Friday, March 03, 2006

These were two of my nurses at Cima, Angela is the one on the right and Wendy is the one on the left. Both Tica's Both sweet!

Rosie and her ex tico boyfriend from England wow! Sean, and David, Sean is Douglas's son David is just a friend.

, Lost in Hospital Land

For those of you who are wondering what has happened? Why haven’t there been any blog entries?
The reason for my lack of blogs is that, my foot got a severe Infection, beginning two weeks ago Weds. This happened when Douglas and I went tromping around downtown San Jose Costa Rica to find the materials needed to do the first wedding that I booked here in Jaco.

The Wedding was held at Villa Coletas, a very fabulous hotel restaurant that sits above the sea side on top of a mountain over looking a huge area of all of the south sea. The view is breath taking and the hotel it self is designed in a French style with a tropical twist, you can go on line and see there site and see how beautiful is.
Needless to say we crutched all over, I was in so much pain but I didn’t want to complain as I had already seen a side of Douglas that was not pretty earlier in the week.

I fell on his two story steps and he just stood there not knowing what to do, instead yelled out of his frustration that I was being a baby. He does not handle sickness well, lets just say he has no tack. So mentioning that I was not doing well would only look as if once again I was being a baby about things.

That night we returned to my house to put things away and had some supper, then went to his house but I was feeling feverish. The following day the fever increased, but I just thought perhaps I over did it. Doug was not sensitive to my needs, As I have said before about life and people and situations, Time shows and tells all. Although Douglas is a very wonderful man and was so kind and never gave it a thought to help me in my need, he does have some issues with anger. I think he just has too much to do and I am becoming a burden now. With the wedding being so close, I don’t dare begin a discussion about this, besides I am beginning to feel so ill that all my energy is gone.

The following day I begin the search for orchids that are grown here but I had no connection to buy them from so to find the source was not an easy task. After many calls and much worry and prayer, I finally called the tiny little florist in town. She of all things manages to get them for me such a reduced price that I was pleasantly surprised and relieved. But the infection was getting worse, that morning I called Liz she called Doug then they decided to take to me to the Clinic in Jaco to see what exactly was going on, it was now Sat, the wedding was on Sunday.

They drove to the clinic 2000, on the main costa nera, when they removed the pieces of cast that was sawed and then placed back in to reveal the incisions, the largest incision was infected badly, oh boy, I was sad and in much pain. I ask now what they gave me shots in the arms shots in my belly, and cleaned and redressed the wound. Doug had left and said that we should take a cab back not knowing the results of the visit. He is busy…
I was upset about taking a cab back I didn’t want to so I asked Liz to call Trish to try to pick us up and she rushed to come to see me in so much pain and frustration she could feel the hurt that was definitely showing all over my face and.body. I returned back to the house to begin the process of building all the arrangements and décor for the wedding at Villa’s. Doug did show up to help but he seemed to be angered with me and everything I asked he refuted. Ok lets put it this way he has no patients, and was actually mean and rude. Liz experienced it first hand and was not happy with his behavior but did not say a word to him, only me.

That evening I had to lay down I couldn’t complete the job I was totally now in fever, and in drenched with pain, it was radiateting all through my body at this point. When I woke at 9:00 p.m. I was startled that I had slept so long I knew I had to complete brides bouquets, brides maids 6 of them mothers corsages and 12 men’s boutonnières, In a state of pressure and franticness I began to build them pain and all I didn’t care I knew I was committed to this job.. Something about me that someone said here and I know this is true but didn’t realize that others see this in me.. is that I am a woman of my word if I say I am going to do something I do it, regardless of the pain or stress or the aggravation it can cause me or others.

Doug sat and staired and with every item I completed he became more angry with me? I didn’t understand this he could see the pain in me, the longer I worked the more intense the pain got and began to vomit, but he didn’t know how to comfort me at all it became more and more obvious that he was frustrated and didn’t know what to say or do.
I asked him to go home and he did.

The Following morning I got up very early like around 6:00 I was so sick all I could do was vomit in the bag of cuttings sitting on the floor of the apartment. I had greens and dead flowers in it and now vomit. I kept going I knew I had to do this regardless the bride had no clue what was going on with me at all. I became volatile Doug showed up and was mad that I was puking he yelled because I drank 7 up and it made me puke, everything was making me puke not just the dang 7 up I didn’t talk I needed the energy to work so I did not say a word to him except when he went to get me some toast at a restaurant and returned he said EAT… I tried and at this point Liz was there trying to lend a hand on the production of the flowers. I took a couple of bites and I will never forget this… I crutched to the bedroom sicker than a dog the phone rang is was Milo, Doug answered and handed it to me and like a fountain the toast came flying out of me… the grossest thing I thought I have ever experienced but there is more…

You see the infection had now entered my blood stream this was the reason, I had so much antibiotics in me and pain meds and poison from the infection that the body was rejecting everything. Liz called Trish and asked her to bring something for me to stop the vomiting. She brought this little yellow pill that I slipped under my tongue, and in moments it stopped. I then talked a little and instructed all of them as to what to do but before this.. Doug had an outburst that was totally out of control and I asked him quietly to leave he threatened me… said if I leave it will be for good. My reply then was fine for good.

He didn’t leave.. I finished on time took some clothes to dress at the wedding, because no only was I the floral designer but I was the coordinator too. The day before I went to Villa Coletas to conduct the rehearsal at the slated time but the party never showed up. I waited three hours, that was three hours of production time and by now I was really sick.. We left drove down the long winding hilly roadway the goes to Villa’s, and on our way down we saw the wedding party going up. I told him to turn around and go back so we did.

When we met up with them I informed that I waited three hours and that now the rehearsal will have to be cancelled since the hotel was setting up in the amphitheater the weekly concert and sunset dinner hour. In stead of doing the rehearsal in the area where they were going to get married we did it in the gravel parking lot on the lower level as I sat with cast and crutches in the back of a pick up truck instructing all 22 people in the wedding party as to where they stand and how to walk and when to come in. We did it three times and I called it quits. They had no idea as to how ill I really was, I just faked it but the pastor saw it my face and said are you alright? Back to the house and as I said above I tried to continue but had to sleep.

We loaded, Trish, Doug, liz Loaded I should say.. all the flowers and props and I got all my things for changing ready and crutched down two flights of stairs from my apartment to the cars.
I don’t remember the ride very well I was almost passing out.. but when We got there I remember pretty much everything until after the ceremony.. then I kept nodding off and could not keep my eyes open. I made huge arrangements on the alter standing 8 or so feet tall all with tropical flowers I had one leg on the chair and the other on the ground, I got no help with this. The others were putting to my instructions all the center pieces on, the candles the candies, the place settings, the shells and more. I was so glad I had them all I could have never done this with out them.

Before I got the area where the Wedding was held I tripped with the crutches and fell flat on my face, Doug was there but didn’t really offer help? I didn’t understand this he was just plain mad at me…???? I crawled and got up and went in and then did all the design work. He was very upset with me he wanted me to eat he had ordered me a hamburger, but I was so sick I couldn’t take one bite I just continued. Knowing that in the past how time flies and the deadline was coming and I was handicapped so stopping was not an option, he didn’t understand. They all went and ate but I continued on.

This ordeal made me think twice now about Douglas, I know your all saying GOD BUT BUT… hey abuse is abuse… verbal or physical its abuse and when your sick it seems more intensified. I manage to complete on time got dressed in a total fog. I am not kidding I WAS IN A TOTAL FOG THE REST IS A BLURR I remember relaxing on the couch waiting for Douglas to come back with the personal flowers that I asked all of them to load but they didn’t. So he had to go back and retrieve them for me… thank god for him.

But instead of just getting them and coming back, he went home showered got dressed, then dropped of the car he borrowed and then went and got the flowers, causing the ceremony to be 30 minutes late. When he did arrive I was on the couch laid out and got up as quick as I could lined everyone up and pinned them and rushed them down the Aisle. I remember that part the rest is history I knew I lit some candles in the cocktail area and sat down and then I fell out. I remember someone helping me up the stairs to the dinning area and I sat at my place marked and I mostly slept throught the dinner there at the table. Then Douglas took me home around 10:00 We did not talk all the way home. I asked him why he was not talking he said I thought you were sleeping.

The following morning I called Liz very early I told her I needed to go to the doctor. I was not vomiting anymore but I was very ill.
She borrow Douglas’s car and drove me at 7:30 am to San Jose to the hospital. When I arrived there I decided to Call Milo who was staying across the street at the Marriot. I told him what was going on and when I got the hospital he was there. The doctor took the stitches out and then squeezed the open wound as hard as he could I went through the roof and screamed bloody murder he told me I would have to have an Iv. He allowed me to stay two days With Milo coming back daily to be checked but no improvement. Milo tried hard to take good care of me, and he did a good job this whole thing now has changed Milo’s heart and he has become very kind and compassionate, and loving. He Actually helped me take a bath and washed my hair. He felt worried as hell.

As the days past I became worst and worst.. till finally the doctor called another doctor in to take a look see, the skin was so infected that the flesh was being eaten by this infection. I didn’t look I couldn’t it was hurting so bad and the thought of seeing how bad it was would only make me wilt.
Eight days of IV and Antibiotics of all sorts. They tried every kind and nothing seemed to touch it the worst part was on Friday now the following week they opened it up and the nurse was instructed by the doctor to cut and clean and remove what ever was there.. mind you during this time Doug never called it was now 5 days, he did come by on Weds and made sure I was really sick and saw the iv in my hand then assured me everything was going to be alright. HMMMMMMMM

Friday Milo showed up at the Hospital just in time for this gruesome meddling about my ankle. He held my hand and I turned my head I bit the sheets and a towel that was there I cried so hard and shook as my body was in so much pain as they dug and poked and proded and cut and cleaned it up I got up one time and took a peak and about passed out. It looked as though the leg was hamburger? OH MY LORD… that was the worst now I have every experienced. NO EXAGGERATION THIS WHOLE ORDEAL HAS BEEN SOMETHING…

I cried hard not loud just tears.. after Milo held my hand and said you are strong and you did very well wow…. WOW…

WOW Marianna, Honestly when I saw that I almost broke out in tears, and then he did. He began to cry and said honey I feel so bad for you no wonder you were making little noises in the night with the pain and I tried to tell you to breath through it. WOW that was awefull. Then I cried some more realizing that he was touched by how terrible it was and how he held out until he spoke to me about it.

After that the days I laid in the hospital with Ivs in veins that kept collapsing and the taste in mouth of metal.. I didn’t dare look at that leg again for fear it would scare me to know its not getting better. It took more than 8 days with 8 bags a day of antibiotics for it to subside. I ate as much as I could stand but the taste in my mouth so so terrible and in the length of time I was there, the pain of not doing anything began to eat at the muscles in my body. Experiencing much pain all over now, not just the foot but the joints and well all over.

On Monday they took x-rays the foot was healing inside so the good news was that it wasn’t affecting the bone, Only the flesh. They took more blood to see if the white blood cells were going down and yes they were so progress was being made.
I made friends with two nurses one is Angela a cute young tica, with the most beautiful eyes about 26 years old she just loved me and always came in to talk to me. The other was a Taller older Tica named Wendy, She was sweet but didn’t speak a word of English, smiled allot and tried to encourage me as much as she could. She was the most accommodating of all the nurses I had. There was this group of nurses that came in the evening shift that made me think of a cackle of chickens. They came in all talking loud and laughing and not paying any attention the patients, taking there vitals and leaving in a group just like chickens. I called them the Chicken brigade… Milo thought that was funny, I didn’t like them at all. They were very snide and had not one word to say to me not one.. Strange thing here, Every night I was there not one time did a nurse come in to see how I was at any time during the night. But only to administer the Antibiotics at Three am. I had biotics at 9:00 and at 3:00 and 9:00 and at 3;00 Two bags at a time. Not one night as I said did one come. I am a very light sleeper.. I hear everything. I though god I could die here and they wouldn’t know till the morning when they came in to see? Weird in the states there in there all night long not letting you rest period. Although that was the case I still didn’t rest much I was so sick and so full of meds.
On Tues the doc said YOU CAN GO HOME NOW… so I was thrilled when they came to dress the foot I finally looked and saw it was much better, scared but better. They gave me instructions. Milo was there for me the whole time. He bought me nighties, makeup, all my personal hygene needs. He brought ice cream a couple of times.. We have rekindled our love and I was very happy that he is so paitient, and understanding. He did say he was hanging on and that he understands that I was in survival mode, and had to do what I had to do with Doug… this is the most unusual situation I have ever been in as far as love in my entire life.. what in the world for? Especially during this time? But maybe God is providing all the things I need during this time of need, even two men that are caring and out of this I must see that my past dealings with men has not been so good. That through this I will know who is the right man for me. ITS ABOUT TIME ITS BEEN ALLOT OF YEARS OF BEING WITH OUT ANYONE IN MY LIFE…

Milo drove me home on Sat night late we had dinner and then talked most of the way about Cheevo his cute little wire haired jack russel, and how I wanted a purse puppy…one so small I could keep it in my purse and it would be by my side all the time…Cheevo needs sister. Soon on the unlit winding road I became sick again. I was so car sick that Milo had to stop a couple of times. I think it was all the meds, and just the fact that my body was so weak. He took me to the apartment in Jaco, and put everything away tucked me in bed and begged me not to do anything but to just get well so that when he returns in Two weeks we can have some fun and enjoy life. He had to return to the states for two weeks to work there and then he will be back here In Costa Rica. I was hoping to fly back around March 27th but he will be here then so maybe we can fly back together providing I am better by then.

Yesterday was hard, I had allot of pain and being alone only made me feel worst. I had no help. But I did have a couple of friends show up and one got me some food for the fridge nothing special just a few things, then the bride came and got her things that were left here before the wedding, talking with me in the bed, then Alicia you know Lucy of Ricky and Lucy? Then Liz called then Doug called… offered to bring me food. I accepted as I need to talk to him about this situation, but He did not show up until 10:00 pm by that time

I was sleeping and he only gave me the food sat for a moment and said he had to go. I told him right then thank you and It is a must that I talk to you when you get the time. He said yes he would make the time but he was upset as he and his son had been arguing for hours So I let him go I didn’t insist I was tired. The foot was bad yesterday. Milo called after that and informed me he was home safe in the USA with his doggie Cheevo and how me missed me already I missed him too… Then my daughter in law and grand daughter and son called so it was an eventful day, even thought I slept and rested most of day it was till hard.

But today! I woke up a new person! I felt really good… I got up made the coffee and crutched around, I laid the crutches next to the wall while I made the coffee then I put some weight on the foot, and to my surprise it didn’t hurt I put some more oh my god I could stand on it… I struggled a little then scooted with the foot, with in an hour I was slightly walking with out the help of the crutch so, the clean freak I am got the broom swept out back and watered the plants polished the furniture on the patio and then began to go the front. To clean up out there. Since I had been gone Liz was watering but I live on a street where the dust flies and everything was so dirty. Mind you I did this in hours not in minutes as the normal person did but I was so happy that I could almost walk. I walk little by little today but did crutch too as to not over do it but I was so surprised that I could do this so soon!!! I think it’s a miracle I really do, because yesterday the pain was so intense and I asked go how long I was to suffer last night, I prayed that He would heal me. And Today hardly any pain. When I cleaned the wound it looked good the skin is yes scared but all in all a whole lot better than it was a week ago wow.Liz Showed up as I was in front and I shared with her what I could do she was amazed and hugged me too! I told her it was a miracle.. I been taking it easy in between I spent four hours in bed this after noon and now I am here again typing away. Even though I am all dressed up and hair and makeup on.. I just felt better!!
I noticed a differenced around the apartment too… there are new noises outside. Some sort of very loud bugs are making these reeling noises scared me at first… yesterday but tonight it is kinda interesting. They are very very loud but it is interesting. I am listening to music and typing. I have no Tv, no cable and No internet here so the house is pretty basic.

I wish I had a tv bad, The cable is available here but Cabletica has not come to install it and I applied in Decemeber. BUT I DO HAVE A PHONE NOW!

Today is Friday the La Ferria day, I want so badly to go. I had two visitors today. Doug stopped by he called said put a pot of coffee on he would be by to talk. Then as soon as he got here, Dennis this man I met from New york in December, who is a teacher/artist/ computer genius.. called he had heard several times about this woman who got hit by a car and broke her leg in two places, it was me when he went to Century 21 Alicia told him it was I who he had heard about he was asking if anyone had seen me.. So she gave him my number and he called as soon as Doug was here so obviously we did not discuss anything. We all chatted it was a nice visit, and now I am getting ready to go to town with another friend to internet for a while then the store and then home.
It is blazing hot today I mean blazing. These are the hottest months here March, April. I imagine it’s going to be a shock to be out in it. I keep it pretty cool in here but I don’t run the air high just on med. Its still warm in here but nothing like outside.
The dust is flying everywhere, and the trees look dead. Its ugly right now. I should be out on the beach or doing something fun instead of dealing with this broken leg business. But HEY ITS BETTER TODAY! I can walk a little more but boy all those screws and plates and posts hurt like hell. It feels so strange. I hope this changes.

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