Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tuesday March 21st

I brief update on where and what I have been doing. Last Monday I woke up with a very red ankle so calling Cima was on the top of the list, I went and saw and had to stay and had a wonderful time with Milo as I rested this has been the mode of my life these past weeks.

I went down to the spa at the Clarion while I stayed with Milo, he went to work at Intel and I went to the spa. It has a gym and two hot tubs and a sunning area. I found it very peaceful and relaxing, like I need to relax more! But I did I sunned a little hung one leg in the hot tub and dreamed about sitting in that warm water and just letting it sooth my sore and tired other leg. But I can’t the skin is not healed yet and I didn’t want to encourage any other risk of more infection. The spa attendant is named Frank, a nice looking around 34 year old Tico man. He was so sweet to me, then began to open up and told me he was a Christian and actually prayed for me in Spanish. I thought this was very touching. I thanked him and told him he should be a preacher, he is really very gifted. The hotel is nice but located in a horrible area of San Jose. Seedy, lots of Male prostitutes and cross dressers, and no businesses. So not much for me to look at during the day, I simply stay in the room as it is better that I rest to try to heal the dang foot-leg.

I stayed until, Friday of last week. Milo took me to a great place called Paga menos where I bought some beautiful Tropical fabric to cover my little sofa in the apartment. It has bamboo and pulmeria blossoms on it. Very tropical and heavy, I know that this would probably have cost me 28 to 30 a yard in the states, but I got it for nearly $3.00 a meter, costing me around 28 bucks for only 14 yards.

Later on Friday, We decided to go to the national Orchid show in San Jose. I rested most of the day so I would be able to walk with out much pain. Before we left to go to the show, I found out I had to have Documents signed and sent to the USA, and have them notarized. We then asked the hotel who would do this and they sent us to this huge building around the block, and found these corporate attorney’s that were just coming back from a lunch meeting and getting ready to leave again so our timing was perfect!

They asked what we needed and Milo in Spanish explained and they said sure come on back. I was a bit nervous, and shivering the building was so cold. Then the attorney talks to us in English and we all laughed and talked then he notarized my docs, and didn’t charge me a thing!! Found out he was getting married here near Jaco so I gave him my site and said I would love to discuss with them the details.. Who knows maybe I will get to do it? But he was very nice and kind his name was Henry, and he spoke wonderful English and told us the manor of there business.. Let’s just say ITS HUGE MAJOR COPORORATIONS, so its nice to know them incase anything should arise.

Later we drove across town trying to find the old train station to see the “Orchidea Show” it is hard in San Jose to drive the streets are filled with people walking driving and milling about. Streets make no sense, they go one way and dead end then ones go the other way and its difficult to get to the place you need to go to, its like a maze, but some how Milo figure’s out how to get us out of the maze and to where ever we need to go, QUE SEIMPRE!!! In English Whatever!!

I try not to get upset or impatient but trust me it’s not easy to be tranquilla, as they say… quiet and patient. That is the phrase they use on you if you get the least bit excited or upset or mad or anything other that super mellow. Sometimes I hate this phrase.. I want to say I’ll Tranquilla you! But I don’t.

So we go the show is small but Really incredible the varieties I have never seen some I have but wow what a interesting thing to think that all of them are derived from here in Costa Rica! IT was so beautiful! I couldn’t believe that Milo actually enjoyed the whole thing and he bought me Two really cool orchids, one a bright red huge Catalaya variety, and one Yellow with a red center, same Catalaya variety. Then I bought myself two that were extremely unusual white with lavender and purple in the center, but they look like spiders or something from outer space.

This will make 8 orchids I have now. I love them I want more! We sat for a moment because my leg was so swollen that I could not stand the pain and we had these home made delicious empanadas with pineapple and one with Apple in them YUMMMY so good. Then we drove to Santa Anna, and went to this Really cool Sushi place and ate a great Sushi dinner. Then made the two hour trek To Jaco in the dark. Milo likes to drive fast, and it scares me but he is a much better driver than Douglas! NO DOUBT! Dougs a maniac.

Enough about him…

Then we got here and hung out and just chilled. Milo put everything away and I rested.

On Saturday, we had a great breakfast I made of fresh pineapple and mango, and mellon, with eggs and toast, and Orange carrot juice, and coffee. Then we went to the ag store and got a humming bird feeder some pots for the orchids, and a hose so I can wash the porch down and not sweep all the dust, and hose the plants down from the apartment.

We then went and looked at Locations for this business I want to begin, and also visited Liz and Milo.

After we stopped and visited Betty and treated her and Milo to a beer, while I had guanabana with ice and water. I can’t drink and haven’t since I been on continual antibiotics.

Although I am so dying for a mechelada, or a big tall rum and cas, a drink made with this fruit that is grown here CAS IS DELICIOUS.

Came back to rest and talk and then, I made some snacks of marinated feta, salami, tuna with oregano (this is awesome they make it here in Punteranas) and Avocado, clamata olives and crackers. It was so good! Milo fell in love with the Tuna; I need to bring a bunch of this back to the kids when I leave in next week.

We had a great evening, although I was in allot of pain he totally took care of me, and pampered me.

The next morning I was anxious to use the hose and wash the porch down and all the plants that were dust ridden. So I did early made coffee while Milo lounged in bed. I am an early riser he is slow to the get up in the morning. Its ok I like it that he lays there and hangs out in the bed. Then I made some good breakfast while he worked on putting a new faucet in the bathroom, we had bought this the day before on our running around. I have been with out a faucet in the bathroom for three or so months, so I was very happy that he fixed it! NOW I CAN WASH AND BRUSH ME TEETH LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE!

Then he hung up my beautiful lanterns on either side of the bed, suspended from the ceiling, they look so nice, my room is really getting to be pretty! Then he glued some matting that was coming off the counter, and hung my hummingbird feeder. Milo is a great help! A good asset, I finding that we mesh well. I am higher strung, and passionate he is mellow and very assertive. I bet he and I can make some great things together. As Creative as I am and mechanical and he is Creative and more mechanical as well he is an architect, so he uses his abilities constantly. It’s going to fun to see what we do.

Later I asked him to drive to Tarcoles, the area where the crocks, are there are several Fish restaurants on the water. So we had a nice early Sunday Dinner on the water at this huge place where the waves practically crash on the restaurant. He had lobster and shrimp, an I had a whole fish fried and toasted very good! He had beer, and I had Tamarindo, a fresh natural drink.

We drove around to look at lots in the mountains, and dreamed a little about what would we build. Then I treated him to an Italian Gelato down town and watched people. Tried to go and see Eida and Joey and the girls but they weren’t home. So we came back here and got the computers and went over to Del Mar to Internet. Since I do not have Internet YET!! MAYBE TOMORROW I WILL I talk to Carlos, one of the head of Cabletica, and he said Marianna I will try to get you hooked up on Weds, YEAH!! Cannot wait! As you know I been waiting since Oct, to get Internet… HOPEFULLY THEY ARE NOT LYING TO ME AGAIN!

We came back only after a little disagreement, mostly me I was mad cause I couldn’t of all things blog the internet would not let me pull it up and he tried to delete temporary files and such and it screwed up the computer so I was bit testy, but after we talked about it and everything was fine.. I think with the pain of the leg and the frustration of not being able to internet or do anything, like watch TV or more is getting to me.

I realized my short comings and well sorta apologized…

Milo stayed and make dinner for us and I rested in bed I had to the leg was so swollen and hurting like crazy.. BODY IS NOT REPSONDING.. I need prayer bad.

On Monday Milo left early to go back to San Jose to work, I began to clean then Started to Sew the cover for the Sofa. I began by attaching strips of material to the lower wooden frame and making a pleat in the front. Then I cut and sewed the cover, that took me a while as The foot was bugging and I had to rest elevate and then on the floor again I was sitting and stapling the material here and there.

It took me all day to do it but it looks very nice. I forgot to mention the interruption of the power going off and on also added to the day. So no air condition, it was blazing hot and Then the lack of power kept me from sewing the fabric. It went off like 5 times during the day. So it was a challenge.

But its done and it looks great!

I made some dinner lit all the candles, and then took a hot shower and jumped into bed it was early but I can’t stand the pain so I went early.

I was just falling off to sleep when the phone rang, I jumped up as fast as I could to answer it, and IT WAS DOUG.. I was shocked, he hasn’t talk to me since he was so terribly rude and ugly.

He didn’t apologize he simply said that if I needed anything he heard I wasn’t doing well again, and wanted to offer his help. Said I was a wonderful woman and that he didn’t want to loose my friendship. That he wanted to remain good friends. I said Hmm well see? I do not want to encourage any thing other that that. I know now that he is not the kind for me.. TO ANGRY, TO many issues, good business man, and great guy to acquaintances, but nothing more.

I settled down after his call and thought for a moment, and then fell off to sleep once again, then the phone rang again.
It was Milo, he had eaten dinner and wanted to say good night. So we talked for a few minutes then he said good bye.

I laid there after missing him and praying that god keeps him safe as well as me.

This Morning the birdies woke me again they are not banging on my windows and pecking at them and hanging out on the balcony and singing very loudly, Milo saw this and could not believe it, in fact yesterday during one of the power outages I left the door open and black cackle came in and sat on the table.. They love me… I feed them all the birds and Now I hope the hummers come!

I made coffee, went down stairs and watered and swept then came back and rested. Today I just been piddling around, in a while I will go to town and open a bank account, and pay my power bill. Maybe eat? I dunno yet.

I guess I should get ready to leave next week To go to the states. I will be there for a short time this time. Only a week so I hope to see some people.

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