Wednesday, March 22, 2006

This is a preview of the orchid show in Costa Rica, the other photos are from the Clarion, The spa area that I have been enjoying.

I have tried a ton of times to put more photos just won't let me... so here just sample some of these.

Today is Weds March 22, I was suppose to met Carlos from cabletica at 10:30 to sign my contracts and set up my internet at the house here in Costa Rica, but I had a previous appointment with the Banco Costa Rica. BCR well four hours later, trying to set up a bank account was fruitless and the wait was not only borning but aggravating. First they said one leter written in spanish saying I was a good person and that they recommend me to the bank as a customer.

So I asked Rosie to write me a letter and she did with her offical stamp from the coffee shop,
If I haven't said it before they love stamps here. They Stamp and stamp and stamp everything four or five times... its official! So with letter in hand, I travel to the end of Jaco via Adrian. Adrian was the taxi driver who rescued me off the road when I was hit, YES adrian was the man.. one day after my visist to Cima in San Jose two hours away from Jaco I was being pushed around in a wheel chair by Liz at the smart buy. It is a place kinda like Costco, this man comes up to me and says hello. I stare but do not recognize him. Later in the store he came to me again and said Hello, you are the woman who I picked up off the road, ( in spanish ok?) I said you are? he said do you remember me? I said no he said yes you were on a bike and got hit and I picked you up and took you to emergency. Wow out of all those people in San Jose I would run into you... I cried he cried and we both hugged each other. He said My Name is Adrian. I said My name is Marianna, he said here is my number should you ever need anything please call me I llive in Jaco I said I do too so we left it at that. Well yesterday, I was going to go out for the first time in days and I prayed to god to send me a good driver... When this taxi pulled up and picked up this gal across the street. I yelled down to my friends that were standing out side and asked if they would talk to him and ask him I could tag along. Come to find out it was Adrian. At first he didn't say anything to me, but when he left me off he had to help me out as I can't stand to well alone. He laughed and giggled and said Marianna? I said yes he said it is me Adrian. Now you will no longer need any taxi when you need something you call me... So we both hugged and kissed and for the rest of the day he drove me around.

This morning I needed as I said to go to the appointment at BCR, so I called Adrian and he came was very happy to see me and off we went in the red little taxi across town. He shared with me his troubles, how he was short of money and how things have not been good with him. I said I will pray that god supplies you all your needs, more than you can imgaine. I told him no more stress, look positive and not at all the negative. By the end of the ride he was smiling and happy that I had tried to encourage him! I was happy too.

But soon there after I was frustrated and not happy with the results of the bank, but I did learn that patients is really something you can not have enough of here. I saw Douglas there he offered to write the letter I needed, ran and wrote one and came back, but they did not accept it as he is not a tico, then I met a man that I had met before from New York who owns several hotels and property around Jaco and surrounding areas. We talked and I managed to line up some lots to sell and discussed with him some business. So Fruitless at the wait was for the account the good that resulted from the wait may be a benifit in due time.

I did manage to hook up the internet, so Come Monday hopefully with Tico time on my side... HA I may have internet! Carlos mi amigo from Cabletica promised it. But I am learning to not rely on the promise. Just wait and and be patient and it will happen.

I can say that the foot is getting better. I asked Milo on Sat to pick up some more Antibiotics, but I also asked him to tell the Farmacia all I had been through and to tell him I have been taking these antis for a long time and that I felt they were not doing much good. Also all my side effects and to ask if there was something stronger and better for this type of infections. YES HE SAID and looked it up in the books and found out my side effects were also written in the book.
He then gave me some other antis that were not prescribed and by god my intuition was right! they are working and I am feeling so much better.

Right now I am in San Jose again with Milo, we had a wonderfull dinner on the top of a hill at the Monistary. It was so romantic and so beautiful. The food was good, but the dessert was best! Cherries jubilee! We are listening to Andrea Boccellis new Cd that my sister Sent me and its so good its called AMORE! the best of ITALIAN AND SPANISH AND ENGLISH! I think Milo is falling in love with Andrea... I already love him. Its nice

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