Sunday, October 30, 2005






As I looked out the airplane window of the southwest plane leaving Albuquerque, I thought about Milo boarding a plane across the tarmac. As the nose of the plane lifted off the ground I took a big breath and said good bye. We both were flying out only on separate planes. He was going to Dayton Ohio to see his new grandchild, and visit with his daughter for a week and I was going back to Portland to begin the holiday work for perhaps the very last time.

This whole past week was spent in Albuquerque New Mexico with Milo. He flew me there to visit him, as soon he would be leaving for Costa Rica, and I would be working in Portland until the beginning of December. We are going to try to meet up as soon as I get back.

The week started by me boarding a plane at 11:30 am in Portland and spending the whole day in airports until I reached Albuquerque a lay over of close to three hours in Phoenix was the longest wait I think I have experienced in flying The fact that soon I would be with Milo, made the wait seem even longer because of the anticipation of seeing him again.

It was great to see his smiling face at the airport when he picked me up. I was wearing a hot pink with silver sequined Indian style top that is very in style at the moment, a pair of jeans and a cute pair of hot pink high heels. He lit up when he saw me arrive. I was happy too!

We went straight to the house and settled in for the evening. He had a special dinner planned for me. It was bbq salmon, with a beautiful salad of spinach, pears, red pepper, avocad, pine nuts walnuts, and a delicious dressing. We drank champagne, and he made a fire put on a movie and we sat on the couch by the fire and talked and drank and watched the movie. The evening was perfect, I was so surprised that he had planned all this for me and that he actually knew how to cook like a five star chef! In my head I was thinking wow with the two of us, knowing how to cook well, both loving the good things in life, and how romantic he was.. … who knows where this will go???

He caressed me and held me tight, as we both missed each other so much and both of us knowing that soon it will be a long time a month or more before we will be able to be together again.

Milo house, is cute, he had done some remodeling, the interior was slightly modern, but homey not cold. He has a very nice kitchen the color I wanted to paint my kitchen in Costa Rica a very beautiful spring green, and to look in his cupboards was like I was at home… he had bight red and green plates, which I have the same not the same style or brand, mine are Mama Roes from Italy but they are bright green and Also I have red plates. Seeing this made me smile!

His cabinets were filled with good condiments, and lots of little goodies.

He was proud of his handy work in the wood cabinets, the doors, and all the faux finishes he had done on the walls. It was the same exact finish I did in my bedroom in Vancouver??? I was shocked. The exact same color and style.. looked very professional. Wow he can do real work!! Ok he might be a keeper…

Then there was Cheevo, his wirehaired jack Russell terrier talk about a smart doggie.

He was so friendly and actually came right too me, a good sign I think?

The following day, he took me to Jazzercise, it was a long way from his house, there was one in Intel where he works but he decided to take me to the one that was clear across town, and drop me off for a while. I went but it sure wasn’t like Sharon. She is a great teacher.. It was fun I enjoyed it and all the students there were energized by my enthusiasm.

He picked me up and we went back to the house to shower, and get ready for the day. He ditched work and we took a drive to Santa Fe New Mexico which is about one hour away from where he lives. The ride was nice we talked and chatted about my children. We also talked about his days when he would jump off the mountain tops surrounding the area in Albuquerque. He use to Hang glide, which explains why he is capable of handling all the things he does.

Milos appetite for adventure, makes me understand him better. He is not an overtly strong personality but a strong quiet one, that has as sense of definite security in his voice and in his choices in life. The fact that he would hang glide means to me that he is capable of taking risks, and is able to face what that risk might bring.

As I said to him in the airport right before I left to board the plane, Life is going fast, people tell me to take it slow with you, but life is passing me by and the older I get the more I realize how short life is.. take risks, do what your heart tells you and if you have to go fast … but look and listen and try to savor what it is that life is serving at that very moment. Milo response to this was yes life is moving on us isn’t it? That it is passing us by isn’t it? But lets try to have a hell of a good time with what the time is left, and make what we have happen and last. I love that answer… he is so kind and so wise.

Santa Fe was different, the terrain was very flat and the architecture if you know is much about adobe, and Pueblo style, with varying shades of brown. From dark brown to tan to beige to sand to slightly pink. There were a few houses or buildings I found interesting, but really not to my liking as I love green and color. I am sure it has its beauty as many people live in this area and they all sound like they love it.

Santa Fe was filled with quaint shops and restaurants, and a town square that was very nice. A large museum that I would have loved to see but I could tell Milo was in a distant frame of mind, So I didn’t ask for anything except a lemonade at a small stand in the square.
We took Cheevo with us, he loved to walk the streets and go into all the shops. Everyone loved Cheevo, especially the women. He told me Cheevo is a chick magnet.. I kinda got mad at that one and slugged him on the arm. The town is basically Indian as I could see, and all the Indian artisans were in the streets selling there art and there jewelry and crafts. We didn’t buy anything from them but I did manage to find a cool Cook book about Central American cooking that we both fought over! I cannot wait to use it and cook something really good for him.

We only stayed for a couple of hours, he got upset at this one sales girl who was in an incredible store that sold only Amber, which reminded me that I had a beautiful piece in my suitcase that my mother gave me as a child, I had kept it all these years not really knowing how much it was worth, to find out just by looking at some of the pieces it may be worth about 1000.00 dollars.
The reason he got upset was because this woman was lying to us, and he knew it, he questioned her and she evaded the subjects, I think it was just a matter of her not really responding to him and this makes him very upset. As I tested it myself and found this is something you do not do to Milo. You respond regardless of what you say you respond. Or he gets pushed. It really bothered him because he talked about it for a couple of days, I knew this was a sore spot in him, So I am going to try to always respond no matter how I feel.

The amber though was gorgeous and I was so tempted to buy me another piece to wear I just loved it. But Some other time I suppose?

We drove back and I wanted to get a few things like Shampoo, p.js, and a few other things. So we went to Target, then Wal-Mart, then a grocery store, then god I forget but a few places. By this time we were both tired and just wanted to go home and hang out.

I Made Killer Chicken Nachos with everything in the world on them and he was totally happy, we drank a beer with dinner and again watched TV.

I can say this, Milo is very attentive, and loving,… our moments together alone by the fire was some of the most prized moments of the whole time together.

The Following day he had to work, so I went to drop him off at Intel and I drove his car to the Jazzercise, I worked out then went to the nail salon next door and got my toes done, in a bright red.
I drove back and showered got on line and chatted with friends, and waited for Milo to call? I decided to go and get a hair cut. It was cheap and you know the old saying??? YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR??? Well the hair looks crapy right now but I really hope before the show on Thursday it looks better!!! I went shopping and found some cute clothes at Ross, and had a nice day alone doing girly things. When I picked him up he told me Michelle his good friend wanted to meet me and to have dinner with us. He loved the way my I looked he complimented me like four times. I had a pink skirt on with brown high heels and pink top and dangly earrings.

I wanted to go back to the house and he was kind enough to adhere to my request to return and allow me to try to do something with the freshly cut hair jagged, dog chewed hair. I did try and generally I am great with my hair but this time I failed I was getting very upset and I swear if he had walked in and asked what was wrong I would have thrown the brush at him the way I use to when I was a kid. Never never never bother me when I am doing my hair. My sons know this… I do throw brushes!! Thank god he didn’t he was saved actually cause the rath of Myrnana would have hit him!

I finally clipped it up and said screw it.. we went to Sadies some famouse southwest restaurant in the town well known for its huge Hamburgers, and its very hot Mexican food. Wow I couldn’t eat it, it was so hot.. I mean FLAMING HOT! I had this pork but could only choke it down with a load of sour cream thanks to Michelles suggestion.

We left to arrive at the house to Cheevo waiting for us. It was about 10 I think. We were both pretty tired, and retired early that night. The love and affection was what sent me to sleep very fast.

Thursday, was spent most of the day he was working, and I went and worked out he dropped me off this time only to have me drop him back off at work. It was sunny the whole time I stayed there, the sun was bright I could remember seeing him in the sun and thinking well there is one good thing about this place the sun does diffenately shine allot here. When I picked him up, I wanted to go to an Asian market to get a few things, these are hard to find in Alburquerque. We drove a long way and finally found one. I bought Mochi, some sweet hot chili for him and some oyster sauce. He wanted steaks for dinner so I had a plan that I would cook for him and show him a little of what I know.

We drove to his daughters Davinas, house, she is the youngest of the three daughters whom I might mention are the most beautiful Women I have seen, Wow Milos girls are gorgeous. We just popped in, I think we interrupted something, well anyway the signs were there… but I smiled and acted as if I knew nothing. It was fine his daughter was very polite and very sweet. Her boyfriend seemed nice too. The house was cute as could be.

We drove some more, we went to his mom and dads house. Where dad was cooking beans with veggies and some fresh home maid Tortillas. They welcomed us and invited us to eat but Milo insisted that I wanted to cook dinner and that we were going to the house. His mom was feeling well, she looked bad, and my heart was breaking as we sat and talked with them. His dad talked bout all the doctors they had been going to, to try to find out what is wrong with mom. She fell, and hurt her head loss the sight in one eye, and is rapidly loosing weight. I really was on the verge of crying but I held back. Meeting someone for the first time is not wise to cry in front of them. But I felt such compassion for her. It reminded me of my mother when she began to go down hill.

We left and drove to the store where I argued with Milo about the steaks, I hadn’t eaten all day and was starving and he only bought one! I asked him what are you eating cause I can eat that whole thing, he laughed but Iw as serious. I made Stuffed blue cheese ribeyes with crack pepper on the bbq, and a great salad with lemon and olive oil, rice pilaf. And toasted parmesian cheese bread. We lit candles and had flowers on the table, I asked him to play some good music so he played this CD that he bought in the airport in Costa Rica, when he left me the last time. It was beautiful guitar and synthesizer. As he ate my food he was cooing and aweing and commenting on how delicious everything was. It really was good, I made a back of lamb chops with sweet hot chili on them and they were tasty too!
We drank this delcious Chilean wine that I bought in Costa Rica, before I left.. it was the best Cabernet ever the flavor was mild and not to heavy and yet had cherry overtones and a little oak. We were laughing and eating and enjoying the mood, I lowered all the lights and made it so romantic, but I didn’t build a fire I guess I should have?? Chevoo stood there begging but Milo gave him some in the end.

IT was funny I asked him to turn on some good music because I felt like dancing, he agreed to watch me dance and so he put on this great Brazilian Music, as it played I danced, and danced and then Cheevo joined me he danced and jumped and twirled and barked he was having a good time too, then Milo got up and show me his stuff. I LAUGHED SO HARD HE WAS SERIOUS but it was so funny I couldn’t help but laugh.. we danced for a hour or more until we were slightly drunk. And then we ended up going to bed. I passed out, but he got up and brushed his teeth and threw out all the trash for the following day.

I can tell you that peoples lives to run in parallels.. because the next morning I was talking to Sara on line, Brandon’s Sara, and she told me that her and Bran had a night to themselves, they did a country western dance thing in the living room! She said they laughed so hard they almost peeed… I cracked up as this is exactly what Milo and I did the night before, Dancing in the living room with all the lights down low, it wasn’t slow dancing it was fast and fun and very happy! Everyone should try this and learn more about those you love.

The Next day was Friday and we had planned to spend most of the day together since Saturday he and I would be flying out. So we started the day with breakfast and coffee, only after lounging in bed in our jamas, mine with chili peppers that say corasone, on them and his with hamburgers all over them! THERE FUNNY!! Yes we lounged and lounged and hugged and kissed and just held each other. Then got up and ate and went on a bike ride. It didn’t start out so good. The first hill I fell back and down and cut my legs all up, I didn’t cry but I was embarrassed and mad. He thought I wanted to go back but I said no I’m FINE LETS GO… After that I kinda took it easy on the bike until I got warmed up. Cheevo went with us, Milo has this milk box attached to the back and he rides in there, but most of the time he runs along side of him and every now and then jumps into the box while hes going…

We went on a very long ride and I think Milo was worried about me wiether or not I could make it.. but I am in good shape and doing jazz, and all the bike riding I did in Costa Rica gave me good indurance. It was fine. We were gone for a few hours or more, and came back to check on airline tickets for the kids to Costa Rica, and to get my hair dyed before our date that night. He wanted to go into work to secure his office and to make notes to tell others he would be gone for the week. So he left and I did the hair and looked up flights, and thought about how wonderfull things have been since I been around him. And how well we get along and talk and well you know everything!!!

I showered and got ready to go out and he came home with hands full??? I thought what? Well he had to get things to take to his daughters and of course things for the new baby. But He had something for me too. And it was this coffee/ expresso maker we had looked at. It was at Sams Club and I do not believe there is one in Oregon, so he picked it up for me to take back to Costa Rica.. I was so shocked and happy that he was so thoughtfull towards me. GOD HOW NICE!! Now I can have the best expressos in All of Jaco when I return.. I kissed him and hugged him and thanked him for taking such good care of me.

Dinner was fun we went to Changs, I dressed all up and he did too, wow he looked so handsome or AS we SAY HAMSOME… we had a lovlely dinner, and talked about our future, and well a few other things that I shouldn’t mention but it was so hot I wish I could!!!
Oh yeah cheevo when with us but he had to stay in the car… He as warming up my seat for me and that was nice since it was kinda chilly out and I had a very low cut thin dress on and no coat to speak of.

Upon going home we talked about what the plan was for me, and how I would achieve what I needed to get done before going back and it was mostly about finances. I Need to sell things, computer jewelry, house, Van.. so much in such a short time.

We lit a fire and sat by it cuddling and caressing, he was not happy with me saying I was ignoring him, now why a man wants to start something when its your last moments together is beyond me??? He was getting pissy with me, saying I was ignorning him but I tried to set him straight, so he would stop. Instead he pouted for a while and finally snapped out of it. Thank god I was beginging to worry and get angry honestly. But it all ended very well and we kinda fell asleep by the fired to retired to the bed, and wake up late this morning to catch the plane, Michelle was coming to pick us up. So we spent the last few hours savoring our love, and appreciating one another, he made me a care package for the plane and shared with me that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, that he loved me… The car ride to the airport was a quiet one for me, As Michelle controlled the conversation with her talk about the remodel and construction of her house. Milo is obviously helping her when he returns. She talked allot so I just listened and occasssionally touched Milo from behind, as I was sitting in the back seat. At the airport Milo got emotional, he was sad, saying its always emotional for him something about his past?? But I knew in my heart it was bout leaving me and me leaving him and how he worries about my life and what and who I am with.
He assured me to come and live with him should things get bad and I can’t deal with it any longer that he would support me. He knows that living in Costa Rica is a struggle for me, but its better than the Struggle I went through living In the USA, and How it almost killed me trying to keep up with the rat race, the pace the people, the money, the whole thing. So his offering me to stay was his way of comforting me to assure me I have a place to go should things not pan out for me there…. Although in the next breath he said I do not like it here anymore either and I want to be In Costa Rica with you, I know your going to be making lots of money there I feel it… so I want to be a part of the dream…. Leaving was of course sad, We hugged and kissed at the port door, and as I walked down the ramp I realized that this whole week was a refreshing to my spirit, my soul and my body. That from this I would get strength, and I cried a little knowing I would be away from him for a month or more.

Boarding the plane, I sat alone I wanted to, I didn’t want to have any small talk as I wanted to write my thoughts and be quiet to think about what really happened there in Aburquerque. A man brushed my life in the streets of Jaco, a simple task of picking up my umbrella and handing it to me and a gesture of kindness and a word of completment.

Resulted in a new found relationship, with a man of great traits, and many commonalities to me. WOW WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT? That a little umbrella could change ones life?

So when I said As I was looking out the window of the southwest airlines plane looking back as the nose lifted off the ground, I peered back seeing the plane the plane of the man who has changed a part of my life and said Good bye but only Temporary….

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Kelsey, and the pumpkin,


donkey at the pumpkin patch.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Pumpkin patch MORE PHOTOS TO COME

The Pumpkin Patch, Battle ground Washington

Well I came over to the kids house early and brought bacon, sausage and biscuit mix. I made all of us breakfast, then I got online to blog and had a terrible time getting it to publish. I spent more than a hour posting photos, then the whole thing vanished into Webland or Computer land or somewhere I have no idea where??? I just hate that when that happens!!

Then Got ready for the great Pumpkin patch. We invited Jordan and Nancy and Josh and Julian, but they had other plans, which I thought strange since they generally don’t so a lot on Sunday and being that the baby was just born I thought this would be the first opportunity to have them out of the house? But no it was just us Kelsy, Brandon, Sara and I.

We went into BattleGround to find many people at the pumpkin patch. In fact as passing the Catholic Church on the corner I saw fewer cars in the parking lot there than at the pumpkin patch directly down the road from the church.
There were hundreds of people there all waiting to find the perfect pumpkin for there carving artistry.
This Pumpkin adventure was not just a patch, but a whole series of pumpkin follies.
From A petting zoo with Chickens (pollo) or and Goats( Cheevos) Calfs (Vacas) and a duck. To a hill created all out of Hay with tunnels and a slide made of a plastic covert. Very cleaver actually the kids loved it and the moms and dads were all taking photos of the children sliding through the tube. To a maze of corn that lasted more than an hour, which I might add had a sign that clearly stated enter at your own risk…. We didn’t go in even thought I wanted to.

A short hay bail maze that the children found very exciting and fun. There was an apple press where people were waiting in line to taste the sweet fresh apple juiced squeezed right there in front of you by hand. There were old time steam tractors, and steam machines, a Farmers market store, and bale ride to the pumpkin patch by tractor. They had trailers all lined with bails of hay and covers over them so incase it rained which it does constantly here, you wouldn’t get wet. Pulled by tractors these rides took you to the back 40 where you would get off the ride and pick your own pumpkin. So with Four of us we got to get four pumpkins. All different and all sizes. Kelsey picked a white one, I picked a green and slightly orange one, Brandon picked a huge orange one, Sara chose a long skinny one orange too.

The trailer came back around we were waiting to board when all of a sudden out of no where Kelsey stumbled and fell over with her pumpkin right into a rotted mass of pumpkin goo and went head first. I laughed so hard, and so did everyone around her all the people waiting and watching us, because we had Jarvus with us too. I forget to mention this, but we couldn’t walk two feet with out someone saying how cute or look at the doggie ohhhhhhhhh cute puppie ohhhhh I love that dog. It was Caios, with Jarvus. I told Brandon we should charge for every photo so we could pay for our dinner tonight! It was funnier when I said it than typing it, it was one of those you had to be there moments??? Ya know? So many people stopped us that it took twice as long to go anywhere or do anything.

We loaded out pumpkins in the truck and rode home only after taking Kelseys pants off since there where filled with pumpkin rotted goo.

I came home and made Chinese Chicken salad with the best dressing ever, and good hot parmesian Cheese bread. The kids loved it as well as Kelsey. I washed my clothes and got ready to pack to Go to New Mexico. Called Milo and we chatted for a while tonight, I think he is a bit excited that I am coming to stay. I am sure its going to be a great time and a good learning experience for both of us.

Today I heard from my sister Franny, she is the oldest she doesn’t do internet but Linda her friend does and I guess somehow someone told them that I have this blog so they got on and read all the stories. When she called she was worried that I would be mad that she read this, I laughed she is so cute. I said this is why I do this so those people who know me and haven’t the time or have not been in touch can read and feel like they know where I am and what I am doing and so it makes them feel as if they are keeping in touch. It also allows them to see things they may not be able to see. I told her she can email me on there this is something my sister is not familiar with but said she would try. Said she wish she had a computer and that she would learn it. Maybe her partner should look into getting her one. Maybe her Daughter my niece should get one for her children so they all could keep in touch with each other??? Makes me wonder?

Well I better go to bed I have to catch the plane in the morning and spend most of the day in the airports it seems reading my itinerary it sounds like my whole day is going to be spent there in airports, PORTLAND TO PHOENIX TO NEW MEXICO.

Caught the plane in Oregon, you can tell your in Oregon by the color of people skin, very white and very pale. When I arrived in Phoenix, the color of people change, the skin was darker and everyone is wearing shorts. Its been more than a two hours of wait time, I walked down the hall to the Mexican restaurant, and had some tacos and beans and rice that tasted very different than what I have had before. I suppose phoenix Mexican is very different than I have experienced.I guess this is Tex Mex? Anyhow I had a beer and then walked down the way and had another beer. Waited in the lobby area for the plane to arrive. At this point I should get into Albuquerque at 6:00 or so. So I have spent the whole day in the air port.
It was faster to fly to Costa Rica than it was to fly to see Milo!!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Clints House and Seattle

Clints house

The last few days I have spent at Clints house, this is my assistant for Absolutely Beautiful! he has worked for me for almost 9 years, Him and I have been not only working partners but good friends, He considers me his second mom, the one that has taught him much! he has a cute house on a huge lot in the middle of the city, which in a few years is going to be worth a ton of money, little does he know...

He and Went to Seattle this past Saturday, we took a day trip to buy product for a couple of my accounts for the holiday season. It was beautiful riding up until we hit fog, I hate fog being that I lived in th San Joaquin Valley for years where there pea soup fog all the winter long and big pile up crashes. It didn't last long, we hit sunshine and then all the trees and color of the trees were trasparent to us as we drove.

I didn't do so well at the market buying for the business, but I realized that may be the day was meant for Clint and I to just have a nice time, PURA VIDA ya know? so I didn't get upset or worried about how I was going to produce things for these clients, I just seazed the day and had a nice time. We went to Uigimaya a Oriental store in China town, and had a hay day there. We bought Mochi and had sushi and really enjoyed ourselves throughly.

Later we went down to Pikes market and filed in with all the thousands of tourists that were milling around the area.
Wow, I still have my ROCK STAR POWER!! I called it and got Rock star parking right in front of the main area of the pikes market... Clint was amazed on how I always manage to get Rock star.

We wandered about looking at all the veggies and Fruit and all the vendors selling all there wears, we came across this guy who sold nothing but Chili pepper creations, I fell in love with this idea and decided I would make these for the Holidays there In COSTA RICA!!! since I have seen lots of chilis there for sale.. I will make um and sell um at the Fridays Market. Maybe I will have the pepa man drive around on his bike and sell them for me???

We continued to eat our way through Seattle untill I said lets go back, so we left in the evening before the sun went down. I remembber seeing the capitol and the mountains in the sunset as I drove south on I 5.

A pretty picture that if I wasn't driving would loved to have for sure, VERDAD!!

I have been working at this wearhouse the last week producing beautiful things for a show I am doing on Novemeber 3rd, at Creative Interiors here in Vancouver Washington. I will show the stuff in a week or so when I return from Milos In New Mexico. I am leaving for New Mexico in the morning. Spending a few days there and returning to the show and then installing all the holiday decor.

I lowered the price of the house and manage to get the title to the car to the new owner. The house was lowered to 265 thousand, this lot is huge the realtor told that one lot alone is worth 100 thousand and it could be divide into three... so I hope someone buys it soon, I do not want to pay mortgages on it since I do not live there any more.... its a cute house and the lot is giant it could be a great re development for someone if they have the money.

SO TELL YOUR FRIENDS!! YOUR NEIGHBORS YOUR SISTERS YOUR BROTHERS??? hmmm I think that is a song isn't it?? anyway later on the the days events at the pumpkin patch... keep watching!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

JARVUS, Brandon, Sara, and Kelsey's Doggie!

Weds, Oct 20th Still in Vancouver, Cold and a little rain today. Got up to Chinking of cups and plates, I slept in the living room, on the couch of Sara's and Brandons house. Sara was joking around this morning and made me breakfast of Eggs and Toast before I went to Jazzercise, I had to drop of invoices to a couple of accounts. Then I had to mow the lawn at the house, and then To Jazzercise.Sharon taught today and the class was full. It was not hard compared to the Work outs I do in Costa Rica. After Class I came back to Brandons house and made some call's trying to find a container for shipping all my stuff that I want to keep.

Then I got showered and went to work in the wearhouse on the other side of Vancouver. I have to produce lots for this show beforeI leave. I worked alone all day, it was ok but I was stressed and gritting my teeth all day and now there sore. I was worried about getting it all done in time knowing I am the only one working on this thing since the other lady who generally works for them has to take care of her grandaughter. So its me myself and I for now.

I worked till around 7:00, came to the house and Sara was making my Recipe of breaded round steak, she did it perfectly! It was very good we had stuffing and Steak and Green beans, I made lime aid and added Guaro to it the drink they make in Costa Rica. I drank two of them they were so good!

The day was mild and not much excitement, and now its mello and I am talking on the phone to Milo while I type away on the blog.
Tosh and I talked tonight and he is still going to have me Export product from Costa Rica to the USA, Japan, and Canada. So I plan on Meeting with him this week before I leave. We plan on starting with Jewlery and souveniers, some house accessories, and lamps. Keep watching so you can purchase some!

I lowered the house today so if anyone is interested in the House in Vancouver Email me.
Vancouver Gray days, its been gray here for several days and the cold is getting to me already. My son bought me a cute sweat outfit or jogging outfit so I wouldn’t get cold and I could be comfortable without feeling freezing. Its not that cold but being in that warm climate in Costa Rica and then returning to raining cold climate could be a very difficult adjustment. I feel like I am getting some bronchitis already. My breathing is labored and I do not like the way I feel here.

I woke up this morning to Clints Alarm clock, as I had to go to market with Pam at 8:00, funny I couldn’t wake up and it was past 7:00, over there I am up around 5:30 or so. Its not hard either because the sun is up and its warm and the birds are singing loudly there, here I have not heard one bird. Oh with the exception of some loud jays.
Clint made me coffee I packed up my things and got dressed and left for the day. I met up with Pam and we headed in to Portland.

I have been eating far to much, too so I feel really ugly now! I will be leaving in a few days to go to New Mexico to see Milo. So hopefully its not as cold there as it is here.

I started on the showroom designs today. I spent most of the day shopping for more product to build all sorts of holiday décor for this design store here called Creative Interiors. I have the rest of the week to complete allot of stuff, I mean allot.

The room where I will be working alone is filled with holiday décor, lots of greens, lots of poinsettias, Amaryllis, hydrangeas, and all sorts of bamboo, large twigs and more. Its all silk, ready for me to create all kinds of things to use in homes and offices. It’s a warehouse, that is vacant, and there is nothing but a radio,( AGAIN???ONLY A RADIO??) the lighting in this room is kinda dark, so if I am working late it may be difficult for me to see. I thought about it today and once again I am alone, not fun as trying to be creative for me is better when others are around and at least I can have some sort of conversation now and then!!

I found out today that I will be doing all the producing until Pam comes back and by that time I will be in New Mexico. I will return in time to do some huge pieces, decorate the trees for the show and produce what I want to use for my demo. At this point I have no idea what the hell I am doing yet, but I know that in doing many stage shows, kinda like Martha ya know in case you have no idea what I am talking about? Its like I demo how to decorate you table, your mantel your walls your doors your house period for the holidays. This is generally a very successful show. People actually listen to what I have to say! and they ask all sorts of questions after and tell me how much they love all the things I do.

Its not hard for me to do this, as I have been performing my trade for allot of years, I find it an honor to be asked to demo in front of lots of people, and to be asked to come back many times means that it is successful.

I am sure it will be good, and I will take lots of photos.

I am looking forward to going to New Mexico, as I have never been there and I am sure it has its own beauty as I have been told. Sure its not like Costa Rica but It does have its own luster and I will be sure to capture that and record what I feel and what I am doing while I visit Milo.

Personally, I do not know why I should be looking forward to going back , but I am looking forward to going back to Costa Rica, the states are really bountiful I realize now, and its easy to find things and easy to do things here. But for reason I find some disgust in things here, the attitudes, the whole way here, to me is frustrating. I see all my friends running ragged, stressed and so over worked. I know that is how I was before I made this decision to change my life and do something simpler, and hopefully less costly in order to live. I know with out working here right now I would not have a way back, since the house is not selling! GOD I WISH SOMEONE WOULD JUST BUY IT!! Its not a bad house I do not understand? It has a huge lot that is subdividable, and it has a beautiful garden attached to the house. Lots of potiential. I saw it years ago and bought it first day I saw it, why doesn’t anyone appreciate the type of house and the beautiful garden? If they had seen it when I bought it years ago? They would throw up… it was such a mess, and now its darling. It breaks my heart that no one has offered? I pray it happens soon as I do need the money to return to Costa Rica and invest and begin the dream I had one year ago.


Sunday, October 16, 2005

Hangin out with Clint, My assistant

Clint to the left, Nancy, and Jordan last Thanksgiving,
Me and Milo

???? I left Jordans and Nancy's because they felt they needed there time together with the new baby, I came to Clints to chat, and visit. We hung out like old times just laughing and talking and we drank a little wine. I forgot my Makeup bag at Jordan's so After going to the Walmart and buying some groceries for dinner, We went back out to pickup the bag.

The Drive is about 40 minutes, tonight the traffic was very heavy, possibly lots of people going back to Seattle since it is north of Portland and some people do drive to the Portanad areas for the weekends.

We got there and Clint saw Juliani for the first time, he held him and was in awe of how little and how cute he was. It was nice to watch him coo and awe over my grand baby.

We retuned back to Clints house to me making Ribs, garlic mash potatoes, Salad and fried Plantains. We had a great dinner and watch Desparate housewives, God I love that show.

Its been very nice to hang out with Clint before we install all our Holiday decor for Office complexes, homes, and Hotels. He put his twin bed out for me and has all clean sheets and blankets so I will be warm and cozy.

Tomorrow is Jazzercise, then I have to go the Showroom Wearhouse, to begin building all the decor for the hos on November 3rd. I will be featured in this show. It should be fun, and profitable.

I talked to Paul Brown today, my old love.. he lives in Seattle, and we will and have always keeped in touch. He was asking about Milo, and said he loves the photos and the stories, that he reads them all the time, and he was pretty up to date on the episodes,,,, Hmmmmmmm???

It was very nice to talk to him too today.
I hadn't planned on staying here, but with Nancy being a bit Hormonal it was better that I left and just let them be parents and have some tiime to themselves.

Milo called several times today, we talked about me coming to New Mexico and just living, but honestly, I feel he wouldn't like me if I wasnt so independent, that is how he was totally attracked to me. Besides I want to go back to Costa Rica. He promised he would take me back there and begin, working on our plan buidling houses, decorating them and landscaping them, possibly a restuarant/bar that I have been thinking about since before I ever left Portland to go the Costa Rica... so who says dreams can't come true??? Or that because one Chapter ends, doesn't mean the book is finished. It means that the its possible there is a last episode....

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Juliani and Portland


The New baby, My first grand baby... god I feel too young to be a Nonnie, an Abulah, a Granny.

I spent the whole day with the kids I actually Spent the night at there house in Woodland Washington, then early in the morning we drove to Long view and admitted mommy in the hospital. Its a very long drive to Longview. The induced the labor so the baby was coming weather the mommy liked it or not! the labor was not long but my son was very nervious, and was having the normal new dad anxiety.

I waited paitently all day in the waiting room, she did not want me in the room only Jordan was allowed. At 4:18 TINY little Juliani was born. He only wieghed 5 pounds and 14 ounces. He was only 18 inches long, his head was 12 inches around so he almost had a head as big as his lenght... I was worried her blood pressure was very bad during the whole thing. They had to medicate her in order to bring it down and not endanger the baby.

It all went well in the end. I stayed there untill around 9:00 till Brandon , Sara, And Kelsy brought me to Jordans house to pick up my Van. I still had a car here so when I returned the other day they took me to pick it up at Sharons my best friends house.

I have had much to do since I returned and the stress level is rising as I find out that the Title to the car was never sent, the bank didnt release it??? for no reason, The house needs yard work and Cleaning and the mail had to be pickedup.

God I had bins of it.. much of it is junk mail so it will probably be all trashed.

I got an email from Eida and Joey today informing about somethings with my apartment there and that Eida had gone to SAn Jose to buy furniture for the new Office we will be working in as soon as I return. I will be doing real estate there, and some computer work which is not my trade but I am sure I will have no problem doing it. Being a designer has taught me many things... to go with the flow, and to always have an additude of knowing that all things are possible. YOU HAVE TO MAKE THINGS WORK IN MY TRADE... so doing this new thing will not be a challange but a degree of smarts and cleaverness.

I am not staying in my home as it is empty and I sold all the furniture I had to move to Costa Rica, the house sits empty, I hope hope hope it sells soon! IF you want to see it email me at and I will be glad to send you information about it. And if you want some property In Costa Rica email me too!

I am staying with Brandon and Sara right now but I think I may be going to Jordans after tomorrow to help them with the baby for a couple of days. I know she is going to need a little help and Jordan will too.

Kelsy is very excited to have me here with her..

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Flying back to Portland

Took Continental to Houston and sat for three hours, and waited for the connecting flight. It was getting late, and I was growing tired but I went in and freshen uped to meet Milo in Portland Oregon. I knew he was going to be there to meet me as well as My sons and Clint my assistant in The Absolutely Beautiful business I have there In Portland, If you want to see it you can go to

When I arrived, there stood Milo waiting for me with a big smile on. My sons and Clint where down the hall waiting. So we had a minute to say hello once again and sorta connect before seeing them. I introduced him and the rest was history. My children loved him, and now we have been staying at Brandons and Saras for a few days untill he leaves to go back to New Mexico. I may be flying there to join up with him after I get my house together that is for sale, and some business dealings for the Holiday Decor that I do for all the hotel's and Restuarants that have been my clients for a number of years. I will be returning to Costa Rica in December, I hope around the 1oth, and if things go well I will have Milo there and my kids for the Holidays! Milo may have the project and will be working in Costa Rica, and we will begin doing out own thing too, with Business.

I may just begin a landscape and design business with him and we will build houses and sell them.
Being in Portland is very different that what I just experienced in Costa Rica. I see now being out of it that its so fast and so nuts, and just like My business many are suffering here in the USA.
Its kind of bitter sweet if you know what I mean? Being here is a little painfull already. It bears too much stress here than I want to know.

I want to get ahold of Glenn and see if he would like for me to do a story in the Columbian for the holidays, and for a home and garden feature? I really want to share with him what I have experienced, and see how he is doing. He was my editor for the Paper in the Inspirations for living section in which I write.

I miss Eida already, and I must email her about a piece of property I found right before I left. I hope she is doing ok?? I Miss the hot weather and I miss the good food. I already got some form of a rash, since I have been here. It may be some chemicals in the food, that my body has already dispelled there, from eating so clean?

All I know is for a couple of weeks when I first arrived there, I was kinda sick, my stomach hurt allot and eating different food fresh food was flushing my body of toxins. Now I came back and just in three days eating here I have these little bumps on my arms and legs that are not pretty, but I hope they go away.

I lined up some Holiday Clients today and got my bank situation all together, picked up my diamond ring that was sitting in a safe deposit box, and I felt like my old self after I put it on.
Actually, I do not like my old self now, and I am going tobe very happy to get back to Costa Rica.

There are a few things I do not like about the country, but for the most part I love it.

I have been cooking allot for the kids, and on Thursday I will be the new Nonnie, Abulah, grandma. To a boy name Juliani, I hope I can bring him and his mama and my son to Costa Rica for Christmas.
Back to Jaco, then to Punteranas, then to PORTLAND:

Well the last two days or so have been a bit hectic. I had another dentist appointment to finish up the the tooth jobs… then Laundry which is a chore since there is no laundry mat here to do it yourself. I did some riding around and talking to a couple of people, still trying to connect so I can make some sort of base here in Jaco.

So upon my return to Jaco things were the same, the rain was not here for a couple for a couple of days, so it made it pleasant to actually do things. Riding the bike though was a pain because as I said earlier on in the week the POTHOLES ARE HUGE! Causing you to swerve and sway and rip around the potholes. I noticed today that a new Motorcycle shop has open to rent dirt bikes for the streets and Quads. Pretty cool, When I saw this I thought about Brandon and Cade and how they would love to have something like this here, and would actually do very well since people ride quads everywhere and motorcycles.

My son Brandon is the best at motorcycles and quads he had this beautiful show quad for quite some time and it actually made it in a magazine! He loves to work on things and he is a genius when it comes to mechanics, Cade his life buddy, is the same way. They are always in competion on toys. Its funny actually I think they thrive on who’s going to buy the next toy…

Yesterday the la Playa was so beautiful the sun was shining so bright and the breezes the last couple of days here are wonderful, I do not understand why this is the down season. Personally I know the rain and here its not like any other place where it rains its still warm and its very pretty when the sun comes out. I think I will like the winters here. VERY UNLIKE THE WINTERS I AM USE TO.

This morning Waking up very early, I think because I knew that I was leaving in a few hours like 48, and I wanted to see things bright and early and hear the birds and appreciate the beauty that surrounds me.
Made a breakfast of eggs, carrot juice and orange juice, fresh pineapple and some good toast made of the bread they sell here with honey. I listen to all the birds and watched the birds actually come to the porch. I hung a banana stalk with the flower from the porch so they all come and sit on the railings is so cute, I think that when I return I will hang one all the time so the birds will come and visit me.

I Talk to Chad the next door neighbor, he was up very early with me around 5:30, his dog blade came in my house this morning, this dog tried to attack me earlier in the month. But this morning, he came flying in the house and was licking me and laughing.. it made me miss Mackinzee.

I got all dressed for class and walked into town, because I had too many places to go and too many things to do this morning and I need to a taxi. But as I walked no taxi’s came. I just went ahead and walked all the way into town about a half hour. It was beautiful seeing the morning jungle. The horses today on the walk were especially happy. I got to town went to class which sucked, she was on this mood where she switched the movement’s to the step class which I hate, but did it anyway.
The I walked into town to the store and caught a cab went to he bus station, bought my ticket that is a two hour drive over the mountains and over the beautiful high areas oCosta Rica. Then to the fam

More Photos

Maunel Antonio, some of the restuarants

Over Looking Manuel and the Island
Fresh Water Crabs
The Beach at Manuel Antonio

Canes and Roots in the Manuel Antonio Park along the sea, this park goes into the jungle, which I walked for about a mile into it.

Gorobo Iguana at The beach in Manuel

palm plantations with boston ferns growing out of the trunk.