Wednesday, March 29, 2006

anchient huge trees GOD I LOVE UM

Some of the orchids from the show

Here are some photos of Milo and me, Herridurra, The beach, and more.

Today I leave Costa Rica to go to Vancouver cold landia. I read its 47 there and raining so what else is new?? I have a fear of getting sick when I arrive. I am so use to the heat here and lately its been hotter than ever. Jaco has been around 90 every day with pure humidity. No clouds and just bright hot sun. It feels good in the mornings I like to sit on the porch, with my leg elevated on the rain and bask in the sun. I been doing this just about every morning. Just like a dog who likes to lay in in the sun, It feels so good on the body. I dread going to VACA LALA to sit in the doom and gloom of gray landia. I may have to hit the tanning booth just to get my engery.

At this point I do not have a ride to pick me up, there was some confusion with my son,My oldest that is. I may just call him and ask him to come by him self to get me. I have messaged Clint my old assistant and asked him several days ago to pick me up at the Airport at 11:30 p.m. but he has not replied. Tomorrow I have many things to do there in Vancouver. I may have to rent a car. I need to be moble and get things done. Since I will only be there five days.

I hope that my kids enjoy the visit and there is no drama with either parts. I love my children dearly, I miss them. But this has been good for all of us. I know that time is short and I need to enjoy my life and do the things that are in my heart now before its too late to ever do them.

We do not know from moment to moment what life has instore for us, to follow after the heart is for some difficult and for some strange and for some not even a concideration. But when you do follow after it, do what your heart tells you to do.. the rewards are so exhilerating.

I think it is foreign to people to just get up and do what it is in your heart today, but seriously when I do this I find myself being much more at peace with me and knowing had I not done what I felt I may have missed an awefull lot in life. I have in the past missed so much.

So there may be more adventures in the future, I actually am thinking about going to this small Island called San Andres, its in the Carrib, and well I heard it is really nice and beautiful all expenses paid with one fee, which means airfare, food drinks and hotel. So Possibly Milo and I will be going in A month or so, then in June or end of June I will driving down to Panama to see how it is there and to renew my passport.

Anyhow better get in the shower and get ready to fly its about a 11/5 hour fight to Vancouver. Hope as I said before the leg doesn't bother me

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Friday of last weeks was a nice day, We started out going to breakfast at this hotel just down the road from the Clarion in Down town San Jose. The breakfast was just ok, our walk was slow because I am still having a rough time. We came back to get our things then Milo dropped me off at the Cemaco Just outside of San Jose. I stayed there and walked around and sat for nearly three hours. He had to go back to work and I just looked at people. I wanted to shop but they have nothing that interested me there inventory was very low. Later he came and picked me up we went to Pecaino mundo, a discount store then headed out past Puriscal to Jaco. This road is rough it is the one that has the rope hung bridge for one car at a time. We had a nice drive, it was very beautiful and the weather was great! We made a few stops and ate some goodies along the way. When night fell the road was a little difficult to follow but Milo did very well for his first time. We came along to a drive up Mango stand, dark as it was no lights to guide us but this small stand stood out in the night like a beacon calling us to stop. So with that Milo pulled over right up to the stand and asked for some small Mangos and some plantain chips with lime and salt. The little girl that sold us the mangos was very pretty, she was all dressed up with earings and a pretty blue summery top. We drove off and bit into the best Mango I ever tasted in my life. so fresh and right from the trees. In the middle of no where in the dark. Milo really enjoyed the taste and was yumming all the way down the road.
We came to orotina and than dug into the Chips only after the single car bridge that is when he said this is wild! I knew he would like this drive.

Orotina was bustling with people as it was Friday night. We stopped got something to drink and some more Plantains. He really likes these. Then moved on down the dark bumpy grater like road to Jaco.

Going home was fine, then we went out and celebrated the sale of my home, at Sunami Sushi. We had the best Sushi ever. Honestly If you ever Come to Jaco you have to go and have Sushi there it is better than Anywhere I have ever had Sushi and More than I will atest to that.

That Saturday we just hung out and did a few things around the Apartment, later we went back to Orotina to shop for a couple of items and to get gifts for the birthday party for Jessica, Eidas daughter.
We were invited to the birthday bash, but it was mostly children. Fun to watch them all run around with the clown the dog susie barking, splashing in the pool and sliding in. It reminded me of my days at home with our pool and when all the family was there having fun. It was really a good party. the food was typical Tico Eidas Sister cooked it all. The kids were fun, they actually pushed Jessica's face in the cake after they sang happy birthday to her. Then they did the spanking machine where she ran through there legs and they all spanked her as she ran.

We stayed for quite a while then left around 6:00 I needed to go my foot was very swollen.
On Sunday breakfast was good we had all sorts of fresh fruits, with granola and some yogurt. scrambled eggs with fetta,a n orange carrot juice. Then we carried on to go for a ride to town for awhile and talked to Betty, then rode to Hermosa, where we stopped and talk to the rustico furniture maker. I wanted to ask him to build me a shelf but Milo decided to talk to me in English during this visit and it made me raise his price to 80 bucks. After I asked Milo to only talk to me in spanish from now on when were shopping! too funny they actually do this here raise prices if they find your not a tico.

We moved on to Esterillos, where we looked at property there and ran into some developers who were riding horses into the property. What a stroke of luck. Maybe this is where the house ont he mountain comes in?? Milo got out of the car and walked into the lots on the sea, he was gone for a few minutes, I dropped my head and prayed and asked god to give us a break, neither of us have had a big luxuious home and it would be so nice for once to have a great place. I asked god to open the doors of opportunity and to provide us our hearts desire. Just then I looked up and a dog was looking at me in the door that was open, he was panting. He was all muddy and panting, I said hi to him then this Tico pulled up on a horse, ok I said ooooooohooooooo Milo where are you? after that two other men white with tico clothes on rode up. I said hello to them too. They were the developers. I saw plans in one mans hands and knew that maybe I should say something, when I saw Milo come towards them smiling and talking in Spanish. Then he began to get in the car when I said hey one guy has plans in his hands ask what they are doing? so he did they spoke I listened then Chimed in. He is an Architect and I am a designer, we both want to live around here and build so we need your card.
After I told Milo wouldnt it be great to work with them and make our way to the top with our own lot? He agreed. We drovw home and then bbqed some chicken with my Coconut ginger receipe that is so good. Made a Ceasar salad, and fresh baby squash and Costa rican sweet potatoes. Then Monday came and he left, the birds were singing loudly again and now they peck at my Windows!! what the heck???

I did my thing made coffee, watered swept and hung out waiting on the internet, but no internet the man was sick they said. So I went into town and got my bank account, paid my power bill and tele. Then came back and rested.
Later i went back into town with a cab and went and visited Rosie and internetted for like 10 minutes the internet was down.

Today was not too busy, I looked at a restuarant that I may purchase and open here in Jaco and I talked to a couple of people on the phone. Liz came by and brought my bus ticket to SAn Jose . AS Tomorrow I am flying back to the states. I have to take care of a few things for a couple of days then back To Costa rica. I have landed a few jobs and now I need to dig in as soon as the leg is well.
The Trip tomorrow is not one I am looking forward to, so it will be short. I hope the leg doesn't flair up?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

This is a preview of the orchid show in Costa Rica, the other photos are from the Clarion, The spa area that I have been enjoying.

I have tried a ton of times to put more photos just won't let me... so here just sample some of these.

Today is Weds March 22, I was suppose to met Carlos from cabletica at 10:30 to sign my contracts and set up my internet at the house here in Costa Rica, but I had a previous appointment with the Banco Costa Rica. BCR well four hours later, trying to set up a bank account was fruitless and the wait was not only borning but aggravating. First they said one leter written in spanish saying I was a good person and that they recommend me to the bank as a customer.

So I asked Rosie to write me a letter and she did with her offical stamp from the coffee shop,
If I haven't said it before they love stamps here. They Stamp and stamp and stamp everything four or five times... its official! So with letter in hand, I travel to the end of Jaco via Adrian. Adrian was the taxi driver who rescued me off the road when I was hit, YES adrian was the man.. one day after my visist to Cima in San Jose two hours away from Jaco I was being pushed around in a wheel chair by Liz at the smart buy. It is a place kinda like Costco, this man comes up to me and says hello. I stare but do not recognize him. Later in the store he came to me again and said Hello, you are the woman who I picked up off the road, ( in spanish ok?) I said you are? he said do you remember me? I said no he said yes you were on a bike and got hit and I picked you up and took you to emergency. Wow out of all those people in San Jose I would run into you... I cried he cried and we both hugged each other. He said My Name is Adrian. I said My name is Marianna, he said here is my number should you ever need anything please call me I llive in Jaco I said I do too so we left it at that. Well yesterday, I was going to go out for the first time in days and I prayed to god to send me a good driver... When this taxi pulled up and picked up this gal across the street. I yelled down to my friends that were standing out side and asked if they would talk to him and ask him I could tag along. Come to find out it was Adrian. At first he didn't say anything to me, but when he left me off he had to help me out as I can't stand to well alone. He laughed and giggled and said Marianna? I said yes he said it is me Adrian. Now you will no longer need any taxi when you need something you call me... So we both hugged and kissed and for the rest of the day he drove me around.

This morning I needed as I said to go to the appointment at BCR, so I called Adrian and he came was very happy to see me and off we went in the red little taxi across town. He shared with me his troubles, how he was short of money and how things have not been good with him. I said I will pray that god supplies you all your needs, more than you can imgaine. I told him no more stress, look positive and not at all the negative. By the end of the ride he was smiling and happy that I had tried to encourage him! I was happy too.

But soon there after I was frustrated and not happy with the results of the bank, but I did learn that patients is really something you can not have enough of here. I saw Douglas there he offered to write the letter I needed, ran and wrote one and came back, but they did not accept it as he is not a tico, then I met a man that I had met before from New York who owns several hotels and property around Jaco and surrounding areas. We talked and I managed to line up some lots to sell and discussed with him some business. So Fruitless at the wait was for the account the good that resulted from the wait may be a benifit in due time.

I did manage to hook up the internet, so Come Monday hopefully with Tico time on my side... HA I may have internet! Carlos mi amigo from Cabletica promised it. But I am learning to not rely on the promise. Just wait and and be patient and it will happen.

I can say that the foot is getting better. I asked Milo on Sat to pick up some more Antibiotics, but I also asked him to tell the Farmacia all I had been through and to tell him I have been taking these antis for a long time and that I felt they were not doing much good. Also all my side effects and to ask if there was something stronger and better for this type of infections. YES HE SAID and looked it up in the books and found out my side effects were also written in the book.
He then gave me some other antis that were not prescribed and by god my intuition was right! they are working and I am feeling so much better.

Right now I am in San Jose again with Milo, we had a wonderfull dinner on the top of a hill at the Monistary. It was so romantic and so beautiful. The food was good, but the dessert was best! Cherries jubilee! We are listening to Andrea Boccellis new Cd that my sister Sent me and its so good its called AMORE! the best of ITALIAN AND SPANISH AND ENGLISH! I think Milo is falling in love with Andrea... I already love him. Its nice

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I have Gobs of photos but For some reason THE BLOGGER WONT LET ME POST THEM
Tuesday March 21st

I brief update on where and what I have been doing. Last Monday I woke up with a very red ankle so calling Cima was on the top of the list, I went and saw and had to stay and had a wonderful time with Milo as I rested this has been the mode of my life these past weeks.

I went down to the spa at the Clarion while I stayed with Milo, he went to work at Intel and I went to the spa. It has a gym and two hot tubs and a sunning area. I found it very peaceful and relaxing, like I need to relax more! But I did I sunned a little hung one leg in the hot tub and dreamed about sitting in that warm water and just letting it sooth my sore and tired other leg. But I can’t the skin is not healed yet and I didn’t want to encourage any other risk of more infection. The spa attendant is named Frank, a nice looking around 34 year old Tico man. He was so sweet to me, then began to open up and told me he was a Christian and actually prayed for me in Spanish. I thought this was very touching. I thanked him and told him he should be a preacher, he is really very gifted. The hotel is nice but located in a horrible area of San Jose. Seedy, lots of Male prostitutes and cross dressers, and no businesses. So not much for me to look at during the day, I simply stay in the room as it is better that I rest to try to heal the dang foot-leg.

I stayed until, Friday of last week. Milo took me to a great place called Paga menos where I bought some beautiful Tropical fabric to cover my little sofa in the apartment. It has bamboo and pulmeria blossoms on it. Very tropical and heavy, I know that this would probably have cost me 28 to 30 a yard in the states, but I got it for nearly $3.00 a meter, costing me around 28 bucks for only 14 yards.

Later on Friday, We decided to go to the national Orchid show in San Jose. I rested most of the day so I would be able to walk with out much pain. Before we left to go to the show, I found out I had to have Documents signed and sent to the USA, and have them notarized. We then asked the hotel who would do this and they sent us to this huge building around the block, and found these corporate attorney’s that were just coming back from a lunch meeting and getting ready to leave again so our timing was perfect!

They asked what we needed and Milo in Spanish explained and they said sure come on back. I was a bit nervous, and shivering the building was so cold. Then the attorney talks to us in English and we all laughed and talked then he notarized my docs, and didn’t charge me a thing!! Found out he was getting married here near Jaco so I gave him my site and said I would love to discuss with them the details.. Who knows maybe I will get to do it? But he was very nice and kind his name was Henry, and he spoke wonderful English and told us the manor of there business.. Let’s just say ITS HUGE MAJOR COPORORATIONS, so its nice to know them incase anything should arise.

Later we drove across town trying to find the old train station to see the “Orchidea Show” it is hard in San Jose to drive the streets are filled with people walking driving and milling about. Streets make no sense, they go one way and dead end then ones go the other way and its difficult to get to the place you need to go to, its like a maze, but some how Milo figure’s out how to get us out of the maze and to where ever we need to go, QUE SEIMPRE!!! In English Whatever!!

I try not to get upset or impatient but trust me it’s not easy to be tranquilla, as they say… quiet and patient. That is the phrase they use on you if you get the least bit excited or upset or mad or anything other that super mellow. Sometimes I hate this phrase.. I want to say I’ll Tranquilla you! But I don’t.

So we go the show is small but Really incredible the varieties I have never seen some I have but wow what a interesting thing to think that all of them are derived from here in Costa Rica! IT was so beautiful! I couldn’t believe that Milo actually enjoyed the whole thing and he bought me Two really cool orchids, one a bright red huge Catalaya variety, and one Yellow with a red center, same Catalaya variety. Then I bought myself two that were extremely unusual white with lavender and purple in the center, but they look like spiders or something from outer space.

This will make 8 orchids I have now. I love them I want more! We sat for a moment because my leg was so swollen that I could not stand the pain and we had these home made delicious empanadas with pineapple and one with Apple in them YUMMMY so good. Then we drove to Santa Anna, and went to this Really cool Sushi place and ate a great Sushi dinner. Then made the two hour trek To Jaco in the dark. Milo likes to drive fast, and it scares me but he is a much better driver than Douglas! NO DOUBT! Dougs a maniac.

Enough about him…

Then we got here and hung out and just chilled. Milo put everything away and I rested.

On Saturday, we had a great breakfast I made of fresh pineapple and mango, and mellon, with eggs and toast, and Orange carrot juice, and coffee. Then we went to the ag store and got a humming bird feeder some pots for the orchids, and a hose so I can wash the porch down and not sweep all the dust, and hose the plants down from the apartment.

We then went and looked at Locations for this business I want to begin, and also visited Liz and Milo.

After we stopped and visited Betty and treated her and Milo to a beer, while I had guanabana with ice and water. I can’t drink and haven’t since I been on continual antibiotics.

Although I am so dying for a mechelada, or a big tall rum and cas, a drink made with this fruit that is grown here CAS IS DELICIOUS.

Came back to rest and talk and then, I made some snacks of marinated feta, salami, tuna with oregano (this is awesome they make it here in Punteranas) and Avocado, clamata olives and crackers. It was so good! Milo fell in love with the Tuna; I need to bring a bunch of this back to the kids when I leave in next week.

We had a great evening, although I was in allot of pain he totally took care of me, and pampered me.

The next morning I was anxious to use the hose and wash the porch down and all the plants that were dust ridden. So I did early made coffee while Milo lounged in bed. I am an early riser he is slow to the get up in the morning. Its ok I like it that he lays there and hangs out in the bed. Then I made some good breakfast while he worked on putting a new faucet in the bathroom, we had bought this the day before on our running around. I have been with out a faucet in the bathroom for three or so months, so I was very happy that he fixed it! NOW I CAN WASH AND BRUSH ME TEETH LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE!

Then he hung up my beautiful lanterns on either side of the bed, suspended from the ceiling, they look so nice, my room is really getting to be pretty! Then he glued some matting that was coming off the counter, and hung my hummingbird feeder. Milo is a great help! A good asset, I finding that we mesh well. I am higher strung, and passionate he is mellow and very assertive. I bet he and I can make some great things together. As Creative as I am and mechanical and he is Creative and more mechanical as well he is an architect, so he uses his abilities constantly. It’s going to fun to see what we do.

Later I asked him to drive to Tarcoles, the area where the crocks, are there are several Fish restaurants on the water. So we had a nice early Sunday Dinner on the water at this huge place where the waves practically crash on the restaurant. He had lobster and shrimp, an I had a whole fish fried and toasted very good! He had beer, and I had Tamarindo, a fresh natural drink.

We drove around to look at lots in the mountains, and dreamed a little about what would we build. Then I treated him to an Italian Gelato down town and watched people. Tried to go and see Eida and Joey and the girls but they weren’t home. So we came back here and got the computers and went over to Del Mar to Internet. Since I do not have Internet YET!! MAYBE TOMORROW I WILL I talk to Carlos, one of the head of Cabletica, and he said Marianna I will try to get you hooked up on Weds, YEAH!! Cannot wait! As you know I been waiting since Oct, to get Internet… HOPEFULLY THEY ARE NOT LYING TO ME AGAIN!

We came back only after a little disagreement, mostly me I was mad cause I couldn’t of all things blog the internet would not let me pull it up and he tried to delete temporary files and such and it screwed up the computer so I was bit testy, but after we talked about it and everything was fine.. I think with the pain of the leg and the frustration of not being able to internet or do anything, like watch TV or more is getting to me.

I realized my short comings and well sorta apologized…

Milo stayed and make dinner for us and I rested in bed I had to the leg was so swollen and hurting like crazy.. BODY IS NOT REPSONDING.. I need prayer bad.

On Monday Milo left early to go back to San Jose to work, I began to clean then Started to Sew the cover for the Sofa. I began by attaching strips of material to the lower wooden frame and making a pleat in the front. Then I cut and sewed the cover, that took me a while as The foot was bugging and I had to rest elevate and then on the floor again I was sitting and stapling the material here and there.

It took me all day to do it but it looks very nice. I forgot to mention the interruption of the power going off and on also added to the day. So no air condition, it was blazing hot and Then the lack of power kept me from sewing the fabric. It went off like 5 times during the day. So it was a challenge.

But its done and it looks great!

I made some dinner lit all the candles, and then took a hot shower and jumped into bed it was early but I can’t stand the pain so I went early.

I was just falling off to sleep when the phone rang, I jumped up as fast as I could to answer it, and IT WAS DOUG.. I was shocked, he hasn’t talk to me since he was so terribly rude and ugly.

He didn’t apologize he simply said that if I needed anything he heard I wasn’t doing well again, and wanted to offer his help. Said I was a wonderful woman and that he didn’t want to loose my friendship. That he wanted to remain good friends. I said Hmm well see? I do not want to encourage any thing other that that. I know now that he is not the kind for me.. TO ANGRY, TO many issues, good business man, and great guy to acquaintances, but nothing more.

I settled down after his call and thought for a moment, and then fell off to sleep once again, then the phone rang again.
It was Milo, he had eaten dinner and wanted to say good night. So we talked for a few minutes then he said good bye.

I laid there after missing him and praying that god keeps him safe as well as me.

This Morning the birdies woke me again they are not banging on my windows and pecking at them and hanging out on the balcony and singing very loudly, Milo saw this and could not believe it, in fact yesterday during one of the power outages I left the door open and black cackle came in and sat on the table.. They love me… I feed them all the birds and Now I hope the hummers come!

I made coffee, went down stairs and watered and swept then came back and rested. Today I just been piddling around, in a while I will go to town and open a bank account, and pay my power bill. Maybe eat? I dunno yet.

I guess I should get ready to leave next week To go to the states. I will be there for a short time this time. Only a week so I hope to see some people.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sunday Dumps trucks a flying and birds perching

Yesterday was a challenge, I had a call from Doug to see if I needed anything and I said yes I would like to fax some of the papers for the house and do some internet ting and buy a hose for the balcony. It was around ten when he called; I was ready at that point but waited patiently since I have nothing else to do and no other recourse except a taxi. He Said he had to go to Esterillos at 1:00 to show a plan for a new development and would I like to so and see? I said well I rather do my things you can drop me off and go, he said no it might be good for you to get out, so I agreed. I waited for three hours when he came I had just dropped a big bottle of honey all over the kitchen floor so to say the least I was not a happy girl, I was bare footed with my brace on and now honey and glass were all over the white tile floors. He waited while I cleaned it up and ate my tuna and sun dried tomatoes I had sitting ready to eat. He had to go by his plant to pick up blue prints to bring to the site. On the way The phone rang and he swerved to find it a big huge bus was coming and I became frightened a bit, and said quietly while he was on the phone, oh please Doug don’t hit the bus, signaled for me to put my seat belt on and I didn’t understand, again I said quietly really you should not be on the phone. It all happened so fast he was swerving I was scared… he then close the phone abruptly and began to swear profanities at me that were totally unacceptable. This frightened me again and I became silent, choked a bit but didn’t cry, as I knew this time this was the final draw on any sort of relationship or even possibly friendship. As I looked out the window he drove even faster to the plant. He flew in with the windows open and the cement dust that covers the ground there all came pouring in the car he swore again. I sat quiet. I was stunned at his outburst of rage and anger. Unwarranted completely but I have been reading about repressed anger and what behaviors to watch for and he had all the signs of a very angry repressed man. He continued to travel showed me some locales for a business and I barely acknowledge it when he said angry to me.. Are you going to pout and act like a baby all day? I looked at him and said no I am just doing what you said to do, which was in a polite way I wont say what he said but it was more or less to shut up.

He sat for a moment then continued in saying, he would have said that to anyone sitting there weather it be Sean or anyone, said he was sorry but said I would have said that to any one to take it heart or whatever but I am not saying sorry again. Well to me that showed me a huge lack of respect towards me, so I again I had no response. I then Thanked God for his outburst because I was earlier in the week wondering how I was going to try to make him understand, that He and I simply need to be just friends? He then dropped me of in front of the market computer in hand and all, I was hot and worried how I was going to walk all that way, but soon I knew I have done things before and I will do it again I got my wits and just did it.

The rest of the day was spent with liz picking up my laundry then eating at Rosies and talking to friends. I asked this friend to take me home and he did, and along came Patrice a friend of mine and stay at the house for hours talking with me. It was nice.

This morning I got up pretty early made the coffee and listen to the tons of birdies because of the construction. Dump trucks started early on Sunday TONS OF THEM the birds are all coming to the balcony and hanging out. I been putting bread out there so lots of birdies are eating I even saw a huge toucan this morning fly by someone must of told him of the food… Then he landed in the tree above me and just stared.. I got a great look at him or her today wow Beautiful! BIG HUGE AND BRIGHT RED TAIL the beak is awesome and so large. I never saw one that big. He didn’t sing just stared. I even went downstairs today and put the sprinkler on everything that died while I was sick. I watered saw lots of butterflies and birds. It made me very happy considering what happened yesterday, I am doing well! CANT WAIT TO DANCE AGAIN!

I went to internet at the century 21 and faxed some papers for the sale of the house… going pretty well

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

In San Jose

Well I wrote a post a couple of days ago but It is in my computer and I have not access to it untill Friday. Last weekend was a trying but fun weekend resulting in me having to return to Cima once again. I had an episode which I will include when I return with Douglas, that was the end of the relationship. He behaved badly, and I made a decision to call it ends. After Saturday, I spent Sunday home alone just resting and counting the dump trucks flying by sending cloud after cloud of dust into and all over the patio and apartment. Then I ate a little Humus that I made and just sat and thought to myself about the past two days. I had tried to call rosie all day but she wouldn't pick up her cell phone. She had mentioned on Friday about a new Italian Restuarant in Heridura which is about 10 minutes north of Jaco beach where the los Suenos Marriots is.
We were all suppose to go and experience the flavor of geniune Italian food. RIGHT!!! I decided to go ahead get dressed up and take a cab to Rosies Place and see if she really was going to go.

Yes she still was going, I had called Cristina my friend from the dominican republic to go along with us, simply because I knew that Douglas and Sean would probably be going too and it would be a safe way to ask publicly to have him return my keys to the apartment. But when he did show up he denied remembering the invitation and decidely chose not to go. Which was great, it was all girls and we had a nice time. Only the food sucked... I had Ragu and a caprice salad, Caprice is Mozzerlla with sliced tomato and fresh basil with olive oil and balsemic vinegar. But they only had the cheese, the tomato and some dried up tiny flakes of basil and no vinegar. The ragu was ok not the best. Rosie had an entire lobster and huge jumbo Prawns. Cristina had some fish and linguni. We talked and laughed and they punished me by only speaking spanish!

I understand it very well its the speaking that I am not so great at. But in time I am sure I will handle it just fine... I learn new words just about everyday now.

Later we all returned to Rosies and had coffee, but the leg was killing me I just wanted to go home. She said no just hang out and people watch and I will take you home at 1:00. So I did and we talked a bit after she dropped me off. The next morning the foot was kinda bad so I called doctor Gallardio, and told him. He said come now, Cima is two hours away and I didn't have a ride and the buses were all done going in that area. Liz called milo her husband and he was so sweet to volunteer to drive from purescal to Jaco then back to San Jose. We got there at 6:00 in the evening, and the results were I still have the infection.


I have an alergic reation to the metal in my leg and it is painfull. Now I am worried If they have to pull this stuff all out that means another surgery and more time out and more pain and more money and more more more.... CRAP... I cried after I left the office Liz was consoling we drove to the airport, for them to drop me off to meet Milo at 10:40 from the USA. We ate and they left me at the dennys and I sat for three hours alone, it was so cold in there that I covered up with news papers on my leg and drank like four cups of coffee.

Milo showed up smiling and happy to see me and I was happy to see him too. Although I did not want to tell him the news about the damn foot.

We Went to the Clarion in Down town San jose... ohhhhhhhhhh K this is an ugly area with lots of Transvestites, and what I call shims... she hims. Wow this is a seedy area. A couple of prostitute houses and ugly buildings with lots of barbed wire and metal bars, and roll up doors.

I spent all of Tuesday resting, laying in bed till about noon, the I went down to the gym which I will show tomorrow the beautiful spa area, and worked out a little bit upper body arms abs, no legs Crap I can hardly walk... let alone work out. Then I went up died the ol hair with Cannella, a cinnamon color dye and took a shower got all pretty. That seem to take forever lol.. then I went down to the really pretty outdoor resturatant on the ugly street, and had a mango milk shake to die for! and some Tortilla sopa. Soup with tiny strips of tortilla, avocado sour cream and some cheese. I dreged off most of the cheese and sour cream and really enjoyed the rest leaving allot of tortillas in the bowl. But it was tasty.
After I went up to room and waited for hours for Milo, he had a big work load the first day at Intel here. His projects are really intense.

Finnally he came and we got ready to go out to dinner. We went to Escazu the beverly hills if you will of San Jose. We at this Argentina restuarant called, El Novillo Alegre. OK WOW this place was small but very nice. The music was perfect all jazz, the cieiling was made from small bamboo completely filling the whole ceiling. They began by bring us these salsas they called them. Olive oil with parsley, garlic, red pepper, and lemon OH MY GOD with these tiny thin bread sticks and Italian style bread. The others were tomato with red sweet peper, olive oil and lemon, the third I believe was cream cheese with a little butter and chives. Wow ok this was really good. Milo drank the house argentinian wine and I had fresh lemonade. We order this food that was out of this world I had beef, chicken pork bbq brochettes with onions and red pepper he had a steak that melted in your mouth and an Italian style salad ansd some fried mozzerlla. It was very similar to Italian food, when we asked about the Argentina food the waitress told us that the decendents were Italian. IT WAS SO DANG GOOD I WOULD RECOMMEND THIS TO ANYONE WHO COMES HERE PLEASE GO THERE!

We went back talked with our bellies so full, and then fell off to sleep. In the morning I felt better and had to return to Cima again for the doc to check on me. He said I was better, but isisted I stay on the antibiotics... FRANKLY I AM SICK OF THE TASTE AND THE Feel of my body on these things. Milo left and I took a cab to the Multi plaza and walked around which was difficult with a brace and pain. But I Did it and I treated my self to a few things Thanks to Ray one of my readers.
I spent some of the money paying for gas and food for Milo and liz her Milo and I treated her to a few things over the weekend, I bought her a carpet and some personal things and dinner twice. Then with the rest I bought a Jenifer lopez AWEsome purse, a blouse and really pretty sexy black top, a pair of sun glasses that I needed badly, and some trinkets and ate lunch! I was a happy girl but the foot is suffering badly now its red and swollen too much walking. Came back here to San Jose and now resting and gonna go once again to eat. I believe were eating here, its really good food I can testify to this.. God it sounds like all I do is eat but in actuality I really eat small amounts. Worried about the figure ya know.

Oh I forgot, I bought some beautiful fabric at this place called paga menos, for the love seat in my apartment, wow It was cheap like 3.00 dollars a yard, Its gorgeous Bamboo pattern with plumera blossoms on a rich tan backgroud with bits of white and lush green leaves, and a touch of rust. Perfect for the beach. I cannot wait to take before and after photos. For 12 yds I paid 36 bucks. I know in the states that this fabric can cost about 30 a yd. SO I SCORED.. besides my funds are short but I can say this. I am the type of person that can make my money go far and make things look like I spent allot and really budgeted myself. JUST A GIFT I THINK...

Friday, March 10, 2006

This is the good side, where the bolt is hurting

This is the bad side where 7 pins and plate and post were installed

This is the guanacaste tree they cut down, next door to me

Tree in bloom

This is a pointsettia with quad droople blooms

Things are looking better!

Wow getting up early again! good sign... the birds are very loud today and the roosters actually crowed. Because... construction is starting right next door to me on the beach. The cut down a two or three hundred year old guanacaste tree, to the North Americans that is a silk tree with pink flowers. These trees here are the most austintacious trees around. They are massive and so beautiful. I was sad to see them cut this down, all the birds are lost now.. they have now lost one more place to roost. The catepillars are bulldosing things and its loud this morning, Dust is flying even more so than it already does. Sad to me to see the destruction to the land as Americans are building more and more. A huge hotel is going in the place of trees and beach right next door.

I got up made my coffee and then sat out front to get some sun on the foot and leg, then I just baked it was really hot. Since I can't get out yet much this is my form of enjoyment for the time being. I read a little, then I made some eggs, first time since the accident that I cooked something! and had watermellon and some really good 8 grain home made bread that The X mas permanos makes now.

I tempted the birdes, the blue taningers yellow and black kissadees, and all the colorfull birds I saw this morning that I do not normally see at this time. I put some bread on the rails and some watermellon to see if they would come and eat breakfast with me! But no takers yet.

I then moved the back balcony when the phone rang and it was Sara my daughter in-law, Saying she was so thinking about me, I got to talk to Kelsey my grand daughter.. and told her about the horses on the beach I was watching and the surfers, and more.. she laughed. This is strange to her. Never seen anything like this. We talked for a while then I began my arm exercises with two bottle water bottles. I have no weights, and this is the best I can at this point. I drank more coffee, and then washed the window in front, washed the dishes, then mopped Wow I did allot concidering the foot! looking up! Then I showered and got all pretty and curled my new hair du! I want to go the la Ferria but I don't think I will be able. I need to internet so I am and found out I have to send lots of papers to the title company for the closing of my house.

The sale was way below what I was suppose to get but at least that chapter is being closed. I may have a small amount of money, but nothing to write home about... BUT I DO HAVE TO SAY THANK YOU TO ONE OF MY READERS!!!
RAY THIS WONDERFULL MAN FROM HAWWAII... he sent me some money via Western union, he felt so bad about my accident, that he open his heart and pocket book and sent me some help. I want to thank you Ray for being so kind and generous to me.. I appreciate your help! GOD BLESS YOU.

I don't know what God has for me now but I live life each day thanking him! And now I thank you Ray also for your love you sent.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Hair and toes in Costa Rica

This is Trish my friend,

This is Sean and Rosie my friend

Well I got up early, I must be feeling better! 6:00 that is how it use to be. The roosters didn't crow the birds were churping loudly again. I got up to look at the beach the waves were really nice today the air was cool too, what a change. I started the coffee and sat outside for a while in the back and just listened to the birds sing. Then opened the glass door in front and sat out there and drank coffee and read this self help book I got about whos right for you. It was so nice this morning, it got hot but only when Iwas ready for it and I sunned myself untill I couldn't stand the heat any more.
I have not had anyone take me to the store nor has anyone offered to go so I really didn't have much to eat in the house. The foot is getting better, I think I can shower for the first time without it being covered by a bag today. Although the big screw on the right side is really hurting.

I ate a bit of pineapple that is all there was in the fridge and made my favorite coffee volio and just hung out. I read and then showered and got ready for the day. I had a friend drop me off at the hair salon only after I internetted for awhile and found out that I needed some information for the house sale.
I was a bit scared about the hair but the same gal did my toes earlier in the week and did a nice job so I suppose the hair will be ok.

I interneted for a bout two hours then went to the tiny little salon in this back alley behind the lava wash. That is the car wash on the side road where I got hit by the car, its called the cayea of the rich and famous why I have no clue there are no fancy houses's or anything that is special.
The little shop owner is so cute around 32 years old tiny tica, and has two white toy poodles. Tommy and susie.
They are pretty friendly to me smelling the leg of course. She cut the hair real nice and thinned it out a bit, it feels better since it is so hot here in Jaco.

Then I went back to the house by escourt of a friend and then got some papers to email to the states, and I got a post office box today so HOOORAY I can get mail now.

I still am recovering so my days are boring yet, but hang in there I am sure Iwill be on the verge of doing some more fun stuff soon. I did get a mail from a guy who wanted me to expedite some tours and things for them when they arrive here in Costa Rica so I set it up that I will be finding them a Driver, a chef, a server, and more.

Tonight should be quiet, trish lent me a movie so I should be watching that on the computer. Maybe I can convince someone to go to the store for me. Liz has done my laundry so I think she is going to bring it over... god I am gratefull for my good friends here!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

On the Mend

Well this on the mend this is not all cracked up to what it should be!! I spent the whole day yesterday in bed trying my darndest to watch movies on my computer since I don't have a TV. The dang thing kept freezing up and the gliches in the cds were driving me mad not including the foot killing like a mug. well there is another word but I rather use mug... Anyhow it was quite a boring day, but on the other hand the mend did it well yesterday as a results of todays feelings. I felt so much better today althought there is one spot on the ankle where the big bolt that goes through the whole leg is really bugging me bad.
Anyhow back to life soon would be good for me. I plan on seeing Milo soon, I hope on Monday when he arrives back In Costa Rica. I have to go to Cima for a check up on the foot that day so I suppose we will meet and hang out.
I have sold my house finnally THANK GOD... now I have a great plan but I am not ready to reveal what I will be doing next. Although I am still talking with Doug I may be doing some work with him and hopefully retain his friendship.

Doug seems to understand how I feel but wont release his feelings for me.. he still thinks he can control me I doubt that!!
I spent the day today with liz Trish came by today too and had a good conversation with me earlier today. Liz did my laundry and I typed her story about Costa Rica and her testimony for her womens retreat she does in Canada every year. She is a very interesting lady and I might add a very sweet person to help me in my time of need.
I treated her to typcial Tico lunch of Beans and rice and salads she is a vegetarian and a Seven day Adventist. I had fish and beans and rice and salad. It was the first time I walked with out my crutches so it was a touchy day.
Then we went for Gelato at the Italian gelato shop in the middle of town, I had coco, and she had mora and pina`
Then back to Liz for laundry and writting and she did a fashion show for me.. it was fun.

I came to internet and now to dinner I think its sushi again tonight oh well its good... I have some great things to share so stay tunned and I will be telling you all about the new things I am involved with with real estate lots that have an Ocean view to special services, to hopefully BELLA ESPERANZA!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Sunday was fun, although the pain the foot is still going strong, it seems I have good days and bad days. And sometimes it feels as if the largest screw that goes across the whole ankle is sticking out and bugging me. Sunday as I said was kinda fun. I went with Red this friend of Dougs and Seans, they are buidling his house and he is Italian like me! he invited me to his friends David's and his tica girlfriends elaborate house with a huge pool that looked like a rock mountain and a waterfall that was about 20 feet wide. It had a rope and wood step ladder that was behind the waterfall that was in the pool and you could climb up throught he rock and end up on the top of the waterfall were you can lay in the sun with the water only about 8 inches deep and let the water roll over you on the rock. Pretty cool, but I couldn't go in the foot is not healed so I watched and sweated like a pig as it was so hot here yesterday I wanted to die.

We had bbq chicken sandwiches and chips with cream cheese, and beer. I did drink a beer but that was a mistake as I felt terrible after that. I slept in the hammock most of the after noon in the heat.
Later they asked me if I wanted to go and have Sushi in town and I agreed, So they came and picked me up and we all ate Sushi together. I came home and went right to bed. I was so exhausted. Really my first outing since the foot accident.

Today I woke to the birdies singing on the balcony,tDay=6

Monday, March 06, 2006

Sunday was fun, although the pain the foot is still going strong, it seems I have good days and bad days. And sometimes it feels as if the largest screw that goes across the whole ankle is sticking out and bugging me. Sunday as I said was kinda fun. I went with Red this friend of Dougs and Seans, they are buidling his house and he is Italian like me! he invited me to his friends David's and his tica girlfriends elaborate house with a huge pool that looked like a rock mountain and a waterfall that was about 20 feet wide. It had a rope and wood step ladder that was behind the waterfall that was in the pool and you could climb up throught he rock and end up on the top of the waterfall were you can lay in the sun with the water only about 8 inches deep and let the water roll over you on the rock. Pretty cool, but I couldn't go in the foot is not healed so I watched and sweated like a pig as it was so hot here yesterday I wanted to die.

We had bbq chicken sandwiches and chips with cream cheese, and beer. I did drink a beer but that was a mistake as I felt terrible after that. I slept in the hammock most of the after noon in the heat.
Later they asked me if I wanted to go and have Sushi in town and I agreed, So they came and picked me up and we all ate Sushi together. I came home and went right to bed. I was so exhausted. Really my first outing since the foot accident.

Today I woke to the birdies singing on the balcony, they sure are freindly.. they sit on the balcony and sing me to wake up now every morning. Then When I move to the kitchen to make coffee there on the other balcony looking in. I have now a couple of wrens that are speckeled, and two yellow kissadee's and two blue tanangers, and one black cackle that is now visit's me.

Its so cute that all these birds feel comfy on my porch. Its because I have so many plants and furniture and hanging stuff they like to come and look. Very curious little things... I haven't seen and Iguana yet visiting but I am sure that is next. I do have lots of geckos. but they only come out at night.

I did my morning thing, sat in the sun for a hour or so and sweated like crazy as now this time of year it is blazing hot here. I drank my good coffee and ate fresh pineapple and delicious cantelope. Then I read this book, Are you right for me??? I really know but, but this is good reading and good information. Then I go to the back balcony and stare at the sea and just meditate on life and now healing and my children. I drink coffee and do arm exercise with water bottles since I have not been able to work out, I decided I needed to do something here... the arms are looking like flesh flags and GOD I HATE THAT!!!

THe legs too but right now I have to be still with those I do not need any added pain to the legs.!!!

I showered then CArlos the land lord showed up to collect his rent, he talked to me for a while a then Hannah came by and paid me for the wedding, not what I expected but less, so HMMm now I am in the hole God will this ever end?

I asked her to take me to get a pedicure so she dropped me off at this little tiny place in an alley and the girl did a nice job. I have cute pretty toes now that are hot pink with little white flowers painted on them! yeah I feel like a woman again.

Then Doug picked me up to internet at his house, he dropped me off and will be back to pick me up to take me home, as I am going to meet with Alejandro about a proposed job. He is wanting me to help him develop a business exactly like the one I did in the states In Escazu, So I will be asking him allot of questions, as RIGHT NOW I NEED MONEY AND CASH IS SHORT... HE BETTER NOT BE TRYING TO PICK MY BRAIN AND GET SOMETHING FOR NOTHING...

WIth all this foot problems I have no tollerence for people who want me to do something for nothing! ok off my soap box.

Lets see what happens, tomorrow I will know.

Friday, March 03, 2006

These were two of my nurses at Cima, Angela is the one on the right and Wendy is the one on the left. Both Tica's Both sweet!

Rosie and her ex tico boyfriend from England wow! Sean, and David, Sean is Douglas's son David is just a friend.

, Lost in Hospital Land

For those of you who are wondering what has happened? Why haven’t there been any blog entries?
The reason for my lack of blogs is that, my foot got a severe Infection, beginning two weeks ago Weds. This happened when Douglas and I went tromping around downtown San Jose Costa Rica to find the materials needed to do the first wedding that I booked here in Jaco.

The Wedding was held at Villa Coletas, a very fabulous hotel restaurant that sits above the sea side on top of a mountain over looking a huge area of all of the south sea. The view is breath taking and the hotel it self is designed in a French style with a tropical twist, you can go on line and see there site and see how beautiful is.
Needless to say we crutched all over, I was in so much pain but I didn’t want to complain as I had already seen a side of Douglas that was not pretty earlier in the week.

I fell on his two story steps and he just stood there not knowing what to do, instead yelled out of his frustration that I was being a baby. He does not handle sickness well, lets just say he has no tack. So mentioning that I was not doing well would only look as if once again I was being a baby about things.

That night we returned to my house to put things away and had some supper, then went to his house but I was feeling feverish. The following day the fever increased, but I just thought perhaps I over did it. Doug was not sensitive to my needs, As I have said before about life and people and situations, Time shows and tells all. Although Douglas is a very wonderful man and was so kind and never gave it a thought to help me in my need, he does have some issues with anger. I think he just has too much to do and I am becoming a burden now. With the wedding being so close, I don’t dare begin a discussion about this, besides I am beginning to feel so ill that all my energy is gone.

The following day I begin the search for orchids that are grown here but I had no connection to buy them from so to find the source was not an easy task. After many calls and much worry and prayer, I finally called the tiny little florist in town. She of all things manages to get them for me such a reduced price that I was pleasantly surprised and relieved. But the infection was getting worse, that morning I called Liz she called Doug then they decided to take to me to the Clinic in Jaco to see what exactly was going on, it was now Sat, the wedding was on Sunday.

They drove to the clinic 2000, on the main costa nera, when they removed the pieces of cast that was sawed and then placed back in to reveal the incisions, the largest incision was infected badly, oh boy, I was sad and in much pain. I ask now what they gave me shots in the arms shots in my belly, and cleaned and redressed the wound. Doug had left and said that we should take a cab back not knowing the results of the visit. He is busy…
I was upset about taking a cab back I didn’t want to so I asked Liz to call Trish to try to pick us up and she rushed to come to see me in so much pain and frustration she could feel the hurt that was definitely showing all over my face and.body. I returned back to the house to begin the process of building all the arrangements and décor for the wedding at Villa’s. Doug did show up to help but he seemed to be angered with me and everything I asked he refuted. Ok lets put it this way he has no patients, and was actually mean and rude. Liz experienced it first hand and was not happy with his behavior but did not say a word to him, only me.

That evening I had to lay down I couldn’t complete the job I was totally now in fever, and in drenched with pain, it was radiateting all through my body at this point. When I woke at 9:00 p.m. I was startled that I had slept so long I knew I had to complete brides bouquets, brides maids 6 of them mothers corsages and 12 men’s boutonnières, In a state of pressure and franticness I began to build them pain and all I didn’t care I knew I was committed to this job.. Something about me that someone said here and I know this is true but didn’t realize that others see this in me.. is that I am a woman of my word if I say I am going to do something I do it, regardless of the pain or stress or the aggravation it can cause me or others.

Doug sat and staired and with every item I completed he became more angry with me? I didn’t understand this he could see the pain in me, the longer I worked the more intense the pain got and began to vomit, but he didn’t know how to comfort me at all it became more and more obvious that he was frustrated and didn’t know what to say or do.
I asked him to go home and he did.

The Following morning I got up very early like around 6:00 I was so sick all I could do was vomit in the bag of cuttings sitting on the floor of the apartment. I had greens and dead flowers in it and now vomit. I kept going I knew I had to do this regardless the bride had no clue what was going on with me at all. I became volatile Doug showed up and was mad that I was puking he yelled because I drank 7 up and it made me puke, everything was making me puke not just the dang 7 up I didn’t talk I needed the energy to work so I did not say a word to him except when he went to get me some toast at a restaurant and returned he said EAT… I tried and at this point Liz was there trying to lend a hand on the production of the flowers. I took a couple of bites and I will never forget this… I crutched to the bedroom sicker than a dog the phone rang is was Milo, Doug answered and handed it to me and like a fountain the toast came flying out of me… the grossest thing I thought I have ever experienced but there is more…

You see the infection had now entered my blood stream this was the reason, I had so much antibiotics in me and pain meds and poison from the infection that the body was rejecting everything. Liz called Trish and asked her to bring something for me to stop the vomiting. She brought this little yellow pill that I slipped under my tongue, and in moments it stopped. I then talked a little and instructed all of them as to what to do but before this.. Doug had an outburst that was totally out of control and I asked him quietly to leave he threatened me… said if I leave it will be for good. My reply then was fine for good.

He didn’t leave.. I finished on time took some clothes to dress at the wedding, because no only was I the floral designer but I was the coordinator too. The day before I went to Villa Coletas to conduct the rehearsal at the slated time but the party never showed up. I waited three hours, that was three hours of production time and by now I was really sick.. We left drove down the long winding hilly roadway the goes to Villa’s, and on our way down we saw the wedding party going up. I told him to turn around and go back so we did.

When we met up with them I informed that I waited three hours and that now the rehearsal will have to be cancelled since the hotel was setting up in the amphitheater the weekly concert and sunset dinner hour. In stead of doing the rehearsal in the area where they were going to get married we did it in the gravel parking lot on the lower level as I sat with cast and crutches in the back of a pick up truck instructing all 22 people in the wedding party as to where they stand and how to walk and when to come in. We did it three times and I called it quits. They had no idea as to how ill I really was, I just faked it but the pastor saw it my face and said are you alright? Back to the house and as I said above I tried to continue but had to sleep.

We loaded, Trish, Doug, liz Loaded I should say.. all the flowers and props and I got all my things for changing ready and crutched down two flights of stairs from my apartment to the cars.
I don’t remember the ride very well I was almost passing out.. but when We got there I remember pretty much everything until after the ceremony.. then I kept nodding off and could not keep my eyes open. I made huge arrangements on the alter standing 8 or so feet tall all with tropical flowers I had one leg on the chair and the other on the ground, I got no help with this. The others were putting to my instructions all the center pieces on, the candles the candies, the place settings, the shells and more. I was so glad I had them all I could have never done this with out them.

Before I got the area where the Wedding was held I tripped with the crutches and fell flat on my face, Doug was there but didn’t really offer help? I didn’t understand this he was just plain mad at me…???? I crawled and got up and went in and then did all the design work. He was very upset with me he wanted me to eat he had ordered me a hamburger, but I was so sick I couldn’t take one bite I just continued. Knowing that in the past how time flies and the deadline was coming and I was handicapped so stopping was not an option, he didn’t understand. They all went and ate but I continued on.

This ordeal made me think twice now about Douglas, I know your all saying GOD BUT BUT… hey abuse is abuse… verbal or physical its abuse and when your sick it seems more intensified. I manage to complete on time got dressed in a total fog. I am not kidding I WAS IN A TOTAL FOG THE REST IS A BLURR I remember relaxing on the couch waiting for Douglas to come back with the personal flowers that I asked all of them to load but they didn’t. So he had to go back and retrieve them for me… thank god for him.

But instead of just getting them and coming back, he went home showered got dressed, then dropped of the car he borrowed and then went and got the flowers, causing the ceremony to be 30 minutes late. When he did arrive I was on the couch laid out and got up as quick as I could lined everyone up and pinned them and rushed them down the Aisle. I remember that part the rest is history I knew I lit some candles in the cocktail area and sat down and then I fell out. I remember someone helping me up the stairs to the dinning area and I sat at my place marked and I mostly slept throught the dinner there at the table. Then Douglas took me home around 10:00 We did not talk all the way home. I asked him why he was not talking he said I thought you were sleeping.

The following morning I called Liz very early I told her I needed to go to the doctor. I was not vomiting anymore but I was very ill.
She borrow Douglas’s car and drove me at 7:30 am to San Jose to the hospital. When I arrived there I decided to Call Milo who was staying across the street at the Marriot. I told him what was going on and when I got the hospital he was there. The doctor took the stitches out and then squeezed the open wound as hard as he could I went through the roof and screamed bloody murder he told me I would have to have an Iv. He allowed me to stay two days With Milo coming back daily to be checked but no improvement. Milo tried hard to take good care of me, and he did a good job this whole thing now has changed Milo’s heart and he has become very kind and compassionate, and loving. He Actually helped me take a bath and washed my hair. He felt worried as hell.

As the days past I became worst and worst.. till finally the doctor called another doctor in to take a look see, the skin was so infected that the flesh was being eaten by this infection. I didn’t look I couldn’t it was hurting so bad and the thought of seeing how bad it was would only make me wilt.
Eight days of IV and Antibiotics of all sorts. They tried every kind and nothing seemed to touch it the worst part was on Friday now the following week they opened it up and the nurse was instructed by the doctor to cut and clean and remove what ever was there.. mind you during this time Doug never called it was now 5 days, he did come by on Weds and made sure I was really sick and saw the iv in my hand then assured me everything was going to be alright. HMMMMMMMM

Friday Milo showed up at the Hospital just in time for this gruesome meddling about my ankle. He held my hand and I turned my head I bit the sheets and a towel that was there I cried so hard and shook as my body was in so much pain as they dug and poked and proded and cut and cleaned it up I got up one time and took a peak and about passed out. It looked as though the leg was hamburger? OH MY LORD… that was the worst now I have every experienced. NO EXAGGERATION THIS WHOLE ORDEAL HAS BEEN SOMETHING…

I cried hard not loud just tears.. after Milo held my hand and said you are strong and you did very well wow…. WOW…

WOW Marianna, Honestly when I saw that I almost broke out in tears, and then he did. He began to cry and said honey I feel so bad for you no wonder you were making little noises in the night with the pain and I tried to tell you to breath through it. WOW that was awefull. Then I cried some more realizing that he was touched by how terrible it was and how he held out until he spoke to me about it.

After that the days I laid in the hospital with Ivs in veins that kept collapsing and the taste in mouth of metal.. I didn’t dare look at that leg again for fear it would scare me to know its not getting better. It took more than 8 days with 8 bags a day of antibiotics for it to subside. I ate as much as I could stand but the taste in my mouth so so terrible and in the length of time I was there, the pain of not doing anything began to eat at the muscles in my body. Experiencing much pain all over now, not just the foot but the joints and well all over.

On Monday they took x-rays the foot was healing inside so the good news was that it wasn’t affecting the bone, Only the flesh. They took more blood to see if the white blood cells were going down and yes they were so progress was being made.
I made friends with two nurses one is Angela a cute young tica, with the most beautiful eyes about 26 years old she just loved me and always came in to talk to me. The other was a Taller older Tica named Wendy, She was sweet but didn’t speak a word of English, smiled allot and tried to encourage me as much as she could. She was the most accommodating of all the nurses I had. There was this group of nurses that came in the evening shift that made me think of a cackle of chickens. They came in all talking loud and laughing and not paying any attention the patients, taking there vitals and leaving in a group just like chickens. I called them the Chicken brigade… Milo thought that was funny, I didn’t like them at all. They were very snide and had not one word to say to me not one.. Strange thing here, Every night I was there not one time did a nurse come in to see how I was at any time during the night. But only to administer the Antibiotics at Three am. I had biotics at 9:00 and at 3:00 and 9:00 and at 3;00 Two bags at a time. Not one night as I said did one come. I am a very light sleeper.. I hear everything. I though god I could die here and they wouldn’t know till the morning when they came in to see? Weird in the states there in there all night long not letting you rest period. Although that was the case I still didn’t rest much I was so sick and so full of meds.
On Tues the doc said YOU CAN GO HOME NOW… so I was thrilled when they came to dress the foot I finally looked and saw it was much better, scared but better. They gave me instructions. Milo was there for me the whole time. He bought me nighties, makeup, all my personal hygene needs. He brought ice cream a couple of times.. We have rekindled our love and I was very happy that he is so paitient, and understanding. He did say he was hanging on and that he understands that I was in survival mode, and had to do what I had to do with Doug… this is the most unusual situation I have ever been in as far as love in my entire life.. what in the world for? Especially during this time? But maybe God is providing all the things I need during this time of need, even two men that are caring and out of this I must see that my past dealings with men has not been so good. That through this I will know who is the right man for me. ITS ABOUT TIME ITS BEEN ALLOT OF YEARS OF BEING WITH OUT ANYONE IN MY LIFE…

Milo drove me home on Sat night late we had dinner and then talked most of the way about Cheevo his cute little wire haired jack russel, and how I wanted a purse puppy…one so small I could keep it in my purse and it would be by my side all the time…Cheevo needs sister. Soon on the unlit winding road I became sick again. I was so car sick that Milo had to stop a couple of times. I think it was all the meds, and just the fact that my body was so weak. He took me to the apartment in Jaco, and put everything away tucked me in bed and begged me not to do anything but to just get well so that when he returns in Two weeks we can have some fun and enjoy life. He had to return to the states for two weeks to work there and then he will be back here In Costa Rica. I was hoping to fly back around March 27th but he will be here then so maybe we can fly back together providing I am better by then.

Yesterday was hard, I had allot of pain and being alone only made me feel worst. I had no help. But I did have a couple of friends show up and one got me some food for the fridge nothing special just a few things, then the bride came and got her things that were left here before the wedding, talking with me in the bed, then Alicia you know Lucy of Ricky and Lucy? Then Liz called then Doug called… offered to bring me food. I accepted as I need to talk to him about this situation, but He did not show up until 10:00 pm by that time

I was sleeping and he only gave me the food sat for a moment and said he had to go. I told him right then thank you and It is a must that I talk to you when you get the time. He said yes he would make the time but he was upset as he and his son had been arguing for hours So I let him go I didn’t insist I was tired. The foot was bad yesterday. Milo called after that and informed me he was home safe in the USA with his doggie Cheevo and how me missed me already I missed him too… Then my daughter in law and grand daughter and son called so it was an eventful day, even thought I slept and rested most of day it was till hard.

But today! I woke up a new person! I felt really good… I got up made the coffee and crutched around, I laid the crutches next to the wall while I made the coffee then I put some weight on the foot, and to my surprise it didn’t hurt I put some more oh my god I could stand on it… I struggled a little then scooted with the foot, with in an hour I was slightly walking with out the help of the crutch so, the clean freak I am got the broom swept out back and watered the plants polished the furniture on the patio and then began to go the front. To clean up out there. Since I had been gone Liz was watering but I live on a street where the dust flies and everything was so dirty. Mind you I did this in hours not in minutes as the normal person did but I was so happy that I could almost walk. I walk little by little today but did crutch too as to not over do it but I was so surprised that I could do this so soon!!! I think it’s a miracle I really do, because yesterday the pain was so intense and I asked go how long I was to suffer last night, I prayed that He would heal me. And Today hardly any pain. When I cleaned the wound it looked good the skin is yes scared but all in all a whole lot better than it was a week ago wow.Liz Showed up as I was in front and I shared with her what I could do she was amazed and hugged me too! I told her it was a miracle.. I been taking it easy in between I spent four hours in bed this after noon and now I am here again typing away. Even though I am all dressed up and hair and makeup on.. I just felt better!!
I noticed a differenced around the apartment too… there are new noises outside. Some sort of very loud bugs are making these reeling noises scared me at first… yesterday but tonight it is kinda interesting. They are very very loud but it is interesting. I am listening to music and typing. I have no Tv, no cable and No internet here so the house is pretty basic.

I wish I had a tv bad, The cable is available here but Cabletica has not come to install it and I applied in Decemeber. BUT I DO HAVE A PHONE NOW!

Today is Friday the La Ferria day, I want so badly to go. I had two visitors today. Doug stopped by he called said put a pot of coffee on he would be by to talk. Then as soon as he got here, Dennis this man I met from New york in December, who is a teacher/artist/ computer genius.. called he had heard several times about this woman who got hit by a car and broke her leg in two places, it was me when he went to Century 21 Alicia told him it was I who he had heard about he was asking if anyone had seen me.. So she gave him my number and he called as soon as Doug was here so obviously we did not discuss anything. We all chatted it was a nice visit, and now I am getting ready to go to town with another friend to internet for a while then the store and then home.
It is blazing hot today I mean blazing. These are the hottest months here March, April. I imagine it’s going to be a shock to be out in it. I keep it pretty cool in here but I don’t run the air high just on med. Its still warm in here but nothing like outside.
The dust is flying everywhere, and the trees look dead. Its ugly right now. I should be out on the beach or doing something fun instead of dealing with this broken leg business. But HEY ITS BETTER TODAY! I can walk a little more but boy all those screws and plates and posts hurt like hell. It feels so strange. I hope this changes.