Sunday, October 08, 2006

Whirlwind week

The wicker maker doing a sofa, the tree in the lot I wanted to buy but it was already sold by the time Tony and I go the appointment, The Toucan in my window who actually tried to enter the house twice.

Time is flying as I become more and more involved with this design work here in Costa Rica, it seems I am going to San Jose more and more. Tony and I have been spinning like a top which was something I wanted to get away from when I left the USA. But the rewards and the fun we have inbetween that is so different than I ever was used to in the USA.
We are now fully indrenched in my own place. The Construction will hopefully begin this week on the build out of a new idea I have had. A virtual Showroom, in which we sell all the products needed to supply a home for a turn key operation here in Costa Rica. Not Only will be design, and supply, but the attorneys that are joining me will do all the legal contracts for Condos, or sales of properties that we will also be in volved with. As of now, I have three projects to sell, one is my landlord really nice Condos that he is building here on the property where I live, that are three story and first class all the way, we will be involved with the planning of the interior, the garden design, and now the sales in the office, then there is Diasa, towers in the La flor Project and in Bejuco, as well as Guanacaste, they have asked us to help sell theres, and consult with all the interior design as well, this is down the road but we will have the plans and all the information in the virutal showroom on big screens to present to the clients, and I signed a contract for the ST REGIS resort so I will be a broker for this resort as well and my other jobs. The design end is were I love to be, the other is a great way to meet people and make money, I will have to have some sales people to help and a bigger staff but we are working on that as I blog.

It is very difficult here to supply the normal things you would go to target for or Wal mart, or the nearest Home Depot. But I have managed with Tony's help to come up with some very similar products for clients, and or all custom made furnishings and products that are as good. Actually its kinda fun to see how the things turn out when we hire an artisan here to produce things for the homes.

Our place is located in a new mall on or near the beach, actually right near the LOS SUENOS RESORT its owned my marriots, the mall is super first class,and was very difficult to get into, but I made it and now the plans and money begins. We are having an indoor garden to show people something you can do in your condo, home or a little example of what we can do outside as well, at this time I am doing a nice mansion in Aluejula where I am involved with the garden, and the interior, FUN! then on the front window, and by the way this mall has high security, we will have a flat screen tv that runs all day and night with the projects were working on the products I have had made for the other homes, and the project or developments we represent. AS you enter is a custom made bar area with drop lights, all granite top on the bar, with back counters as well and the side counter will have the computers, the printers and all our nessesary needs for the showroom. To the left of the garden which is nice size will be a beautiful hand made chase lounge, in the center of the room is custom made leather furnishings in dark colors bronze for sitting relaxing and using the remote on another flat screen to view our presentations from many artisans and projects, that wall is brown, with beautiful custom made floor to cieling drapes on a remote. Then there is sandblasted glass walls to divide the offices. We have four offices in the back and a conference room, a small bathroom which I plan on changing all the time, as well as the viewing area, we can sell the furnishings and plan a new viewing area. It is a very different idea but everyone we share this with things its cool and will work! I am looking for an office person to help with the phones and the appointments and presentations, I have a computer person, and now someone do to the finances, at this point a manager, attorney one designer, and hopefully soon a manager for the property management part of the business. She will be in charge of the rentals, of the properties, and the employees who clean and repair and take care of the propertys. The attorneys will handle all moneys for the clients.

Its a big project, but I am excited to be doing something entirely different. Soon I have to go back to the States to do my old job which I do not enjoy. I do hotels and restuarants for the holidays, also Sharp electronics and a few more. I will only be there a couple of weeks this time, I have no desire to stay. I need to get back and get on with my life here.

I have not heard from my children, although I have tried to contact them many times. I do not understand but, they probably are so involved with there own lives, that what I am doing or how I am is not a thought. I tell myself its ok, I love them anyway, and maybe someday they will be more in contact with me and let me know they care.

I have great friends here, and super cool clients. I miss my old friends and have contacted them as well but it seems that everyone over there is so busy that they have no time to even drop a line, so I just continue and keep tyring every now and then to send a line to them to say hello and how are you and thinking about you.

I have not been working out much, I have not had time lately, but I plan on it.. hate how I feel.
Tony is at his house today, and I am here alone just working on the computer, I plan on going to the pool at la Flor later.

I also have a project here Im working on its called MACAW, I think they have a website too, but if I get this contract it could be a nice little future for me also.

This computer I bought was all set up in spanish remember? it kept doing weird things so I paid another person Sat to change all the programs and now I have a normal program but am still having problems getting my photos to down load into the my photos its stuck in adobe. STUPID COMPUTER OR STUPID PERSON MORE LIKE IT!!

The weather here is warm as usual, but the nights are cooler and cooler.. lots of rain now, its winter all the way, soon in Oct it will be very rainy, then Novemeber is the worst. I will leave about mid Nov, and be back two weeks later.

I will not spend Christmas in the states again. Its too hectic, the traffic is horrible and I hate that you have to fight to buy things. It sounds bad I know, but I wish my kids would just have a nice celebration with me while I am there and leave it at that. But as it looks probably not, haven't talk to either since Aug.

I was missing family the other day, wish they would just come and see... but I have stopped trying to talk to either about it, I know it won't happen. I invited a couple of my friends to come and stay with me, but have not heard either. So many people come here its not funny, I am just amazed at the amount of people coming to Costa Rica.

I asked Tony yesterday if he resented the fact that so many are coming and living here? he said MARI.. NO I love the GRINGOS most of them are cool and look at our work!! with out them maybe you no work!! I said yeah huh.. Tony is cool, I know I have said this but he is.
I am so happy that he is in my life, as a protector, a helper, a friend.

He always encourages me to keep going, tells me how good I am and assures me that I have good friends here. That helps when your missing people.

I try to do the same with others, change my life, and add to theres, I lend a hand when I should, lend money and do what I can for people. Life is good, I am happy...

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