Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Friday of last weeks was a nice day, We started out going to breakfast at this hotel just down the road from the Clarion in Down town San Jose. The breakfast was just ok, our walk was slow because I am still having a rough time. We came back to get our things then Milo dropped me off at the Cemaco Just outside of San Jose. I stayed there and walked around and sat for nearly three hours. He had to go back to work and I just looked at people. I wanted to shop but they have nothing that interested me there inventory was very low. Later he came and picked me up we went to Pecaino mundo, a discount store then headed out past Puriscal to Jaco. This road is rough it is the one that has the rope hung bridge for one car at a time. We had a nice drive, it was very beautiful and the weather was great! We made a few stops and ate some goodies along the way. When night fell the road was a little difficult to follow but Milo did very well for his first time. We came along to a drive up Mango stand, dark as it was no lights to guide us but this small stand stood out in the night like a beacon calling us to stop. So with that Milo pulled over right up to the stand and asked for some small Mangos and some plantain chips with lime and salt. The little girl that sold us the mangos was very pretty, she was all dressed up with earings and a pretty blue summery top. We drove off and bit into the best Mango I ever tasted in my life. so fresh and right from the trees. In the middle of no where in the dark. Milo really enjoyed the taste and was yumming all the way down the road.
We came to orotina and than dug into the Chips only after the single car bridge that is when he said this is wild! I knew he would like this drive.

Orotina was bustling with people as it was Friday night. We stopped got something to drink and some more Plantains. He really likes these. Then moved on down the dark bumpy grater like road to Jaco.

Going home was fine, then we went out and celebrated the sale of my home, at Sunami Sushi. We had the best Sushi ever. Honestly If you ever Come to Jaco you have to go and have Sushi there it is better than Anywhere I have ever had Sushi and More than I will atest to that.

That Saturday we just hung out and did a few things around the Apartment, later we went back to Orotina to shop for a couple of items and to get gifts for the birthday party for Jessica, Eidas daughter.
We were invited to the birthday bash, but it was mostly children. Fun to watch them all run around with the clown the dog susie barking, splashing in the pool and sliding in. It reminded me of my days at home with our pool and when all the family was there having fun. It was really a good party. the food was typical Tico Eidas Sister cooked it all. The kids were fun, they actually pushed Jessica's face in the cake after they sang happy birthday to her. Then they did the spanking machine where she ran through there legs and they all spanked her as she ran.

We stayed for quite a while then left around 6:00 I needed to go my foot was very swollen.
On Sunday breakfast was good we had all sorts of fresh fruits, with granola and some yogurt. scrambled eggs with fetta,a n orange carrot juice. Then we carried on to go for a ride to town for awhile and talked to Betty, then rode to Hermosa, where we stopped and talk to the rustico furniture maker. I wanted to ask him to build me a shelf but Milo decided to talk to me in English during this visit and it made me raise his price to 80 bucks. After I asked Milo to only talk to me in spanish from now on when were shopping! too funny they actually do this here raise prices if they find your not a tico.

We moved on to Esterillos, where we looked at property there and ran into some developers who were riding horses into the property. What a stroke of luck. Maybe this is where the house ont he mountain comes in?? Milo got out of the car and walked into the lots on the sea, he was gone for a few minutes, I dropped my head and prayed and asked god to give us a break, neither of us have had a big luxuious home and it would be so nice for once to have a great place. I asked god to open the doors of opportunity and to provide us our hearts desire. Just then I looked up and a dog was looking at me in the door that was open, he was panting. He was all muddy and panting, I said hi to him then this Tico pulled up on a horse, ok I said ooooooohooooooo Milo where are you? after that two other men white with tico clothes on rode up. I said hello to them too. They were the developers. I saw plans in one mans hands and knew that maybe I should say something, when I saw Milo come towards them smiling and talking in Spanish. Then he began to get in the car when I said hey one guy has plans in his hands ask what they are doing? so he did they spoke I listened then Chimed in. He is an Architect and I am a designer, we both want to live around here and build so we need your card.
After I told Milo wouldnt it be great to work with them and make our way to the top with our own lot? He agreed. We drovw home and then bbqed some chicken with my Coconut ginger receipe that is so good. Made a Ceasar salad, and fresh baby squash and Costa rican sweet potatoes. Then Monday came and he left, the birds were singing loudly again and now they peck at my Windows!! what the heck???

I did my thing made coffee, watered swept and hung out waiting on the internet, but no internet the man was sick they said. So I went into town and got my bank account, paid my power bill and tele. Then came back and rested.
Later i went back into town with a cab and went and visited Rosie and internetted for like 10 minutes the internet was down.

Today was not too busy, I looked at a restuarant that I may purchase and open here in Jaco and I talked to a couple of people on the phone. Liz came by and brought my bus ticket to SAn Jose . AS Tomorrow I am flying back to the states. I have to take care of a few things for a couple of days then back To Costa rica. I have landed a few jobs and now I need to dig in as soon as the leg is well.
The Trip tomorrow is not one I am looking forward to, so it will be short. I hope the leg doesn't flair up?

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