you knew it the bus was out of site, and no longer around. He tried to go as fast as he could but could not catch the bus. It became a joke, follow the bus, with every bus we passed, which was not the bus we were to follow. Soon Tony became provoked with that. Saying Follow the bus. Arya and I found it funny but not Tony.

We not only lost the bus soon after leaving Santiago, but Tony could not remember the name of the hotel that the bus driver was going to lead us to. A place that was not expensive but nice.

We drove for a few hours in the dark, I knew there would be street signs, since it was different than Costa Rica, the Highways were exactly like USA.. Once again the USA paid many dollars into this country and it is very evident. Soon I saw lights, like the suburb of Panama City, you could see more roads lit up and I knew were getting close. We stopped at a toll and paid and asked at that point and the gal in the booth said go a half hour more, the sign is on the right and exit right, then go through town make a left.

Tony was so excited that we were actually in Panama city. Some place neither of us has been! You could hear it in his voice and he was singing loud now! I saw the sign and Said Loud before he saw it to the darecha, DARECHA!! To the right... Well he said no it straight ahead I disagreed said no the girl said. He kept going forward and well you can guess now. He missed it.

In the night it was hard to find out way around, there were no other exits, till you got Miles from this one, no turn arounds nothing.
Tony kept going and going, I was getting upset, I don't know Bout Arya and Eric they said nothing. I said Tony you have to go back.
So at that we went a little further, and then found and exit, I had to explain to Tony how to use it as In Costa Rica, they do not have exits where you can go round the freeway and re enter the freeway. He was confused. I managed to gently guide him and he felt better.

Then heading back on the Dark Freeway once again he missed the exit to Down town. Now Tony was Rummy and didn't speak at all. He was angry with himself and me.

I excitedly said Turn on the next exit and try to find our way across.
So he did, we went round and round, then found a street and took it! Perfect it was the right way... We crossed over a huge bridge and found out it was the Panama Canal, I could see it and said hey this is it the PANAMA CANAL! You could see all the lights and the huge span's of water.
We crossed it and went down in into a really bad part of town, it looked very bario.. Soon in the middle of the city. We got onto this road and it turned us back to the other side of town, but little did we know it was not far from were we landed at then end of the trip.

We saw a McDonald's, and stopped. By this time everyone was hungry so we got out the place was closing and saw two police on bikes. Remembering that Tony got great directions from them in David, I quickly walked over and talk to the two slim bike cops.
They were a little shy to extend there hand but when Tony walked up tall and confident, they took our hands and said good evening.
Tony then asked and they said they would not mind showing us where to go.
Ate at the McDonald's first time for me in Ages, I hate McDonald's.. The guys had big macaw and Arya and I had chicken sandwiches. Not bad but very late.
So then we followed the cops on the road way Tony was so tired he did not believe that it was the same cops... I kept saying SI TONY ESTA DE POLICIA... No Marianna differenete, SI Tony Mismo...
That went on for five minutes or so, until I said Stop look at them... He said oh oh yeah and laughed.
We were directed to this beautiful part of Panama where the buidlings were 40 some stories tall.
Wow incredible right on the waters edge.
We stopped at this one Hotel, some 30 stories. The cost was $ 250 per night. We asked where can we go not expensive, the guy with his lisp when he talked said oh you must go to another part of town up town not here on the water.
So at that we stopped again in a uptown. Once again the price was high, The young man standing out front was staring at me so I called him over and asked him while the guys were in side.
He told me to go around the corner, so I got in the drivers seat and when Tony returned he just gave me a curious look I said relax its ok I will drive.
The young man got in his tourist bus and had me follow him to a nice place around the corner for 65 per night. It was called the Parador. a four story building built around the 70's or 80's kinda disco modern. But nice.
The rooms were average size and two nice big beds. But no Towels only two, no face no hand only two towels.
We had a nice balcony on ours overlooked the neighbors hotel pool. Eric and Aryas was lame looking at terrible battleing.
It was fine for the night. Everyone was tired.
The next day we got up and ate that dungeon type restaurant that the hotel had in the bottom level. No windows and very little lighting. I didn't like it at all.. Tony was mad cause we ordered and the gal had no personality, nor did she bring the order.
"Only mine. Then we shared, after I could see she misunderstood him and didn't bring anything. He was pist! I just said eat mine. And I apologized for the mistake. In the mean time Arya and Eric were not happy either. Arya was mad at Eric and this continued a couple of times during the day. We tried to make light of it,I understand her point.

WE went outside and there was a little ol mad asking if he could take us around for thirty bucks. Tony questioned me and I said oh well I guess lets go! We split the fare for the guy.
Then he drove us straight to the Canal, we went on the tour and saw the incredible feat of action that was done many years ago. The amount of work that was entailed by this great idea. The amount of men that lost there lives for the cause of future... and the incredible amount of money it took to build this back then.
The Display in the canal is very well done. It is definitely a must if you ever go to Panama.

I was amazed, and I think Tony was too. After he was emotional and hugged me said wow Marianna this has to be the best time of my life, he actually had tears in his eyes. It made me cry too... He was so thrilled to see this amazing wonder of the world. HE told me how much he appreciated me and how he will never ever forget the time he has spent here and with us.

Then we asked the ol man to take us to the souvenir shops. So I could buy some Panama Hats.

I bought one for Tony, one for me and two for my sons. Tony's was brown it looked good with his skin. Mine is white with a black band and the boys are the type that Teddy Roosevelt wore.

We had fun bargining with the vendors. Eric and Arya did too, the bought a few things as well.
After he drove us around and we saw a few sights. It was a very nice day. Rainy but nice.
Then we walked across the street to eat at this very good fish restaurant. The price was a bit steep, I paid for Tony and I he had no money at this point. But I didn't care... I really don't mind paying for people if I have the money... Its just part of being kind to others. He ate some soup as well as Eric is eating his way through the countries trying All the Marisco Soups in every restaurant! I had garlic filet of red snapper with Parsley and celantro. Arya had some patacones and something small. The bread was great there filled with cheese and spices. We dipped it in olive oil and vinegar. Just like at home in the states.

Then Tony asked if he could pick some mangos , he and Spotted a tree behind the place when waiting on Arya and Eric to arrive from the room.
He asked them to get us some but no one wanted to climb the tree. So Tony did and got a huge bag of them!

We all gave him a high five!

Tony is a great guy, should you ever come to Costa Rica you need to contact me and I will give you Tony's number.

After we went to this mall in another area of town, once again another little man drove us for 2 dollars clear across town.
I was not in a shopping mood, THe guys took off many times... I knew that they just wanted to get away.
Arya was shopping then Eric came. It sorta went sour after that. I didn't shop I sat, watched people. I don't know why I was down, I don't know why I didn't want to buy anything, and now thinking back that was dumb. Because the price of things are so cheap. I could have bought my sons great shoes and gifts for the states. But I didn't

I drank and iced coffee and watched people. Wow they dress nice there.. Fun to see the difference in the cultures.

It was dark now, and We took yet another cab who charged us another two dollars to get back to the place we were staying.
I don't recall eating again, only drank some beers, on the roof top, after we hung out in Eric and Aryas, room.
We all went to the Rooftop and sat and looked at the sights. It was beautiful from the top. Wow I was quiet for a long time thinking how lucky I was to be able to at least experience this. Now understand this.
In my whole life, My desire has been to see the world, I use to watch every show ever on travel, and discovery. I was never capable financially to go much. I have only seen Canada, lots of states, I drove one time through the country. I have seen New York, only for a moment since I caught the wrong plane going to key west.
I have seen the keys, Mexico a little, and Kauai. and a short trip that Milo paid for to New Mexico. That is the extent of my travel.
So for me to be sitting on a rooftop in Panama City was Thrilling.

I feel like this is only the beginning for me. So some reason in my little head I believe I will see more. I don't know how but I will. I want to see the Island of San Andres next. So I may be working on that after the Holiday season, in the states... or It may be Italy. I do have a Friend there..

That night was fun, we drank beers, while Tony and Eric drank Vodka, Tony peeled the mangos and Arya ate six, We had them green too with salt and lime with the beers. Very Good! then some Young boys came over visiting from Texas, hustle a couple of beers from Tony, soon I went to bed. I didn't want to hear these kids talk about there partying. Tony then preached to them and they began to sing songs, one had a guitar. Eric said it was really cool.

The next day we , packed up and got ready to head back to Costa Rica. We stopped at this gas station and I bought some meat that was at this little soda next door, it looked like jerky but it was so salty I gave it to Tony. Also these weird tamales wrapped in hala leaves... Only corn. I don't know... Didn't like it.
we traveled on I was driving and Tony kept saying Go faster on the hills.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Panama Pg 4

As we drove toward David, we took a side road to this canyon area, it looked allot like the Grand Canyon. We looked at the lone house across the canyon, and the beautiful setting that was in front of our eyes as we sat in the car in awe. We drove further to find a development that was as far as the eye could see. N0 houses yet in the development on this canyon wall, but a fence and landscape. We followed to the end to find a sercurity guard, and got some information. Tony was so cute! Right away he started selling me to this guard, telling about my work and how pretty it was.. I was punching him in the arm saying ok he doesn't care... Just get a card and find out who I call. So he did. After he gave me a high five and said hey lets come here together I will work for you! I said ok Ton if it works out fine!!

We drove back in the warm sun that day, the sky was clear as can be... Hot and breezy, we saw a whole heard of cattle coming down the road. So this was a perfect opportunity for Eric and Tony to smoke again.
We pulled over and watched the cows, horses, and dogs work to get them down the road to the new pasture.

Going back to David was a nice trip, we stopped and bought Fresh Honey at this one gas station, and then onward to David to pass it and head towards another beach area so I thought?
We missed one, and then found another on the map called Las Layas, we finally found the street, on the corner was a man selling pepas,(coconuts fresh and you drink the water) another man selling bootleg booze from these little yellow apple like fruits, tiny ones. Another man selling fresh Cashews, Those are hard to pick they have to search the jungle for those.
Bus loads of people stopped there, they even made crude Ice cream cones in a ice chest?
I wanted the pepa, I have been suffering with an infection so this helps, I ate the cashews wow huge ones toasted no salt very good and so cheap.
We turned to go to the town to find some antiquities, but no town for the Indians were found. As we traveled further the People looked more and more Indian, sort of short, dark, and very weathered looking. I thought they looked Peruvian, I don't know the origin but they were definitely different.
We drove to the so called Las Layas, but it ended on a tiny little road at the beach. Like something out of a movie with a run down sign and an old Rancho, covered with palm leaves... The place was a wreck. I had a horrible stomach ache and had to go bad... You can not imagine this restroom. It was not about choice I HAD TO GO!

It was so run down no toilet seat, the smell was so bad I was gagging and felt as if I was going to barf! OH YUK sorry but this had to be told... The place looked like it was built in the early 40's and was barely standing. People were actually eating there. The beach was naked no trees and it was so hot it was sweltering.

We tried to drive down further on a dirt road, because we saw a sign that said hotel. As we drove the road got narrow, then very country. We finally came to the end, it was a small bay, with a house that said hostel on it. Tony went in, the gate was locked but he opened it and boldly walked on the property. I Was thinking someone was gonna come with a big machine gun and point it at us, but he kept going.

Now he is talking to this little man, he left our sight for a moment, and I got out of the car to look at the barbwire fences that are built with tree's, common here they plant trees and attach barb wire A living fence. Then Tony this tall Tico, sweating from head to toe slowly walks back to the car with his head down. Feeling disappointed that he the driver can find us a place.
He told me in Spanish they had no power, no electricity no water, and it was 80 bucks a night! I LAUGHED SO HARD<>

We traveled back throughout the country roads, it looked a lot like California, Near where I grew up. Fresno, hot climate the same, flat land, and many farms. A few Palm trees here and there... Only there were some bananas.
Then the main road.
Everyone was debating lets go back, I wanted to go South... They wanted to go north.. I kept saying keep going... They were a saying its a long ways to another place. I said lets see what we find!
Arya and I made the decision, I wanted to go to Panama city to see the canal and the big city, but I knew it was far... But When Arya said LETS GO TO PANAMA CITY! I was like YEAH!!! WHOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO PANAAAAAAMMAAAAAAA OI!!!

we drove and drove, we saw on the way practically nothing at all only country side and mountains trees, palms bananas and more... Beautiful Water falls, lush areas, flat areas the country has many terrains. We saw little Indian a frame shacks on the road, covered with palms... Lots of huts... These Indians were selling the outfits they wear the dresses for the ladies in colorful materials, bright colors, beads and more.. Many of these on the road side. Hours later we came to Santiago.

We stopped I wanted to eat, but everyone said lets keep going. Tony got gas, and talked to a bus driver about the City. He told us to follow them they would guide us right there so once again Tony manage to get us an escort

Friday, July 07, 2006

Panama Adventure page 3

Climbing the road to Bouquet, we rose over a small hill and there is was. A compacted but small community located in a little valley between, mountains. One is the Volcano Baru, the others just mountains. On the hillsides there are lots of trees of various types. Its very lush and very green. The Temperature is always about 60 to 80 degrees. I could see the town filled with people, located on one main road with a few arterial, but not long ones. Lots of curved side streets that lead to quaint houses, and buildings that dated back to the early early 1900's. One road had many inns on it with streams,and lots of vegetation. The Inns were built by Swedish people who immigrated there in the late 1800's.
This is a really beautiful town. All the way around. The temp, the looks of it the buildings the people too.

We drove up the mountain side, Tony wanted us to see the coffee plantations and the sites from the hills. You could see the other mountain, from the right, and the left and the town centered between the three. It was a site to behold. The Street was lined with Trumpet trees, these are trees that are about 8 feet tall with large flowers that look like a trumpet that hang down. Flowers everywhere... Butterflies and birds.

Tony wanted to find us a Hotel on the Mountain, something very Romantic he said.
But I suggested down in the town were we could see the people and see he action and walk around.
We all opted for my plan.
Arya and Eric saw this one Inn on a the road I described, We stopped, A very lovely place. Painted blue with shutters and and stone steps up the office. Lots of and lots of flowers lined the front of the Inn. Arya and I sat in the car and waited for Tony and Eric, Eric loved the place and the price was right. They only had two rooms left they were all booked up.
I went in and looked yes it was lovely and it was very clean and had a restaurant. But the beds were tiny, and the room was so small with no windows, I felt strange. So I decided to go further. Eric and Arya took the room, Tony and I went down the road to another place , it had steps so steep that I knew in the night if I had to go the restroom I would not make it with my leg.

So further we went. I suggested to go back towards town an take a side street. We did it curved around and then I saw an umbrella hanging in the front I said Stop here Tony! He went in and asked and they had one place left.
We went to see, and it was a octagonal shape building with a dome roof,sky light and a loft in the middle. It had a Kitchen and more! It was the same price. $65 a night! so I said lets take it.
These places were called Ilsa Verde, adorable little huts, with very nice gardens. Fruit trees tropical, every type of flower from all over the world.
you could hear the hummingbirds flying and sassing.
Loved IT!! We talk to the lady who owned it, come to find out a man who use to live in Jaco, lived there and opened a very cool African bar in the town called the Zanzibar. She was from Germany, this placehad an outdoor breakfast area where they served breakfast in the morning. We decided to go the store and get food to cook for Arya and Eric in the morning.
With this knowledge of the town now, information that she shared with me. I was very inspired to see the place.

Strawberry, farms, coffee farms, Streams running through the whole town, left natural.. It was so charming. I fell in love with it!

At the store I was shocked at the prices, Coffee from all around the area of Panama, for a dollar a pound. Rum 3 dollars for a huge bottle, fish, chicken, rice like 1.00... Wow we bought a lot of stuff and planned the breakfast, and took some things with us back to Costa Rica.

Then we drove straight over to the Inn, picked up Arya and Eric only after having a cocktail with them. And went to our place for snacks and drinks.
When Eric saw the place he loved it! wow he said I want to build this. Tony wanted me to find someone to help him and I and Invest and build some in Jaco. The whole thing was cool. We had such a nice time. The kids outside the place were playing soccer in the evening we could hear their laughter outside the window as we sat and talked and drank.

Later we dropped then off back at the Inn, but stopped first at the Zanzibar, to find the owner out front and asked about the place, A nother man was standing with him, with a big panama hat on looked like Robert Redford.... We all talked.

Tony and I went back to the Zanzibar and listen to the Jazz and had martinis! We actually danced. I talked to many people from around the world in there. One gal from England, one guy from France, John the Robert looking dude from Montana, and more... We had a wonderful time.. Wow the inside of the this place was so cool.
It had art from Africa, the ceiling was lined with grass mat, and the beams covered with burlap, the kickrails where bamboo, the chairs where Africans kneeling, and sitting and bending over. The colors were black and white zebra with red accents, very cool.. Excellent job on the decor and the atmosphere was perfect. Jazzzzzzzzzzzz

We left to go home, Tony was wasted... I was happy not drunk. He began to tell me about his life and how his wife and he were separated, and cried. Of course he was drunk so I didn't say much I just listen, he said something kinda mean to me. So I went to lay on the Sofa and let him have the bed , I wanted to go up the stairs but he didn't me to fall in the night. In a few moments, Tony was cooking rice, I was on the sofa. He forgot that he had to prepare for the morning breakfast, as soon as he was done he picked me up off the couch and put me in the bed and said. Better you sleep here, and be more comfortable and I will go on top.
So the night was short. We got up early and made breakfast, for Arya and Eric. I could hear the church bells ringing in the early morning hours. The breeze that morning was fresh and clean smelling. All the flowers were filling the air.
Tony apologized to me, told me in Spanish how he admired me, and said you are one good woman Marianna. I was flattered, I smiled and almost cried... He saw it and he hugged me very hard. We both were emotional. We could hear the bells, and smell the breakfast cooking. He then announced to me that this has been so far a most wonderful experience, and how grateful he was to me for asking him to share.

Arya and Eric were picked up by Tony while I continued to make the breakfast. We had Rice and beans Tico style, Fried potato and onions, eggs, and bacon, and strawberries and keewis, yogurt, juice and coffee. Small little Tortillas that were indigenous to the area made from yellow corn but nothing like you have tasted.

It was abeautiful morning! the birds singing and the smells, the sounds of children laughing, and the bells....

Soon we left and got on the road to David, back to th main highway to another beach so we thought!!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Panama Adventure

The Las Olas is a resort located in a bay, in the upper most part of Panama. We had no clue what this place was about or how much it costs.
When we drove up you could see the nice landscape and the lights of the Hotel, not very well lit but nicely done. We drove into the round entrance and sat in the car while Eric and Tony went in to check the price and get us a room. We were all tired at this point and hungry. I saw how beautiful the reception area was and told Arya in the car I didn't care I was staying here.... When the guy's returned it was 130 a night, I said oh god.... I questioned Eric and he Went and politely asked if they could give us a better price. YES they gave it to us, for 70 per night. So we took Two rooms.

Tony and I and Arya and Eric. The rooms were very nice with big balconies over looking the sea, but it was so pitch black that we didn't know that until the morning.
We ate dinner in the beautifully decorated restaurant, with rich European style decor` and food that was four star. The Margaritas were delicious! And in pretty thick Mexican glasses. I had two! Went back to the room only to decide to go to the little bar down the road with Tony to see what beer they had for him. We bought a 6 pack of Panama and altas, it was only $4.00. Took it back then Tony and I Sat on the balcony and talked till 1:00 a.m. We laughed and talked and had a very nice time.
In the Morning I got up Tony was still asleep, I opened the black out curtains and to my surprise the beach was nearly 20 feet away! WOW.... What a beach. For as far as you could see was beach.. On both sides. It was HOT HOT HOT... No trees, only trees where the ones they planted in the landscape design. There were pathways, of old tiles broken set into cement, and beautiful lush surroundings.

A pool down the path with a dolphin spitting out water into the pool. It had three levels of pools.

When Tony woke up We chatted over coffee until Eric heard us next door and leaned over the balcony and said wow that pool is awesome, the swim and breakfast was great! I said THANKS ERIC GOD! IM going... So I got my suit on and ran down stairs, Tony Followed and walked on the beach Alone. I swam for more than a hour. The pool had some very beautiful women around it, with children. They were from the states. WE talked and they shared some secrets about Panama with me. I can't wait to return and see some other parts of it.

It is very evident that USA Provides much money for the country. The roads are exactly like the states, and the bridges are really build well.

Tony returned to capture me and take me out of the pool, so that we could get onto the adventure.

I forgot to mention that in the car the day before, we stopped to asked directions and while we were stopped the Air condition went out. So Today was a Day for Tony to Find someone to help fix it. Riding in a car with four people, in the heat is not pleasant.
We checked out and piled in, road through the hot county roads flying, and singing all the way in Spanish.

Soon thought a couple of small towns we ended up in David, the community the size of Porterville Calif. Not big but not little.

David has a couple of nice casinos, great shopping, nice grocery stores and clothing stores. Actually its a nice little town.

We found the electrical shop, and Tony talk to the guy about the air. Eric and he smoked while we waited. Arya and I were getting hot... Then Tony suggested that we get in a cab, while they waited on the car and shop.

This was after we ate at this Chinese place where the plates of food where so huge it was enough for five people... And each of us ordered! GOD....So full... So at that I was not excited about going. Too full to hot an was worried about the car. But Eric pushed area and I left and went shopping.
They told the taxi to take us to an area where there were a lot of stores.
He did and boy was I surprised.

We got out to a streeted filled with people buseling about. Loads of locals. The common dollar store on every block on every other store. I saw this one that looked nice so I went in and arya followed. WOW ok shoes for 3 dollars, 5 dollars and I mean they were beautiful shoes. Tops for dollar five dollars, jeans for seven.

Of course I got some! I was very happy and the place was filled with people. The soccer game was on , the world cup. The people were gathered around watching the game inside and out.
Then the game came to a critical point. I was ready to check out and no one would wait on me. NO ONE!!! I stood and stood and stood, I tapped on the counter, I cleared my throat, I said excuse me.. Nope no one they all watched the game. So finally I tapped on the register.. Then I got results.

We had an hour, which was not enough I found out for Arya, she is a shopper from hell! Takes her forever.. So I moved on and went to six stores. When I returned she was still in the same store.

The taxi came I was out front she still in the same store.. I yelled ARYAAAAAAAAAA about five times. Finally she came. The driver took us back to Tony and Eric and the car. To find out it cost 15 dollars to rewired the fuse box. NOT BAD!!! So on we went only after finding these sodas that were made of malt, and had to have one.
Off we were going now and Tony Manage to get us a police escort!!! yeah to another town.
They lead us almost the whole way.... Now were were off to a mountain area of Baru, the volcano Baru, in the mountains of Bouquete.... A slow gradual climb. But you could see the elevation from the distant.
Long road with flat terrain, then gradual plateaus. Then the Mountains....