Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday filled hot as hell

Wow what a week, getting things together is extremely difficult with the language barrier. And it gets worse when I am frustrated and stressed about things to try to speak spanish or understand it. But as soon as the keys to the store were in our hands things began to happen. The walls are up now and in a few days they will have finishes on them, a rough plaster sorta, I suggested this to the contractor. Trying to get a sign is hard, I know what I want but to translate this to Tony who doe s most of the communication, has not been easy. It feels like Tony and I are having some issues with communication more and more. I need to try harder to speak more spanish and I wish he would just try to learn english.

Working in this place with many Americans it is almost a must to be able to communicate with them. Then on the other end, I need to negotiate and doing it in English is completely out.

I have worked so hard the past couple of weeks with no money coming in, that I just feel like I need a huge break. I have to go somewhere this weeken in order to get my mind back in shape to deal with the coming weeks that are extremely busy. We have the Macaw project, Three more places In La Flor,and now two landscape jobs, and the store to complete by the time I leave in Novemeber.

I think my biggest issues now is the communication, If only I could get better. I need lessons, So I think I may just take some when I return in Novemeber.

Today was Hot as hell here, I melted about five times and felt like I was going to faint once while we were in the store measuring for the bar area and reception desk, Tony was sweating like a hot as usual, David was there one of our furniture makers, and the construction guys were drilling away. It was swelltering in there, the humidity level felt like it was pure sauna.

We Went and saw some beautiful property early in the morning that I thought I was going to purchase, but it was so far in the mountains, beautiful I addmit and sad to say no, the road was rough as ever a river was flowing down it, birds were everywhere and the lush surrounds were sure tempting. But I told Tony what would a single woman solo with a car that she hates to get dirty, do way back here alone? When we left I said to Tony that I felt like I was solo in the world forever... I found out later in the evening he did not like me to say that, I was shocked that he brought it up.

Then after we had a meeting at the Macaw with a owner and some finance people. Wow it was hot, later we met at the store and struggled with the design of things, then to La flor, the bank the met the contractor to pay him, finally after the whole day went by we ate, had a beer then I had my hair died again. I took some of the blonde out. Now I do not know if I like it.

I believe as I said I should go somewhere this weekend, just to feel the peace of Costa Rica.

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