Wednesday, March 15, 2006

In San Jose

Well I wrote a post a couple of days ago but It is in my computer and I have not access to it untill Friday. Last weekend was a trying but fun weekend resulting in me having to return to Cima once again. I had an episode which I will include when I return with Douglas, that was the end of the relationship. He behaved badly, and I made a decision to call it ends. After Saturday, I spent Sunday home alone just resting and counting the dump trucks flying by sending cloud after cloud of dust into and all over the patio and apartment. Then I ate a little Humus that I made and just sat and thought to myself about the past two days. I had tried to call rosie all day but she wouldn't pick up her cell phone. She had mentioned on Friday about a new Italian Restuarant in Heridura which is about 10 minutes north of Jaco beach where the los Suenos Marriots is.
We were all suppose to go and experience the flavor of geniune Italian food. RIGHT!!! I decided to go ahead get dressed up and take a cab to Rosies Place and see if she really was going to go.

Yes she still was going, I had called Cristina my friend from the dominican republic to go along with us, simply because I knew that Douglas and Sean would probably be going too and it would be a safe way to ask publicly to have him return my keys to the apartment. But when he did show up he denied remembering the invitation and decidely chose not to go. Which was great, it was all girls and we had a nice time. Only the food sucked... I had Ragu and a caprice salad, Caprice is Mozzerlla with sliced tomato and fresh basil with olive oil and balsemic vinegar. But they only had the cheese, the tomato and some dried up tiny flakes of basil and no vinegar. The ragu was ok not the best. Rosie had an entire lobster and huge jumbo Prawns. Cristina had some fish and linguni. We talked and laughed and they punished me by only speaking spanish!

I understand it very well its the speaking that I am not so great at. But in time I am sure I will handle it just fine... I learn new words just about everyday now.

Later we all returned to Rosies and had coffee, but the leg was killing me I just wanted to go home. She said no just hang out and people watch and I will take you home at 1:00. So I did and we talked a bit after she dropped me off. The next morning the foot was kinda bad so I called doctor Gallardio, and told him. He said come now, Cima is two hours away and I didn't have a ride and the buses were all done going in that area. Liz called milo her husband and he was so sweet to volunteer to drive from purescal to Jaco then back to San Jose. We got there at 6:00 in the evening, and the results were I still have the infection.


I have an alergic reation to the metal in my leg and it is painfull. Now I am worried If they have to pull this stuff all out that means another surgery and more time out and more pain and more money and more more more.... CRAP... I cried after I left the office Liz was consoling we drove to the airport, for them to drop me off to meet Milo at 10:40 from the USA. We ate and they left me at the dennys and I sat for three hours alone, it was so cold in there that I covered up with news papers on my leg and drank like four cups of coffee.

Milo showed up smiling and happy to see me and I was happy to see him too. Although I did not want to tell him the news about the damn foot.

We Went to the Clarion in Down town San jose... ohhhhhhhhhh K this is an ugly area with lots of Transvestites, and what I call shims... she hims. Wow this is a seedy area. A couple of prostitute houses and ugly buildings with lots of barbed wire and metal bars, and roll up doors.

I spent all of Tuesday resting, laying in bed till about noon, the I went down to the gym which I will show tomorrow the beautiful spa area, and worked out a little bit upper body arms abs, no legs Crap I can hardly walk... let alone work out. Then I went up died the ol hair with Cannella, a cinnamon color dye and took a shower got all pretty. That seem to take forever lol.. then I went down to the really pretty outdoor resturatant on the ugly street, and had a mango milk shake to die for! and some Tortilla sopa. Soup with tiny strips of tortilla, avocado sour cream and some cheese. I dreged off most of the cheese and sour cream and really enjoyed the rest leaving allot of tortillas in the bowl. But it was tasty.
After I went up to room and waited for hours for Milo, he had a big work load the first day at Intel here. His projects are really intense.

Finnally he came and we got ready to go out to dinner. We went to Escazu the beverly hills if you will of San Jose. We at this Argentina restuarant called, El Novillo Alegre. OK WOW this place was small but very nice. The music was perfect all jazz, the cieiling was made from small bamboo completely filling the whole ceiling. They began by bring us these salsas they called them. Olive oil with parsley, garlic, red pepper, and lemon OH MY GOD with these tiny thin bread sticks and Italian style bread. The others were tomato with red sweet peper, olive oil and lemon, the third I believe was cream cheese with a little butter and chives. Wow ok this was really good. Milo drank the house argentinian wine and I had fresh lemonade. We order this food that was out of this world I had beef, chicken pork bbq brochettes with onions and red pepper he had a steak that melted in your mouth and an Italian style salad ansd some fried mozzerlla. It was very similar to Italian food, when we asked about the Argentina food the waitress told us that the decendents were Italian. IT WAS SO DANG GOOD I WOULD RECOMMEND THIS TO ANYONE WHO COMES HERE PLEASE GO THERE!

We went back talked with our bellies so full, and then fell off to sleep. In the morning I felt better and had to return to Cima again for the doc to check on me. He said I was better, but isisted I stay on the antibiotics... FRANKLY I AM SICK OF THE TASTE AND THE Feel of my body on these things. Milo left and I took a cab to the Multi plaza and walked around which was difficult with a brace and pain. But I Did it and I treated my self to a few things Thanks to Ray one of my readers.
I spent some of the money paying for gas and food for Milo and liz her Milo and I treated her to a few things over the weekend, I bought her a carpet and some personal things and dinner twice. Then with the rest I bought a Jenifer lopez AWEsome purse, a blouse and really pretty sexy black top, a pair of sun glasses that I needed badly, and some trinkets and ate lunch! I was a happy girl but the foot is suffering badly now its red and swollen too much walking. Came back here to San Jose and now resting and gonna go once again to eat. I believe were eating here, its really good food I can testify to this.. God it sounds like all I do is eat but in actuality I really eat small amounts. Worried about the figure ya know.

Oh I forgot, I bought some beautiful fabric at this place called paga menos, for the love seat in my apartment, wow It was cheap like 3.00 dollars a yard, Its gorgeous Bamboo pattern with plumera blossoms on a rich tan backgroud with bits of white and lush green leaves, and a touch of rust. Perfect for the beach. I cannot wait to take before and after photos. For 12 yds I paid 36 bucks. I know in the states that this fabric can cost about 30 a yd. SO I SCORED.. besides my funds are short but I can say this. I am the type of person that can make my money go far and make things look like I spent allot and really budgeted myself. JUST A GIFT I THINK...

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