Sunday, October 29, 2006

Todays Thoughts,

I would love to write, all about my weekend, which I must admit this week has posed some interesting situations with the office, Tony, Me, David and his Brothers separation, this is the factory that manufactures most of the furniture, and now they said That This factory is my factory. That the work they produce is soley for me. The Contractor Jimmy who never showed up to complete his work only after he got a nice sum of money. To conclude, I am trying my best to not be angry, to be kind, to Try to trust and to do well unto others regardless of the LIES, DECETE, and the Mal intentions that people have.

Lots of Huge decisions this week and lots of mistakes this week from the above mentioned people ME INCLUDED OF COURSE!...

As we grow older, some of us do learn. Alot of us repeat the same mistakes over and over and over... I am seriously trying to convert my ways and make my life better Here in Costa Rica, I will say that his week has been a trial of all trials. Being an emotial beign as most of us are, (some more than others.) Especially women, I have a sixth sense on many situations, and some times forsee things far before they happen.

Trusting people has been a difficult area in my life, because of all the deception, that men in my life have posed upon me, so bare with me, I am not going to do any men bashing but all of the sitations with this week dealth with men.

The mind is powerfull, I see it more and more each day with myself, I am able to see where things are hidden. I am able to know where to find product for my work with out calls by taping in to something I can not identify. I Know sitations now for my most part before they happen. I can sometimes know exactly what a person is going to say before they say it. And I know what they think. Constantly, this happens with me and now I am learning that other people can be very suave in using Mind control towards others. I know that minipulation is touchy subject and that it is used in mind control and marketing.

But when your miniupulated and finally realize that you are, the brain goes into defense mode. I have been defensive, many times in my life, this is a side of me I hate. I also have lied in my life about things when I was much younger. Lots of people lie I try now to not and now I hate it when people lie to me or use that to control my mind. I absolutely know when people are lying. I caught many this week in lies it was hurtfull, and so disapointing, that people use this form of minupulation in order to make you think they like you, or for you believe that they are good when in fact they are not.

I heard a lie just now that someone said about me, that I was a lesbian, now no offense to lesbians. I love them I have had many friends that are... BUT I AM NOT A LESBIAN, In fact I LOVE MEN EVEN THOUGH THEY DO HORRIBLE THINGS TO MOST WOMEN. This lie was used to minipulate someone close to me, to disway him and minipulate him in a situation that was and can be very seriously harmfull to his future.

Most of the time we are not very reasonable creatures, some of us are not even aware of our emotional reactions in our everyday decisions, in results. These decisions cause us pain, upset,and problems or in reverse can cause happiness and joy and success.

I am learning alot about minuplation, Some of us allow others to do this to us with out regret, and some us get angry at the power of there brain. I want to learn more about this area... and then become intuned to those who tend to use others to help themselves. I want to learn how to become better person. Then try to show others how they can be better, NOT THAT I AM BETTER OR GOOD BY ANY MEANS but I have it in my heart to teach others.
I want to be good and kind and giving and help others always. If this is my only purpose in life, and not a material gain for me, then this is what I will do. I feel good when I give, I feel good when I make others laugh and I feel good with I lend a hand to someone who is not so fortunate. Although I have not had much help myself from others, with the exception of my parents who helped me tremendously, and handfull of friends, and I have had some in my life really lend to me. NOT MONEY

The results of bad situations, in my experience, always brings someone or something good around the corner. To dwell on the bad or to have someone make you feel bad constantly is the results of minipulation.

I have had that much in my life... I want this changed.


Men make decisions faster than women, impluse is an emotional reaction. But Womens impluses are to me greater than most men.

Our Desicions, are a direct reflection of our past lives, and our future. The results of our descisions can be great or difficult. The choices we make in life are easy, yes?

My mother told me one time. Marianna... you either do or you don't.. Its either yes or no... someone asks you do something, you say YES OR you SAY NO... I believe in Gray areas, but I know for a fact that it really is Yes or no, its just hard to say No sometimes or its hard to say yes.

Where am I going with this? Well I saw my own decisions this week falter because I hestiated. I saw my decisions cause anger in me because of rushing and not wieghing things out, implusively... I saw the decisions of Tony in the business this week cause success, and progress. And I saw a descision that caused harm, threatening his future, pain and sorrow and anger.

I really want to think about My decisions, and help others THINK ABOUT THERES!

I saw the decisions of David and his brother splitting, cause sorrow and inspiration, and renewed strenght to both Davids Brother, and now me... He said to me some very powerfull things, which inturn minipulated my mind from sadness and fear, to hope and inspiration... in knowing that with out the pain of bad situations caused by other peoples decisions the joy of life is not possible. You have to experience loss or pain in other to "disfuita the vida" is what he said.. meaning ENJOY THE LIFE.. We have to know when to let things go, and let people go, or children go... in order to love more and continue growing in our own life. Its possible that I may let some things, and people go...

As much as I hate it, I have to...

Having Confidence in someone, for most people is difficult, the trustworthy person, do they still exsist? I swear I am trust worthy, I do not lie to my friends, Nor my family. I do not steal money or rob my clients, I am not decetfull to others for my personal gain.. Nor say I love you and really hate you.. or dislike you.. I am honest to the point that yes it is sometimes harmfull this is an area I need help in. But honesty is hard to come by, Why lie? Tell the truth, with someone like me... I find out before you tell the lie... and well It could hurt you. ASK JORDAN MY SON!! he used to get so mad that I always knew his lies...

The lie is powerfull and it is a form or minipulation.

Soap box statements! heavy on my mind.. about how people seduce others to do what they want and lie about it.



Spiritualcelt said...

Interesting post. I too have been dealing with a bucket load of lies these past few days and can't seem to shake off the hurt I feel.

I have been telling myself the following:
"The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the strength within you that survives all the hurt."

So far it is not working but I am forever hopeful.

Love and Light

Tica Macha said...
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Tica Macha said...

MANipulation, spelt with an "a". You write very well and I know you're smart, why all the errors?