Friday, March 10, 2006

Things are looking better!

Wow getting up early again! good sign... the birds are very loud today and the roosters actually crowed. Because... construction is starting right next door to me on the beach. The cut down a two or three hundred year old guanacaste tree, to the North Americans that is a silk tree with pink flowers. These trees here are the most austintacious trees around. They are massive and so beautiful. I was sad to see them cut this down, all the birds are lost now.. they have now lost one more place to roost. The catepillars are bulldosing things and its loud this morning, Dust is flying even more so than it already does. Sad to me to see the destruction to the land as Americans are building more and more. A huge hotel is going in the place of trees and beach right next door.

I got up made my coffee and then sat out front to get some sun on the foot and leg, then I just baked it was really hot. Since I can't get out yet much this is my form of enjoyment for the time being. I read a little, then I made some eggs, first time since the accident that I cooked something! and had watermellon and some really good 8 grain home made bread that The X mas permanos makes now.

I tempted the birdes, the blue taningers yellow and black kissadees, and all the colorfull birds I saw this morning that I do not normally see at this time. I put some bread on the rails and some watermellon to see if they would come and eat breakfast with me! But no takers yet.

I then moved the back balcony when the phone rang and it was Sara my daughter in-law, Saying she was so thinking about me, I got to talk to Kelsey my grand daughter.. and told her about the horses on the beach I was watching and the surfers, and more.. she laughed. This is strange to her. Never seen anything like this. We talked for a while then I began my arm exercises with two bottle water bottles. I have no weights, and this is the best I can at this point. I drank more coffee, and then washed the window in front, washed the dishes, then mopped Wow I did allot concidering the foot! looking up! Then I showered and got all pretty and curled my new hair du! I want to go the la Ferria but I don't think I will be able. I need to internet so I am and found out I have to send lots of papers to the title company for the closing of my house.

The sale was way below what I was suppose to get but at least that chapter is being closed. I may have a small amount of money, but nothing to write home about... BUT I DO HAVE TO SAY THANK YOU TO ONE OF MY READERS!!!
RAY THIS WONDERFULL MAN FROM HAWWAII... he sent me some money via Western union, he felt so bad about my accident, that he open his heart and pocket book and sent me some help. I want to thank you Ray for being so kind and generous to me.. I appreciate your help! GOD BLESS YOU.

I don't know what God has for me now but I live life each day thanking him! And now I thank you Ray also for your love you sent.

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