I been sleeping well at the house, I have not done much. I come to the office and work most of the day but there really is not much going on at all. I have no work per say at this moment. I went today to a meeting but the guy didn't shoW
Then I asked
Christian to take me around and past out some cards and made an appointment for today at Four at a nice big project, and one for tomorrow for huge home that has mosques on top of it? its strange for here, never dreamed I would see a structure that resembles something middle eastern? But it does, Its on a big piece of property and owned by one of the towns hotel owners. The gates are incredible and I think its on the net way back when I first came to Costa Rica, I believe I took a photo of it and posted it long time ago. Had no clue that possibly this would be my work. I know the son of the owners girlfriend well, she recommended we go and talk to them, Talk about tenacious.. we have been there roughly five times now.
Still no answers, but I will not give up!!
Tomorrow our house that went down the hill gets what left of it, gets the grass installed. I talked to the owner today I felt so bad hearing her voice, and how she explained about the procedures now that they have to go through in order to get the mountain back. GOD I was so distressed after talking to the poor thing. I pray it works out.. not just for us for them especially!
Went to Rosie's last night she was so happy to see me, I was pleased to see her too. I miss my friends. Didn't stay long only ate a small amount of fish with garlic, some chayote and salad. Went home and crashed on the leather sofa, slept till about 12:00 till Clint poked me and said go to bed.
The rest of the night was restless, I did not sleep well, sorta had bad dreams.
One more day then I go back to the doc in San Jose. I found out that he has done a few more people I had no clue had surgery? Yesterday two other people told me about him! so I made a good choice with him.
Jon a friend of mine keeps asking for photos, but I would die to put the before on here and then the after.... That is too MUCH GOD!!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Nothing new!
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Back in the Saddle, SEMI!!
I am trying to work, nothing much really I mostly talk and ride lol as usual.
The weather is gray, and makes you feel less excited about finding new work or to do anything.I spent the past couple of days in the house and slept allot. I did go yesterday for about two hours and see Elena my friend in Herradura, later Clint took me to the store to buy groceries because there was absolutely nothing in the house at all not even water.
I just do not understand why he does not provide a thing??? Lots of stuff is changed, Things never get put back in there place the way I like them. Especially I am gone! I have places for everything, Clint never seems to know where they go. Now were missing my important Book, that has all the numbers of everyone and everything! I don't understand how things get misplaced and never found here????
There is nothing going on in the mall at all, it is so dead its horrible!! Now I am worring about things. Before I was peacefull, trying to recover, the recovery is not over I still have a ways to go... but this is not good with no traffic no calls and no work! I will have to get out there and drum it up again....
On the other end, its been nice to be home, but the lousy people next door were so loud all weekend. There was a car similar to something you would see in USA with huge speakers in the trunk, they blasted it loud all day. At first I was kinda happy they played some Elisha Keys, then usher, the Mary J and a few others I love... then came the regaeton.. NOT GOOD! pounding and yelling.
The evenings were fine after all of them got drunk and screamed and yelled and then left! I was relieved. Been sleeping well in my own bed.
Last night I actually turned on my side for the first time.
I am healing fast I know, it won't be long now!
I been around town a little and seen a few people lots of people have commented and that is nice. Especially when they say you look so purdy!
So much for today, just going to cruise along this week and try my best to find new work! The commerical is BEAUTIFUL!! I saw it today for the first time! wow super professional, THANK GOD FOR JONATHAN!! He has his baby this past week too.. so I am sure he is going be looking for more work.
Has to support baby now!
The weather is gray, and makes you feel less excited about finding new work or to do anything.I spent the past couple of days in the house and slept allot. I did go yesterday for about two hours and see Elena my friend in Herradura, later Clint took me to the store to buy groceries because there was absolutely nothing in the house at all not even water.
I just do not understand why he does not provide a thing??? Lots of stuff is changed, Things never get put back in there place the way I like them. Especially I am gone! I have places for everything, Clint never seems to know where they go. Now were missing my important Book, that has all the numbers of everyone and everything! I don't understand how things get misplaced and never found here????
There is nothing going on in the mall at all, it is so dead its horrible!! Now I am worring about things. Before I was peacefull, trying to recover, the recovery is not over I still have a ways to go... but this is not good with no traffic no calls and no work! I will have to get out there and drum it up again....
On the other end, its been nice to be home, but the lousy people next door were so loud all weekend. There was a car similar to something you would see in USA with huge speakers in the trunk, they blasted it loud all day. At first I was kinda happy they played some Elisha Keys, then usher, the Mary J and a few others I love... then came the regaeton.. NOT GOOD! pounding and yelling.
The evenings were fine after all of them got drunk and screamed and yelled and then left! I was relieved. Been sleeping well in my own bed.
Last night I actually turned on my side for the first time.
I am healing fast I know, it won't be long now!
I been around town a little and seen a few people lots of people have commented and that is nice. Especially when they say you look so purdy!
So much for today, just going to cruise along this week and try my best to find new work! The commerical is BEAUTIFUL!! I saw it today for the first time! wow super professional, THANK GOD FOR JONATHAN!! He has his baby this past week too.. so I am sure he is going be looking for more work.
Has to support baby now!
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Already Back and seen a bunch of people
How is it possible to live somewhere foreign and know so many people is such a short time? It is so strange how I have so many friends here? I lived in the USA YEARS, and only had a handful of people I would call friends, or those that ever showed any concern real concern. Here lots of people are friendly and ask how is everything. Its really nice... I like this little town, although there is lots not to like about it, some of the people are genuine.
I am trying to work only by sight, I am not doing anything. I have Christian getting doing and driving. I just pay and supervise. Kinda like this.
Even though Clint has bad things to say about him, I see that he is trying his best to do a good job. All the people I see who know of him seem to like him allot, this is good for all of us. Good relations with business and with people goes over well. Today for example he was prepared, he called the guys to install the gutters ahead of time, he had his list of parts all ready I didn't have to think a thing! He handled all the exchanges with parts that were wrong, and he ordered new grass for another client. I watch him he really likes what he is doing.
I hope I made a good decision here, I need a good front man. Although I did have feelings for him... now were like the best of friends. We laugh were serious we yell, and he shows respect too. He acts like he cares about the work and me as well. Right now that is very important to me.
I just think there is a little of bit of jealousy with the two of them. I saw it last night when Christian dropped me off at the apartment. I will not play sides. There both good for me... although I am faithful to Clint.
I feel pretty darn good today, I slept great last night hardly any pain at all. I showed Clint my incision, he gasped, and then said WOW what a difference! he absolutely cringed when he saw the whole thing. Its big, it wraps around and its very very low.
I would love to go out tonight but I know its too soon. Maybe just to sit and enjoy the people watch and enjoy.
For example today just being out and about I feel almost normal. I believe it is healthier to be around people, the best would be to be around those that loved me...
It is hot here but not blazing, there are clouds today but rain yet! THANK GOD . I saw the disaster it made of both of my jobs... I think I may have rework one place completely. I bout Cried really when Christian showed me the photos.
So much rain all at one time washed away almost the whole job, and on the mountain as well its gone the house is still standing but the whole yard is gone... I pray we have better luck soon...
I am trying to work only by sight, I am not doing anything. I have Christian getting doing and driving. I just pay and supervise. Kinda like this.
Even though Clint has bad things to say about him, I see that he is trying his best to do a good job. All the people I see who know of him seem to like him allot, this is good for all of us. Good relations with business and with people goes over well. Today for example he was prepared, he called the guys to install the gutters ahead of time, he had his list of parts all ready I didn't have to think a thing! He handled all the exchanges with parts that were wrong, and he ordered new grass for another client. I watch him he really likes what he is doing.
I hope I made a good decision here, I need a good front man. Although I did have feelings for him... now were like the best of friends. We laugh were serious we yell, and he shows respect too. He acts like he cares about the work and me as well. Right now that is very important to me.
I just think there is a little of bit of jealousy with the two of them. I saw it last night when Christian dropped me off at the apartment. I will not play sides. There both good for me... although I am faithful to Clint.
I feel pretty darn good today, I slept great last night hardly any pain at all. I showed Clint my incision, he gasped, and then said WOW what a difference! he absolutely cringed when he saw the whole thing. Its big, it wraps around and its very very low.
I would love to go out tonight but I know its too soon. Maybe just to sit and enjoy the people watch and enjoy.
For example today just being out and about I feel almost normal. I believe it is healthier to be around people, the best would be to be around those that loved me...
It is hot here but not blazing, there are clouds today but rain yet! THANK GOD . I saw the disaster it made of both of my jobs... I think I may have rework one place completely. I bout Cried really when Christian showed me the photos.
So much rain all at one time washed away almost the whole job, and on the mountain as well its gone the house is still standing but the whole yard is gone... I pray we have better luck soon...
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Another rainy day
Another Rainy day, and I am very bored. I saw the doc again today he shakes his head and asks me how are you healing so fast?
I think my mind is set on this for so many years that I accepted that this is how it is and I a making the body heal. I think positive and try my best to not be upset by the continual conversations from Clint and Christian about the disasters that are going on.
God has to take over... I need to heal and I need to be successful in order to help all these people I have now working.
We have the commercial running and it looks GREAT! The brochures are not in yet , because today Jonathan, my little rasta guy that does marketing and advertising, Internet and stuff had his baby!! so he is in San Jose at the hospital with his woman and new son.
I sure hope things turn again, I need a break for god sake!
I am feeling well, a little head achy today but the doc gave me a pill and it shook it off after about an hour.
I need to get back... its raining like crazy the streets are rivers here and they said in Jaco its raining cows and pigs.
GOD I LOVE BACON AND STEAKS But this is ridiculous!! mountians are falling down all over. Roads are being washed out...
But I have to some how keep the faith. Today I waited patiently for Zaida in the car for almost an hour while she was getting something repaired. But I had fun I texts messaged a Friend of mine Another Christian and we were laughing by the end.
I had like five phone calls today, Ed this architect called to say he was concerned about me, a Cuban guy I know ,Enrique asked me if he wanted me to be driven home by him,( NOT MY TYPE) Ken my friend from New York, wanted to know how the belly was doing? So I had allot of attention today.
Also my sons Girlfriend told me that they are trying desperately to get here, and are going to be Married here! so I may have to start preparing for the wedding. Since I was a wedding designer for many years in the states this will be natural for me. It is all about finding the location and then working from there... Sara said she wants Salmon and white, so I know what to do now. I am excited, I know they are happy and if there happy I am too.
Both my children, if I know there happy then I feel good, If I know there not I feel horrible..
Villa Collettas would be good, but its very expensive, so I got to put on my thinking cap ask allot of questions and come up with some locations to show them. Actually I had a dream last night that Clint and I did this big wedding but it was all white... we were arguing like normal about where to put things!
I think my mind is set on this for so many years that I accepted that this is how it is and I a making the body heal. I think positive and try my best to not be upset by the continual conversations from Clint and Christian about the disasters that are going on.
God has to take over... I need to heal and I need to be successful in order to help all these people I have now working.
We have the commercial running and it looks GREAT! The brochures are not in yet , because today Jonathan, my little rasta guy that does marketing and advertising, Internet and stuff had his baby!! so he is in San Jose at the hospital with his woman and new son.
I sure hope things turn again, I need a break for god sake!
I am feeling well, a little head achy today but the doc gave me a pill and it shook it off after about an hour.
I need to get back... its raining like crazy the streets are rivers here and they said in Jaco its raining cows and pigs.
GOD I LOVE BACON AND STEAKS But this is ridiculous!! mountians are falling down all over. Roads are being washed out...
But I have to some how keep the faith. Today I waited patiently for Zaida in the car for almost an hour while she was getting something repaired. But I had fun I texts messaged a Friend of mine Another Christian and we were laughing by the end.
I had like five phone calls today, Ed this architect called to say he was concerned about me, a Cuban guy I know ,Enrique asked me if he wanted me to be driven home by him,( NOT MY TYPE) Ken my friend from New York, wanted to know how the belly was doing? So I had allot of attention today.
Also my sons Girlfriend told me that they are trying desperately to get here, and are going to be Married here! so I may have to start preparing for the wedding. Since I was a wedding designer for many years in the states this will be natural for me. It is all about finding the location and then working from there... Sara said she wants Salmon and white, so I know what to do now. I am excited, I know they are happy and if there happy I am too.
Both my children, if I know there happy then I feel good, If I know there not I feel horrible..
Villa Collettas would be good, but its very expensive, so I got to put on my thinking cap ask allot of questions and come up with some locations to show them. Actually I had a dream last night that Clint and I did this big wedding but it was all white... we were arguing like normal about where to put things!
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
SOOOOOOOoo ready to go back to Jaco
I Have been here in Tres Rios now for nine days, I am about done really.. I am so stinking bored I can hardly breath. I wish I could listen to some music, or something. I brought a couple of books magazines really because I didn't have the time before to go to a book store in San Jose to find a couple... excuses really so now I'm going stir crazy.
I went to the doc today at noon same as all the other days, but today was special.
He removed the device and the tube that was inserted into my abdomen to my belly button. That felt so strange when he pulled it out. I had to whistle and breath so I wouldn't be freaked out by the feeling. He showed me my waist and it looks smaller, allot smaller. They cut almost 10.5 pounds off of me. YEAH that is bigger than a BABY!! so I guess I just had another baby growing down there! WOW I could not believe it when he told me that.. I didn't realize how huge it really was. I knew I was uncomfortable, and I dealt with it for allot of years but after Jazzercise and so much energy in it that I didn't feel it was that heavy.
So what a differences now!
Sunday he pulled all the tape off that was all around the whole center of my body and below my belly button off.
Ok that hurt I bout choked.
The nurse was trying to pull it off and I was yelling OOOOUCH!! the skin where the incision is, is very tender. Its red from putting tape after tape and almost burned. So It was touchy there! then the doc took over he dabbed it a bit and in swift stroke it was gone. Then I saw it after a few minutes of breathing deeply, and smiling. It was tight and no stretch marks at all above the belly button.
Ok that was a strange site for me to see, because for years it was sagging skin with lot and lots of Stretch marks. Cutting off almost 10.5 pounds wow is allot.
Enough of that for now! anyhow I am so done here... I think that Zaida has had enough of this going back and forth to the doc some 30 minutes away from her home. When were in the car she rarely speaks. It is very uncomfortable, I smile and once and in while try to make some sort of conversation but it goes either unheard, or ignored.
I sure hope tomorrow is the last day then I can call the boys and tell them to come get MAMA!!! I WANT TO GO HOME!!
We came home only after dropping me off at the mall while she went to her attorney's I walked about looking at the stores went to the bank then had a latte.
The malls are very similar to those in the USA. Not the same type of stores but similar.
I went in a high tech store and checked out all the new tech products, I am kinda a nut for some of it. Always have been.
I bought a nice pair of black dangly earrings and pretty black rhinestone bracelets to match and went to the hall where she was waiting , kinda had a scowl on? I didn't say much. We got into her 1970's VW van, and headed to Tres Rios.
In front of us was her husband in another 1970's orange and white VW Van. We rode along not saying a word.
Then coming to the house she seemed to perk up and made us a nice late lunch of some meat in a pressure cooker, fresh green beans, cauliflower,potato and Parmesan bread.
I ate most of it, and had a cup of tea, went to my room and she took a nap.
I read a little and watched the rain outside poor as it is doing right now.
We are having a tropical storm, the tail end of a hurricane they say.It has been horrible really
I got a call from Clint, he said to me hows things Marianna? I said Great I got the tubes and stuff out and I may be coming home. He said Sit down Marianna I have some bad news.
Ok, lots of things were going through my head, first I thought about the business, something tragic, then I thought he got a call from Jordan? something horrible? then I thought oh no Christian was driving my car NOW WHAT... but I was wrong on all thoughts.
We had done a job on the top of a mountain while I was there and after I went for surgery. The guys were finishing it up.
Weeks ago when I did a walk through, of the house and property, I saw a huge crack in the soil on the back side of the house.They had a wall built holding the ground up, When I saw this I said to the owner has this always been here? he said no I said this could be a problem! he assured me that the wall was strong, and that the ground was packed, but I told Clint when we left I was scared. I said I know something is going to happen that doesn't look right.
Well they continued to work, and finished the beautiful landscape job, like out of a magazine. I had the create islands of plants tropical and bananas, plantains, helconias and palms. In the end Clint said to me the other day they were so happy and it was incredibly beautiful!! Well That crack was a problem, last night in the storm the whole mountain crumbled. Leaving only three feet of soil left next to the house. Right were I had seen the crack and mentioned it.
I was shocked but knew, I told Clint I knew that.. I knew that he continued to say you are something you have such strange abilities to know ahead of times on many things that are about to happen. It was not a giant crack, it just caught my attention and I thought oh boy the rain is coming and this could be a huge problem.
Sure enough all the landscape is down the mountain now, the rock wall of slate is there and so is this cool spiral staircase of rock that they build with walkways... trees all sorts of things.
I feel so bad for Leo and Jim, they sill owe us a balance. And now I pray they do not loose the house too! They did not have insurance, the architect said she would cover it, but I am worried for them and now for us.
Although it could be good, if the architect covers it and repairs it means we will have more work to do when its completed.
We had another disaster at the other site, the grass is back ordered the soil is there but with so much rain it washed the soil into the building... GOD NOW WHAT???
I am trying not to be unnerved by all this, and I just have this knowing that it will get all resolved.
I hope and pray that things get better for all of us, I have a bunch of people to support now, I been praying daily that god provides work and that all are happy and feeling good about there jobs.
Clint said I believe in you Marianna, I know this business is going to do well... That is all that counts. To have someone who believes!! That positive energy is enough to motivate me to do better!!
I went to the doc today at noon same as all the other days, but today was special.
He removed the device and the tube that was inserted into my abdomen to my belly button. That felt so strange when he pulled it out. I had to whistle and breath so I wouldn't be freaked out by the feeling. He showed me my waist and it looks smaller, allot smaller. They cut almost 10.5 pounds off of me. YEAH that is bigger than a BABY!! so I guess I just had another baby growing down there! WOW I could not believe it when he told me that.. I didn't realize how huge it really was. I knew I was uncomfortable, and I dealt with it for allot of years but after Jazzercise and so much energy in it that I didn't feel it was that heavy.
So what a differences now!
Sunday he pulled all the tape off that was all around the whole center of my body and below my belly button off.
Ok that hurt I bout choked.
The nurse was trying to pull it off and I was yelling OOOOUCH!! the skin where the incision is, is very tender. Its red from putting tape after tape and almost burned. So It was touchy there! then the doc took over he dabbed it a bit and in swift stroke it was gone. Then I saw it after a few minutes of breathing deeply, and smiling. It was tight and no stretch marks at all above the belly button.
Ok that was a strange site for me to see, because for years it was sagging skin with lot and lots of Stretch marks. Cutting off almost 10.5 pounds wow is allot.
Enough of that for now! anyhow I am so done here... I think that Zaida has had enough of this going back and forth to the doc some 30 minutes away from her home. When were in the car she rarely speaks. It is very uncomfortable, I smile and once and in while try to make some sort of conversation but it goes either unheard, or ignored.
I sure hope tomorrow is the last day then I can call the boys and tell them to come get MAMA!!! I WANT TO GO HOME!!
We came home only after dropping me off at the mall while she went to her attorney's I walked about looking at the stores went to the bank then had a latte.
The malls are very similar to those in the USA. Not the same type of stores but similar.
I went in a high tech store and checked out all the new tech products, I am kinda a nut for some of it. Always have been.
I bought a nice pair of black dangly earrings and pretty black rhinestone bracelets to match and went to the hall where she was waiting , kinda had a scowl on? I didn't say much. We got into her 1970's VW van, and headed to Tres Rios.
In front of us was her husband in another 1970's orange and white VW Van. We rode along not saying a word.
Then coming to the house she seemed to perk up and made us a nice late lunch of some meat in a pressure cooker, fresh green beans, cauliflower,potato and Parmesan bread.
I ate most of it, and had a cup of tea, went to my room and she took a nap.
I read a little and watched the rain outside poor as it is doing right now.
We are having a tropical storm, the tail end of a hurricane they say.It has been horrible really
I got a call from Clint, he said to me hows things Marianna? I said Great I got the tubes and stuff out and I may be coming home. He said Sit down Marianna I have some bad news.
Ok, lots of things were going through my head, first I thought about the business, something tragic, then I thought he got a call from Jordan? something horrible? then I thought oh no Christian was driving my car NOW WHAT... but I was wrong on all thoughts.
We had done a job on the top of a mountain while I was there and after I went for surgery. The guys were finishing it up.
Weeks ago when I did a walk through, of the house and property, I saw a huge crack in the soil on the back side of the house.They had a wall built holding the ground up, When I saw this I said to the owner has this always been here? he said no I said this could be a problem! he assured me that the wall was strong, and that the ground was packed, but I told Clint when we left I was scared. I said I know something is going to happen that doesn't look right.
Well they continued to work, and finished the beautiful landscape job, like out of a magazine. I had the create islands of plants tropical and bananas, plantains, helconias and palms. In the end Clint said to me the other day they were so happy and it was incredibly beautiful!! Well That crack was a problem, last night in the storm the whole mountain crumbled. Leaving only three feet of soil left next to the house. Right were I had seen the crack and mentioned it.
I was shocked but knew, I told Clint I knew that.. I knew that he continued to say you are something you have such strange abilities to know ahead of times on many things that are about to happen. It was not a giant crack, it just caught my attention and I thought oh boy the rain is coming and this could be a huge problem.
Sure enough all the landscape is down the mountain now, the rock wall of slate is there and so is this cool spiral staircase of rock that they build with walkways... trees all sorts of things.
I feel so bad for Leo and Jim, they sill owe us a balance. And now I pray they do not loose the house too! They did not have insurance, the architect said she would cover it, but I am worried for them and now for us.
Although it could be good, if the architect covers it and repairs it means we will have more work to do when its completed.
We had another disaster at the other site, the grass is back ordered the soil is there but with so much rain it washed the soil into the building... GOD NOW WHAT???
I am trying not to be unnerved by all this, and I just have this knowing that it will get all resolved.
I hope and pray that things get better for all of us, I have a bunch of people to support now, I been praying daily that god provides work and that all are happy and feeling good about there jobs.
Clint said I believe in you Marianna, I know this business is going to do well... That is all that counts. To have someone who believes!! That positive energy is enough to motivate me to do better!!
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Just Healing, taking it very easy
I am not doing a whole lot here. I feel so bored and lonely, I suppose I am so use to running like a chicken with my head cut off most of the time, that this quiet zone is really different for me.
I do not like it, although I am doing it. I am recovering very well, in fact very rapid so the Doc Peralta Mantilla says! I have to go every day to have him check me, and drain this device I have hanging on the side of me.
I didn't bring a whole lot of clothes because I really didn't know what to expect? I thought perhaps days in the bed but not at all. The first day after I felt like a million bucks? They had given me morphine the moment I exited the clinic, so the effects were good and I slept well that night. The second night was bad, I had bad news from Clint and My whole spirit was upset. I had so much pain I could not sleep not even with the panadol night time they prescribed for me.
It got better after that....
Now I am on 8 and I feel pretty good. You have to wear a very tight garment under your clothing to press the stomach in, at night it is uncomfortable but in the day I kinda like it. I feel firm and strong with it on. I hope soon I can go home. I am very bored
I eat small amounts I do not feel like eating much, and sleep normal now, although its hard sleeping in one position.. the back is sore.
I miss everyone and everything now, I sure hope he lets me go back to Jaco Soon...
The guys are handleing the work its not a whole lot, it sounds like there getting along a little better.
Yesterday Christian showed up here by suprise, he left his car in Puriscal, and took the bus all the way here to Tres Rios.
I was shocked, but it was so nice to see him and to visit with him. He is so dang cute! But were at terms were it is strickly business now. That is fine with me.. Ihope he works out, he knows an awefull lot about the nature here and plants and more. So he will be an asset once he gets the hang of how things work with my business.
I will blog more I have to go the doc now, and to Terra mall to bring back a blouse I bought that is too large..
I do not like it, although I am doing it. I am recovering very well, in fact very rapid so the Doc Peralta Mantilla says! I have to go every day to have him check me, and drain this device I have hanging on the side of me.
I didn't bring a whole lot of clothes because I really didn't know what to expect? I thought perhaps days in the bed but not at all. The first day after I felt like a million bucks? They had given me morphine the moment I exited the clinic, so the effects were good and I slept well that night. The second night was bad, I had bad news from Clint and My whole spirit was upset. I had so much pain I could not sleep not even with the panadol night time they prescribed for me.
It got better after that....
Now I am on 8 and I feel pretty good. You have to wear a very tight garment under your clothing to press the stomach in, at night it is uncomfortable but in the day I kinda like it. I feel firm and strong with it on. I hope soon I can go home. I am very bored
I eat small amounts I do not feel like eating much, and sleep normal now, although its hard sleeping in one position.. the back is sore.
I miss everyone and everything now, I sure hope he lets me go back to Jaco Soon...
The guys are handleing the work its not a whole lot, it sounds like there getting along a little better.
Yesterday Christian showed up here by suprise, he left his car in Puriscal, and took the bus all the way here to Tres Rios.
I was shocked, but it was so nice to see him and to visit with him. He is so dang cute! But were at terms were it is strickly business now. That is fine with me.. Ihope he works out, he knows an awefull lot about the nature here and plants and more. So he will be an asset once he gets the hang of how things work with my business.
I will blog more I have to go the doc now, and to Terra mall to bring back a blouse I bought that is too large..
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
How come there are no comments from anyone?? I guess my life is not juicy enough now.. I thought for sure someone would have sent me a mail and said something bout my vanity or my insanity!
Not even my kids have written. I haven't heard from Jordan in weeks, I heard from Brandon the last week, as he finally got a cam and now we can actually speak on line! yeah... but I am at Zaidas and she has none, and doesn't have wireless so I can use my computer. I Think that tomorrow I will go somewhere have her drop me for a few hours to be alone and try to talk to my kids on the computer.
I am doing great the doc is amazed, he thinks I am lying about my age... LOL I think I am lying too. Sometimes I can not accept that I am as old as I am.. I feel young inside most of the time. The body is amazing isn't it I don't mean mine I mean the body itself. The mind has total control over the body.
THE MIND IS POWERFUL... I have tried many times different things to see if the mind can control your concepts and it is true... everything is in our minds. I been saying I am well, I will be well fast and its working. The Doc said, I am at five days now, but the healing appears to be two weeks. He just looks at me very strange in his office? I am getting to know him seeing him everyday.
He told me today about his five year old and how he calls on the phone and Say's "May I speak to Dr.Mantilla" Hello DR. MANTILLA this is your son" I laughed he has a five and nine year old boys. I said oh god help you!!! I know all about boys. With my brother having three, My sister having three,and Myself having Two.. there were lots of boys in the house. They sure knew how to break everything! he told me about the little one saying potty words repeating after moma, I told him its normal, and how Jordan would listen to Brandon cussing when they were little, hearing me or there dad of course...and then got kicked out of Sunday school for cussing like a sailor. He laughed said oh Marianna how did you do that alone?? I said it wasn't easy but I did it and the funny thing is, Now my sons are having there own, and well it just never ends your a parent forever.
All the bad things I did as a child got paid back through my children, and now All the things my sons did I am sure will be paid back through theirs. I hope they have good children but I know my boys they were devils sometimes!
But many times they were the joy of my life making laugh when I didn't want to, or when I could hardly think from the worry and stress of raising them alone. With running a business and trying to run a household and raise them.
Well today was kinda fun I went shopping, walking was a little rough but I did just fine I do not think anyone at the mall knew I had a thing under my dress I walked like I was normal but about two hours into it I was feeling ugly. Had to go home. Zaida really didn't know I felt bad
But I am better now I changed and rested took a pain pill, there mild. They do not believe in strong pain killers, the doc said you heal much better with out. I believe it its mild it just knocks it down not out.
I had my afternoon Coffee and goodie, and now I am ready to visit.
It is raining really hard here in Tres Rios like hours of it and steady. Reminds me of Portland.... chilly but not cold.
Not even my kids have written. I haven't heard from Jordan in weeks, I heard from Brandon the last week, as he finally got a cam and now we can actually speak on line! yeah... but I am at Zaidas and she has none, and doesn't have wireless so I can use my computer. I Think that tomorrow I will go somewhere have her drop me for a few hours to be alone and try to talk to my kids on the computer.
I am doing great the doc is amazed, he thinks I am lying about my age... LOL I think I am lying too. Sometimes I can not accept that I am as old as I am.. I feel young inside most of the time. The body is amazing isn't it I don't mean mine I mean the body itself. The mind has total control over the body.
THE MIND IS POWERFUL... I have tried many times different things to see if the mind can control your concepts and it is true... everything is in our minds. I been saying I am well, I will be well fast and its working. The Doc said, I am at five days now, but the healing appears to be two weeks. He just looks at me very strange in his office? I am getting to know him seeing him everyday.
He told me today about his five year old and how he calls on the phone and Say's "May I speak to Dr.Mantilla" Hello DR. MANTILLA this is your son" I laughed he has a five and nine year old boys. I said oh god help you!!! I know all about boys. With my brother having three, My sister having three,and Myself having Two.. there were lots of boys in the house. They sure knew how to break everything! he told me about the little one saying potty words repeating after moma, I told him its normal, and how Jordan would listen to Brandon cussing when they were little, hearing me or there dad of course...and then got kicked out of Sunday school for cussing like a sailor. He laughed said oh Marianna how did you do that alone?? I said it wasn't easy but I did it and the funny thing is, Now my sons are having there own, and well it just never ends your a parent forever.
All the bad things I did as a child got paid back through my children, and now All the things my sons did I am sure will be paid back through theirs. I hope they have good children but I know my boys they were devils sometimes!
But many times they were the joy of my life making laugh when I didn't want to, or when I could hardly think from the worry and stress of raising them alone. With running a business and trying to run a household and raise them.
Well today was kinda fun I went shopping, walking was a little rough but I did just fine I do not think anyone at the mall knew I had a thing under my dress I walked like I was normal but about two hours into it I was feeling ugly. Had to go home. Zaida really didn't know I felt bad
But I am better now I changed and rested took a pain pill, there mild. They do not believe in strong pain killers, the doc said you heal much better with out. I believe it its mild it just knocks it down not out.
I had my afternoon Coffee and goodie, and now I am ready to visit.
It is raining really hard here in Tres Rios like hours of it and steady. Reminds me of Portland.... chilly but not cold.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Well a great nights sleep sure did help the body.. sleep is the best thing for many problems memory and healing. I slept well considering I have to sleep in an upright position with many pillows under the arms and next to the body. I couldn't get to sleep early because I am usually up late and rise early as well. I went to bed about 10:00 but talked on the phone till midnight to Clint. He made me laugh so hard I was killin.. I kept telling him to shut up but he said funny things so I had to laugh.
I really did not eat much yesterday only a slice of bread a small soup and half a sandwich for the whole day. But I did drink allot of Gator aid because the Doc said it helps flush the fluids out.
He is a younger meduim height man, pretty blue eyes and lighter hair. I think he is Colombian. His office is very nice and has the clinic right there all attached. He has done a nice job I think so far from what I can make my self look at.
I am squeamish about the incision, I can't touch or see it, besides there are no mirrors long enough or low enough for me to look. It's pretty big, goes from hip to hip they found a hernia also while he was doing that said it was pretty large.. I didn't know I just hurt all time anyhow and accept it!
The Belly button is all new!! YEAH I NEVER HAD ONE BEFORE IT WAS A TUNNEL! I am so excited about this I guess you can tell aye?
But putting medication on it hurts and I feel wacala doing it.
I have to see him every day till he takes the machine that is attached to me off. He said today wow your really healing fast??? curious he was? said what are you doing? I said nothing .. said that possibly I will have that taken out on Monday or Tuesday! Yeah I am ready already to go home.
But he has to watch the progress and he sees you everyday. His price includes all the visits which could be up to 20.
So far so good with him. He is seeming as if he really likes me he kissed me twice today. But that is common here all people kiss. BUT TWICE!!
I just about died when he had to take photos of me naked, I WAS DIEING INSIDE!! I wanted to laugh, cry, scream, I was sweating like a pig.. so embarrassed! But I suppose they need that for references and to show others what he can do, with a mess like me!!! honestly I don't let anyone see me completely naked ever! So that was the worst feeling. IT felt like a waterfall flowing off my forehead of sweat when he told me to disrobe!
So the results today are perfect! PLEASE GOD HEAL ME FAST I want to go home now.. I am missing everyone and everything. I asked him today when can I dance again he said wait a week Marianna, then laughed.
He told me to swim in three weeks so that is great!
Now on the job front, I heard that Christian and Clint are battleing for positions, let the best man win! Clint want's to throttle him, they both call and tattle on each other. Jonathan never bothers me he just gets along. One of our workers who is a Tico, Carlos along with three nicas working is now upset with the Nicas. Clint said he was getting so possesive of the Job the landscape that he yelled at the Nicas and told them to stop walking on his dirt! you have to see Carlos.. hes so cute and so zealous about the work. He totally enjoys doing this.
He has never done professional work so he is very proud and happy at the results. Its cute its just like kids, when mom is gone they fight and fuss and have to gain favor.
I just hope they don't kill each other... and GET NEW JOBS!!
We have a commercial running on Cabletica, and I am advertising on two publications.
If any of you out there live in Costa Rica and need us, I will discount it for you at the mention of this blog. I will also commission you if you send me a job... SO HOPEFULLY something begins to develope soon!
Well I am gonna go see what I can eat here, and then take my first long walk.
Buenos tardes! Nos vemos!
I really did not eat much yesterday only a slice of bread a small soup and half a sandwich for the whole day. But I did drink allot of Gator aid because the Doc said it helps flush the fluids out.
He is a younger meduim height man, pretty blue eyes and lighter hair. I think he is Colombian. His office is very nice and has the clinic right there all attached. He has done a nice job I think so far from what I can make my self look at.
I am squeamish about the incision, I can't touch or see it, besides there are no mirrors long enough or low enough for me to look. It's pretty big, goes from hip to hip they found a hernia also while he was doing that said it was pretty large.. I didn't know I just hurt all time anyhow and accept it!
The Belly button is all new!! YEAH I NEVER HAD ONE BEFORE IT WAS A TUNNEL! I am so excited about this I guess you can tell aye?
But putting medication on it hurts and I feel wacala doing it.
I have to see him every day till he takes the machine that is attached to me off. He said today wow your really healing fast??? curious he was? said what are you doing? I said nothing .. said that possibly I will have that taken out on Monday or Tuesday! Yeah I am ready already to go home.
But he has to watch the progress and he sees you everyday. His price includes all the visits which could be up to 20.
So far so good with him. He is seeming as if he really likes me he kissed me twice today. But that is common here all people kiss. BUT TWICE!!
I just about died when he had to take photos of me naked, I WAS DIEING INSIDE!! I wanted to laugh, cry, scream, I was sweating like a pig.. so embarrassed! But I suppose they need that for references and to show others what he can do, with a mess like me!!! honestly I don't let anyone see me completely naked ever! So that was the worst feeling. IT felt like a waterfall flowing off my forehead of sweat when he told me to disrobe!
So the results today are perfect! PLEASE GOD HEAL ME FAST I want to go home now.. I am missing everyone and everything. I asked him today when can I dance again he said wait a week Marianna, then laughed.
He told me to swim in three weeks so that is great!
Now on the job front, I heard that Christian and Clint are battleing for positions, let the best man win! Clint want's to throttle him, they both call and tattle on each other. Jonathan never bothers me he just gets along. One of our workers who is a Tico, Carlos along with three nicas working is now upset with the Nicas. Clint said he was getting so possesive of the Job the landscape that he yelled at the Nicas and told them to stop walking on his dirt! you have to see Carlos.. hes so cute and so zealous about the work. He totally enjoys doing this.
He has never done professional work so he is very proud and happy at the results. Its cute its just like kids, when mom is gone they fight and fuss and have to gain favor.
I just hope they don't kill each other... and GET NEW JOBS!!
We have a commercial running on Cabletica, and I am advertising on two publications.
If any of you out there live in Costa Rica and need us, I will discount it for you at the mention of this blog. I will also commission you if you send me a job... SO HOPEFULLY something begins to develope soon!
Well I am gonna go see what I can eat here, and then take my first long walk.
Buenos tardes! Nos vemos!
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
FInally I new Blog!
God I been spinning like a top trying to get things in order before this surgery. I had it and its done, I had a rough time last night but today I am feeling a bit better.
I guess some of you are wondering what the heck kind of surgery is she having?
It was plastic Surgery. Some of the best Plastic surgeons are here in Costa Rica. But not my purpose for coming here, although it was one of the things that tempted me.. the dental the plastic surgery! I had the teeth fixed right off the bat when I got here some time ago. Now the GUT IT GONE!! one of my Friends here Marla Tortorici said "are you sure you want to leave your belly in SAN JOSE???" ya know like the song I left my heart in San Francisco??? I told her Hell yeah I do. I had two children years ago, I was not in good shape then, and the body suffered, then I had a serious surgery where I had some tumors and they had to reopen that area.
Five and half years of exercise, losing some close to 80 pounds by Jazzercise helped tremendously, but never tightened that BELLY!... It just wouldn't I lost so much weight that the apparent solution was plastic surgery.
I Know I know some of you are thinking WHY that is not important.. But hey I live on the beach everyone here is half naked almost all the time. I was so embarrassed to put on a suit, not to mention other things.
But now I have done it, many years I have said I wanted it. I worked hard and I got it and Frankly I feel better already about it!
It is a different procedure that I did not know about, a friend suggested here Rosie as a matter of fact, and I took her advice. I hope the results are good, actually its better I see the difference and I will feel better about me too.
It has been three days now and I am walking about and eating normal. I have two weeks in San Jose to see the doc everyday. They will not let me go to Jaco until its almost healed.
I have had some fun before I left for this I hung out with Friends, showed a couple of people for the first time in my life ever, why..??? I danced, I went to dinners, I worked like crazy and now Clint and Well Christian are handling the jobs. We have a very nice landscape Job on the top of a Mountain right now and I really hope the people are happy it could bring us more and AAAAAAAA recoup the money I spent on this bondo job. ( as in Auto)
Yep Christian is working for me, he is doing good and Clint is getting along fine with him and Now Jonathan. Jonathan does some marketing for me now. I hired him a month or so ago and is now apart of our team. We have a commercial running in Jaco, I am also advertising in the Jaco Guide, and I write small inspirational stories for them. NOW I have another revista they call it interested as well as an advertising mag so three little mags are asking about me. There is no money of course in it, but its great exposure... and I love it!
I am staying in Tres Rios, at a friend of mine Ziada's its a beautiful,hacienda style house with gardens to die for. She has everything concievable growing and all so perfectly planted. There is a big fountain in the middle and she does recovery for people like me or others who use the doctor she deals with. Zaida is a very nice woman, Hey if she can put up with me she has to be nice!
I have had all sorts of people text messaging me, sending me funny notes about the belly... its cute. I hope I can handle being still for a moment. I am already wanting to get back to Jaco and its only been three days.
I worry about the guys handling things. The office has been closed since they are working on a site. I am trying to find someone to just hang out and answer questions or the phone. Email ect.
I don't have my camera, so I can not post photos but if you want to see some of Zaida's garden go back to the beginning when I came to Costa Rica and you will find her photo. I met her through Amanda... that is a long story.
Anyhow I am alive and soon to be looking good!!
I guess some of you are wondering what the heck kind of surgery is she having?
It was plastic Surgery. Some of the best Plastic surgeons are here in Costa Rica. But not my purpose for coming here, although it was one of the things that tempted me.. the dental the plastic surgery! I had the teeth fixed right off the bat when I got here some time ago. Now the GUT IT GONE!! one of my Friends here Marla Tortorici said "are you sure you want to leave your belly in SAN JOSE???" ya know like the song I left my heart in San Francisco??? I told her Hell yeah I do. I had two children years ago, I was not in good shape then, and the body suffered, then I had a serious surgery where I had some tumors and they had to reopen that area.
Five and half years of exercise, losing some close to 80 pounds by Jazzercise helped tremendously, but never tightened that BELLY!... It just wouldn't I lost so much weight that the apparent solution was plastic surgery.
I Know I know some of you are thinking WHY that is not important.. But hey I live on the beach everyone here is half naked almost all the time. I was so embarrassed to put on a suit, not to mention other things.
But now I have done it, many years I have said I wanted it. I worked hard and I got it and Frankly I feel better already about it!
It is a different procedure that I did not know about, a friend suggested here Rosie as a matter of fact, and I took her advice. I hope the results are good, actually its better I see the difference and I will feel better about me too.
It has been three days now and I am walking about and eating normal. I have two weeks in San Jose to see the doc everyday. They will not let me go to Jaco until its almost healed.
I have had some fun before I left for this I hung out with Friends, showed a couple of people for the first time in my life ever, why..??? I danced, I went to dinners, I worked like crazy and now Clint and Well Christian are handling the jobs. We have a very nice landscape Job on the top of a Mountain right now and I really hope the people are happy it could bring us more and AAAAAAAA recoup the money I spent on this bondo job. ( as in Auto)
Yep Christian is working for me, he is doing good and Clint is getting along fine with him and Now Jonathan. Jonathan does some marketing for me now. I hired him a month or so ago and is now apart of our team. We have a commercial running in Jaco, I am also advertising in the Jaco Guide, and I write small inspirational stories for them. NOW I have another revista they call it interested as well as an advertising mag so three little mags are asking about me. There is no money of course in it, but its great exposure... and I love it!
I am staying in Tres Rios, at a friend of mine Ziada's its a beautiful,hacienda style house with gardens to die for. She has everything concievable growing and all so perfectly planted. There is a big fountain in the middle and she does recovery for people like me or others who use the doctor she deals with. Zaida is a very nice woman, Hey if she can put up with me she has to be nice!
I have had all sorts of people text messaging me, sending me funny notes about the belly... its cute. I hope I can handle being still for a moment. I am already wanting to get back to Jaco and its only been three days.
I worry about the guys handling things. The office has been closed since they are working on a site. I am trying to find someone to just hang out and answer questions or the phone. Email ect.
I don't have my camera, so I can not post photos but if you want to see some of Zaida's garden go back to the beginning when I came to Costa Rica and you will find her photo. I met her through Amanda... that is a long story.
Anyhow I am alive and soon to be looking good!!
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Battery dead not able to pick up Clint and more
I worked half a day Sat, I actually installed more than half of the landscape, started at 5:30 am so it would not be so cold. I had a helper Carlos, we worked all morning and pretty much got it all finished except the Bermuda grass. Then I went to Belly dancing and had late lunch dinner with Alysia, Rosie's Sister while Rosie changed and got ready for the evening at her coffee shop/ restaurant.
It was nice talking to Alysia, she is so cute and funny and looks allot like Rosie. Its Her little sister, we were friends before I was friends with Rosie.
Later I came to the office and then tried twice to get the nails done, finally It happened about 7:30 at night. I was so tired hardly any sleep, worked on the landscape Belly danced, and then nails and home. I did go out again, why?? cause Rosie asked me to, so we met, no drinking only dancing and talked allot. I love Rosie I am so happy I have some good friends here...
On Sunday I got up pretty early and cleaned up the house figuring Clint was coming and I would leave about four or Five in the evening to drive to San Jose. About 11:00 Elena another Tica Americana Friend of mine called to come to her new house talk, drink have late lunch with her. Her husband fishes allot and she is alone so it was just us girls.
We talked about everything of course, the jobs, my surgery, her new job in the office I am remodeling., Christian and the lack of a man in my life... Everyone always asks me about that! GOD!!! then we talked about Family and sisters hers that gives her a bad time and mine that pretty much wrote me off. I told her I love my family, they just do not understand why I am here? the same with hers, and that she had a similar situation.
We ate lunch which consisted of Rice corn carrots and cows tongue. It was Delicious!!
Then some friends stopped by, later her husband came with Christian that works next door, a different Christian. We all talked, then it began to rain, I thought I better go out and shut the windows on the car when I found the car totally dead. Oh boy the problem began they put the charger on it, but that didn't work. The switched battery's and it started. I had to get my RTV the following morning with the Christian I know in Parrita, which is some 45 or minutes away from Jaco and now I was worried about this car not starting and how was I going to pick up Clint?
I went to the house to get a few things and the car would not start again.
So needless to say I did not pick up Clint he was furious!!!! he called and I was not there, but I figured he was grown man and he would find a way to get to Jaco some how. He ended up going out all night and then taking the bus in the morning to Jaco, when he came I was just about done getting the car straightened out.
I left to go get the RTV it is a sticker that is given to you for the car to pass the roads, only if it passes all the tests Well we drove and missed the appointment by an hour because of the car, it was closed for lunch.We then drove to Quepos, just to pass time. Came back and just as we were entering the test area the damn car died!! oh god I was so embarrassed!! they managed to push the car and got it started!! I was feeling better at this point.
It took a while but it pass and I got the sticker so now I am all set to sell the car. It was not the battery I thought it was but it was regulator and the relay switch. It is fixed now...!! GRACIAS DIOS..!!
Today has gone well I went to the gym early.. then I worked on the Herradura, then went to Hermosa to the new project and talked to about five others for prospective projects.
Now tonight i have to meet the trucks that bringing the soil to the new landscape job to the top of the mountain, later Clint and are doing dinner and talking. I am very glad he is back.
See what tomorrow brings??
It was nice talking to Alysia, she is so cute and funny and looks allot like Rosie. Its Her little sister, we were friends before I was friends with Rosie.
Later I came to the office and then tried twice to get the nails done, finally It happened about 7:30 at night. I was so tired hardly any sleep, worked on the landscape Belly danced, and then nails and home. I did go out again, why?? cause Rosie asked me to, so we met, no drinking only dancing and talked allot. I love Rosie I am so happy I have some good friends here...
On Sunday I got up pretty early and cleaned up the house figuring Clint was coming and I would leave about four or Five in the evening to drive to San Jose. About 11:00 Elena another Tica Americana Friend of mine called to come to her new house talk, drink have late lunch with her. Her husband fishes allot and she is alone so it was just us girls.
We talked about everything of course, the jobs, my surgery, her new job in the office I am remodeling., Christian and the lack of a man in my life... Everyone always asks me about that! GOD!!! then we talked about Family and sisters hers that gives her a bad time and mine that pretty much wrote me off. I told her I love my family, they just do not understand why I am here? the same with hers, and that she had a similar situation.
We ate lunch which consisted of Rice corn carrots and cows tongue. It was Delicious!!
Then some friends stopped by, later her husband came with Christian that works next door, a different Christian. We all talked, then it began to rain, I thought I better go out and shut the windows on the car when I found the car totally dead. Oh boy the problem began they put the charger on it, but that didn't work. The switched battery's and it started. I had to get my RTV the following morning with the Christian I know in Parrita, which is some 45 or minutes away from Jaco and now I was worried about this car not starting and how was I going to pick up Clint?
I went to the house to get a few things and the car would not start again.
So needless to say I did not pick up Clint he was furious!!!! he called and I was not there, but I figured he was grown man and he would find a way to get to Jaco some how. He ended up going out all night and then taking the bus in the morning to Jaco, when he came I was just about done getting the car straightened out.
I left to go get the RTV it is a sticker that is given to you for the car to pass the roads, only if it passes all the tests Well we drove and missed the appointment by an hour because of the car, it was closed for lunch.We then drove to Quepos, just to pass time. Came back and just as we were entering the test area the damn car died!! oh god I was so embarrassed!! they managed to push the car and got it started!! I was feeling better at this point.
It took a while but it pass and I got the sticker so now I am all set to sell the car. It was not the battery I thought it was but it was regulator and the relay switch. It is fixed now...!! GRACIAS DIOS..!!
Today has gone well I went to the gym early.. then I worked on the Herradura, then went to Hermosa to the new project and talked to about five others for prospective projects.
Now tonight i have to meet the trucks that bringing the soil to the new landscape job to the top of the mountain, later Clint and are doing dinner and talking. I am very glad he is back.
See what tomorrow brings??
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Early morning Landscapeing and Belly dancing
Oh course After work I got invited to go to Monkeys the dance place it was late I worked till almost 11 at night. I changed went and and met Rosie for a while. They had these Yagermister girls in there dancing on the bar, then they did a dirty dancing man contest and some ugly sucker won cause he danced like a fool! after that it got nasty I left shortly after the girls contest where they disrobed and well it was not sexy it was nasty and I felt defiled....
During this Tony showed up the old Tony he is looking more depraved that I remembered... he told me my phone was cut or he was threatening to cut my phone?? he was a bad scene he insisted on a commission that I promised if we closed Macaw early and they paid, but as you know that didn't happen and well I got totally screwed on that project and Tony was the main factor on the job... He did not follow through on many things and so he was fired long before the job was final. I had to get rid on him.. he was staying in my place for free, making a salary, never sharing or paying for lights, water nothing eating free... He even took a loan with me, and never paid it back.It was a very bad scene , I left right after that so I was there for maybe an hour and half... I went home to bed and got up at 5:00, I am trying to finish this small remodel job.
I picked up The jardinaro at 6:00, paid the viveros, (NURSIES,) then drove to Herradura to help the Jardinaro install the whole landscape. And I did, also painted another area and cleaned up garbage.
I left about 12:30, paid Christian and Carlos, then went home changed cleaned up some and went to My belly dancing class... it was hard but fun this is the third time. I will miss all the dancing for the next month. To me its my form of release and exercise, I do not look at it as bad or the intention of being in the bars here for a pick up.. its different here that is not the way of life. Everyone dances... ( justifying my habits! )
I have also been working out three to four days a week , but still not seeing any difference in the body GOD ITS HARD TO GET IN SHAPE when you have not worked out for a year.
After Rosie and her sister, Alisha went to Rosies on the corner and ate Mahi mahi and fresh veggies and a sandia, they make natural drinks here out of fruit with either milk in the blender or with water and ice. I do the water and with out sugar... We sat and talked and she encouraged me to be out and about not to stay home and sulk and miss Christian... Were friends but its hard being a friend with someone that you liked at one point... for me anyhow?
I came to office to read mail and now the nails are going to get done since I did all the landscape it is not easy I broke allot of them off completely.. so I figured it would make a girl feel better to get a little pampering..
I found out Clint comes back tomorrow night at 8:00 so I am going to have to drive to San Jose and pick him up...
Tomorrow is my pool day in the sun to relax and meditate life, and just do nothing generally!
During this Tony showed up the old Tony he is looking more depraved that I remembered... he told me my phone was cut or he was threatening to cut my phone?? he was a bad scene he insisted on a commission that I promised if we closed Macaw early and they paid, but as you know that didn't happen and well I got totally screwed on that project and Tony was the main factor on the job... He did not follow through on many things and so he was fired long before the job was final. I had to get rid on him.. he was staying in my place for free, making a salary, never sharing or paying for lights, water nothing eating free... He even took a loan with me, and never paid it back.It was a very bad scene , I left right after that so I was there for maybe an hour and half... I went home to bed and got up at 5:00, I am trying to finish this small remodel job.
I picked up The jardinaro at 6:00, paid the viveros, (NURSIES,) then drove to Herradura to help the Jardinaro install the whole landscape. And I did, also painted another area and cleaned up garbage.
I left about 12:30, paid Christian and Carlos, then went home changed cleaned up some and went to My belly dancing class... it was hard but fun this is the third time. I will miss all the dancing for the next month. To me its my form of release and exercise, I do not look at it as bad or the intention of being in the bars here for a pick up.. its different here that is not the way of life. Everyone dances... ( justifying my habits! )
I have also been working out three to four days a week , but still not seeing any difference in the body GOD ITS HARD TO GET IN SHAPE when you have not worked out for a year.
After Rosie and her sister, Alisha went to Rosies on the corner and ate Mahi mahi and fresh veggies and a sandia, they make natural drinks here out of fruit with either milk in the blender or with water and ice. I do the water and with out sugar... We sat and talked and she encouraged me to be out and about not to stay home and sulk and miss Christian... Were friends but its hard being a friend with someone that you liked at one point... for me anyhow?
I came to office to read mail and now the nails are going to get done since I did all the landscape it is not easy I broke allot of them off completely.. so I figured it would make a girl feel better to get a little pampering..
I found out Clint comes back tomorrow night at 8:00 so I am going to have to drive to San Jose and pick him up...
Tomorrow is my pool day in the sun to relax and meditate life, and just do nothing generally!
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Thursday, May 03, 2007

Yesterday was so nuts, the power being off caused much confusion, I manage my day but I was in ten places all day. The car got fixed its fine now, and then Christian laid on me his is bad and showed me that the whole suspension is cracked, I think he was hoping I would say I would help HELL NO! I just gave him advice "ask if you can make payments for the repairs." He wasn't happy yesterday.
I worked most of the day. The project is slow to come along I only had one worker yesterday.
Last night the guys three of them including Christian worked at the project painting, I dropped all of them off and left I had a meeting with a sign guy, and then I went to the gym. I got several messages from Christian that the power was cut there but I was working out so I didn't read them. When I got in the car I noticed the messages they had been sitting in the dark for more than an hour! HAAAAAAAAA good for him I thought sit there and wait. I made fun of them when I picked them up I was all sweaty and hot and just yelled get in the car . I dropped them off spun out of Christians apartment with out a good by, but this morning he messaged me good morning I will work if you want me too? I answered but very cool nothing much said only Si llame mas tarde.
I got up very early today 5;30 the air was not working right I could hear it doing weird things. So I shut it off and made coffee, looked at my text messages and then watched TV, American News nothing good still.
It is a good thing I took a shower because the power was cut again at 7:00. I got all dressed in a pretty red dress and heels today, picked up Carlos my jardinaro, and tried to pick up one of Christians friends who wanted to work but he was not there.
Then I continued to the site and now in the office. I have to go Ice today they installed my phone and the thing does not work, plus I need to pay everything before the coming week so I do not forget while I am San Jose after my surgery.
That should take a few hours.
I did have a nice visitor today, Manolo, he is the man who build my wonderful Chandeliers I designed for the office. He is from Spain, very famous artist and does the most interesting things. His friend has put together a plan for an amusement park slash Condo project, he put it out to many investors and now it is forming. OF ALL THINGS IT IS A PIRATE VILLAGE Caribbean Pirate village. COOL and well he did promise me months ago last year in fact that I would be a part of it. We talked about it today and yes he still says he wants me to be one of the leads for the design staff.
Ok last night, I confessed to the air and my self!! that I will no longer struggle, that I will be doing much better and my goal is to make enough here to build and not worry any longer I said it several times to my self out loud last night. Then Jonathan, my computer guy, dropped by and brought me the new business cards, we were talking he said he wants to market me and be that part of the business, well I need someone like that to make more of an impact and be more out there! while we were talking he said he wanted to be involved with all my projects. I said Jonathan just tonight I said to my self I want to be a millionairess, I want to not struggle any more. My whole life I have self supportive, self employed and did ok, struggled but managed to do many things. I want things to be different now I want the best! he agreed he saw me at this level and said he wanted to join the train of thought. I told him there is power in your words and to believe what you say and be careful of what you say also.
Then today here they came... I am not sure if they are the answer but its a huge possibly. I have many here I am leaving all the doors open, I pray it happens soon!!!
The Pirate village will be the first ever to be built days of old condos shaped like skulls, waterways shops and and amusements too.. it is going to be done in Panama so Hey Panama here I come!!!! Stay tuned for that one...
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
No power, no internet no water... and more situations!
Here in Costa Rica there is a problem now with supplying power lights, and some water issues.
It is because one company owns all rights and now says they some how lost water and can not produce the power needed for the whole country. Last week the news paper La Nation published the hydro power station, was low of water sources, but the neighbors of Cachi, said the water was high and that ICE opened the gates to release the water so that there would be a problem for them to use as there excuse to increase the rates.
The government claims that ICE is not organized and that they need to be more organized and produce the power necessary for the country.
I know there amount of rain here should be able to be stored in lakes which is what they do, to produce necessary power. How is it possible that there is not enough water? We are now going into the rainy season and there is ample water for the hydro powers plants.I do not know all the facts but I have the strong feeling this is totally political. Cafta must have something to do with this whole ordeal.
I heard from my friend in the police department their reason is. Ice demands more money, the president refuses to allow the raise in the price of the power and services provided From ICE,
( pronounced E Say) Entonces... I mean so then... what Ice is doing is cutting the power in different areas in the country to put pressures on the government to increase the price of the power.
It has really put some binds on many places.
Such as some of the restaurants who have no generator back up and they have lost customers, food, frozen product and meats. Hours without lights is difficult here especially for those places that require air condition. ITS VERY HOT! and intolerable in some cases.
I saw a small grocery store loose everything because of the outage. They now are publicizing the times for the power shut downs. In Jaco for example today it was from 7 am to 10 causing total disruption in business, people can't shower or get food for breakfast, no Coffee THAT IS A DISASTER FOR ME!! I NEED my coffee in the morning. Although some places opened its hard to operate with out generators. The problem with no Internet for me is a big issue since I use it for my work. What happens is there is power in Jaco but no power here in HERRADURA, which is five miles away, then the Internet base is in Jaco so if I have power the Internet there is shut down because of no power. Then it goes in reverse, there is no power here and power in Jaco there fore no phone and no Internet here at all. What is the purpose of being here with out that? walk ins yes but no lights no air, its hot and stuffy and no Internet no way to answer the phone Can I say frustrating???? another example of this being political is, Yesterday was a national Holiday, no one worked I mean not even the Devil was working, I WAS but not the devil and all day everyone in the whole country had power?? how is that? when it was not needed, no stores were open, few restaurants, there was not a bit of power... but today when it is needed the power was cut?
But other than that, the work is getting better I have three jobs on the line one were trying to finish in Herradura at the Remax, and now the new one in Hermosa. Yesterday I signed a deal with Century 21, were going to satellite my office with an agent and they are remodeling there place to add all the sources someone would need after they buy a home. We will have a show room with beautiful furnishings and a nice small design office a well.
I am happy but its I am sure going to put challenges in my face, since Clint just informed me that he may move with his other friend to a a tropical place other than here... that would be a horrible thing at the moment.
But I am sure I can find someone to help me other than him. I hope he doesn't go through with this? But aside from that things are ok.
The car is in the shop today getting some small repairs done so I can sell it.
I have many things to do, but I did have a some what nice time this weekend.
I went out with Christian on Sat dancing with his two friends, I believe this was a conditioning for the following day, since his car is not running well. He asked me earlier in the week to go to Puriscal to this horse brigade, were lots of people ride for miles to a certain point then have a party. I never heard him ever be interested but I found the reason after we got there... I believe Sat was a precursor to this.. because he was tired at 12:30 and wanted to go home , rare for him and the next night did not want to leave puriscal till 1:30 because of his friends, or this woman. I had seen or knew of her thought text messages, he told me oh its an old friend we buddy's... YEAH RIGHT! well I saw her funny thing out of all the whole crowd she stuck out to me I didn't know a thing about this whole situation?? I was Innocent to the game. I saw her thought wow who is that? the blondish hair like mine the big boody, the boobs, the high heels on a horse??? I took a photo of all things... then during the early part of the party I saw her come dancing up to him... prancing and right in his face. I was introduced only after I gave dirty looks.
Nothing was said I ended up going outside and talking to his friend allowing them space and actually was disappointed in my thoughts. Later they wanted to go the local watering hole, which is on a mountain top in total nowhere. We went, I had a couple of beers. Then I noticed Christian left with his friend to go and search for her. The came back with her and that was the beginning of me feeling very used and stupid! I went outside to avoid confrontation and to actually breath and try not to be angry. In about 15 to twenty he came and confronted me and said some words. I wanted to leave it was around 11 at that point. But he convinced me to come back and be friendly.. hard but I did it. I was typical woman at that point not speaking to her at all but enjoyed what I could with his friend and another friend of his.
I finally went to the car and fell asleep, and around 1:30 he returned to drive Graven and I home. We lost the lights in the car.. I was upset I think a cable came loose from the dirt pot hole roads and this was the case so we drove the mountain with no lights for more than an hour on dirt roads. I kept telling him to let me drive but he insisted.
Later when we arrive in Jaco he lectured me about how he says he can do something and he does it, and that he was an excellent chauffeur. I agreed, he bent over to kiss my cheek which is a custom here... and I Leaned away and said no good night.
Since then I have felt angry, upset and used... Although I also know that maybe his mind may not be as complicated as mine and it is possible that I could be fabricating these thoughts I would like to believe the later half but my inner self says no...
I like to think the best of people, he does have good qualities, so Maybe he is just he is young and doesn't think I understand the reasons, but really deep down in side I think it was a plan to see that woman and party. but he did introduce me to the whole family while I was there.
Shocking situation for me. They live on a mounain side, beautiful vistas and land... green lush and tropical. The grandfather is 87 years old, grandmother I do not know but looks pretty much the same. I met his mother 51, his aunt 50 his cousin 30, his brother 14 who is identical to his looks. They are poor, no kitchen, they cook in the campo they call it, they had lots of parrots, and any hardly furniture, and well it was clean. I felt guilty that I live so much better and complain that I do not have anything... this part of the trip was the best part for me.. the scenery the family all that was the best.
His mother cooked for us breakfast, some greens they picked in the woods with onions and oil in hand made tortillas.. I watched her cook on a wood fire as I sat in a plastic white chair drinking really good coffee. It was different, they had two pisqunies in a cage there like a big ground hog and they eat those, actually I have eaten them not knowing what it was and it was delicious but after I saw them oh my god!!! ( I still like it its just the thought)
They were cordial to me, Grandma questioned me allot. He introduced me as a friend he knows from Jaco.
I bit strange, and well I guess unexpected but I handled it.
It is because one company owns all rights and now says they some how lost water and can not produce the power needed for the whole country. Last week the news paper La Nation published the hydro power station, was low of water sources, but the neighbors of Cachi, said the water was high and that ICE opened the gates to release the water so that there would be a problem for them to use as there excuse to increase the rates.
The government claims that ICE is not organized and that they need to be more organized and produce the power necessary for the country.
I know there amount of rain here should be able to be stored in lakes which is what they do, to produce necessary power. How is it possible that there is not enough water? We are now going into the rainy season and there is ample water for the hydro powers plants.I do not know all the facts but I have the strong feeling this is totally political. Cafta must have something to do with this whole ordeal.
I heard from my friend in the police department their reason is. Ice demands more money, the president refuses to allow the raise in the price of the power and services provided From ICE,
( pronounced E Say) Entonces... I mean so then... what Ice is doing is cutting the power in different areas in the country to put pressures on the government to increase the price of the power.
It has really put some binds on many places.
Such as some of the restaurants who have no generator back up and they have lost customers, food, frozen product and meats. Hours without lights is difficult here especially for those places that require air condition. ITS VERY HOT! and intolerable in some cases.
I saw a small grocery store loose everything because of the outage. They now are publicizing the times for the power shut downs. In Jaco for example today it was from 7 am to 10 causing total disruption in business, people can't shower or get food for breakfast, no Coffee THAT IS A DISASTER FOR ME!! I NEED my coffee in the morning. Although some places opened its hard to operate with out generators. The problem with no Internet for me is a big issue since I use it for my work. What happens is there is power in Jaco but no power here in HERRADURA, which is five miles away, then the Internet base is in Jaco so if I have power the Internet there is shut down because of no power. Then it goes in reverse, there is no power here and power in Jaco there fore no phone and no Internet here at all. What is the purpose of being here with out that? walk ins yes but no lights no air, its hot and stuffy and no Internet no way to answer the phone Can I say frustrating???? another example of this being political is, Yesterday was a national Holiday, no one worked I mean not even the Devil was working, I WAS but not the devil and all day everyone in the whole country had power?? how is that? when it was not needed, no stores were open, few restaurants, there was not a bit of power... but today when it is needed the power was cut?
But other than that, the work is getting better I have three jobs on the line one were trying to finish in Herradura at the Remax, and now the new one in Hermosa. Yesterday I signed a deal with Century 21, were going to satellite my office with an agent and they are remodeling there place to add all the sources someone would need after they buy a home. We will have a show room with beautiful furnishings and a nice small design office a well.
I am happy but its I am sure going to put challenges in my face, since Clint just informed me that he may move with his other friend to a a tropical place other than here... that would be a horrible thing at the moment.
But I am sure I can find someone to help me other than him. I hope he doesn't go through with this? But aside from that things are ok.
The car is in the shop today getting some small repairs done so I can sell it.
I have many things to do, but I did have a some what nice time this weekend.
I went out with Christian on Sat dancing with his two friends, I believe this was a conditioning for the following day, since his car is not running well. He asked me earlier in the week to go to Puriscal to this horse brigade, were lots of people ride for miles to a certain point then have a party. I never heard him ever be interested but I found the reason after we got there... I believe Sat was a precursor to this.. because he was tired at 12:30 and wanted to go home , rare for him and the next night did not want to leave puriscal till 1:30 because of his friends, or this woman. I had seen or knew of her thought text messages, he told me oh its an old friend we buddy's... YEAH RIGHT! well I saw her funny thing out of all the whole crowd she stuck out to me I didn't know a thing about this whole situation?? I was Innocent to the game. I saw her thought wow who is that? the blondish hair like mine the big boody, the boobs, the high heels on a horse??? I took a photo of all things... then during the early part of the party I saw her come dancing up to him... prancing and right in his face. I was introduced only after I gave dirty looks.
Nothing was said I ended up going outside and talking to his friend allowing them space and actually was disappointed in my thoughts. Later they wanted to go the local watering hole, which is on a mountain top in total nowhere. We went, I had a couple of beers. Then I noticed Christian left with his friend to go and search for her. The came back with her and that was the beginning of me feeling very used and stupid! I went outside to avoid confrontation and to actually breath and try not to be angry. In about 15 to twenty he came and confronted me and said some words. I wanted to leave it was around 11 at that point. But he convinced me to come back and be friendly.. hard but I did it. I was typical woman at that point not speaking to her at all but enjoyed what I could with his friend and another friend of his.
I finally went to the car and fell asleep, and around 1:30 he returned to drive Graven and I home. We lost the lights in the car.. I was upset I think a cable came loose from the dirt pot hole roads and this was the case so we drove the mountain with no lights for more than an hour on dirt roads. I kept telling him to let me drive but he insisted.
Later when we arrive in Jaco he lectured me about how he says he can do something and he does it, and that he was an excellent chauffeur. I agreed, he bent over to kiss my cheek which is a custom here... and I Leaned away and said no good night.
Since then I have felt angry, upset and used... Although I also know that maybe his mind may not be as complicated as mine and it is possible that I could be fabricating these thoughts I would like to believe the later half but my inner self says no...
I like to think the best of people, he does have good qualities, so Maybe he is just he is young and doesn't think I understand the reasons, but really deep down in side I think it was a plan to see that woman and party. but he did introduce me to the whole family while I was there.
Shocking situation for me. They live on a mounain side, beautiful vistas and land... green lush and tropical. The grandfather is 87 years old, grandmother I do not know but looks pretty much the same. I met his mother 51, his aunt 50 his cousin 30, his brother 14 who is identical to his looks. They are poor, no kitchen, they cook in the campo they call it, they had lots of parrots, and any hardly furniture, and well it was clean. I felt guilty that I live so much better and complain that I do not have anything... this part of the trip was the best part for me.. the scenery the family all that was the best.
His mother cooked for us breakfast, some greens they picked in the woods with onions and oil in hand made tortillas.. I watched her cook on a wood fire as I sat in a plastic white chair drinking really good coffee. It was different, they had two pisqunies in a cage there like a big ground hog and they eat those, actually I have eaten them not knowing what it was and it was delicious but after I saw them oh my god!!! ( I still like it its just the thought)
They were cordial to me, Grandma questioned me allot. He introduced me as a friend he knows from Jaco.
I bit strange, and well I guess unexpected but I handled it.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
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